Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1735 Eating a stone will not kill you

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

When Dong Xiao said this, the people in the Volunteer Association immediately knew what he was talking about, and they all felt that Dong Xiao was deliberately trying to get along with that little girl, mostly because he was almost bitten by a dog before. I still hate it now.

"Is there really such a place?" The flight attendant was quite happy when she heard this, and then looked at Wang Chao again, "President Wang, can you tell us something about it? You should be familiar with the villagers, right?"

"Miss Tao, we actually only came here today." Wang Chao was a little helpless, he already knew that the flight attendant's surname was Tao and his full name was Tao Mei. …”

"What's so special? Isn't that Miss Ning living there now? Even if the little girl can't communicate, the beautiful and kind Miss Ning will not let everyone live there, right?" Dong Xiao beside him Wang Chao was interrupted.

Dong Xiao is very upset now. He actually saw it from a distance before, knowing that Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui were in the courtyard of the villa, and he also saw the scene of Ning Ruirui and the others eating hot pot in the courtyard, but he did not Dare to approach, he now feels that the little girl is targeting him, and even more that Ning Ruirui is also targeting him.

It's just that he didn't dare to trouble Ning Ruirui. After all, he had found that Ning Ruirui was very powerful before, and Ning Ruirui's boyfriend was obviously not easy to mess with, but now he has the opportunity to cause them some trouble, he Still very happy.

In Dong Xiao's opinion, if so many people go to that villa, Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui can't have a good night. Although he can't get any benefit himself, the pain of others can also help. is his happiness.

"Miss Ning?" Tao Mei, the flight attendant, couldn't help but ask, "Which Miss Ning?"

"Which Miss Ning could it be? Isn't that the famous sports myth?" Dong Xiao snorted softly, "We Miss Ning said that she came here to teach, but now she lives in a villa with her boyfriend. Not to mention how comfortable it is."

"Mr. Dong, if you think my day is very comfortable, why don't we change it. You go to the villa to accompany my boyfriend and try it?" A voice came at this moment, and it was none other than Ning. Rui Rui.

"Ah, Miss Ning, it's really you? I didn't expect to see you here. I'm really your fan, yes, my daughter likes you very much too." Tao Mei was very excited, but she also exposed herself The fact of having a daughter.

Of course, there is no rule that a flight attendant cannot have a daughter.

Before Ning Ruirui could speak, Tao Mei immediately introduced herself: "That's right, Miss Ning, my name is Tao Mei, and I'm the chief flight attendant of this flight. It seems that I'm really lucky today, not only everyone on the flight is It's okay, I can still meet Miss Ning..."

"Chancellor, let's deal with these people on the plane first. I think a few people are seriously injured." Ning Ruirui said, "Is the rescue temporarily unable to come?"

"Yeah, I called and they learned that none of us died, and they didn't seem to pay much attention to it, and the rescue conditions were indeed limited. There were no rescue planes in the nearest county, but they agreed to send a helicopter. Come here, but you still have to apply for it from above. In addition, this is a mountainous area, and the flying conditions at night are not very good. In short, in my estimation, it is unlikely that someone will come over tonight." Tao Mei seemed a little helpless, "So I I think we have to figure it out ourselves.”

Ning Ruirui couldn't help but ponder. She just glanced at it and found that the situation of a few people was not very optimistic.

And she also found that although this season is summer, it is still a little cold at night on this mountain, which is really not a good thing for the injured person.

"Miss Ning, I heard that there is a villa over there, and the accommodation conditions are better..." Tao Mei spoke again at this time. Although she did not know the specific situation, she generally knew that this matter could be discussed with Ning Ruirui. .

"Miss Tao, the villa is only a bigger place. I think it's better to find a way to send everyone down the mountain. I'll try to get in touch and see if I can find some helicopters that can come over as soon as possible through personal relationships..." Ning Ruirui pondered for a while, and began to have an idea. In fact, in her opinion, she could send all these people down the mountain with Xia Tian, ​​and then drive them away under the mountain, but it seemed too high-profile.

Ning Ruirui didn't want to be too high-profile, so she hesitated, but she felt that it should not be difficult to transfer a helicopter through a personal relationship, at least it would be possible in the summer, and at that time, other people would only think that because she was rich, she would not There are other doubts.

"Little long-legged girl, why are you so troublesome?" A lazy voice came, but Xia Tian appeared again, and he hugged Ning Ruirui's slender waist and stood side by side with her, not at all. Mind that he looks much shorter than Ning Ruirui.

"What are you doing here?" Ning Ruirui gave Xia Xia a roll of eyes.

"I'm bored there alone, so I'll come to you." Xia Xia took it for granted, "You're too slow, a waste of time, and I don't know when you can go back to accompany me."

Originally, Xia Xia didn't want to take care of this matter, but he found out that Ning Ruirui was going to continue to help them transfer, and it would take a few hours to get it right. Get it done.

"Then what are you going to do?" Ning Ruirui said angrily, this dead pervert is obviously capable, but he just doesn't want to help, it's fine if he doesn't want to help, and now he's running to dislike her method.

"It's very simple, I will heal their wounds and let them go down the mountain by themselves.

. Xia Xia said lazily: "Oh, they don't have to go down the mountain, it doesn't matter to me anyway. "

"Bragging is quite powerful, can you cure them all?" A sneer came from the side, "Do you think you are a genius doctor?"

This is naturally Dong Xiao, and his words are actually secretly approved by many people, which is normal. With so many people on the scene, Ning Ruirui knows that Xia Xia is not bragging, he does have this ability.

"Idiot, I'm a genius doctor." Xia Xia looked at Dong Xiao, "I can cure a sick person like you."

"Who do you say has a sick mind? I think you have a sick mind. I've seen a lot of bragging rights, but I've never seen you bragging so well." Dong Xiao was a little annoyed, "You're so arrogant, go give it to you. Did they cure it? If you can cure so many people right away, I'll just... I'll eat this fucking stone!"

Dong Xiao picked up a stone from the ground and looked like he was going to bet with Xia Tian.

"Idiot!" Xia Xia didn't even bother to look at Dong Xiao, so he picked up a silver needle and stabbed Tao Mei, who was closest to him, twice.

"Ah, you..." Tao Mei exclaimed twice, then froze, "You, how did you know I was injured too?"

"Why are you so stupid?" Xia Xia looked at Tao Mei with a bit of dissatisfaction, "They say I'm a genius doctor, I'm the number one genius doctor in the world!"

Leaving this sentence, Xia Xia continued to walk towards the second person. In this way, he circled at a fast speed and stabbed everyone a few times. The minimum was two stitches, and the most deeds stitches. , it took a few seconds for everyone, and after almost three minutes, Xia Xia returned to Ning Ruirui.

"Little long-legged girl, it's done, let's go back to sleep." Xia Xia hugged Ning Ruirui's waist, as if to carry her away.

"Hey, why are you in such a hurry?" Ning Ruirui glared at Xia Xia, this dead pervert would simply make people misunderstand what indescribable things she was going to do with him.

"Are you in such a hurry to leave?" Dong Xiao also snorted coldly beside him. He obviously didn't believe that Xia Tian could cure everyone in such a few minutes.

However, at this moment, he heard an exclamation.

"Ah, I'm fine, I'm really fine, it doesn't hurt at all..."

"Wow, it's amazing, my wounds healed all at once, it's amazing!"

"Me too, me too..."

"My head doesn't hurt at all..."

"My hands are fine too..."

"Wow, it's really a genius doctor, so powerful, so awesome..."

Everyone exclaimed, and then someone walked towards Xia Xia.

"Thank you, doctor, what do you call the doctor?"

"Hello Doctor, thank you so much..."


The scene suddenly became a little chaotic, but it was also found that the people who were injured in the plane crash just now became alive and kicking. How could there be any signs of injury?

"Everyone, let's rest first." Ning Ruirui spoke quickly at this time, and then she lowered her voice and said to Tao Mei: "Chancellor, please stop everyone, my boyfriend has a bad temper, don't look at him just saved. People, maybe they will hit people after a while."

Tao Mei was stunned, and was about to speak, when an exclamation came from the side: "What are you doing? What are you going to do?"

Everyone looked at the sound, and it was Dong Xiao who was screaming, and he was looking at Xia Xia with a look of horror, and soon, Dong Xiao was speechless, because he had already been stuffed into his mouth. Stone.

"You idiot said to eat the stone, now let me eat it slowly." Xia Xia said lazily.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, this really wants people to eat the stone, but looking at this stone, how can it be impossible to eat it?

Dong Xiao waved his hands there, as if he wanted to ask for help, but unfortunately no one can save him now, and, to be honest, everyone doesn't like Dong Xiao well.

"Hey, don't kill anyone." Ning Ruirui came to Xia Xia and whispered.

"Little long-legged girl, you don't have to worry, eating a stone won't kill you." Xia Xia looked indifferent, "Even if he really wants to die, I can save him."

"Miss Ning, hello, can I disturb you for a while?" A middle-aged man came over, who was the captain of this flight, hesitated for a moment, and then added: "I have something I want to talk to you about. Talk privately."

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