Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1730 They will think we are too fast

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

This time, four men appeared, ranging in age. The oldest one looked in his forties, the youngest looked seventeen or eighteen, and the other two were in their twenties. looks like.

The one who just spoke was the middle-aged man in his forties, and he seemed to be the head of the group, because the other three were standing behind him.

"Fourth, fourth brother, I, I originally wanted to call you, but my phone ran out of battery. I was afraid that they would run away, so I wanted to do it first..." The tall and thin robber began to explain, hesitantly. And before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the middle-aged man, the fourth brother of the tall and thin robber Lao Qi.

"Okay, okay, Seventh, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and do things!" The fourth brother waved his hand, as if he didn't want to pursue it, and then he looked at everyone: "Hurry up, hurry up for me, Hand over all your valuables to me!"

Wang Chaowa and the others were a little confused, and at this time, they naturally understood that these new arrivals were actually in the same group as the previous robbers.

"Several big brothers, in fact, we are here to do volunteer work, and we don't have much money..." Wang Chao said at this time, and he obviously wanted to convince these robbers.

"Shut up!" The fourth middle-aged man interrupted Wang Chao impatiently, "I have seen a lot of volunteers like you, and they are all full of food. If you don't have a few money, how can you do this? What kind of thing? In short, don't talk nonsense with me, hand over your valuables immediately, and don't tell me that you have no money, WeChat and Alipay can transfer money!"

As soon as the middle-aged man waved his hand, the two young men in their twenties came out behind him. One of them took out a bag, and the other took out a huge QR code.

"Put me all the watches and jewelry, take out my mobile phone, scan the QR code to transfer money, don't tell me I have no money, and don't delay time with me. Do you know why Lao Qi only needs cash? Because he is in a hurry to get the money. Going to buy drugs, yes, he is now a drug addict, if you continue to delay time, he will kill people with a knife..." The fourth brother was threatening everyone while instructing his subordinates, and when he said this, everyone finally I understand, that robber named Lao Qi turned out to be an addict.

"Don't, don't, don't mess around, I'll give you the money, I'll give it right away..." At this moment, Dong Xiao is the most panicked. This is normal. After all, he is being hit by a knife. The addict really wants to do it. The one who gets stabbed will be him.

Dong Xiao said while taking out his mobile phone: "Quick, bring the QR code here, I'll transfer money to you, how much do you want? Is ten thousand enough..."

"Enough!" A voice called out.

The fourth brother was immediately angry: "Who said enough? How can 10,000 be enough? Who the hell is talking nonsense there? Don't ask me how much money is enough, you can give me how much money you have!"

"Fourth brother, that beauty said it." The seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy finally spoke, and he was staring at Ning Ruirui at the moment. Seeing his eyes, he was obviously deeply moved by Ning Ruirui. deeply attracted.

"I mean you've had enough trouble, let go of people immediately, or don't blame me for being rude!" Ning Ruirui snorted, she was obviously ready to do it.

"Yo, I said beauty, you really like to find trouble for yourself. I was thinking about robbing a fortune. Do you want us to rob us now?" The fourth child looked at Ning Ruirui and said, "Don't Say, you look like a big star. It's the first time I've met you so good-looking here. However, I prefer money. It's really rude to you."

Ning Ruirui hadn't spoken yet, but the young man was very excited to pick up the words: "Fourth brother, fourth brother, just kidnap, let me come, I don't want money this time, I just want her!"

The young man kept staring at Ning Ruirui, and at this moment, he was almost drooling.

"You kid, okay, then you can go." The fourth brother waved his hand.

"Thank you fourth brother!" The young man was overjoyed, and then rushed towards Ning Ruirui.

"Uh!" With a scream, the young man flew back and fell heavily at the feet of the fourth elder.

"Who the hell dares to do it... uh!" The fourth child was a little stunned at first, and was scolding, and then he also felt a sharp pain, and then he also fell to the ground.



A few grunts of pain followed, and the other three, including the old robber, fell to the ground one after another. At this time, Wang Chao and the others finally saw it clearly, and it was Ning who did it. Rui Rui.

Well, to be precise, Ning Ruirui kicked everyone with her long legs, and now everyone fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

"Wow, Sister Ruirui, you are amazing!" The doll shouted excitedly at this time, and her shouting also awakened the others from their daze.

This time, everyone's eyes on Ning Ruirui changed again. Before, they just thought that Ning Ruirui was beautiful and rich, but now, they realized that Ning Ruirui is not only a sports myth, but also a martial arts master.

"Yes, Miss Ning is really amazing!"

"It's amazing, beautiful and rich, but also kung fu."

"Of course, people are sports myths, and sports and martial arts are not separated."

"Don't talk nonsense, sports are sports, and martial arts are martial arts. That's not the same at all, okay?"


The danger has passed, and everyone naturally relaxed again and began to discuss there.

Ning Ruirui can naturally hear them

The content of the discussion, but she was too lazy to say anything.

"Miss Ning, what should we do next? Should we call the police?" Wang Chao asked at this time. In his opinion, if he encounters robbers, he should call the police. However, there is still a problem with calling the police. The police can't come, which means they may have to wait here forever.

"Let's call the police." Ning Ruirui thought for a while and said.

"Then do we have to wait here for the police to come?" Wang Chao looked at the sky and hesitated.

"President Wang, why don't you do this? You take everyone up the mountain first, and Xia and I will wait here for the police to come." Ning Ruirui quickly made a decision, "We'll go to the mountain to find you later."

"But you two..." Wang Chao originally wanted to say that the two of them might be in danger, but then he remembered that with Ning Ruirui's ability, there would obviously be no problem. less safe.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Chao nodded: "That's it, let's go up the mountain with me to settle down first, or the mountain road will be even harder to walk after dark."

Everyone had no problem with Wang Chao's arrangement. Soon, everyone continued to go up the mountain under the leadership of Wang Chao. As for Dong Xiao, the boss of Dong, he also miraculously followed everyone up the mountain. As for why he didn't wait. It's not clear if a car or a so-called helicopter came to pick him up.

Perhaps, he was worried that if he stayed with Ning Ruirui Xia alone, he would be beaten by Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui. After all, the tricks he deliberately brought disaster to Ning Ruirui before could be seen by anyone.

"Little long-legged girl, let's go back, it's no fun here." Xia Xia hugged Ning Ruirui's waist, trying to convince her to leave.

"I said earlier that I wasn't here to play!" Ning Ruirui gave Xia Xia a roll of eyes, "If you want to go back, go back by yourself. Anyway, I want to leave this place last night."

After a pause, Ning Ruirui said again: "Hey, hurry up and call your subordinates and ask them to take these robbers away, otherwise, when the police come, you won't know what time it will be."

"Actually, there's no need to call the police. I can just stab each of them and let them die." Xia Xia said lazily.

"Hey, just listen to me!" Ning Ruirui was too lazy to gossip with Xia Tian, ​​although she thought these people were not good things, but even if it was damned, she couldn't just stab her to death with a needle, right?

"Okay." Xia Tian didn't say anything else, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

In less than ten minutes, a helicopter appeared, a few people descended from the sky, and the robbers were taken away. Then, the helicopter disappeared into the night sky.

"We'll go up again later, otherwise they will think we are too fast." Ning Ruirui said to Xia Xia.

"Okay." Xia Xia didn't have much interest in going up the mountain. "Little long-legged girl, in fact, we can go down the mountain to sleep first, and we will go up the mountain tomorrow morning."

With their ability, it is no problem to go to the city to open a room now, and then come back tomorrow morning.

It's a pity that Ning Ruirui obviously didn't want to do this. She felt that she should still be with the big army. The most important thing was that she already vaguely felt that this place was not so safe, and she felt that she had to take care of others.

In this way, almost half an hour later, it was completely dark, and the two began to go up the mountain. After they reached the top of the mountain, they soon found Wang Chaowa and others. At this moment, they had settled down in the school.

This school looks pretty good, the buildings are still quite new, it is obviously better than other buildings in the village, and there is also a special dormitory for teachers, but the conditions of the dormitory are not very good, it is a six-person room, Wang Chao Accommodation has been arranged for everyone, one for each male and female, which is just right.

As for Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui, Wang Chao arranged a special room for them. Although the conditions are not good, it is much better than the dormitory of the six-person room. It is said to be the full-time teacher's dormitory here before. Of course, the teacher has already left. .

"Huh? Where's Dong Xiao?" Ning Ruirui asked in confusion when she realized that there was no one left.

"He thinks that the accommodation here is not good, and he said he has to find another place to live..." Wang Chaozheng explained, and a terrified voice suddenly cut through the night sky.

"Someone, help, help..." The voice was full of panic, but it sounded a little familiar, as if it was Dong Xiao?

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