Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1726 Ning Ruirui's violent temper

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Ning Ruirui had to solve the incident exposed on the Internet by herself, so Xia Xia didn't intervene, and then, Ning Ruirui basically spent her time fighting with people.

Although Wang Chao announced the income and expenses of the Volunteer Association, each of which is very clear and detailed enough to show that the money for the hotel stay is not a donation from other people, but there are still many people on the Internet.

In the eyes of many people, even if Ning Ruirui paid for it herself, since there is so much money to live in luxury hotels, why not use it to help those children in the mountains?

Many people attacked Ning Ruirui there, saying that while she claimed to help children in the mountains, she was busy enjoying herself. They also said that she was just trying to gain a sense of existence, saying that she had no achievements now, and started to hype her up. All in all, before she Those good reputations, it seems, can't help her now.

In fact, Ning Ruirui used to have a good temper, and with her former personality, she would definitely not hate people online, but now, I don't know if it was affected by Xia Xia, she seems to have become a petty temperament, this is not , She is now scolding people on the Internet with her real name.

Theoretically speaking, immortal cultivators are only the martial power of cultivation, and it is not very helpful to use it in attacking people. However, in reality, attacking people is not only a technical task, but also a physical labor. Just typing is quite exhausting. And once the time goes on, the average person really can't hold it anymore. This way, Ning Ruirui, who is a cultivator, still has an advantage.

Now, Ning Ruirui has a super fast typing speed, a very quick thinking, and a lot of energy. She doesn't feel tired even after battling people online for hours. However, this does not mean that she can win, because her opponents There are too many, not one person, but tens of thousands or even tens of millions.

Although Ning Ruirui defeated one opponent after another on the Internet, the number of opponents was endless. No, until late at night, countless people were still scolding her, and it seemed that the situation was getting worse.

"I'm rich, so what's none of your business if I spend my own money? I can spend it as I like, why can't I live in a five-star hotel when I go to teach? Helping others has to suffer by myself? It's just that there are too many people like you. It makes many rich people dare not help others casually."

"I earn all my money by myself. It's true that my family has money, but my grandfather also earned it by his own skills. You don't care if he likes to spend it on me!"

"I have helped more people than you have typed as keyboard warriors on the Internet!"


Ning Ruirui kept arguing with people, and after watching Xia Xia for a few hours, she finally couldn't help it.

"Little long-legged girl, do you like to quarrel so much? What's the fun in quarreling with these idiots." Xia Xia complained that it was not a big problem for the little long-legged girl to like to quarrel, but she forgot to accompany him because of the quarrel. That's the big problem.

"It's not that I like to quarrel, I just can't stand these people, and I haven't seen them helping anyone, and when others do things, they are all picky. These days when helping people, they have to be perfect. If this goes on, who would dare Do a good deed?" Ning Ruirui was full of complaints, "Look at what they say, I shouldn't have a good life, and I can help more children with the money I live in the hotel. Giving all the money to someone else, and then I'm going to suffer myself."

Yes, there are many such remarks on the Internet. Many people say that even if Ning Ruirui is rich, even if it is all her own money, she should not be so extravagant, saying that Ning Ruirui is just for hype, not trying to help at all. other people.

Of course, they don't all think so. In fact, many people are helping Ning Ruirui. They think Ning Ruirui is right. Why can't she live in a good hotel if she has money?

"I think Ning Ruirui is right, why do you have to make yourself suffer when you help others? If everyone helps others, it has no impact on their original quality of life, and at the same time they can get spiritual pleasure, so To keep helping others continue.”

"Yes, if you help others, you must make yourself suffer. I believe that many people are reluctant to help others."

"Speaking of Ning Ruirui's hype, are you sick? She doesn't act in movies and TV, and she doesn't sell things as an internet celebrity. What's the use of hype?"


All in all, it is not useless for Ning Ruirui to fight with people online for a long time, at least it has divided the online public opinion into two factions, and there are still quite a lot of people on her side. Of course, there are still many people who scold her, you know, This kind of scolding war on the Internet has never been indistinguishable.

"Little long-legged girl, it's very easy for you to scold them to win. Let the good baby black out all those who oppose you, so you will win." Xia Xia said next to him at this time.

"No, it doesn't matter if you win or not, I just want to scold them all night!" Ning Ruirui had no intention of giving up.

Xia Xia suddenly felt a little depressed, this little girl with long legs obviously didn't want to accompany him tonight.

"Little long-legged girl, did anyone tell you that a qualified girlfriend will sleep with her boyfriend at night." Xia Xia said unhappily.

"Oh, I'm not a qualified girlfriend." Ning Ruirui didn't turn her head back, "If you think I'm not good, you can break up with me, I don't mind."

Xia Xia was even more depressed, so he directly hugged Ning Ruirui.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Ning Ruirui became a little more polite, "don't mess around!"

"You can scold them all night if you want, but you have to accompany me too." Xia Tian stretched, "I'm going to bed first, you can scold and play with those idiots slowly."

After saying this, Xia Xia lay down on Ning Ruirui's long legs. Obviously, he didn't want to do anything else, just wanted Ning Ruirui to use his legs as a pillow for him.

Ning Ruirui breathed a sigh of relief, she could accept this level of intimacy now.

Looking down, Xia Xia had closed his eyes and seemed to have fallen asleep, but Ning Ruirui ignored him and continued to scold people on the Internet.

Well, this night also made people realize one thing, that is, Ning Ruirui is not only strong in fighting in various sports competitions, but also super strong when scolding people on the Internet.

Not to mention, Ning Ruirui gained hundreds of thousands of fans this night.

Although there was no winner or loser in the scolding battle, from this point of view, Ning Ruirui still won.

Ning Ruirui's battle didn't end until the morning, and it ended not because she was tired of scolding, but because someone knocked on the door.

It was no one else who knocked on the door, it was the doll, because the Volunteer Association was ready to set off.

Although there has been a lot of turmoil on the Internet, the original plan of the Volunteer Association has not changed. It is still preparing to go to the destination. Well, the destination is actually quite far away. You have to take the high-speed rail first, then take the bus. The last part of the journey is said to still be Need to walk, that is to say, the place they are going is really not the usual remote.

"Little long-legged girl, we can let them go first, and then we'll just fly over." Xia Tian still lay on Ning Ruirui's lap and didn't want to wake up.

"Anyway, I want to go with them. If you want to fly over later, you can fly by yourself." Ning Ruirui said angrily.

Especially as an immortal cultivator, this is not a problem at all, it just takes a little more time.

And Ning Ruirui said this, Xia Xia had to get up. After all, he still had to accompany his girlfriend.

When Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui got up after breakfast and went downstairs, the entire volunteer association was waiting for them. Outside the hotel, there were reportedly reporters, but they were just stopped by the security guards.

The service of this hotel is still good. Maybe celebrities stay here. They often encounter this situation, so they have already taken countermeasures. The hotel has an underground parking lot, and the bus rented by the Volunteer Association drives directly to the parking lot. Ruirui and the others got off the elevator and got on the train directly. Then, they avoided the reporters and went directly to the train station.

The whole process went smoothly. On the bus, there were a few people praising Ning Ruirui and expressing their approval for what she said to people on the Internet last night. Well, these people are actually in good family conditions. I usually do something. Donating some money for good things often arouses criticism. Of course, their wealth and Ning Ruirui's wealth are completely two concepts. After all, there is a huge gap in the magnitude of this wealth.

Half an hour later, the whole group came to the train station. The train tickets were bought by Wang Chao. Speaking of which, in the summer, he still didn't go to get his ID card. Fortunately, he actually had an ID number, so he didn't buy the ticket. The problem, as for the question of how to get in, it's not as difficult as summer.

Well, there is no doubt that the ticket is a second-class seat on the high-speed rail. This summer, I am not picky. For him, it is not a big deal. Although the location is crowded, it is also a good thing to be close to his little girl with long legs. .

"Little long-legged girl, this position seems to be too narrow, you can't stretch out your legs." But Xia Xia soon discovered the problem. This position is a bit unfriendly to a tall man like Ning Ruirui.

"It's nothing, I just checked the ticket, there are no business seats and first-class seats, there is only this." Ning Ruirui replied, this seat is indeed very narrow, but she is a cultivator now, so it doesn't matter. No.

"Mr. Xia, I'm going to tell the flight attendant that if there is a business seat available, I'll change Ning Ruirui's seat." Wang Chao said.

Xia Tian didn't say anything, and the high-speed rail had already set off. After thinking about it, he hugged Ning Ruirui again: "Little long-legged girl, this way you will sit more comfortably."

Ning Ruirui gave Xia Xia a roll of eyes. It's true that she sits comfortably like this, but the key point is that this satyr feels comfortable holding her.

"Come on, drink!" There was a commotion next to her, and Ning Ruirui couldn't help frowning. She turned her head and saw that there were a few people drinking and playing cards there.

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