Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1876 Go back and practice for another ten years

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


Stopped on the side of the road and listened for a while, the movement in front was not big, and it was almost certain that only the people from the rivers and lakes were competing there. From a distance, there seemed to be a lot of people, but it had nothing to do with Xia Leng and the others.

"Don't worry about it, we'll just go around."

Xia Leng didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, it's very easy to get involved, and what he doesn't like the most is uncontrollable accidents.

"Yes." Ji Jiu obeyed the order, drove the carriage again, and moved forward slowly, but at the same time, he was alert to the surroundings, in case something unexpected happened.

When the carriage passed by, the gathered Jianghu people also cast curious and scrutiny eyes.

"Master, these people's eyes are so fierce." Xiao Xiu'er looked outside through the gap in the curtain, "No matter how you look at it, you don't look like a good person."

Xia Leng said lightly: "People in the rivers and lakes, the days of licking blood, do you think there will be good people?" "Why not." Xiao Xiu'er disagreed with Xia Leng's statement, "Young master, don't show up for anything. I don't know, well, I also read Huaben novels, those disciples of the famous and decent, they go to the world to be chivalrous and righteous. I am in Lan

Jing has heard that there are four great sons in Jianghu, such as Baiyu son, Hongfeng son... not only young and handsome, but also strong in martial arts, he is the dream lover of many girls in the boudoir. "Speaking, Xiao Xiu'er found that Xia Leng's eyes were still with contempt, and quickly pulled a helping hand: "Xiao Ling'er, your Yunfeng family is also a force in the arena, you should know some things in the rivers and lakes. Do you think Fourth Young Master is a good man and famous

Are there good people in the sect? "Sister Xiu'er, this is really not necessarily true. Feng Tianling hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but tell the truth, "There are also intrigues in the famous and decent, and as for the four young masters, I can't say that they are all bad people. But the white jade boy

Not a good guy at all. Xiao Xiu'er stared at Feng Tianling, and said a little unhappily, "That's the 'Bai Yujing in the sky'. He is known as the first son of the rivers and lakes. His deeds of fighting for chivalry, robbing the rich and helping the poor have storytellers in Lanjing's restaurants every day. Speaking of. how could he be bad

What about people? "I don't know about other things, but what my brother provoked to the Xiuxian sect was designed to frame it. Feng Tianling said indignantly: "That young master Bai Yu also took the opportunity to extort our family. Said it can help us eliminate and that martial art

The misunderstanding, but he received the money but didn't do anything. Instead, he provokes differences, causing my brother to go to the end of the world. So far, there is no news. "Is he really so bad?" Xiao Xiuer felt that the three views were challenged. Although it was still a little difficult to accept, she did not have any doubts about Feng Tianling's words, so she couldn't help but feel a little awkward, thinking in her heart: If there is a chance to meet Bai Yu

Son, you must ask carefully what is going on.

"Stop comers!"

Not surprisingly, Xia Leng's carriage was stopped by those Jianghu people.

"What's the matter?" Ji Jiu looked coldly at the person blocking the carriage, "Does my friend want to rob the road?"

The people who stopped the carriage were a few young men in yellow suits. They weren't very strong, but they looked unusually strong. Their slightly bulging temples showed that their martial arts skills were not low. "Shut up! You don't want to insult us!" The man in the lead had thick eyebrows and big eyes, but with a garlic nose, his appearance could not be described as weird, he held a golden knife in his hand, and shouted coldly: "We are golden knives. Sectarian, how can you be a jerk like that?

Dirty things! "

"Then what do you want to do?" Ji Jiu said calmly. He had heard of the Golden Sabre Sect, which was fairly well-known in the Yunzhou realm, and was affiliated with a third-rate Xiuxian sect called Wanqi Sect.

The garlic-nosed man glanced at the carriage, and he knew something in his heart. Although this carriage was considered luxurious, it was not top-notch, and the body was not marked with a family emblem. It was obviously just an ordinary wealthy family. . "Today, our Yunzhou Nine Sects will hold a martial arts test here to determine the leader of the nine sects. In September, we will lead the team to participate in the grand event in Lanjing." There was a faint arrogance in the garlic nose man's tone, "You pass by here, It's fate, so I invite some friends

It won't take much time to stay and be a witness, and we will give some thanks afterwards. "People in the rivers and lakes compete. In addition to inviting colleagues to participate in the meeting, they will also invite some outsiders to testify. If they don't invite enough people, they will indeed be strong on the street. However, from this point It can be seen that the so-called Yunzhou Jiu

Pie, really not very popular.

Ji Jiu was worried that being a witness of this kind of competition would humiliate Xia Leng's identity, so she refused: "This is not necessary, my son has other important things to deal with, so I can't delay it here." "Friend, you are too unreasonable. Give us Yunzhou Jiupai face, right?" The garlic-nosed man raised his eyebrows, showing a deep unhappy expression, holding a knife and flower, and said coldly: "In this case, you will be in the Yunzhou boundary in the future. some do not

Good to go. "

The few people who followed the garlic nose man also slashed their knives horizontally, as if they would attack at any time, but they were a little imposing.

"Really? I would like to know why the road is difficult to walk." Of course Ji Jiu heard the threat in those words, but he didn't take it seriously. These Jianghu sects were nothing to worry about in his eyes.

The garlic-nosed man's heart froze. This person saw their battles like this, and heard the name of the Yunzhou Nine Schools. He dared to say such a thing. .

"Ji Jiu, forget it, there's no harm in letting them go and have a look." Xia Leng's characteristic indifferent voice came from the carriage, and there was no emotion at all. Xia Leng is not the same as his father

Humans don't really like to use violence to solve problems, and they also hate trouble. It's no problem to go straight to it now, but it will also attract the attention of the nine factions of Yunzhou to focus on them.

Will waste more time.

Ji Jiu replied respectfully, "I see."

"Dare to ask what the son is called?" The garlic-nosed man listened to the voice and felt that the identity of the people in the carriage might be good, so he immediately cupped his hands and said: "I owe the son a favor this time, and I will pay it back in the future. "

"No need." Xia Leng said lightly: "My surname is Leng, we will leave after watching your competition. It is estimated that there will be no intersection in the future, and there is no need to say anything about the reward."

The garlic-nosed man also has the arrogance that the martial arts should have. Hearing this, he became a little angry, and he cupped his hands and said: "Master Leng, please come here!"

Under the guidance of the disciples of the Golden Sword Sect, Ji Jiu drove a carriage to the side road. After a few circles, he saw a large manor called Zhuxianzhuang in the forest.

After entering the manor, Ji Jiu drove the carriage and led the disciples of Jindaomen to the stables.

Xia Leng took Feng Tianling and Xiao Xiuer out of the carriage, and led by the garlic nose man, walked slowly towards the front yard of the manor.

On the square in the middle of the front yard of this manor, there was a large pavilion. There were many seats on all eight sides of the pavilion, but none of them were full. It was estimated that there were no more than three or five hundred people at most.

At this time, two young people on the platform were fighting fiercely, one holding a sword, the other holding a knife, and the battle was inextricable.

"It's just the two of them fighting." Xiao Xiu'er glanced at the platform from a distance, and said subconsciously, "It doesn't look good." "This girl, pay attention to your words!" He turned his head and warned in a cold voice: "The man with the knife on the stage is Ding Ziyang, the young master of the Golden Sword Sect, and the other is Wen Xiao, the eldest disciple of the Foil School.

flow level. If you are not afraid, don't talk nonsense. "

"What's wrong with this." Xiao Xiu'er wrinkled her nose and turned back directly, "It's just not so good, let's not say it, Ji Jiu can hit a dozen or twenty such."

The garlic-nosed man didn't want to bother with women, so as not to be reprimanded for bullying women, so he could only look at Xia Leng: "Master Leng, I advise you to discipline your maid, otherwise it will cause you trouble." "I don't think so. She didn't say anything wrong if there would be any trouble. A swordsmanship is sloppy, a swordsmanship is fancy, it's not very good." Xia Leng inherited Xia Xia's temperament of protecting shortness, that is, only herself can bully her own people, but

It is absolutely not allowed to say a word from outsiders: "If you have time, let your young master practice more attentively. This sword technique is really unsatisfactory."

On the platform, the young man who made the knife had an amazing ear. Hearing Xia Xia's words, he was very angry, and he lost his mind for a moment. As a result, he was taken advantage of by his opponent, and he broke his shoulder with a sword, causing him to be defeated.

"Brother Jin Shi, let's go." The young man who made the sword held the long sword upside down, gave a salute with a smile, and decided to win or lose directly, without giving the opponent a chance to entangle.

The young man who made the knife couldn't vent his anger, so he could only roar at Xia Tian: "Damn, what did you just say! Say it again!"

His drink naturally caused everyone present to turn their attention to Xia Xia and the other three.

"Who the hell is scolding Xia Leng!" Xiao Xiu'er got angry when she heard someone scolding Xia Leng, and pointed at the young man who used the knife: "My son said that your swordsmanship is too bad, is it wrong? Say it a hundred times, Your swordsmanship is also rotten."

"You're courting death!" said the young man who made the knife, and then jumped off the table, and slashed the knife in his hand.

"Hey, Brother Jin Shi, slow down!" The young man who made the sword stepped forward and joked with a smile: "I think she's just talking unintentionally, why should you be angry with a girl."

Xiao Xiu'er said again: "You are not very good at making swords, and your level is very poor. It is your blessing for my young master to comment on you."

After saying this, the young man's expression turned cold.

"Ma Xingri, who are you bringing here!" One of the middle-aged men in embroidered gold robes shouted angrily, staring at the garlic-nosed man.

The garlic-nosed man trembled with fright, and hurriedly reported back: "Back to the sect master, they are just passing guests, and the disciples called over to witness."

"What bullshit guest, call me out!" The man in the golden robe said coldly, "Especially this scumbag, who slapped her mouth on me, and even uttered nonsense here!"

The garlic-nosed man had to give Xia Leng an apologetic look and said, "Master Leng, Ma warned you to pay attention to your words. It's a pity that you didn't listen to the advice, so don't blame Ma for being ruthless."

"A bunch of boring people held a boring meeting, and they didn't allow others to comment." Xia Leng was a little unhappy, and said coldly: "You don't have to think about going to Lanjing, or you should go back to your own home. Let’s practice hard for another ten years.”

"Such a big tone, then let this son try your weight." While speaking, the young man who made the knife took the knife and slashed towards Xia Leng.

The knife, as fast as the electricity, reached Xia Leng's throat in the blink of an eye. This is not a test, it is clearly a one-hit kill move.

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