Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1853 why believe you

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Immortal Cloud Continent, Yunzhou.

A few days ago, Xia Leng was expelled from the sect by the Yuxian Sect, and then met Feng Tianling. When he was about to escort the little girl home, Tianlang Yaoxian kidnapped him to Yuntai Peak. Not long after I came out of Yuntai Peak, I met a ghost in a small inn. In order to find out who was targeting him from behind, Xia Leng left with the ghost's two companions.

As a result, after two or three days of going around, Xia Leng found that he had actually returned to the foot of the mountain of Yuxianzong. Although he didn't know which one of the seven peaks this was, he could be sure that the mastermind behind the arrest must be the top of the Imperial Immortal Sect.

In a bamboo house at the foot of the mountain, Xia Leng was chatting with the two who brought him here.

"Speak, who are you guys?" Xia Leng asked aloud, looking at Fatty White and the tall and thin man sitting opposite him.

"Since we're here, it's okay to tell you." Fatty Bai showed a naive smile: "My name is Bai Xiu, and I'm the head of Yueyin Hall, the outer gate of Yuxian Sect." After speaking, he pointed at the side with his fat finger The tall and thin man peeling the seeds: "This skinny monkey is..."

"Fuck off!" The tall and thin man patted Fatty Bai's hand impatiently, and said to Xia Tian, ​​"I am Zhu Jianming, the head of the Wolf Claw Hall."

Xia Leng nodded, knowing that these two were the hall masters of the Eight Outer Sects of Yuxian Sect.

"Where's the ghost shadow?" Xia Leng couldn't help but think of the "ghost shadow" they killed at Yunlai Inn, "Which hall is he the head of?"

"The master of the fart, he is just an ordinary member of the Ghost Artifact Hall." The tall and thin man spat disdainfully, "If it weren't for his good movement skills and fellow villagers with Lao Tzu, he wouldn't take him out to perform tasks. "

"Little brother, tell the truth." Fatty Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, "Did you kill the third ghost?"

The tall and thin man pretended to be peeling his melon seeds indifferently, but stared at Xia Leng from the corner of his eyes, obviously also wanting to know the truth.

"You think I can kill him?" Xia Leng asked without answering.

"Kill kill, there's nothing to admit." The tall and thin man threw the melon seed shell in his hand on the table, and said coldly: "We are not his parents, and we will not seek revenge on you. Besides, You are the person named by the sect master, even we dare not do anything to you."

"Who is the sect master you're talking about?" Xia Leng said tentatively, "Is it the sect master of Yuxian Sect?"

Hearing this, Fatty Bai couldn't help but let out a "poof" laugh: "Little brother, your brain is a little too lively, who are we, and how can we be related to the high-ranking sect master."

"The big head closed a hundred years ago." The tall and thin man put his hairy legs on the table, the toes of his shoes and the legs of his trousers were shaking slightly: "Before, the head of Liu Shao and the elders were in charge, but The head of Liu Shao was relatively unlucky. During the alchemy process, the cauldron exploded and was directly killed. Now the Imperial Immortal Sect is in chaos, and the position of the head of the young master has changed several times within a few days."

"The surname is Zhu, don't say a few words." Fatty Bai felt a little cool on his back, and couldn't help interrupting the thin and tall man's words: "This matter is not something we can discuss. Sect master, the task is completed. When the time comes, you will receive the reward and go down the mountain and be happy. Don’t talk nonsense here, and be careful that misfortune will come out of your mouth.”

"There's nothing to say about this, don't talk about the inner door, even the people of the twelve are spreading it." The tall and thin man spat out the shell of the melon seeds that he ate in his mouth by mistake, "I'll watch the door. The Lord must also want to compete for the position of the young head, otherwise he will not..."

At this time, the door was pushed open, and a young man in a blue robe slowly paced in: "Nothing?"

"Yueyintang Bai Xiu, see the sect master!" Fatty Bai had sharp eyes, and immediately knelt down.

The tall and thin man was stunned for a while, then threw the melon seeds in his hand and knelt down: "I don't know that the sect master is coming, it's really damn, please ask the sect master to convict."

"Okay, you two step aside first." The blue-robed man walked to Xia Leng's side and sat down with a smile: "Master Leng, I invited you over so rashly, didn't I get scared?"

"Although the method is a bit inappropriate, it's not enough to intimidate." Xia Leng felt that this person's attitude was not bad, but he didn't disagree.

"Really, then Qi Mou is ashamed." The blue-robed man said with a smile: "Introduce myself, in the next Qi Zongbai, I am the deputy head of the outer gate of Yuxian Sect. However, the main gate owner also closed ten years ago. Now I am in charge of everything in the outer door."

"Sect Master Qi, what did you want to do when you brought me here?" Xia Leng asked, "If I go missing for a long time, I'm afraid my companions will be worried about it."

The blue-robed man smiled and pointed at Xia Leng: "You are very smart, but after all, you are young, and some methods are too immature to use."

"What do you mean?" Xia Leng asked.

"Let's not mention this, in short, I have arranged for your companion elsewhere." The blue-robed man waved his hand, "Now, I want to talk to you about another matter."

Xia Leng did not follow the question, but waited for the blue-robed man to follow.

"What's your relationship with Elder Mu of Qingyun Peak and Fairy Keqingmei?" The blue-robed man chuckled and asked Xia Leng a question.

Xia Leng of course said it according to the pre-made background: "I am the son of Elder Mu, and as for Aunt Mei, I am my mother's best friend."

"That's not right." The blue-robed man shook his head and said a little unhappily, "Young Master Leng, I think it's better for us to be open and honest."

"What I'm saying is

fact. "Xia Leng was not fooled and insisted on his own statement.

The blue-robed man sighed, looked at Xia Leng, and tapped his fingers on the table: "I sent someone to Lanjing to investigate your background and found a very interesting phenomenon."

Xia Leng didn't respond, as if he hadn't heard it.

"Your name is Leng Xia, your father's name is Leng Wudi, the Marquis of Ji Dynasty, and he is guarding the border at this time. Your grandfather is Leng..." The blue-robed man slowly told the family information of "Leng Xia" and followed Ji Qingying to Xia Leng The materials prepared are almost the same.

Xia Leng's heart was a little anxious, but his expression didn't change at all: "Since you've found it all, why bother asking again."

"What's interesting is that this information is very complete in the official data, it's perfect." The blue-robed man suddenly paused and looked up at Xia Leng: "The strange thing is that this Leng Wudi and your mother, in Lan But no one in Beijing has actually seen it with his own eyes. You know, when a person grows up, it is impossible for no one to witness. Unless there is only one possibility, that person does not exist at all."

"That means you didn't check carefully enough." Xia Leng said lightly.

The blue-robed man sighed: "You, a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, can have such a distraction. It is indeed too young and old, which is not good."

Xia Leng said: "This has nothing to do with you."

"It's related." The blue-robed man said with a smile, "Did your maid Xiao Xiu'er call you His Royal Highness?"

"What did you do to her?" Xia Leng's eyes turned cold, "You better not do anything evil to them, otherwise I won't let you go."

"Don't worry, I just talked to them a few words." The man in blue robe saw the change in Xia Leng's expression, and his face finally became a little more confident, "That Ji Jiu is very strict, and Feng Tianling has almost nothing to you. As far as I know, I can only learn some information from the mouth of the maid who has no scheming."

Xia Leng looked at the blue-robed man: "Let's get straight to the point."

"Okay, then open the skylight and say something bright." The blue-robed man pretended to be refreshing, "Qi has been the deputy head of the gate for almost 30 years, although he is only half a step away from the main gate. But Qi's The ambition doesn't stop there, what Qi really wants to be is the young head of the Imperial Immortal Sect..."

"Ambition is lofty and worthy of encouragement." Xia Leng clapped her hands and said hello.

"I haven't finished my words yet." The blue-robed man stretched out his hand and pressed Xia Lengxu, "It's just that my foundation is weak, and I don't have any backers behind me, and my cultivation base is not considered the top among the disciples, so I hope it's really vague. Fortunately, there is no such thing as an absolute path, and when Qi was about to give up, you appeared."

Xia Leng felt a chill: "I'm still a child!"

"Fortunately, it's a child." The blue-robed man laughed and said excitedly: "If you are an adult, then my chances are still slim."

"What do you mean?" Xia Leng finally asked back.

The blue-robed man nodded with satisfaction, then said, "I want to make a deal with you."

"Make a deal with me?" Xia Leng asked casually, "You want to sell children?"

"Young Master Leng, it's better not to say such things, because it's neither funny nor in line with your identity." The blue-robed man stared at Xia Leng with a hint of warning in his tone.

Xia Leng said coldly: "Then you'd better keep it short, I'm not interested in listening to your long talk."

"I know that you are the illegitimate son of Queen Ji, and I will never spread this to the outside world." The blue-robed man looked very serious, "I hope to get the support of Ji Chao, so that I can take the position of the head of the young master, and even in the future. Master..."

"You think too much." Xia Leng judged.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse." The blue-robed man said slowly: "As long as I become the young master, I can listen to Queen Ji's orders. If I become the master in the future, Qi will definitely lead the Imperial Immortal Sect. Return to the Ji Dynasty and merge into the Xianxianmen."

Xia Leng said lightly: "You can tell my mother what you said, what's the use of telling me?"

"She definitely won't believe me, but she will definitely believe you." The blue-robed man said confidently.

Xia Leng smiled: "Then why should I believe you?"

"I know the real purpose of your coming to Yuxianzong." The blue-robed man suddenly showed a meaningful smile, "We can cooperate to get what we need, why not do it?"

This is true, but whether the person in front of him is trustworthy or not is a very big question. Xia Leng couldn't help falling into contemplation.

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