Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1886 Rolling is not round enough

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


Not far from Shi Chun and the others, there was a rather irritating pink sports car parked. There were two people in the car, a man and a woman. The person who spoke was the fat man sitting in the cab. The fat man's facial features actually looked like It's not bad, with a face with a national character and big eyebrows and big eyes,

If he can lose two or three laps, he is indeed a handsome guy. The other woman was dressed stylishly for scoring, but with a hat on her head and sunglasses on her face, she couldn't see what she looked like. Shi Chun glanced at the fat man casually. In normal times, she might play with each other with great interest, but now she is in a fidgety mood and has no time to pay attention to him. The other two girls are even more attractive.

Fat man, I can't even get the slightest bit of interest.

"The three beauties, don't be so rude." The fat man with the national character face didn't have the slightest self-knowledge. He opened the car door and walked to Shi Chun and the three of them. "Where do you want to go, I'll take you there in person, how about it?"

The round-faced girl and the tall and thin girl were a little moved when they heard this, after all, they had been left here for a long time, and the sun was really drying. It's just that the two of them can't be the masters, so they subconsciously looked at Shi Chun who was standing on the side on the phone. The fat man with the national character face instantly knew that the most beautiful girl was the most beautiful girl among the three, so Chong Shichun said in a gentle tone: "You can rest assured, this young lady, my name is Yuan Run, I am a music maker, and I posted on Weibo. There are hundreds of thousands of fans

, you can call me Brother Run, it is impossible for me to do anything bad to you. "

The fat man opened his mouth to speak, and he didn't know how true his words were. However, in terms of affinity, I don't know why Fatty always has a little bonus, and people's alertness is lowered unconsciously.

"Ah, you are the famous music producer Runge." The round-faced girl suddenly called out and said excitedly, "I know you, our family Kunkun sang in the last promotion of "The King of Idols" through your song."

Fatty Yuan smiled until his eyes narrowed and pointed at the round-faced girl, "Hey, you're still a fan of Xiao Kun, that's fine. I happened to have Xiao Kun for dinner tonight, so you can come with me."

"Really, that's great?" The round-faced girl clapped her hands in excitement, and said to the tall and thin girl and Shi Chun, "Nini, Xiaochun, let's go in Brother Run's car."

The tall and thin girl was still a little vigilant, and pulled the sleeves of the round-faced girl: "Well, didn't your mother teach you not to go with strangers casually?" "Brother Run is not a stranger, he is in the circle. He is very famous, and he knows our family Kun Kun, so he is definitely not a bad person." The round-faced girl felt that her companion was too careful, and said disapprovingly: "Besides, there are so many in the world.

Bad guy, and so coincidentally we met. "I think it's better to be careful. "The tall and thin girl shook her head." If you don't ask Chunchun's opinion, isn't she calling someone to pick us up. "She doesn't agree with the words of the round-faced girl, it's obviously the first time she's met, is it famous?

Gas is not a stranger. The round-faced girl was anxious to see her idol, so she couldn't help saying to Shi Chun who was on the phone: "Chunchun, have you got through the phone? If you want me to tell you, forget it. The signal here will be gone for a while, even if you got on the phone

, it's almost dark when your friend arrives here. It's better to take Run Brother's car into the city and talk about it. It will be easier to find your friends then, right? "

Shi Chun hadn't gotten through to Xia Xia's phone, and he was in a bad mood. The signal of this broken place really makes people speechless. It is full for a while, and there is no bar for a while. It's been 9012 years. How can such a thing still happen.

"The signal in this place has always been poor. It's useless for you to worry." Fatty Yuan smiled and said to Shi Chun, "I'm still the one who suggested that you should get in the car and take you to wherever you want to go."

"Get in the car, I guess you can go wherever you want." Shi Chun replied casually.

Fatty Yuan sighed and said earnestly, "Although girls should be cautious when they go out, it's not necessary to be a soldier. I'm really a good person. My car is worth several million. What am I doing wrong? "How much does it cost to drive a car, does it have anything to do with your character?" Shi Chun learned the tone of summer and said with a smile: "You must be thinking, hold back and deceive these three silly girls. Get in the car and talk about it, you can play whatever you want then

play, right? "

"You, what nonsense are you talking about!" Fatty Yuan showed the kind of shame and anger that was seen through, "It's really kind-hearted to think of it as a donkey's liver and lungs. You guys want to wait here until it's dark and you can do whatever you want. I really have nothing to do as a fat master."

With such a flick of his sleeves, Fatty Yuan really convinced the round-faced girl and the tall and thin girl to believe him.

"Chunchun, I don't think he looks like a bad guy, and there are others in the car?" The tall and thin girl pointed to the woman in sunglasses sitting in the passenger seat of the pink sports car.

The round-faced girl nodded: "yes, there's another big sister, so she won't do anything to us."

Shi Chun still wanted to say something. At this time, the phone suddenly found a signal, and finally got through: "Don't be noisy, I'll call." "Your name is Chunchun, right?" Fatty Yuan walked slowly to Shi Chun Beside him, a self-kind smile appeared, "Even if your friend receives a call, it will take several hours to drive here, why waste this time, I will take you there directly.

That's it. "

"You're wrong about that." Shi Chun gave the fat man a white look and said with a smile, "As long as he answers the phone, it will only take a few minutes to come over, and it won't take much time."

Fatty Yuan smiled and couldn't help but tease: "This beauty, unless your friend is a superman, it's impossible to get here from the city in a few minutes by plane."

Shi Chun said to the phone at this time: "Brother-in-law, you heard it, some people despise you, saying that your speed is too slow, and you can't even match the plane."

A voice "I'll be there soon" rang out on the phone and hung up.

"Your friend is really... humorous." Fatty Yuan shook his head involuntarily, and said with a smile, "He said he would be there soon without even asking for the address, obviously he was lying to you."

Shi Chun replied, "He doesn't need an address to find me."

"Yo, so your friend is really superhuman?" Fatty Yuan said this as if jokingly.

"He's not Superman, because the name Superman doesn't deserve him at all." Shi Chun said with a smile: "Besides, I didn't report the address, can't I post the location? I said Fatty, do you have a problem in your mind? what?"

"What do I call me?" Fatty Yuan stared, and said a little dissatisfiedly: "Beauty, I have the best of intentions to take you for a ride, so it's a bit too much for you to say that."

Shi Chun just got on the phone with Xia Xia, and now his mood has improved again. He couldn't help but want to play with the fat man: "Do you think the word death is bad, or do you think the word fat is hurtful?"

The round-faced girl felt that Shi Chun's words were impolite, and reminded in a low voice: "Chun Chun, pay attention to his tone, he is a celebrity." "What celebrity is just a personal name." Shi Chun said disapprovingly: "And this Fatty didn't have any good intentions. If we got into the car, it was not up to him to decide where to go. At that time, the three of us girls,

Those who make every day ineffective, and those who make the earth unresponsive will definitely suffer. "

"Beauty, you are going too far!" Fatty Yuan scolded righteously, "Who do you think I am Yuan Run? How could I do such a thing!"

Shi Chun pointed his finger to the front: "Then you roll a little rounder, don't bother me."

"It's unreasonable!" Fatty Yuan snorted coldly, turned around and was about to get back into the car, but unfortunately was stopped by Shi Chun.

Fatty Yuan was stunned and stared at Shi Chun: "What do you mean?"

"I told you to get out, but I didn't tell you to go in the car." Shi Chun's grinning look had a bit of summer charm, "I've requisitioned this car, you can just go back by yourself."

The round-faced girl and the tall and thin girl were startled. What happened, Shi Chun was going to rob someone's car?

"You, you..." Fatty Yuan was so angry that he didn't know what to say, his face flushed like a pig's liver, and it took more than half a minute to break out: "Get out of the way, believe it or not, I'll beat you!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Fatty Yuan really rolled out, and this roll was dozens of meters away. In the end, he didn't know which grass he rolled into and disappeared.

"It's not round at all." Shi Chun put his hand on his forehead, watched the fat man roll farther and farther, shook his head and commented: "Brother-in-law, your craftsmanship has deteriorated."

The round-faced girl was stunned, looked around, looked at Shi Chun and said, "Chun Chun, who are you talking to?"

"My brother-in-law." Shi Chun said with a smile, "It's the most handsome guy in the world."

"Where?" The tall and thin girl couldn't help looking around, "Why didn't I see it."

Shi Chun didn't see Xia Xia's figure either, but she knew that Xia Xia must have shot just now, so she couldn't help shouting: "Brother-in-law, you've already come, and you haven't come out yet, you want to play hide-and-seek with me!"

"A ghost is interested in playing hide-and-seek with you." In the air, a lazy voice rang out, and then Xia Xia appeared in front of Shi Chun, "You called me, just let me come and beat that idiot fat?"

"Of course not." Seeing Xia Xia, Shi Chun stepped forward and hugged her a little excitedly, but he was afraid that Xia Xia would take advantage of her, so he quickly let go: "The fat man looks empty, I can solve it with one punch."

Xia Xia said with some dissatisfaction: "Then why did you call me here?" "Hey, brother-in-law, can you be more excited." Shi Chun was even more dissatisfied, "I am your sister-in-law, the future concubine, so beautiful and cute, I came all the way to play with you, shouldn't you come to the airport very solemnly to pick me up

? "

Xia Tian pouted: "You didn't tell me you would come to Dijing, how can I pick you up?"

"You won't know now." Shi Chun put his arms around Xia Xia's arm and waved to his two companions, "Nini, Miao Yuan, come here and introduce to you, this is my brother-in-law Xia Xia, the legendary world. The number one handsome guy." The round-faced girl and the tall and thin girl couldn't help but look at each other, this person looked ordinary, in this day and age, he is not even a handsome guy, is he still the number one handsome guy in the world?

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