Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1741 rummaging through every inch of the world

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Zhao Yuji looked at Yi Xiaoyin, her eyes suddenly became a little cold, and she also began to emit a strange aura, and for a moment, Yi Xiaoyin felt a sense of oppression.

"Zhao Yuji, if you want to force me to do that kind of thing, it's impossible for me to agree." Yi Xiaoyin took a deep breath, the pressure made her very uncomfortable, and she felt a little uneasy.

"Yi Xiaoyin, it's been so many years, you really look up to yourself." Zhao Yuji sneered, "Look in the mirror and look at me again, do you think you are better than me or your face is prettier than me? Do you really think that you are Is it so important? Do you really think that the so-called cultivation requires you to cooperate? We can weaken my husband's skills, but we can restore his skills at any time."

"Zhao Yuji, I never think I'm important, I just keep doing what I want to do." Yi Xiaoyin's tone was calm, and she didn't get angry because of it, "If he hadn't been thinking about that, I would talk to you about it. He may not be able to get along well.”

"It's best for you to be self-aware. Your husband's favorite woman has never been you. Don't think that you are so important." Zhao Yuji said coldly: "Among us, there are not one or two people who have an opinion on you, so Don't pretend to be so arrogant all day long, make it a bit harsher, even if I kill you now, even if my husband knows, she won't do anything to me, and will still love me well."

"Zhao Yuji, if you really want to kill me, you don't need to tell me so much nonsense." Yi Xiaoyin was still calm, "So, let's get down to business, what do you want me to do?"

"For us, your greatest value is that you are a goddess doctor whose medical skills are second only to your husband, and you are different from your husband. You are good at dealing with ordinary people, and you are also very prestigious in the world of ordinary people. The breath of Zhao Yuji dissipated, and her tone was not so cold. "The situation is far more serious than we expected before. You must help him find the eighth needle against the sky as soon as possible."

After a pause, Zhao Yuji continued: "Before we thought, let my husband walk in the world, just like before, just follow the fate, one day, he will find a way to practice the eighth needle against the sky, but now, we don't have that many Time and so on, we must take the initiative to attack.”

"I also think it's better to take the initiative to attack, but now, do you have any good suggestions?" Yi Xiaoyin frowned slightly, "I've been researching various materials recently, including what you found there, but so far , I still haven't found anything really useful."

"Let's make an assumption now." Zhao Yuji thought for a moment, "Suppose we can definitely find a way to cultivate the eighth needle against the sky in this world, that is to say, suppose we know that in a certain corner of this world, there is such a From this book, or a record, we can know how to cultivate the eighth needle against the sky, do you think we have a way to find it?"

"There is definitely a way. With our human and financial resources, it is possible to search every corner of the world," Yi Xiaoyin replied.

"But now, we can't let people know that we are looking for a way to practice the eighth needle against the sky, and we can't even let other people know of the existence of the eighth needle." Zhao Yuji's pretty face was a little dignified, "Then what do we use? The fastest way to find the cultivation method of the eighth needle against the sky?"

Yi Xiaoyin pondered slightly, and after about three minutes, she said again: "There is a way, but it needs summer's cooperation."

"What way?" Zhao Yuji asked.

"Actually, it's not difficult to say, that is, I can collect traditional medical records from the whole world through the Yirenge chain hospital. In name, it can be said to revitalize traditional medicine. In order to avoid suspicion, we do not specifically name acupuncture, just For all traditional medicine." Yi Xiaoyin said calmly: "We can give them money for providing these records to us, if they want money, but I think we can use another reward."

"What reward?" Zhao Yuji continued to ask.

"It's very simple, as long as you provide us with a useful record, or a real ancient medical book, we can say how this is determined. In short, if we determine that it is really useful, we can guarantee to cure a patient for them." Yi Xiaoyin Obviously, he has already thought about it, "I can guarantee to treat them personally, and I can even guarantee that no matter what kind of disease can be cured, but this way, I am afraid there will be many, many patients, and I will definitely be too busy."

"So, you need your husband's help, right?" Zhao Yuji asked indifferently.

"That's right." Yi Xiaoyin nodded, "I think this will collect all the useful information as quickly as possible. Moreover, I have been promoting the development of traditional medicine over the years, and I believe it will not arouse suspicion."

"Very good, that's what we really want you to do." Zhao Yuji's tone was a bit of admiration, "We won't take care of the private affairs between you and your husband, but I hope you can understand, no matter what the name is. Or in fact, you and we have common interests, and you need to stand on the same front as us when facing those foreign enemies."

"I understand this, I don't need you to teach me." Yi Xiaoyin's tone was somewhat dissatisfied. She was as famous as Zhao Yuji in the capital back then, but now, Zhao Yuji is a little condescending in front of her, which makes her feel very uncomfortable. Comfortable.

"I'm not in the mood to teach you either. I'm leaving. You can implement it as planned. The sooner the better." After Zhao Yuji said this, she immediately disappeared.

Yi Xiaoyin pondered for a moment, and then made a call.

"Notify Yiren Court

There is the executive vice president of the chain hospital, and I want to have a video conference. "Yi Xiaoyin didn't want to waste time either, since the decision has been made, it will be implemented immediately.

At this moment, in the mountain village.

Lan Lan was still digging the hole with difficulty, but in the summer, she felt a little bored.

"Little long-legged girl, why don't we go to another place to play, or find a place to have dinner first." Xia Xia said to Ning Ruirui.

"Then let's leave Lan Lan here alone?" Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes at Xia Tian, ​​"That's not possible, if you really want to have dinner, you can eat it by yourself, or you can get something to eat here. "

"Okay, little girl with long legs, do you want to eat hot pot, such as dog meat hot pot..." As soon as Xia Xia said this, Ning Ruirui glared at her.

"You are sick, not to mention that I don't like eating dog meat in the first place. Now that Lan Lan's dog has just died, you still want to eat dog meat hot pot. Are you trying to stimulate her on purpose?" Ning Ruirui said angrily.

"Little long-legged girl, I didn't say she made hot pot with her dog." Xia Xia felt quite innocent, "Forget it, I'll get you something else."

Xia Xia turned around and disappeared suddenly, and Ning Ruirui continued to watch Lan Lan dig a hole in the yard. She wanted to do a favor many times, but finally held back.

In this way, she waited for almost half an hour, and then she smelled a fragrance, and naturally it was summer.

In the summer, I moved several hot pots back, of course not really dog ​​meat hot pots, but a few fish hot pots.

"Little long-legged girl, come and eat hot pot." Xia Xia quickly said: "In the past, long-legged girls also liked fish hot pot very much."

Ning Ruirui really wanted to eat, but when Xia Xia said this, she felt angry in her heart. This dead pervert is really endless, and she is always a long-legged girl, which really makes her irritable!

"Don't eat!" Ning Ruirui said angrily.

"Oh, then I'll eat it myself." Xia Xia also looked indifferent, "Anyway, little girl with long legs, you won't starve to death if you don't eat, it doesn't matter."

Ning Ruirui was so angry that she wanted to hit someone, but unfortunately she couldn't, and what made her even more depressed was that Xia Xia really started eating hot pot alone there, and it was okay to eat it with relish. He looked distracted from time to time. Ning Ruirui seriously suspected that this guy was eating hot pot while missing his long-legged girl!

Obviously, Ning Ruirui's judgment is not wrong. Xia Xia is really thinking about Ye Yumei, especially when she remembered that her relationship with Ye Yumei was not so good. Don't have a flavor.

I have to say that this yard is actually very strange. In the summer, he eats hot pot happily, Lan Lan is digging a hole very sadly, and Ning Ruirui looks full. .

Three people, completely different moods, but all in the same yard.

after an hour.

"Have you dug yet?" Xia Xia glanced at Lan Lan, and then looked at Ning Ruirui, "Little long-legged girl, what do you want to eat? I can go get some more food and come back."

"Don't worry about it!" Ning Ruirui glared at Xia Tian.

"Little long-legged girl, you seem to be very temperamental tonight, is Auntie here?" Xia Xia was a little surprised, but then shook his head again, "No, you obviously haven't come yet."

Ning Ruirui wanted to beat Xia Tian again, but she still endured it because she couldn't.

At this moment, the phone rang, Ning Ruirui's phone, and she, who didn't want to talk to Xia Xia, didn't see who was calling, and answered the phone immediately.

"Which one?" Ning Ruirui's tone was not polite.

"Excuse me, is it Miss Ning Ruirui?" The person on the other end of the phone was quite polite, and she was also a woman.

"I'm Ning Ruirui, who are you?" Ning Ruirui's tone softened a little, but she didn't hear who the other party was.

"Miss Ning, you don't know me now, but before I formally introduce my identity, I have a small question." The woman on the other end of the phone was quite polite, "As far as I know, you have You have always been keen on extreme challenges, are you still interested in challenging a new limit?"

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