Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1750 The twenty-year-old girl

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Everyone subconsciously looked at Xia Xia, and they finally realized that Xia Xia didn't seem to be an ordinary person. Even if there were so many people who knew Xia Xia was Yi Xiaoyin's husband, they didn't know Xia Xia's origin before, but now it seems that this person Even a doctor?

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know, is he also a doctor?"

"I heard that he seems to be the husband of Miss Yixian..."

"Impossible? Is Miss Medical Immortal married?"

"What's impossible, haven't you seen the popular video just now? Miss Yixian admitted it herself."

"Let's see...Fuck, is it true?"

"It's really...Miss Medical Immortal really admits that guy is her husband!"

Many people present began to use their mobile phones to scan short videos. Some people posted the video of Yi Xiaoyin admitting that Xia Xia was her husband on the Internet, and now it has finally become popular.

And some people looked at Xia Xia while watching the video, confirmed their eyes, and didn't admit the wrong person, it was this bastard, who was really the husband of the medical fairy!

So now, the only question is, who is this bastard who can actually get the medical immortal?

"Wife Yiyi, this person is a liar, why should I help her?" Xia Xia seemed very unhappy. He just wanted to beat the woman away and had no plans to help her.

"Because I want you to help her." Yi Xiaoyin looked at Xia Xia, "Just this time, next time, you don't have to help me with this kind of thing."

"Then kiss me and I'll help her." Xia Xia began to negotiate terms.

"You're such an adult, and you're still playing this kind of small game, are you bored?" Yi Xiaoyin was a little speechless, why is this person still like a child asking for candy, trick-or-treating if you don't give candy, and helping if you give candy? ?

"It's not boring, I think it's funny." Xia Xia giggled, "Anyway, if Mrs. Yiyi kiss me, I'll help her son see a doctor, otherwise I won't care."

After a pause, Xia Xia said again: "Oh, no, she is not a son, but a daughter."

"What?" A group of people were speechless there. The child looked like a man, but was he actually a woman?

However, considering that she was already twenty years old, and now she only looks ten years old, then it is normal for her to look like a boy when she was originally a girl.

"Okay, you treat your illness first, and I'll give you a kiss when you come back to the room later." Yi Xiaoyin didn't want to keep talking with Xia Xia, so she simply agreed to her, it's not a big deal anyway.

"No, you have to kiss me now, kiss me first, and then I will treat that girl." Xia Xia looked unwilling to agree.

"Let me go, are they showing their affection?"

"I think so too."

"Who is this guy?"

"Miss Yixian, will your husband treat the disease?"

"That's right, Miss Yixian, is your husband also a doctor? He doesn't look like that."


All around, people began to boo, and some people began to question Xia's ability.

"You idiot, shut up, you have athlete's foot, and it has never been cured, and that idiot, you also shut up for me, if you have a heart attack, don't come out and make trouble, or you will die of a disease if you are not careful, and there are idiots over there What are you yelling, you finished in bed in three seconds and then ran out to fool around with people..." Xia Xia turned around and started cursing and attacking in a large area, but he didn't continue talking.

A warm lip was printed, making Xia Tian unable to continue to speak, but in just one second, the soft lip had already left.

"Stop making trouble, let's heal, what's wrong with her?" Yi Xiaoyin's voice sounded.

"Wife Yiyi, it's wrong for you to kiss me secretly like this." Xia Xia felt a little regretful.

There was an uproar all around, and those words in the summer just seemed to be very powerful, because at least two people admitted their illness.

"Fuck, you're awesome, you can tell I have athlete's foot at a glance?"

"This, I, I really have a heart attack..."

"Why are you looking at me? I'm not a three-second guy... I, I didn't go out last night... Er, wife, listen to me, I really didn't..."

There was some commotion in the crowd. The words of the first two people were confirmed by themselves. Even if the third person was fake, everyone thought it was true.

"You bitch, you are only three seconds, you dared to go out and fool around last night!" The woman's scolding sounded, and it suddenly became very confusing.

And this, also made a group of people look at Xia Xia with admiration instantly. This guy is the husband of a medical fairy, and it is already awesome. Now it seems that the medical skills are really good!

"Miss Yixian, you, you mean this, he can also be optimistic about my daughter's disease?" The middle-aged woman looked at Xia Xia, and seemed a little unconvinced.

"He's my husband and a doctor, and his medical skills are much better than mine." Yi Xiaoyin's voice clearly entered everyone's ears, causing another uproar.

"Damn it, this person is actually the husband of Miss Medical Immortal!" This is because I haven't seen that popular video yet.

"Fuck, so powerful? The medical skills are actually stronger than Miss Medical Immortal?" This is what shocked everyone the most.

"Fake, right? This isn't to tout his own man, is it?" Some people didn't believe it.

"It's so stupid

, No wonder I was able to catch up with Miss Medical Immortal, it turns out that medical skills are even more powerful than Medical Immortal! "There are people who believe it.

In a sense, Xia Xia was able to become Yi Xiaoyin's husband because her medical skills were more powerful than Yi Xiaoyin's. Then again, if Xia Xia wasn't so powerful, she might have been beaten to death by Yi Xiaoyin back then.

"Well, then please..." The middle-aged woman looked at Xia Xia, she still looked suspicious, but Yi Xiaoyin said that Xia Xia's medical skills were high, so she still chose to believe it, and she actually had no choice.

"Hey, that 20-year-old girl, come here." Xia Xia yelled at the girl who looked like a boy in her teens.

The girl didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and after she heard Xia Xia's words, she still walked towards him.

Xia Xia popped out with one hand and pinched the girl's wrist, obviously checking her condition. The girl's situation is actually quite special, at least not Xia Xia can completely figure it out at a glance.

"How is it?" Yi Xiaoyin asked at this time, "What is her disease? Can it be cured?"

Hearing the question of Yi Xiaoyin, not only this girl, but also the middle-aged woman, including all the onlookers, were all looking at Xia Xia. Obviously, everyone wanted to know, what exactly is the husband of this so-called medical fairy? Is it really capable, or is it just a little white face who eats soft rice?

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