Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1841 then there is nothing to say

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Xianyun Continent, Yunzhou, Huaiqiu Town.

There is an old locust tree in the center of the town. The circumference of the tree is very thick. It takes more than a dozen people to hold hands to fully embrace it. Moreover, the branches and leaves are towering, and the densely packed trees seem to form a forest.

At this time, two figures stood on the top of the tree, looking at the Yunlai Inn at the town entrance.

One of the tall, thin people with hands like claws said worriedly, "The third ghost is not going to be planted."

"Impossible." The other person was white and chubby, with a somewhat Maitreya feeling, but with a pair of mouse eyes, which made his face a bit evil. He was quite happy, holding a bag of fried chestnuts with sugar in his hand, kept peeling and eating it, and said in his mouth: "If you talk about cultivation, the ghost shadow is really not very good, but his ghost figure is not very good. Fa is a unique sect, and even if he encounters an immortal cultivator of the Jindan stage, he can still retreat."

"I've been squatting here for three days, and I'm really tired." The tall and thin man was frowning, and his teeth were itchy: "Since just now, my eyelids have been jumping, and my teeth have been itchy, and I feel a little bad. ."

"The eyelids are twitching, it means there is an eye disease. Itchy teeth means getting angry." Fatty Bai smiled, "I asked you to go to Yaoniang to vent the fire, but you didn't listen."

"Shut your mouth!" The tall and thin man spat, his eyes still staring in the direction of Yunlai Inn: "Why hasn't the third ghost sent a signal, just a half-sized boy, plus two chicks, plus a foundation-building period With his ability, he should have solved it long ago."

"It's been a while." Fatty Bai ate a rotten chestnut and spat several times: "However, ghost shadows have always been grumbling, so maybe they'll get itchy again."

"That can't be done." The tall and thin man said with some dissatisfaction: "The little boy was ordered by the sect master to be captured alive. As for the other three, it doesn't matter if they are playing with shit."

Fatty Bai wiped his mouth with his cuff: "Why do you think the sect master is staring at a child? It doesn't look like his illegitimate child."

"Bai Xiuzhu, don't you fucking fart!" When the tall and thin man heard this, he couldn't help but get angry: "You dare to guess the mind of the sect master, you are not afraid of death."

"The surname is Zhu, and the fat man's name is Bai Xiu. You remember it for me." Fatty Bai was also unhappy: "If you call me by my old name again, the fat man will turn his face!"

"I don't care what your name is." The tall and thin man said dissatisfiedly: "Wait another quarter of an hour, if the third ghost doesn't send a signal again, we will rush over and take the person away."

"No, I'm already here."

At this time, a childish and extremely cold voice suddenly sounded.

The tall and thin man and Fatty Bai shivered for no apparent reason, then turned their heads abruptly and found that there was a frosty boy on the top of the tree at some point.

"Hey, it's you?" The tall and thin man recognized it at a glance. This young man was their target tonight. It was said to be from a certain big family in the Ji Dynasty.

Fatty Bai asked in surprise, "How did you get here, Ghost Shadow?"

"You said the person who can turn into ghosts?" Xia Leng said lightly, "Maybe he has become a real ghost."

"I said boy, don't blow the cowhide too much." The tall and thin man raised his hands, his claws shone with a cold light, "Although the third ghost is not high, his body is like a ghost, and you want to see his body. It's hard, and it's even more impossible to kill him."

"However, how powerful the movement is and how high the cultivation base is. If you don't have a brain, even if you meet a mortal, you will be dead." Xia sneered, "Not to mention that I am not a mortal."

The tall and thin man sneered: "I know you are also a cultivator, but so what? Your cultivation base seems to be only the Great Perfection of Qi Refining Stage, and we are both in the Foundation Establishment Stage. Do you think you have a chance of winning?"

"Then there's nothing to say." Xia Leng didn't bother to explain anything to them. Although he wasn't very interested in cultivating immortals, it was just that he was born with a special physique. In addition, there were more than a dozen or twenty mothers in the tribulation period who often taught him. Although his cultivation is the lowest among the Immortal Islands, it is also in the late stage of Jindan.

The tall and thin man snorted coldly, took two steps upwards, his figure flashed in front of Xia Leng's eyes instantly, and the sharp claws on his hands caught his throat.

At the same time, Fatty Bai also came behind Xia Leng, his left leg was bent and pressed against Xia Leng's waist, and a pair of fat hands clasped Xia Leng's neck like iron inlays.

Fatty Bai asked coldly, "Come on, what happened to the ghost shadow?"

"You can see if you go over there." Xia Leng said casually.

"Bring him over with you." Fatty Bai's face was full of sneer: "I don't believe that they can play any tricks."

"No!" The tall and thin man refused, and said to the white fat man, "Our mission is to capture this kid, and now that the man is in our hands, why not make extra troubles."

"A branch outside the festival?" Fatty Bai said angrily: "Zhu, you must be a little too cold-blooded. After all, the ghost shadow is also our companion. Now I don't know if we live or die, but you don't care at all?"

"The fact that this kid can appear here means that something must have happened to the third ghost." The tall and thin man explained in a muffled voice: "We might have stepped on a trap when we go there now. Why don't you just take this kid back for business, if you make a mistake? The matter of the sect master is beyond regret."

Fatty Bai hesitated for a while, and felt that the tall and thin man made sense, but he had always had a good relationship with the ghost shadow, so it was a little embarrassing to ignore it like this.

"Don't waste time, let's go!" The tall and thin man reached out and clasped Xia Leng's shoulders, lifted him up, and jumped away from the top of the tree.

Escape into the dark night.

Fatty Bai glanced at Yunlai Inn from a distance, sighed, turned around and chased after the tall and thin man.

Xia Leng has been silent, letting himself be hijacked without panic at all.

After a while, a carriage quietly left Yunlai Inn.


Earth, return to the secret realm of ruins.

"Did I let you go?" Xia Xia was a little unhappy. He took out the silver needle and gave the old man in white who was about to disappear.

The old man in white was stunned, staring at Xia Xia with wide eyes: "This, this is impossible, this old man's avatar has no entity, how could you apply needles on me?"

"Can you idiots change some new words?" Xia Tian pouted, "Things have happened, and they're still shouting impossible. Who said that you can't give needles without a body?"

"Boy, hello, you're fine!" The old man in white quickly recovered from his astonishment and shouted at Xia Xia angrily: "First, you robbed me of the strange beast of the Yuan family, and then insulted the old man, and now he took action against the old man. You are tired of living! I advise you to quickly release the old man's avatar, return the Yu Yi beast, and then come to the battle and kneel down to the old man to admit his mistake, otherwise..."


Xia Xia just slapped over: "You old idiot dare to threaten me, you are tired of living."

"Hmph, what if you kept the old man's avatar?" The old man in white quickly recovered from his astonishment and said in a cold voice, "The old man is waiting for you in the formation, when the time comes, you will be better off in the formation. die!"

"Mr. Xia, you should let Mr. Yuan go first, otherwise, the consequences will be really serious." Chu Feng reminded a little worriedly that he had been here for ten years and knew that the Yuan family had enormous energy here. .

"It annoyed me and my girlfriend, and the consequences were really serious." Xia Xia said disapprovingly.

Ning Ruirui looked at the old man in white and said lightly, "Your threat is not worth mentioning to us at all, so don't waste your words."

At this time, the Yu Yi beast shrank in Ning Ruirui's arms and bared his teeth at the old man in white.

The old man in white glared angrily at the monster: "Yuyi beast, how dare you disobey me, you little beast, I will see that this old man won't peel your skin and dismantle your bones later."

"I like this feathered beast very much, it's my pet now." Ning Ruirui hugged the monster and said to the old man in white, "You actually wanted to hit it with a whip just now, and now you're still scaring it and giving it back to you. You don't have to think about it, I still want to sue you for animal cruelty."

"It's reversed, it's almost reversed! How dare you disobey the old man." The old man in white was really pissed off, "The secret realm here was discovered by our Yuan family, and it was also discovered by our Yuan family. You have touched our Yuan family. The blessing of the family, but dare to disrespect the Yuan family, it's damn!"

While speaking, the body of the white-clothed old man suddenly steamed up, and strands of white light came from the depths of the cave and mixed with the water vapor.

After a while, the white clothed old man turned into a mixture of water vapor and white light, more than ten times larger, floating in mid-air, glaring at Xia Xia: "You think you can really do it with your little silver needle. Trapped the old man's avatar? It's just wishful thinking, today the old man will kill you, as an example, to see who dares to disrespect the Yuan family."

The old man in white immediately raised his huge palm, driving a lot of water vapor and white light, and patted it towards the summer.

"Mr. Xia, get out of the way." Chu Feng panicked when he saw this, and shouted at Xia Xia, "If you get hit with his palm, you will be drained of your life. I've seen it before... uh!"

Before the words were finished, the other palm of the old man in white smashed Chu Feng into the air: "Speak up!"

"Can you handle it?" Ning Ruirui looked at the battle, turned her head and asked Xia Xia.

Xia Xia said to Ning Ruirui angrily: "Little long-legged girl, do you think this idiot might cause any damage to me?"

"That's good, don't kill the old man, I still want the whip in his hand." Ning Ruirui was not worried about Xia's safety, but worried that he was too playful and beat the old man in white directly. Gone.

"When death is imminent, you still dare to speak rudely, then the old man will send you on the road together!" The old man in white was furious, and his palms turned into double palms in an instant. The white light instantly became blazing, with a faint burning sensation. People with vitality grow old again.


The blazing white light exploded in front of Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui with both palms, and the water vapor in the sky also exploded in an instant. The people who died gradually became blurred, and finally turned into white light one by one and disappeared.

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