Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1721 It's too hard to find a girlfriend

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Ning Ruirui finally decided not to buy clothes. In fact, she is not short of clothes, and she actually feels that there is no need to change her clothing taste because of this pervert in summer, isn't she just showing her legs? No big deal.

As for this pervert who likes to move her legs, even if she doesn't show it, is he still blind?

"Hey, I'm too lazy to go shopping for clothes. Let's go directly to Wanggang to join the volunteer organization." Ning Ruirui said to Xia Xia.

"Little long-legged girl, didn't you just go over at night?" Xia Xia obviously didn't want to leave at this time. He still wanted to play here for a while, especially now, he didn't want to let go of Ning Ruirui.

"Can't you go earlier?" Ning Ruirui said angrily: "There's nothing to do on this island. Even if you like to see those beauties in bikinis, you've seen enough for the past two days, right?"

"Little long-legged girls, I don't like to see them, they don't look good in bikinis, only you look good in bikinis." Xia Xia said lazily.

Ning Ruirui was actually quite happy to hear this, but Xia Tian immediately said, "Chunchun looks good in a bikini, um, you look a little bit better than the little girl with long legs."

"Then hurry up and find Shi Chun!" Ning Ruirui immediately ignited, who is this person, can he speak!

However, Ning Ruirui immediately replied to herself, this is a neuropathy, and he can't speak at all.

Ning Ruirui suddenly remembered an online joke. If her man makes her angry, she will recite "I chose it" three times silently, so that she can comfort herself. After all, this is self-inflicted.

But the problem is, this is not her choice, it is simply unbearable!

"Chunchun is a little liar. She wants to cheat me all day long to give her benefits, but she doesn't want to give me benefits. I still like to play with you, little long-legged girl." Xia Xia said with a smile; "Little long-legged girl, do you want it? Go swimming again? I can go to the pool with you, but I think we can actually go swimming in the sea, um, stay away from the shore, so that no one can see us."

"If I want to go with you, I won't go with you!" Ning Ruirui snorted softly, "Hey, I just remembered something, do you want to call Shi Chun and ask her to ask Sun Yun to see if she wants to? Don't go back with us? Sun Yun came with me and Shi Chun after all, and now that we're all gone, it's not good to leave her here alone."

"Didn't she find a boyfriend here? It's not easy to find a boyfriend as ugly as she is, and she won't leave for a while." Xia Xia said casually.

"Hey, let me tell you, as long as Sun Yun wants to, it's easier for her to find a boyfriend than you to find a girlfriend!" Ning Ruirui said angrily.

Don't say that Sun Yun is not ugly at all, even if it is really not very good-looking, these days, there are many men and women, she really wants to find a man, it's not difficult, but it is like Xia Xia, who wants to find a girlfriend, I'm afraid it's not that easy.

"Little long-legged girl, what you said is still quite right. Now there are not many people in the whole world who are qualified to be my girlfriend. It's too difficult for me to find a girlfriend." Xia Xia agreed with this, "Like An ugly girl like Sun Yun has relatively low requirements, so it's easy to find a man."

Ning Ruirui didn't want to talk anymore. The theory of this dead pervert was not completely wrong. Given his high standards, it was really difficult to find a girlfriend.

There are not many people in this world who can grow up to be as good-looking as her, but she is always disliked by this damn pervert, and he is a person who can't talk well at all, how can he find a girlfriend?

As for how this guy got a bunch of wives, she felt that most of them, like her, were robbed.

That's right, she was robbed by this guy.

"Little long-legged girl, I suddenly don't feel right. Why does Sun Yun so ugly have a boyfriend, and a handsome man like me doesn't have a girlfriend now?" Xia Xia said again at this time: "I want No, little girl with long legs, don't be my little wife, just be my girlfriend."

Ning Ruirui wanted to scold Xia Xia again. This person was sick. First of all, he wanted her to be a wife, and she was not even a concubine. What kind of concubine was, but now he suddenly had a whim and asked her to be a girlfriend, and His reason is that a handsome man like him should have a girlfriend?

What the hell is this, even if she already knew that his brain was abnormal, couldn't he not be so abnormal? What a bloody brain circuit!

"Little long-legged girl, don't you want to be a girlfriend? If you really don't want to, then you should be a little wife." Xia Xia said again when Ning Ruirui didn't speak.

"I don't want to be anything!" Ning Ruirui finally said, "Let go of me, I'm not your little wife, nor your girlfriend!"

"Little long-legged girl, in fact, I think it's good for you to give my girlfriend, so you are my unique girlfriend." Xia Xia said seriously: "I used to have a girlfriend, but she is me now. Wife, but you are different, I think I need a long-term girlfriend, so you can be my girlfriend from now on until now."

Ning Ruirui was a little speechless. How could she remember that this satyr once told her about this girlfriend theory?

"Little long-legged girl, if you don't speak, I will take it as your promise." Xia Xia smiled again, "From now on, you will be my only girlfriend, um, I promise not to find a new girlfriend, come , let's kiss one first and celebrate..."

"I'm not going to celebrate with you... uh!" Ning Ruirui felt that something was wrong and immediately expressed her objection. However, the objection was invalid and her mouth was blocked.

Ning Ruirui was so angry that she opened her mouth and wanted to bite Xia Xia. Unfortunately, Xia Xian let go of her immediately. For Xia Xia, it seemed that this was really just a celebratory ceremony.

No, Xia Xia looks very happy now: "Well, I'm finally a man with a girlfriend again, and I don't have to worry about people saying I don't have a girlfriend anymore."

Ning Ruirui wanted to vomit blood, this pervert has a bunch of beautiful wives, but he is worried that others will say that he has no girlfriend?

"Hey, I can be your girlfriend, can you change my name? Don't call me little girl with long legs all day long, I don't like this name!" Ning Ruirui said angrily.

"But I like it." Xia Xia said seriously, he really liked this title, so he didn't want to change it.

"Hey, dead satyr, are you the one who coaxes your girlfriend like this?" Ning Ruirui was very annoyed. She actually felt that it would be better to be his so-called only girlfriend than to be snatched by this satyr as a little wife. This at least sounds better, and she will feel better in her heart.

But this guy said she was a girlfriend, and he didn't even have the consciousness to coax her, so why would she want to be his girlfriend? Of course, the most important thing is that she doesn't actually think the name "Little Long-Legged Girl" is unpleasant, but because there is another woman called Long-Legged Girl. Even if that woman is really better than her, she still doesn't want to be a little girl. Version of the long-legged girl!

"Little long-legged girl, this name is really good." Xia Xia said solemnly: "You will like this name."

Ning Ruirui immediately understood that she couldn't expect this guy to change his name. Fortunately, she wasn't particularly angry. After all, she knew that Xia Xia was such a person.

"Whatever you want, I'll call Shi Chun first and ask about Sun Yun." Ning Ruirui took out her mobile phone and quickly called Shi Chun.

"Wow, sister Rui Rui, do you miss me? If you miss me, I can go to you right away, or else you sneak out and the two of us run away..." Shi Chun was a little excited just after the call was connected. The voice came.

"Chunchun, do you need to be beaten again?" Xia Xia was a little displeased.

"Ah? Brother-in-law, you're here too, oh, what are you looking for with me, Sister Ruirui?" Shi Chun immediately changed the subject.

"We're going to leave here, do you want to contact Sun Yun and ask her if she wants to go with us?" Ning Ruirui said directly.

"She is fooling around with her new boyfriend now. I don't think she will go with you, but where are you going, Sister Ruirui?" Shi Chun was more concerned about this matter, "Brother-in-law won't If you deceive me, you will secretly go to other places to play with you? Do you have something fun to do without me on purpose?"

"I'm going to support teaching in the valley, are you going?" Ning Ruirui said angrily.

"Oh, that, Sister Ruirui, I'd better call Sun Yun." Shi Chun hung up the phone immediately, obviously she had no interest in teaching in the mountain village.

"Hey, let me get up, if you want to be my boyfriend, just go out with me for a while!" Ning Ruirui snorted, she had already started to practice Yi Xiaoyin and Zhao Yuji's proposal unconsciously, and made use of her girlfriend status , act like a coquettish thing from time to time.

"Okay." Xia Xia finally got Ning Ruirui up.

"Wait for me, I'll pack up, I can't take all the clothes with me." Ning Ruirui wanted to pack up first.

"Little long-legged girl, you don't have to pack it up, just leave your things here, we'll just come again next time." Xia Xia said to Ning Ruirui: "This place is not bad, I will let them keep it for me, don't give it to others live."

"Okay, then I'll tidy it up." Ning Ruirui thought it was okay, there were too many clothes and it was really difficult to bring them.

Ning Ruirui went to pack her clothes, and Xia Tian came over.

"Little long-legged girl, I think this underwear is pretty, why don't you wear it? And this bikini, it's pretty..." Xia Xia hoped that Ning Ruirui would bring some beautiful clothes to show him.

"Do you think there is a chance to wear this kind of clothes in that valley?" Ning Ruirui said angrily.

With a snort, she added: "Even if there is a chance, I won't wear it for you!"

"Little long-legged girl, do you want to show me your clothes?" Xia Tian looked a little happy, "Okay, then you don't need to bring these clothes."

Ning Ruirui gave Xia Xia a roll of eyes and wanted to say something, but the phone rang, but it was Shi Chun who called again.

"Sister Ruirui, the situation is not right, something may have happened to Sun Yun!" Shi Chun said quickly on the phone.

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