Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1869 The corpse can be saved even if it is cold

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


This sudden situation really shocked Qin Xiaoluo, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

However, Qin Xiaoluo is not an ordinary person, he quickly regained his composure, looked at Zhao Zhiwei with contempt, and asked coldly, "Why betray the Zhao family?"

"Betrayal?" Zhao Zhiwei sneered, "I am not a slave of the Zhao family, and I am only working in the Tiandao group. How can I betray me."

"Do you know who the Tiandao Group belongs to?" Qin Xiaoluo said coldly: "Betraying the Zhao family, you are already dead. Now you betray Xia, and no one in the world can save you." Ha." Zhao Zhiwei disapproved and sneered: "You all think Xia is a god, but I have seen the real god. Compared with that person, Xia is nothing more than that. What's more, Xia is afraid that he will be unable to protect himself now. come empty

here to save you. "

Qin Xiaoluo suddenly sighed: "Xia Xia hasn't come out for twelve years, don't you all remember how scary he is?" "This world is changing with each passing day. I don't know that the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes in this period of time." Zhao Zhiwei's eyes were full of ridicule, "Does he know what aura recovery is?

? Does he know what global evolution is? "

"I don't need to know, and I'm not interested in knowing." At some point, Xia Xia and Zhao Qingqing appeared in the villa and sat leisurely on the sofa in the corner of the hall.

"You guys didn't die?" Zhao Zhiwei showed a look of astonishment, partly because he saw Xia Xia and Zhao Qingqing still alive, and partly because they arrived here so quickly, making him miss the opportunity to kill Qin Xiaoluo and others. .

Zhao Qingqing's beautiful eyes spit fire, and glared at this man fiercely: "Another white-eyed wolf, Xiaozhuo is so kind to you, and he is not grateful at all, but he is still turning against the water at a critical time, are you still human? Beasts." "You know shit! What right do you have to accuse me here?" Zhao Zhiwei shouted violently, with resentment in his tone: "Everyone's surname is Zhao, why are you born with a good life, and you are born with brocade clothes and jade food? , don't need to worry about anything. But I have a pair of useless parents, no money, no power, no power, only dragging my back, I almost tried my best to put all my time, energy, and intelligence into It worked out, but it turned out to be no match for Zhao Xiaozhuo's casual words of support.

. "

Qin Xiaoluo's face was gloomy, and he listened to Zhao Zhiwei's words silently. "Do you want me to be grateful? Bah!" Zhao Zhiwei was venting the dissatisfaction he had accumulated in his heart over the years, and the more he talked, the more atmosphere he said: "If Zhao Xiaozhuo is really optimistic about me, how could he send me to some heaven group, and he should give me a famous brand. University, send me again

Going to study abroad, I will be able to gain both fame and fortune, and I will have enough capital to compete for high positions in the Zhao family. "

Zhao Qingqing folded his arms and sneered, not wanting to waste his words on such an ungrateful villain. "What's the result?" Zhao Zhiwei was immersed in his own emotions, and scolded his teeth through gritted teeth: "Zhao Xiaozhuo is clearly jealous of my talent, afraid that I will occupy the resources of the core children of the Zhao family in the future, so I was sent to the Tian group to learn those inferior

So that you can be your subordinates, thugs, and bodyguards... These things are definitely not for a genius like me, Zhao Zhiwei! "

"You're not a genius, you're an idiot." Xia Xia was very annoyed by this kind of idiot who felt good about himself, "No, you're not even an idiot, you're just a piece of scrap with no use at all." Zhao Zhiwei pointed his gun at Xia Xia: " I have long heard that you are very powerful. Whether it is the Heavenly Group or the Heavenly Dao Group, they all regard you as a god and take your words as a sacred decree. However, in my opinion, you are just a magic stick, and your existence is against the Heavenly Dao.

The biggest waste of the group, you have no idea how powerful this organization is, and you can't realize the true potential of this organization. "

"Who put this idiot into the Tiandao group." Xia Xia was a little dissatisfied. "Also, those who dare to point a gun at me will end badly, and you will be no exception."

"Stop doing this!" Zhao Zhiwei said ruthlessly, but the gun turned back to Qin Xiaoluo, "I don't want much, as long as you hand over the Tiandao team, I will tell you Zhao Xiaozhuo's whereabouts immediately."

Xia Xia stared at Zhao Zhiwei unhappily: "What are you idiots daydreaming about?"

"Summer, why don't you make a deal? I only need the Tiandao team, and I will tell you Zhao Xiaozhuo's position and the real envoy." Zhao Zhiwei felt a little dry, and couldn't help licking his lower lip.

"Do you think you are qualified to make a deal with me?" Xia Xia pouted and said very upset. "Why not?" Zhao Zhiwei roared in puzzlement: "You have nothing to lose if you let the Heavenly Dao Organization out, but I can maximize its effect, why don't you agree! Why don't you agree! You too look down on me?

right? "

"What are you, why should I look down on you idiot?" Xia Xia said lazily: "The Tiandao group was originally built for my wives to play, what use is it, only my wife and I have the final say "You really are a guy with a despicable personality." Zhao Zhiwei's teeth were about to bite, "You people really deserve to be damned, you always like to play with others, treat things that others cherish as playthings, and dispose of them at will. I don't care at all. and the feelings of others

Suffering, not at all thinking about the feelings of those who desperately need these things. ""You have something wrong with your brain. My master's stuff, what he wants to do with it is his business, does it have anything to do with you? "Zhao Qingqing's head is big when he hears it, this person is full of robber logic, what else he wants.

People give unconditionally,

If you don't give it, there is a problem with your character. Zhao Zhiwei lost control of his emotions instantly, and roared: "Of course it matters, because this is what I dream of! It is an indispensable ladder for me to step into the high-level! It's just a sentence for you to give it to me, but, whether it's Zhao Gongzi ,

Zhao Xiaozhuo and you all deliberately didn't say these words, this is clearly embarrassing me, just forcing me! No one can blame me for where I am today. "

"This person is a pure lunatic, a villain who doesn't understand contentment." Zhao Qingqing immediately asserted, "I can't communicate at all, Master, give him a shot and let him explain everything he knows."

"I won't let you succeed." After Zhao Zhiwei finished speaking, he put the muzzle of the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


A gunshot rang out, and the blood and brains splashed all over the place.

Zhao Qingqing was stunned for a while, then looked back at Xia Xia: "We haven't done anything to him yet, why did he commit suicide?"

"Because he is afraid of death." Xia Xia replied solemnly.

"Because he was afraid of death, he committed suicide." Zhao Qingqing didn't understand, but was even more stunned: "Master, do you think I understand?"

"Death is not the same as death." Xia Xia nodded, looking at Zhao Qingqing with a puzzled look: "What else is there to understand, it's already very clear."

"Okay, Master, you are very smart, I'm a bit stupid." Zhao Qingqing didn't want to ask for a blow anymore, so he simply stopped asking more and left this matter in the past. Qin Xiaoluo watched Zhao Zhiwei commit suicide directly, and his heart became more and more heavy. This not only showed that the core members of the Zhao family were infiltrated, but also that the master behind the scenes knew how to control people's hearts. Otherwise, this kind of drastic method would not be needed. Defend

Stop leaking secrets.

"Xia Xia, he drank water of unknown origin and died of poisoning. Can you save him?" Qin Xiaoluo pointed at Yuan Hao lying on the coffee table and asked Xia Xia for help.

Xia Xia glanced at Yuan Hao and said disapprovingly, "Of course it can be saved, but it's not necessary."

"Only he knows where Xiaozhuo was taken. If he dies, I'll really be blinded." Qin Xiaoluo couldn't contain the anxiety in his heart. Zhuo, it is estimated that the Zhao family will also be in chaos."

Zhao Qingqing also helped to persuade: "Master, please help Xiaoluo. It is the most important thing to find Xiaozhuo now, otherwise, the whole imperial capital will be in chaos. Sister Yuji and Yaoyao know, You will surely be blamed."

"That's right, if something happens to Zhao Xiaozhuo, the goblin's wife will definitely be angry with me." Xia Tian thought about it too, so he took out the silver needle and stabbed it directly on Yuan Hao, who had been dead for a long time.

"The body is cold, can this be saved?" Although Qin Xiaoluo believed in Xia's ability, he was still a little worried when he saw that Yuan Hao's body was frozen.

Zhao Qingqing believed in Xia 10,000, and had reached the point of blind worship, and immediately said: "It's definitely fine, and I don't even look at who the master is."

"As long as I don't die for more than three days, I can save it." Xia Xian took back the silver needle and said lazily. The first three needles of the eight anti-sky needles are all medical skills, which is the so-called "one needle for life, one needle for death, and one needle for flesh and bones". Twelve years ago, he used the first three needles to save a lot of people in the gate of hell. In the summer now, compared to twelve years ago, medical skills are

There has been a huge improvement.

At that time, his acupuncture was only able to rescue patients who were still breathing, or those who had just died. Now, as long as the body is not damaged, people who died within three days can be rescued by acupuncture.

The so-called anti-sky needle method is terrifying.

Less than ten seconds after the needle was closed in the summer, Yuan Hao woke up leisurely, opened his eyes, opened his mouth and said a sentence: "Why didn't I die?"

"With me here, you can't die if you want to. No matter how much you don't want to die, you will definitely die." Xia Xia said casually.

Yuan Hao just saw Xia Xia and sighed: "You are a King Yama who makes life worse than death."

"Don't talk nonsense." Xia Xia glared at him, "How could someone as handsome as me be King Yama."

Zhao Qingqing said with a smile: "Master, no one ever said that King Yama must be ugly."

"I'm the most handsome guy in the world, there is no one more handsome than me, and there is no ghost." Xia Xia solemnly emphasized, "So King Yama is definitely uglier than me." "The master is the master, and the logic is impeccable!" Zhao Qingqing was adored. .

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