Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1723 Want to live with me

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Little long-legged girl, this place is too broken, let's go and change the place." Xia Xia hugged Ning Ruirui's slender waist and wanted to leave the youth hostel.

Before Ning Ruirui spoke, an unusually surprised voice had already come: "Ning Ruirui? Wow, it's really Ning Ruirui, come and see, Ning Ruirui is really here, I said I didn't lie to you. Well, it's really Ning Ruirui..."

The person talking was a girl in her twenties. She was actually quite ordinary, but with a baby face, she was quite cute, especially now that she was excited, the baby blushed, which made her even more cute. .

Well, of course, for the summer, this girl is not cute at all, after all, the figure is too bad.

However, when the baby-faced girl shouted so loudly, a dozen people came out, both male and female, most of them were relatively young, and they all looked very excited, and all of a sudden they gathered around Ning Ruirui.

"It's really Ning Ruirui!"

"The real person is so beautiful, Miss Ning, can you sign my name for me?"

"Wow, did Miss Ruirui really join our volunteer organization? It's incredible!"


Obviously, these people are all organized by this volunteer. In fact, you can tell by their clothes, because they are all wearing the same T-shirt, and the T-shirt has the obvious words: Phoenix Volunteer Association.

This name seems to be quite powerful, but it also seems a bit vulgar. As for why Ning Ruirui chose this place, maybe it was because she thought the name of this volunteer organization was not bad at the time.

After all, she just picked one at random.

"Miss Ruirui, why did you join our volunteer organization?"

"Miss Ning, do you really want to join our volunteer organization?"

At this moment, there are still people who are not sure whether Ning Ruirui really wants to join, or just come to make soy sauce, and some people don't understand why Ning Ruirui chose their volunteer organization?

You know, they are really just a very ordinary volunteer organization, they were really not well-known before.

Because the space of this youth hostel is relatively small, such a large group of people are crowded here, and it becomes very crowded, which makes it even more unwilling to stay here in summer.

So, just when Ning Ruirui was about to respond to them, Xia Xia suddenly picked her up by the waist, turned around and walked outside.

"What are you doing?"

"Put down Miss Ning!"

"Who are you!"

A group of people suddenly became anxious and chased out of the hotel together.

"Hurry up and let me down!" Ning Ruirui was also anxious, what's wrong with this person?

For fear of not letting go of Xia Xia, Ning Ruirui directly began to threaten: "Don't think that I will continue to care about you like this!"

"Little long-legged girl, this hotel is too bad, let's change it." Xia Xia still didn't let go of Ning Ruirui, but she stopped.

"Let me go first!" Ning Ruirui was a little annoyed, what was this man doing.

Xia Xia finally put Ning Ruirui down, but at the same time glanced at the other people a little displeased: "Hey, don't get so close to us!"

"Miss Ning, is this your boyfriend?" A voice came at this moment, but it was a man in his thirties who was quite ordinary in appearance and burly stature. At this moment, he had a smile on his face and a tone of voice. He was also quite polite, "Sir, I'm really sorry. The conditions of our hotel are indeed a bit poor, but our funds are limited, and I hope you can understand."

"Oh, you have limited funds, then you can just live here. We are not short of money. We need to live in another place." Xia Xia said casually, he glanced around, and then took aim at the hotel opposite: "Little long-legged girl, You see that hotel should be pretty good, at least better than here."

"Nonsense, that's a five-star hotel built last year, so it's naturally better than this." Ning Ruirui said angrily, she obviously knew the hotel opposite.

After a pause, Ning Ruirui said again, "Hey, I'm here to do volunteer work, not to enjoy yourself. If you're not used to it, you can live across from here alone, and I'll just live here."

Although Ning Ruirui has money since she was a child, she is obviously not a squeamish person. When she used to go to various extreme challenges, it was not a problem to sleep in the wild, so although this youth hostel does not look good , but she felt she could bear it.

Although she is not short of money, it is not a problem to live opposite, but she feels that this kind of volunteer activity is better to be with everyone, otherwise she will eat well and live well by herself, where else will others have any thoughts Volunteer.

"No, you're my girlfriend, you want to stay with me." Xia Xia disagreed with this, and it's not interesting to sleep in the five-star hotel opposite alone. He wants to be with Ning Ruirui, even if Ning Ruirui is now He didn't want to accompany him to do the things he liked to do, but sleeping on her long legs alone felt very comfortable.

"Hey, this is a group activity, I can't go to other places alone, or you go alone, or you stay here with me!" Ning Ruirui said angrily, although the volunteer organization actually did not She didn't say that, but she was quite familiar with this kind of activity. As the saying goes, there is no difference between the poor and the poor, and cannot be treated differently.

"Little long-legged girl, let them all go to the opposite hotel to sleep." Xia Xia said casually.

"Sir, we don't have that much funding... I'm sorry, Miss Ning, what's your boyfriend's name?" The burly man just now spoke again.

But this time, he didn't wait for Ning Ruirui to answer, and immediately continued: "I'm sorry, I should introduce myself first, my name is Wang Chao, the president of the Phoenix Volunteer Association, this time our volunteer I am in charge of organizing and coordinating the activities, so if you have any special needs from Miss Ning and your boyfriend, you can ask me, and I will try my best to solve them for you. Please forgive me both."

"I am summer, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter. On the day when there is nothing in the world that I can't solve, just tell me what my little long-legged girl needs, and I can solve it." Xia Tian continued lazily, " Now I don't want the little girl with long legs to sleep in this broken hotel, so I'm going to take her to the opposite side to sleep.

Regarding the name Xia Xia, more than a dozen people present did not respond, obviously they had never heard of it, but everyone looked at Xia Xia with weird eyes. What is this called? Who would like to sleep in such a bad hotel, isn't it impossible?

"Hello, Mr. Xia, I can understand your love for your girlfriend, but we are a volunteer organization, and our funds are basically donated by other people. We can't spend their money arbitrarily, we can only use the money. In the place where it should be used the most, if we go to the hotel opposite, I am afraid that all our funds will be spent tonight, and we will not be able to help those children in need." Wang Chao politely explained to Xia Xia. .

In fact, he really understands Xia Xia. With a girlfriend like Ning Ruirui, he must be holding it like a baby. As for the rumors on the Internet about Ning Ruirui having a girlfriend, it is not that he has not seen it, but seeing is believing. .

"Oh, your volunteer association is really poor." Xia Xia was very casual. "But my little girl with long legs doesn't need to spend your money to stay in a hotel. We have money."

"Hey, you have so much money, you only pay for everyone to live opposite, don't mess around here!" Ning Ruirui finally couldn't bear it anymore, this guy seemed to want her to live in a good hotel opposite, and she couldn't If you leave the volunteer organization and go alone, the only way is for them to pay for themselves and let everyone go to the opposite side.

"Little long-legged girl, if you say so, then do it." Xia Xia didn't care about it, he was not short of money anyway.

Glancing at Wang Chao and the others, Xia Xia shouted: "Hey, you all go to live opposite, I'll just pay, you don't need to spend your money."

"Yeah, that's great!" The baby-faced girl was a little excited, and the others looked happy too, after all, who wouldn't want to live comfortably after all?

"Well, isn't this not a good thing?" Wang Chao was a little suspicious, "If this is spread out, it may be mistakenly thought that we were squandering other people's donations."

After a pause, Wang Chao said again: "Although Mr. Xia paid for himself, we are here to help the children in the mountains, not for our own enjoyment, I'm afraid..."

"Are you mentally ill? Can't we help others while enjoying it?" Xia Xia said angrily: "My wives often help this and that, and they are all doing well."

those wives?

Everyone looked a little weird, and for a while they thought they had heard it wrong.

Ning Ruirui couldn't help but glared at Xia Xia fiercely, and then leaned into his ear: "Dead pervert, don't talk about your wives in front of others!"

Without waiting for Xia Xia to speak, Ning Ruirui looked at Wang Chao again and said, "President Wang, I think everyone should go and live together, my boyfriend is a little reluctant, if I don't go to live, he will make trouble all night. , In addition, in fact, he is right, we are here to help others, but helping others does not mean that we will suffer ourselves. Each of us helps others but causes ourselves to suffer. After that, good-hearted people who are willing to help others, I'm afraid it will become less and less."

"Miss Ning, I understand what you're saying, and it's actually true. If it is spread out, I'm afraid it won't affect you and everyone else very well." Wang Chao was a little helpless.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Chao finally decided: "Okay, then let's go there. I'll leave the room here first."

"President, this room may not be able to retire, right?" the baby-faced girl said.

"I'll go and communicate with them first." Wang Chao said as he turned and walked towards the front desk of the hotel.

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