Flower Master in the City

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-four chapters are still sold so cheaply

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Of course it works. Didn't you come here to find the most beautiful doctor in the world?" Thin Monkey lowered his voice, "Don't you know that the goddess doctor, who is even called a medical fairy, is looking for ancient books everywhere? ?"

Seeing that Xia Xia didn't seem to understand, the thin monkey quickly said: "Okay, I'll tell you the truth, these ancient books are all fake, I made them myself, but it doesn't matter if they are fake, even if they can't deceive doctors. Xian, you can also see the medical fairy, do you know how many people want to see that beautiful woman, but have no chance at all?"

"Oh, what kind of ancient book do you have, and how much does it cost?" Xia Xia asked casually.

"It's not expensive, it's definitely not expensive, the ordinary one hundred yuan, the high imitation one thousand... uh!" Before the thin monkey finished speaking, he suddenly screamed, but Xia Xia suddenly kicked him on the body, He kicked to the ground.

"Hey, how do you hit someone... ah!" The thin monkey tried to get up from the ground, and was still yelling, but before he got up, Xia Xian kicked the thin monkey again, knocking him to the ground again.

It’s okay to kick it down, the summer hasn’t stopped yet, continue kicking there, kicking the skinny monkey to the ground and rolling over, screaming incessantly, and then starting to shout for help: “Come on, help, kill someone. ah...ah..."

Naturally, this shout immediately startled many people, at least dozens of pairs of eyes immediately turned towards this direction, and soon, someone recognized the thin monkey.

"Isn't that the guy who's selling fake books?"

"Yeah, he was still pulling me just now and said he wanted to sell it to me for two hundred yuan."

"Why was this guy beaten?"

"Who is that man? Why beat him?"

"Maybe you were deceived?"


A group of people were talking there, but it was just a discussion. They just watched the excitement, and no one came to save people.

"Idiot, it's okay to sell fake books to let people lie to my wife Yiyi, but they are still sold so cheaply. You can see my wife Yiyi once for 100 yuan. You think it's beautiful!" Xia Xia finally spoke at this time.

Yiyi's wife?

what the hell?

Does this name mean Yi Xiaoyin?

A group of people looked at each other in dismay, this person is not a neurotic, right?

"Stop beating, stop beating, I really didn't lie to you about that wife, I don't even know who your wife is... uh!" The thin monkey was beaten and began to beg for mercy, he was still a little baffled, he really didn't know Who is this guy's wife?

"You idiot still won't admit it, didn't you just say that you can meet my wife with this book?" Xia Xia was very upset and kicked the skinny monkey a few times.

"I mean I can go to see the medical fairy, that is, the beautiful doctor Yi Xiaoyin... uh!" The thin monkey retorted there, thinking in his heart that it could be your wife?

"Idiot, that's my wife!" Xia Xia kicked the skinny monkey several times in succession, "I can't bear to lie to my wife, you idiot still want to lie to my wife, and, if any of you idiots buy this idiot's fake Use the book to deceive my wife, get out of here!"

"Fuck, are you fucking crazy, can Yi Xiaoyin be your wife?" Although the thin monkey was still being beaten, he couldn't help it. He felt that he was so wronged, why did he encounter a crazy?

What kind of neuropathy does this have to think that Yi Xiaoyin is his wife!

"It's really a neuropathy, I actually thought that Miss Yixian was his wife..."

"This guy looks very ordinary, how could he be Miss Yixian's husband?"

"Miss Doctor Immortal doesn't seem to be married, right?"

"But maybe, I heard someone say a few days ago that there is indeed a man next to Miss Yixian, who has a very close relationship with her..."

"That can't be such a guy, can it?"


There was a lot of discussion around, and basically no one believed that Xia Xia would be Yi Xiaoyin's husband, but no one went to stop Xia Xia from beating, but at this time, two hospital security guards came over.

"Brother security guard, please help, there is a madman here..." As soon as he saw the security guard, the thin monkey seemed to see a savior, and then he was kicked again and continued to scream: "Ah..."

When the two security guards saw Xia Xia, their expressions changed. Then, they looked at each other, turned around and left.

"Hey, security bro, don't go... ah!" Thin Monkey is a little depressed, what's going on, doesn't it mean that the security of the Yiren Pavilion chain hospital is very good?

"Idiot, Yiyi's wife is of course my wife." Xia Xia was still beating people at this time.

"Brother security guard, this madman is said to be Miss Yixian's husband, you still don't drive him away... Ah!" The thin monkey continued to scream, and the two security guards ran faster.

Of course, they didn't really run away, but went to report to Yi Xiaoyin, because they had seen Xia Xia, and they knew that Xia Xia had an unusual relationship with Yi Xiaoyin, and they knew that the uncle Xia was not easy to mess with, they felt It's safest to say nothing.

In this way, the thin monkey was kicked and beaten for another two minutes, and then everyone heard a sound.

"Stop... Forget it, stop." This voice was very moving, but it sounded a bit strange. Most people said to stop, and this person said the same, but then he actually added a stop.

"Miss Doctor Immortal is here."

"It's Yi Xiaoyin!"

"So beautiful!"

"What a fairy!"

The crowd began to get excited, and many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos, and were able to see Yi Xiaoyin with their own eyes.

, is a rare opportunity for many people.

And that was indeed Yi Xiaoyin, still dressed in a lady's suit, dressed conservatively, but her charm was unparalleled, and when they saw her coming out, everyone consciously stepped out of the way and did not rush up.

"Wife Yiyi, there's an idiot here who wants to lie to you, so I'll beat him up by the way." Xia Tian looked at Yi Xiaoyin and said with a smile.

Hearing this, the crowd was clamoring again, and this guy actually called his wife.

"What are you doing? Can't you just go in when you come?" Yi Xiaoyin said angrily, she called this guy, and since he was here, she didn't expect this guy to be sneaky, but this guy Always seems to like to do something.

"Wife Yiyi, I can't bear to lie to you, how can I let such an idiot lie to you?" Xia Xia said with a smile: "Okay, let's go in."

Xia Xia came to Yi Xiaoyin's side in a flash, and then, in front of everyone's eyes, hugged Yi Xiaoyin.

The surroundings were dead silent for a moment, and then there was an uproar.

What the hell, this guy seems to be the husband of Miss Doctor Immortal?

For a time, everyone around felt a little broken, this world is too magical, how could such a thing happen?

"Miss Yixian, is this person really your husband?" Someone finally couldn't help but ask, and as soon as this question came out, everyone in the room quieted down, staring at Yi Xiaoyin together, waiting for her answer.

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