Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1880 You will definitely die today

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


When Zhao Qingqing woke up again, he found himself in a secret room.

The secret room was empty, she was lying in the corner, there was not even a mattress underneath, and her body was a little stiff. It seemed that she had been arrested for a while.

Zhao Qingqing observed this secret room without making a sound, and muttered in his heart: I don't know what happened to Jiu'er, and I don't know if the master noticed that I was taken away. Then, I felt that I was really stupid, and I was actually attacked by someone. It may also be that during this period of time, being with Xia Xia all the time, she subconsciously weakened her awareness of precaution, so that she gradually became careless, so that people could take advantage of it.

However, the person who attacked her seemed to have some special abilities. She first felt a slight electric current before fainting.

"Miss Zhao, are you awake?"

The door opened, and a tall man with a slightly exotic appearance walked up with a smile on his face with two women.

"Who are you?" Zhao Qingqing stared coldly at the man in front of him, "Why did you bring me here?"

Then, Zhao Qingqing saw the young woman who claimed to be Jiu'er's mother again, and couldn't help but ask, "Where's Jiu'er, where is she?"

The young woman snorted coldly and said displeasedly, "Ji'er is naturally where she should be. She has nothing to do with you. You'd better stop worrying about her."

"You are not Jiu'er's mother, and you don't deserve it." Zhao Qingqing glanced at the woman with contempt, and then said, "I am Jiu'er's mother now, and of course I care about her safety."

The young woman glared at Zhao Qingqing fiercely: "Worry about yourself."

"I have nothing to worry about." Zhao Qingqing folded his arms and looked at the group of people coldly, "But you people are really looking for a dead end."

"We? Looking for a dead end?" The young woman seemed to hear a big joke and pointed at Zhao Qingqing: "Miss Zhao, I think you haven't realized your situation yet!"

Zhao Qingqing smiled and asked: "Oh, then tell me, what is my current situation?"

The young woman hated Zhao Qingqing's demeanor very much, and said to the tall man, "Mr. Xiao, look at this woman's arrogant appearance, she doesn't care about you at all, let's deal with it sooner."

"Tan Shuya, I think you are afraid that this Miss Zhao will become your rival in the future, so you want to kill her in advance." Madam An on the side couldn't help but sarcastically.

The young woman was furious: "Old woman, shut up for me!"

"Okay, stop arguing." The tall man waved his hand and said impatiently, "Miss Zhao and I have some important things to discuss, you go out first."

"Mr. Xiao, this woman knows martial arts, so let me protect you from the side." The young woman looked around Zhao Qingqing's face and figure, and said worriedly.

The tall man said two words lightly: "Go out."

Then the young woman reluctantly walked out of the secret room with Mrs. An, and closed the door by the way.

"First meeting, let me introduce myself, my name is Xiao Lingfeng." The tall man stretched out his hand to Zhao Qingqing with a smile on his face, "Nice to meet you, Miss Zhao Qingqing."

Zhao Qingqing ignored the outstretched hand and said coldly, "I don't want to know you, and I'm not happy at all."

"You'll be happy." Xiao Lingfeng looked quite confident, looking at Zhao Qingqing with bright eyes, "To be honest, I admire you very much and want to make friends with you, oh, to be precise, I want you to be mine Girlfriend." Zhao Qingqing has met many disciples over the years, many of whom are bold and stubborn, but unfortunately they were all beaten up by her in the end. I was not surprised when I heard Xiao Lingfeng's words, and said coldly, "Mr. Xiao, right, you are late.

, I already have a boyfriend. "

"Really?" Xiao Lingfeng smiled generously, "It doesn't matter, just break up with your boyfriend. I can give him some financial compensation appropriately."

Zhao Qingqing couldn't help but feel funny, if the master knew about this, it is estimated that this person would be beaten directly.

"Do you think this is funny?" Xiao Lingfeng asked with a blank face, holding back his smile.

"You don't think it's funny?" Zhao Qingqing sneered: "Stun people and bring them back, put them in a secret room, and then come to confess. Mr. Xiao's operation has to be said to be really rude, I really want to know what's going on in your mind. Is it pretending to be shit?"

"Don't you think this is what makes me special?" Xiao Lingfeng was not angry, and immediately changed his tone: "Miss Zhao Qingqing, you don't seem to have used dinner yet, so I'll let someone arrange it."

After speaking, he snapped his fingers, and then a group of men walked in with tables and chairs and other items, and set up the secret room into a rather luxurious Western-style restaurant.

"Please take a seat." Xiao Lingfeng walked to the side of the long dining table, pulled out the chair, and made a gesture of invitation to Zhao Qingqing.

Zhao Qingqing didn't answer, but walked to the opposite position, lifted the chair with the heels of his legs, and sat down directly.

Xiao Lingfeng laughed, sat down directly, waved his hand, and those subordinates brought the freshly fried medium-rare steak. "Miss Zhao, I have always liked women with personality, you are very good." Xiao Lingfeng held a knife and fork, but looked at Zhao Qingqing with a very satisfied expression: "And you are from the Zhao family, which is a little bit to me. Take advantage of the value I have for you

Really getting more and more satisfied. "

Zhao Qingqing said: "Since you know that I am from the Zhao family, how dare you

When you treat me like this, should you say that you are bold, or that you are really not afraid of death? "

"Haha, the Zhao family, it's just a small family that doesn't make it into the mainstream." Xiao Lingfeng's face naturally gave birth to a proud look, "However, it has developed quite well in the past ten years, and it can be used." It's really crazy, the Zhao family is now the No. 1 family in the Imperial Capital. Even 12 years ago, it was a huge force. In this person's mouth, it was just a small family. Zhao Qingqing really wants to know this Xiao Xian now

What is the origin of life, to have the face to say such big words.

"You seem to disapprove of what I said?" Xiao Lingfeng naturally saw Zhao Qingqing's contemptuous expression.

Zhao Qingqing shook her head and said, "It's not to the point of disapproval, I just think you're farting."

"Forget it, I might as well reveal some things to you, lest you think I'm just lying." Xiao Lingfeng sighed and shook his head, with a look of "I didn't want to pretend, but unfortunately you forced me to."

Zhao Qingqing scoffed at this. "The Zhao family is now the No. 1 family in the Imperial Capital. They are indeed powerful. Not only do they control the Tian group, but the other groups are also used by the Zhao family..." Xiao Lingfeng was eating a medium-rare steak and cut a very small piece first. , after chewing slowly, then

Said: "However, more than ten years ago, the first family of Emperor Jing was the Li family."

"It's not nonsense, it's up to you to say it." Zhao Qingqing looked unhappy. "Before the Li family, the first family in Dijing was the Qin family, and before the Qin family... it was the Xiao family." Xiao Lingfeng continued: "You must not know, about a hundred or two hundred years ago, the Zhao family and the Li family were still there. With the Qin family, they are just attached to us

It's just a small family that exists in the Xiao family. "

Zhao Qingqing couldn't help being stunned. She had never heard of this, and she didn't know whether this person was telling the truth or not, but subconsciously retorted: "Damn it!"

"What I said is the truth." Xiao Lingfeng was very satisfied with Zhao Qingqing's expression, "Then I might as well put it more bluntly. At that time, the ancestors of your three families were just slaves of our Xiao family."

"It's a fart!" Zhao Qingqing couldn't listen anymore. Although she really didn't know much about the development history of the Zhao family, the person in front of her was obviously talking nonsense.

The corner of Xiao Lingfeng's mouth twitched, and he said provocatively, "You can't believe it?"

"Nothing to dare, whoever believes in this kind of bullshit is an idiot." Zhao Qingqing said coldly. "That's right, people are like this. When they encounter things that are unfavorable to themselves, they will always try to deny them. Afterwards, they will find a way to obliterate them." Xiao Lingfeng shook his head helplessly, "That period of history is for the Qin, Li and Zhao families. , it's just black history,

Of course they'll try to cover it up, and it's normal that you don't know. "

"I'm not interested in listening to your nonsense here." Zhao Qingqing didn't have the patience to waste time here, and stood up slowly: "Who are you and what's your origin, I'll take the initiative to explain it later."

Xiao Lingfeng said with a smile: "If you are waiting for someone from the Tiandao Group, then you don't have to wait, they won't come."

"Huh? You actually know the Tiandao group?" Zhao Qingqing finally felt that this person was not simple. The formation of the Tiandao group was actually very secretive. Apart from Xia Xia and his women, Zhao, Song and other families who were close to Xia Xia knew about it. . "I didn't know it before, but now I know it." Xiao Lingfeng's eyes became sharp as he looked at Zhao Qingqing, "To be precise, as long as I want to know about anything in the world, I will definitely know it within ten minutes, because I know everything

. "

"There is only one person in the world who knows everything." Zhao Qingqing said proudly: "That is my master."

"Your master?" Xiao Lingfeng was stunned for a second or two, and then he had a clear expression on his face, "That man named Xia Xia, I know him, a doctor with a little kung fu, but that's all."

Zhao Qingqing smiled, this person is indeed an idiot. "You seem to disapprove of my judgment?" Xiao Lingfeng was still full of confidence, "I have already investigated the deeds of Xia Xia. The so-called number one in the world in martial arts has just not met a real master. The so-called number one in the world medicine, also

But er. For the diseases he treats, my personal doctor team can do the same, and there is no trouble at all. It is both efficient and scientific. "

After speaking, he shook his head, and judged with contempt: "The so-called medical skills of acupuncture and moxibustion are too backward, unsystematic, without guarantees, and completely worthless."

"You're not worth mentioning!" Zhao Qingqing hates others to speak ill of Xia Xia, "Speak ill of my master again, believe it or not, I will blow your dog's head with one punch." "Miss Zhao, why are you so angry? Xiao Lingfeng chuckled, "I'm just explaining some facts I know to you. If you still have doubts, then I can prove it to you at any time. For example, I know one more thing,

That is your master Xia Xia, in fact, he is not immortal, because I can let him die. "

"Really?" Zhao Qingqing couldn't help but retorted, "Then I bet, there is one thing you definitely don't know."

Xiao Lingfeng showed interest and said with a smile: "Tell me?" "That's..." Zhao Qingqing's pretty face was sullen, she raised her hand and overturned the whole long table, "Today you will definitely die!"

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