Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1843 No taste at all

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


Ning Ruirui tried several times and found that she could neither escape from the white mask nor break the white threads. And a faint white vapor began to appear on her body, which was quickly absorbed by the white mask.

Within a few minutes, Ning Ruirui felt a little weak, as if she hadn't eaten for a day. "Find a way to get out of this situation, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable." Ning Ruirui felt a little bad, but she turned her head and found that Xia Xia still had the same lazy expression, and suddenly said in a bad mood: "Hey, dead rascal, we are all by him

They sucked dry, don't you feel nothing at all? "

"No." Xia Tian looked blank, "How do you feel?"

Ning Ruirui pointed to the white water vapor coming out of his body: "That's it, you didn't see it. According to them, this should be our lifespan and vitality. You don't plan to take action against them?"

Xia Xia said: "Little long-legged girl, didn't you tell me not to shoot?"

"Are you Yumu's head?" Ning Ruirui gave him a white look, "You don't act by chance at all?"

"I have always listened to my wife." Xia Xia said with a smile: "Although you are not my wife, little girl with long legs, I still have to be obedient."

"You don't listen when you should, and when you shouldn't, you pretend to be obedient and piss me off." Ning Ruirui felt that Xia Xia was deliberately pissing her off, "Can you be normal? Is it fun to wrap things around?"

Xia Xianchong Ning Ruirui laughed: "Little long-legged girl, do you want me to help you?"

"What do you mean by helping me?" Ning Ruirui glared at Xia Tian, ​​"Aren't you entangled."

"This game is useless to me." Xia Xia said indifferently: "It's easy for me to break free, but it's a little difficult for you, little long-legged girl. As long as you ask me, I will help you. Little long-legged girl, you Please beg me quickly."

Ning Ruirui was speechless: "If I beg you, you will definitely ask for strange conditions."

"No." Xia Xia said with a smile: "The conditions I mentioned are all normal and not surprising at all."

"That's weird." Ning Ruirui didn't believe the guarantee of this dead hooligan, and it was always his forte to make an inch, "You just want to take advantage of me." Xia Xia readily admitted: "You are my girlfriend, not to take advantage of me. It should be. You should have let me take it, but you are too stingy, little long-legged girl, even more stingy than the stingy wife, so I used this method to get me

Something that should be there. "

"Bullshit." Ning Ruirui rolled her eyes beautifully.

The old man in white saw that Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui were flirting and flirting with no one else there, and he was so angry that he almost died on the spot: "A pair of dogs and men, they are so turbulent when they die, it's humiliating and degrading, killing you can be considered for the world. Eliminate harm!"

"You idiot looking for death, right?" Xia Xia glared at the old man in white, "Didn't you see me talking to my girlfriend?"

The old man in white raised his hands, and a dazzling white light appeared in his palms, which also stuck to Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui: "Go to the underworld and talk again!"

"Don't waste your energy, these things are useless to me." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "If there are no other tricks, then you can die." "It's so crazy!" The old man in white said Xia Tian's arrogance sneered, "There are dozens of people in the formation, plus the old man, even if you are immortal cultivators, you can't stand the continuous absorption of life essence by so many people, it will take less than an hour for you to live long.

Exhausted. "

"Don't talk nonsense with him, just do it." Ning Ruirui didn't like the feeling of being restrained. "Do you like being besieged like this?"

"Little long-legged girl, after solving this old idiot, how about we find a place to sleep?" Xia Xia smiled, "Although it is not sleepy, sleeping is human instinct, we better not go against it."

Ning Ruirui became impatient: "Come on, if you talk again, I will ignore you in the future."

"Little long-legged girl, it's settled!" Xia Xia was so happy that she hugged Ning Ruirui directly into her arms, "You can't go back for a while, or play tricks or discount things."

"Don't move." Ning Ruirui held down Xia Xia's hands that were wandering around her waist, "You can settle the matter in front of you first."

Xia Xia's mood became very good, and he said to the old man in white and those who put the white line: "My girlfriend is very upset with you, so, do you want to die by yourself, or do you want me to send you to die?"

"No shame!" The white clothed old man snorted coldly, "We have dozens of people's lifespan here, combined with the formation, it is enough to crush the two of you to death. Unless you have ten thousand years of lifespan, you can't escape death." You are dead." Xia Xia stretched out his hand lazily, and took the white mask and silk thread in his hand with a random roll, "One idiot is useless, and another hundred idiots are useless. This kind of simple Right, you guys

Idiots will never understand. "

When you're done, punch him.


The white mask shattered in an instant, the dozens of white silk threads also shattered, and those who besieged Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui were also bounced and fell to the ground.


The white clothed old man opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of painstaking effort. He was astonished in his heart: "How could you have broken the life-wrapping silk and my Huayuan mask!"

"I have no taste at all, and the name I chose is so ugly." Xia Xia pouted, "It can only show that you are too weak, the punch just now, I even five

One part of the strength has not been exerted. "I don't believe it, you die for the old man!" The white clothed old man shouted loudly, and his whole body glowed with white light. Those ordinary people who followed the white clothed old man to besiege Xia Xia were the first among them.

The skull-sized white ball of light, like the sun, is extremely hot and dazzling.

"Mr. Yuan, you also sucked our Shouyuan away."

"Oops, I'm going to be sucked dry!"

"Stop now, Mr. Yuan!"

Those people screamed one after another, trying to withdraw the white silk thread, but found that it was impossible.

"A bunch of idiots." Xia Xia didn't sympathize with these people at all, "This old idiot never planned to let you go."

While speaking, almost all the people in the square were sucked dry, and the old man in white had already merged into the white ball of light as huge as a mountain, exuding endless pressure, and the whole space felt like it was about to explode.

"What is he doing?" Ning Ruirui looked at the bigger and bigger ball of light and asked inexplicably.

Xia Xia shook his head: "How can a genius like me know the idea of ​​an idiot."

Ning Ruirui glanced at Xia Xia and restrained herself from speaking.

After a while, the white ball of light disappeared, and the old man in white showed his figure, holding a white pill in his hand, and shouted wildly: "It's done, it's done! This is the real longevity pill!"

The people in the square were full of grief. Only then did they realize that they had been calculated. This surnamed Yuan used the life essence of all of them with the formation to condense the longevity pill. "As long as you eat it, you will have a life span of at least a thousand years! I, Yuan Tianxing, will finally live forever." The old man in white completely ignored the curses of those below, took the white pill and put it in his mouth. Can

The speed of seeing has become young.

"Okay, stop dreaming." At this time, a voice rang in the ears of the old man in white, "You have no role in immortality, but immortality can be achieved." The old man in white turned his head and found that Xia Xia didn't know anything. He appeared behind him at the time, so he said: "Boy, the old man has recovered his youth, and his cultivation has reached the Golden Core Stage. Now is the time to be happy, so I will let you go for the time being.

Yima, you'd better get to know each other. "

"Whether you recover your youth or end up with a golden pill, it has nothing to do with me." Xia Xia said lazily: "But if you make my girlfriend unhappy, then I can just kill you."

"Kill me? I really thought the old man was afraid that you wouldn't succeed!" The old man in white threw his long sleeves abruptly, and a gust of wind blew toward the summer.

Xia Xia didn't dodge and evade, he stretched out his hand and clasped the neck of the old man in white, raised his hand and punched him first, so that his eyes were staring at the stars.

"The old man is in the Golden Core period... uh!"

The old man in white wanted to say something, but he was punched again on the nose, and half of his face collapsed.

"The old man is from the Yuan family, how dare you... ah!"

Another punch.

"Stop hitting, the old man is the eye of the formation guarding the formation here. If you kill me, you will never want to get out of the formation in your life... eh!"

"This way of breaking the formation can't trap me." Xia Xia looked disapproving, "You like to use the formation so much, then you can stay in the formation and enjoy it slowly."

When the old man in white heard this, he thought that Xia Xia had compromised, but it was the Yuan family's name that worked.

Xia Xia gave the old man in white a few needles, then threw it back into the formation, and returned to Ning Ruirui himself.

"Just let him go like that?" Ning Ruirui felt that this didn't look like Xia Xia's behavior at all, "You're not pretending, are you?"

"Little long-legged girl, what you said is a bit awkward." Xia Xia smiled, "Let's find a place to sleep, don't waste time here."

Ning Ruirui stared at Xia Tian: "Sleep on your head."

"Little long-legged girl, you won't regret it." Xia Xia was not happy.

"Repent, I didn't promise you." Ning Ruirui smiled and said to Xia Xia, "I just said that you will deal with this guy first, but I didn't say that after you deal with him, I will follow you...that's what. "

Xia Xia knew that she had fallen for Ning Ruirui again, but she didn't get too angry, but she was a little upset: "Little long-legged girl, it's not right for you to be like this. You have to be faithful to your words."

"Ah!" At this time, the old man in white who fell back into the formation gave a miserable scream. His body suddenly cracked open, and strands of white water vapor floated out of his body, and it didn't take long for it to permeate. the entire array.

"No—" The old man in white came to understand that these white water vapors are the life essence that he has restrained for nearly sixty years, but now they are irresistibly dispersed, which is more uncomfortable than killing him. Those people in the square came to their senses, and they all rushed towards the white-clothed old man, trying to suck back Shou Yuan, but the scene was like being eaten by zombies.

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