Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1718 Of course there is a problem

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Gu Qing really didn't look right, she was vomiting all the time, and she seemed to be getting more and more powerful. It was the kind of rhythm that couldn't be stopped at all.

"Well, not only is she pregnant, but she also has a bad stomach." Xia Xia glanced at Gu Qing, and then concluded, "Not only will she vomit so much that she can't stop, but after a few minutes, she will have a stomachache and then diarrhea. Can't stop."

"Ah?" Shi Chun was stunned, "Then elder sister Gu Qing will not be in trouble like this?"

"Of course something will happen." Xia Xia looked at Shi Chun with the eyes of a fool, "Why are you so stupid, Chunchun? She will die if she goes on like this."

"Is it so serious?" Shi Chun was stunned again, and then became a little anxious, "Then brother-in-law, hurry up and treat her!"

"Chunchun, why do you care so much about her?" Xia Xia was a little strange. "She's not your real sister. You've only known her for half an hour."

"Anyway, brother-in-law, hurry up and treat her, otherwise I will be unhappy, will you be happy if I am unhappy?" Shi Chun said quickly.

Xia Tian thought about it, and then said seriously: "If you are not happy, Chunchun, I should be very happy."

"Ah, brother-in-law, why are you like this? I want to tell my sister that you bullied me!" Shi Chun was a little bit broken. Did this brother-in-law really base his happiness on her pain?

"It doesn't matter, sister Yunqing isn't here anyway." Xia Xia didn't care at all.

Shi Chun was suddenly helpless, and then used another method of hers.

"Brother-in-law, you should help me, you see how good I am." Shi Chun began to act like a spoiled child.

However, the effect is also very limited. Anyway, there is still no movement in the summer, and over there, Gu Qing's situation seems to be getting more and more serious.

"Huh? It's not as simple as eating bad things." Xia Xia muttered to himself, and then finally came to Gu Qing's side, took out a silver needle, and quickly stabbed her a few times.

Then, Gu Qing's vomiting suddenly stopped, and her complexion basically returned to normal within a few seconds.

"This, thank you, thank you Dr. Xia..." Gu Qing thanked Xia Xia, Xia Xia's needle injection was not particularly fast, at least ordinary people could see it clearly, so whether it was Gu Qing or Gu Yu, you could see Xia Xia just now. Give Gu Qing acupuncture.

And this immediate effect made the two begin to realize that Xia Xia was indeed a doctor.

"It's a genius doctor." Xia Xia corrected her title.

"Thank you, Doctor Xia." Gu Yu responded quickly, and immediately picked up the conversation, and then asked eagerly: "My doctor Xia, what's going on with Gu Qing? Pure morning sickness shouldn't be so bad, right? She Why do you keep vomiting and can't stop?"

"Oh, it's not morning sickness, but she ate something bad." Xia Xia said lazily: "Before you had the barbecue... um, did she eat anything two hours ago?"

"Two hours ago, I didn't seem to have eaten anything." Gu Qing began to think, then looked at Gu Yu, "We seemed to be..."

"Well, that's right, you were there two hours ago, you shouldn't have time to eat..." Xia Tian said to himself, "By the way, have you ever drank water?"

"Drinking water? I drank it. It's the free mineral water provided by the hotel. Is there something wrong with the water?" Gu Qing thought about it. At that time, she felt very thirsty, so she drank the water next to the bed. There is a problem, why has it started to go wrong now?

"Gu Qing, is it possible that someone wants to harm you?" Gu Yu suddenly became nervous, "Forget it, let's not talk about this for now, let's hurry to the hospital and give you a detailed examination."

"But if you want to go to the hospital, you have to leave the island. It's quite far. It is said that there is actually a hospital on this island, but the hospital is very small and can't treat serious illnesses." Gu Qing hesitated, she obviously didn't want to leave very much. , and she actually feels pretty good now, and there is nothing uncomfortable.

"Sister Gu Qing, you don't need to go to the hospital. My brother-in-law is a genius doctor. There is no better doctor than him in this world. If you have any problems, you can ask your brother-in-law to help you." Said quickly.

Before Gu Qing could speak, Shi Chun looked at Xia Xia again: "Brother-in-law and brother-in-law, is Sister Gu Qing all right now?"

"I can't die." Xia Xia said lazily: "But there are still some small problems."

"What's the little problem?" Shi Chun was a little puzzled, "Brother-in-law, why don't you cure her at once? You don't want to make any conditions to Sister Gu Qing, do you?"

"Chunchun, you need to be beaten again, how could I put conditions on her, she is not qualified to be my wife, and she doesn't seem to have much money." Xia Tian was a little unhappy, "but her body is a bit strange, I want to Find out what's going on first."

Gu Qing was stunned, this sounded a bit weird, what makes her not qualified to be his wife? And this is just a cure, what does it have to do with being a wife?

However, thinking that Xia Xia had just helped her, Gu Qing didn't care about it. She looked at Xia Xia with a polite tone: "Shen Doctor Xia, what else is wrong with my body?"

"I'll give you a pulse first." Xia Xia decided to check it carefully. After speaking, he directly pinched Gu Qing's wrist with two fingers, and after only three seconds, he took his hand back.

"It doesn't seem right." Xia Xia muttered to himself again.

"Brother-in-law, what's the matter?" Shi Chun was a little confused beside him. Why does this brother-in-law seem so serious at this moment?

Is Gu Qing's problem serious?

"Shen Doctor Xia, is Gu Qing's problem serious?" Gu Yu couldn't help but ask at this time.

"There is no serious problem here." Xia Xia said lazily: "Don't worry, I will give her two injections later, but now, you have to take me to find the bottle of water she drank. "

"Okay, Doctor Xia, I'll take you there." Gu Qing said immediately.

Gu Yu didn't seem to agree, but he didn't object.

Gu Qing Guyu led the way, Xia Xia and Shi Chun followed. A few minutes later, the four of them walked into a hotel together, and then followed to a honeymoon suite. Obviously, Gu Qing Guyu was living here now, and the house was still there at the moment. A little messy, apparently the hotel staff has not come to clean up.

"Xia Shenyi, this is the bottle of water. I drank half of it, but I remember that when I drank it, the bottle of water had not been opened. I opened it at the time. It is reasonable to say that no one has done anything." Gu Qingjiang He took a bottle of mineral water from the bedside table and handed it to Xia Tian, ​​while recalling the situation at that time.

"Shenquan?" Shi Chun leaned over, "Hey, this brand of mineral water is quite famous. I remember drinking it, and it tastes pretty good."

"Really?" Xia Tian actually took a sip like this, and then spit it out: "Chunchun, you really are a little liar, this is not good at all."

"Well, Doctor Xia, is there any problem with this water?" Gu Qing asked a little nervously.

Xia Tian didn't speak, glanced at the room, and saw that there was another bottle of Shenquan, and it was unopened, so he took it again, opened it, took a sip, and then spit it out.

"These two bottles of water are the same." Xia Xia said casually, and then suddenly disappeared from the room.

Gu Qing Guyu stayed for a while, then looked at Shi Chun together, obviously wanting to know where the summer went.

"Oh, brother-in-law will be back soon." Shi Chun explained.

Xia Xia came back very quickly. In less than a minute, he returned to his room, and Gu Qing Guyu still didn't see how he appeared. At this moment, the expressions of the two of them were a little wrong.

After all, it's kind of weird.

"Brother-in-law, where have you been?" Shi Chun asked curiously.

"Oh, I tried all the god-breaking springs in this hotel, and found that the water is the same." Xia Xia said casually.

"So, that means the water is fine?" Shi Chun asked.

"Chunchun, you are so stupid, of course there is something wrong." Xia Xia looked at a fool again.

"Why am I stupid? Everyone else in this hotel is obviously fine, don't they drink water?" Shi Chun pouted, a little dissatisfied.

"This is a kind of water that only a few people will have problems drinking." Xia Xia said lazily: "Well, I have to ask the good baby to check this broken company. There must be a problem."

Xia Tian took out his mobile phone, sent a message to the good baby, then took out the silver needle and stabbed Gu Qing a few times.

"Okay, your health is fine now, but, you'd better stop drinking this messy divine spring." Xia Xia said a few words to Gu Qing, and then disappeared again.

"Brother-in-law, wait for me." Shi Chun also disappeared suddenly.

Gu Qingguyu's face suddenly turned pale, this, isn't this a ghost?

"Gu Qing, I, I think we should leave here?" Gu Yu suggested.

"Okay, let's go." This time, Gu Qing also felt that it was time to leave.

Here, Gu Qing Guyu is about to leave, and in the summer, he enters another hotel. Well, of course, he entered through the window, and he entered every room to see the mineral water. If it was unopened and it was the divine spring, he would drink it Try it in one bite.

And in these rooms, many people lived in them, but basically, no one noticed Xia Xia's appearance from beginning to end. The only one who knew that he had been in and out of these rooms was actually only Shi Chun.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing..." After jumping into another room, Shi Chun couldn't help but ask, but in the next second, Shi Chun realized that the room was not quite right, and hurriedly shouted again: "Hey, brother-in-law, please don't. Hurry up, it looks like someone has been kidnapped here!"

Xia Xia just spit out a mouthful of water, then turned to look, and then found that something really didn't seem right here. There was a man lying on the bed tied up. As for whether this was kidnapping, he was not sure.

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