Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1812 The good show has just begun

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Immortal Cloud Continent, Ji Chao Lan Jing, Immortal Island.

Yue Qingya called a group of people to hold a meeting. She read out a message from Mu Han, which Xia Leng sent to the Imperial Immortal Sect. It mentioned that two people are still alive, one is the Heavenly Wolf Demon Xianbai Sirius, and the other is Wen Tianjun, the head of the illusory fairy sect.

"Impossible." Ji Qingying reacted most intensely, and said in a very confident tone: "Wen Tianjun is definitely dead. I killed it with my own hands, there can be no fake."

Yue Qingya naturally believed Ji Qingying, she had no reason to lie, and Xia Xia was there at the time. If you ask Tianjun what tricks he really played, Ji Qingying didn't notice it for a while, and Xia Tian will make up for it in time.

"Could it be that Wen Tianjun had a hunch before he came to Earth, so he left behind?" Qiao Xiaoqiao couldn't help but ponder.

"No." Among the people present, the person who knew Wen Tianjun best was Yue Qingya, "What a proud person Shizun is, he never thought he would lose to anyone, and he never bothered to do anything. hand."

Ji Qingying thought of another possibility: "Could it be that Bai Tianlang is playing some trick?"

"It's possible." Ye Mengying thought about it for a while, and then said slowly, "Although the story of the battle between Bai Tianlang and Wen Tianjun was widely circulated, only the two of them knew the specific situation. Now Wen Tianjun is dead. Now, no matter how he wants to make it up, no one else will be able to expose it."

"No." Leng Bingbing thought of the flaw, "The key is why he passed this information to us. If it is fake, we will find out if we check it a little. Moreover, he doesn't need to spread a message at any time. Lies that can be pierced."

Listening to Liu Meng's head getting bigger, he said impatiently: "What the hell he wants to do, let's go straight to catch him and beat him, he will definitely say everything.

"Your acting style is more and more like that little hooligan, both simple and rude." He said coldly and lightly.

"It's okay if it's useful." Liu Meng had an indifferent expression on his face.

Yue Qingya said lightly: "At present, we don't know what the situation is on Bai Tianlang's side, so we can't make a clear judgment. However, our cultivation base is in the tribulation period, and we will not be afraid of him before. I don't need to be afraid of him now."

"Sister Yue, tell me what to do directly." Qiao Xiaoqiao agreed.

"Mu Han and Mei'er are the closest to Yuntai Peak, let them go." Yue Qingya thought about it and made a decision.

Qiao Xiaoqiao asked again: "What about Xia Leng?"

Leng Bingbing's brows and eyes trembled slightly, and he didn't say anything, just looked at Yue Qingya lightly.

"He's a man of ideas." Yue Qingya said with a smile, "With Meier and Mu Han there, there won't be any problems."

Leng Bingbing hummed softly, expressing no opinion on this.

"Something went wrong at Yuexianmen, and I need some people to help." Yue Qingya's words changed, "It used to be called Sunyuexianmen, divided into Sunzong and Yuezong, and it is also a sect with a long history. , but the way of doing things is both righteous and evil, and it is not very tolerated by the righteous way. Later, after Xiaomei brought me to the earth, Wen Tianjun slaughtered all the disciples of the Rizong. Now only the Yuezong is left, which is now The Moon Immortal Gate."

"We all know this. Sister Yue should talk about what happened over there." Qiao Xiaoqiao asked worriedly, "Could it be that something happened to Song Yumei and Ning Jie?"

"Indeed." Yue Qingya continued: "They found that there were suddenly some strange cultivators in Yuexianmen. They were probably all in the distraction period. They claimed to be disciples of the Sun Sect. Song Yumei is bound by the acting head."

Ji Qingying said lightly: "Since Song Yumei sent a signal for help, it means that those people can't help but want to do it?"

"Yes. Just in case, we will send two or three people over here to help." Yue Qingya looked at the others, "Who do you think is suitable?"

Liu Meng immediately raised his hand: "I, I'm going."

"Okay, you can go." Yue Qingya did not refuse as usual, but agreed very simply, and just added: "Bring Yunman and Avril with you, otherwise, you will be crazy."

Liu Meng was a little unhappy, but he was quickly replaced by the excitement of being able to go out, so he had no problem.


Earth, underwater palace, endless Danshan space.

"Finally got it!"

A blue-robed Taoist walked out of the dark at a pace, and leisurely retracted the flowing long knife into its sheath.

The woman in the green skirt widened her eyes and stared at the old Taoist angrily: "You..."

Ning Ruirui was also quite surprised by this admiration, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Thank you two, without your help, the old man really couldn't find the real body of this woman." The blue-robed Taoist smiled and bowed deeply to Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui, "fight her so much. It's the first time I've hurt her in many years, which is really rare."

Xia Xia's mood was a little unhappy: "You idiot need to be beaten, right? Who asked you to kill her."

"Don't worry, she's not dead yet." The blue-robed Taoist priest was in a good mood, and said to Xia Xia, "Mr. Xia, if you have anything to say, you can tell her later."

"Of course I know she's not dead." Xia Xia stared at the Taoist priest, "I'm a genius doctor. Before I nod my head, she can't do it even if she wants to die."

The blue-robed Taoist nodded and said apologetically, "Then

Mr. Xia blamed me for interrupting your questioning. This old man will give an explanation to Mr. Xia later, please be patient. "

"Are you using us?" Ning Ruirui came back to her senses, and immediately figured out the key points, and looked at the Taoist priest badly.

The blue-robed Taoist sighed, and then bowed his hands to Ning Ruirui: "No way, I don't have any great skills, I have some treasures hidden on my body, and people are always thinking about it. This woman has been staring at the old Tao for many years. If I don't get rid of her, I feel really uncomfortable."

The woman in the green skirt covered her wound and glared angrily at the blue-robed Taoist priest: "Old thief Ge, you are so shameless! You can say such black and white words. If it weren't for you, how could we be trapped in this ghost place? If you hadn't robbed us of our belongings, we wouldn't have been able to get out!"

"The reason why you are trapped here is all because of your own greed. What does it have to do with Lao Dao?" The blue-robed Taoist shook his head and sighed: "As for robbing you, it is even more nonsense. "

The blue-robed Taoist snorted coldly, turned his head to Ning Ruirui and Xia Xia and said, "Mr. Xia, Miss Ning, waste some of your time, let me tell you about my grievances and grievances with them."

"No need." Xia Xia said lazily: "I have no interest in the things between you. You want to say that you can talk slowly here. Little long-legged girl and I don't have time to play games with you here."

"I'd really like to hear, what's the story between the two of you." Ning Ruirui figured out a little taste. The grievance between these two people is definitely not simple, and the blue-robed Taoist priest deliberately mentioned it to them, there must be a difference. 's intention.

Xia Xia pouted in dissatisfaction: "Little long-legged girl, what's so good about this kind of broken story."

"Anyway, we're all free." Ning Ruirui already felt that things were not easy, but she didn't plan to escape, but stayed to watch a good show quietly, "It's okay to listen to it, just use it as passing the time. All right."

"Whatever you want." Xia Tian didn't care. Anyway, he just came out to play with Ning Ruirui this time. She could do whatever she wanted. He didn't intend to interfere, even if he felt bored.

Ning Ruirui smiled at Xia Xia, took his arm, and then said to the blue-robed Taoist priest: "Ge Daochang, if you want to tell a story, then start it."

"Okay." The blue-robed Taoist gave Ning Ruirui a grateful expression, and then said to the green-skirted woman: "Don't worry, the knife that stabbed you is not fatal, it just wants you to be calmer. The old Taoist finished this passage. The story, we have to stop."

The woman in the green dress was already healing in secret, and when she heard the words of the blue-robed Taoist priest, she knew she had been seen through, so she snorted coldly and pretended to ignore it.

"More than a hundred years ago, Lao Dao was just an ordinary farmer's son at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain. At that time, the country was suffering, the mountains and rivers were broken, and all the young men in the mountains went down to join the army, leaving us a group of old men and young men in Guarding a dilapidated Taoist temple, food and clothing cannot be guaranteed, often starving and freezing..." The blue-robed Taoist looked like he was telling the past, and his tone was a little low, "until one day, an expert came to the temple, and he gave They gave us food, taught us to study, and asked us to practice a martial art, saying that we could protect ourselves in troubled times.”

Ning Ruirui listened to it, she really felt that the story had some flavor, and she was fascinated by it.

Hearing this story, Xia Xia frowned. He always felt as if he had heard it somewhere. After thinking about it, he had no clue, so he just let it go and continued to take advantage of Ning Ruirui's distraction.

"This master took in many homeless orphans, all settled in the Taoist temple, and named the Taoist temple Anxin Guan." The blue-robed Taoist priest was deeply immersed in the past, "Among all the children , I have no talent in other areas except eating, and the master doesn't like to see me very much. But..."

Although Ning Ruirui felt that the atmosphere of quietly listening to the old stories from the past was very good, she also found that what the Taoist said had nothing to do with the current situation.

"...At that time, there were two men and one woman who were extremely talented and were very attractive to the master. One of the boys was named Lin Langtian, who was also the father of this Miss Lin Luzhi. The other boy was named Zhuge Wentian." Lan Pao The Taoist glanced at Xia Xia inadvertently at this time, "The last girl is called Yi Xiaoyin, she is..."

"What did you just say?" Xia Tian's eyes suddenly opened, staring at the blue-robed Taoist priest, "You idiot keeps talking nonsense, believe it or not I beat you?"

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