Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1891 Donate the brain if you don't need it

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


"Why do I think you are courting death?" Zhao Qingqing laughed, "Or you are on the way to court death, didn't you find it yourself?"

"Haha, it's no fun to play this kind of talk." Luo Yuming narrowed his eyes slightly, "Go, go to the dean's office, and we'll have a good chat."

After speaking, Luo Yuming strode towards the dean's office.

Xu Jiaona followed Luo Yuming angrily. She wanted to know what kind of monster this person was trying to do.

"Master, let's go, let's go and have a look." Zhao Qingqing felt that it was definitely not easy, that Luo Yu obviously came prepared, but he didn't know what he wanted to do.

In the summer, the three of them followed Luo Yuming to the dean's office. As soon as they walked in, the three of them were surrounded by several black-clothed bodyguards: "Don't move."

"What do you mean?" Xu Jiaona looked at Luo Yuming coldly.

Luo Yuming fell back and lay on the sofa with his hands spread out: "Is there any need to ask? Of course, I'm asking you to settle the account."

"Accounting? What is the account? I have nothing to do with your surnamed Luo." Xu Jiaona said with a frown. "It's too fake to say that." Luo Yuming lit a cigarette for himself and pointed at Xu Jiaona: "You set up a game to pit me and my brother, and deceived my family's treasures. Those ancient Medical books are worth hundreds of millions. You spend two million and you can take them away.

Well, what is not a scam? And after the incident, I also beat my brother to a broken bone and suffered a severe concussion. He is still in the hospital now. How do you say this should be resolved? "

Xu Jiaona understood that this person was coming for her, so she said, "Okay, even if you want to turn over this old account, I will accompany you to the end. It's just that this matter has nothing to do with Xia Xia and Qingqing, you let them leave."

"That won't work." Luo Yuming pointed at Zhao Qingqing and Xia Xia with a smile: "These two people are your buyers. They are equally to blame for hitting my brother." "I see." Xu Jiaona knew What should come will come sooner or later. When I took advantage, I thought these two brothers were idiots, but now I think about myself as an idiot: "You are the one who set up the situation. When you sold me the things, you thought

As of today, it's really good calculation. "

Luo Yuming smiled and shrugged, with a contented expression: "Let's be honest, do you want to be private, or go through the procedure?"

"What's going on privately, and what's going on with the program?" Xu Jiaona didn't react, and Zhao Qingqing asked at this time. "It's very simple." Luo Yuming clapped his hands and pointed at Zhao Qingqing and the three of them: "It's private, even if I give money, I don't want too much, you each pay 200 million, and that's all. As for the procedure, it is much more complicated, I advise you to still

Don't choose this. "

Xu Jiaona snorted coldly and said, "One person pays you 200 million? You're not crazy about money!"

"I'm not crazy." Luo Yuming raised his eyebrows and said very seriously: "I have done research, and you can definitely afford the price."

"Your Luo family is an antique family, so you don't lack this kind of money, right?" Xu Jiaona asked strangely, "You used to sell your dad's treasures too often, why don't you sell a few more pieces, I can eat them all? , why do such a thing for hundreds of millions."

"You know shit." Luo Yuming snorted coldly, "Don't think about delaying time, it's not easy."

Zhao Qingqing was so angry that he wanted to laugh, "Do you know who I am? I actually extorted me and my master?" "Of course I know, your name is Zhao Qingqing, from the Zhao family, and his name is Xia, is The big boss of Jianghai Shenyi Group." Luo Yuming chuckled and said proudly: "You are all rich people, this amount of money is nothing to you, so

So let's just hand over the money, and we can still be friends. "

Xia Xia yawned lazily and said to Luo Yuming: "If your brain is not used, you can donate it to those in need, don't waste it." "Hehe, I would like to donate, but unfortunately no one can get it. Let's go." Luo Yuming sneered, took out a pistol with a silencer from his arms and put it on the table, "I don't want to talk nonsense anymore, you can't get out of this place until the money arrives.

room. "

Zhao Qingqing couldn't help laughing and said, "For this amount of money, I risked offending the Zhao family, the Xu family, and the genius doctor group. I really don't know whether to say that your wealth is like your life, or that you are stupid like a pig. ."

"I don't care about the Zhao family, the Xu family, or the Divine Doctor Group." Luo Yuming shrugged and said to Zhao Qingqing: "As long as the money is in hand, after tonight, none of you will find me, and I will again. What's there to worry about."

"You said this too early." Zhao Qingqing said coldly: "Don't say 200 million, even if I only offer a reward of 20 million, you will have nowhere to escape."

Luo Yuming chuckled twice, nodded and said, "That's right, I did hesitate, because I was afraid that you would retaliate against me later. In that case, even if you get money, you won't be able to spend your life."

Then the words changed: "But, as long as tonight is over, I'm not afraid. You must want to know why, but I won't tell you."

"Then what if you can't make it through tonight?" Zhao Qingqing asked with a smile.

Luo Yuming was not panicked, and said with a smile, "Let's see if you have the ability to keep me."

"If you can run, the monk can't run away from the temple. Did your father Luo Quandong know that you did this?" Zhao Qingqing couldn't help shaking his head and sighed: "You are trying to push your Luo family into an abyss where you can never move." It doesn't matter, my dad's trash is worthless, and death is a relief for him."

Luo Yuming's expression changed, as if he was hypnotizing himself: "As long as I can live, the Luo family will always exist. The big deal,

In the future, when I rebuild the Luo family, I will step on the Zhao family and the Yuan family, and realize his long-cherished wish for many years. "

"Qingqing girl, you don't have to talk nonsense with him." Xia Xia was a little impatient, "This idiot can just hit the fly, why waste time."

Zhao Qingqing shook his head: "I always feel that he is a little weird, but I don't know what went wrong."

"There's something wrong with my brain, I've said it before." Xia Xia said casually. "Humph." Luo Yuming snorted coldly, took out a piece of paper, threw it on the table, and pressed it with a pistol: "I'm too lazy to say anything more to you, I limit you to put money into this Switzerland within one hour. A bank account, otherwise, no one wants to live

to leave. "

"It's just you?" Zhao Qingqing pointed to the bodyguards in black, "It's a bit of a mystery to realize your grand plan." "I know you have good skills and are quite famous on the Internet. What kind of girl do you call yourself? Hero." Luo Yuming looked at Zhao Qingqing and picked up the pistol on the table: "However, it's just a slap in the face, I have a gun here, no matter how fast you are, you can have one.

The gun is fast, can a gun be powerful? "

"You can try." Zhao Qingqing sneered. "It seems that you are really crazy," Xu Jiaona looked at Luo Yuming with complicated eyes, "In the past, you were just cheating some small money with antiques, and even if something happened, your father still used it to suppress it. Now you actually use this kind of Stupid way to blackmail, not so much

Considering the consequences, do you really want money or life? "

"That's right." Xia Xia said with a grin: "If he doesn't have money, he will die. However, even if he asks for money, he will still die. So this idiot is really wasting his time." "Enough is enough. Don't talk nonsense, transfer money quickly!" Luo Yuming glanced at his watch and became impatient, "You are wasting your time, I might as well tell you first, whether to call the police or send a message to your family, I It doesn't matter, but the money

Must arrive! do you understand? "

"Okay, I'll give it to you!" Xu Jiaona gritted her teeth and felt that a hero would not suffer from immediate losses. Luo Yuming looked like a lunatic, but she still didn't touch his bad head.

Zhao Qingqing turned to look at Xia Xia: "Master, what do you think we can do?"

"Beat him." Xia Tian curled his lips, "Why do you need to ask such a thing?"

"Don't force me, I'm just asking for money." Luo Yuming pointed a gun at Zhao Qingqing and Xia Xia, "One more word and I'll shoot, don't think I'm joking."

Zhao Qingqing's figure moved, and he walked straight to Luo Yuming, raising his leg and swept away.

"call out!"

With a soft sound, Luo Yuming pulled the trigger.


It was also him who made a shrill scream.

Then, he was swept by Zhao Qingqing's whip leg, and fell directly to the ground, and was firmly stepped on like a rotten fish.

When the few black-clothed bodyguards heard the gunshots, they immediately tried to subdue Xia Xia and Xu Jiaona, but unfortunately they were rewarded by Xia Xia and hung directly on the wall.

"Did I say that this is not enough for people to watch." Zhao Qingqing felt that there was no challenge at all. I really don't know what the madness of this person Luo Yuming was, "Huh?"

As soon as the words fell, Luo Yuming's body suddenly became abnormally hot, as if something was about to explode from his body.

Zhao Qingqing felt that something was wrong, so she jumped away immediately and said to Xu Jiaona, "Jiaojiao, get out of the way."

Xia Xia took out the silver needle, went forward and pierced Luo Yuming twice, suppressing the abnormal movement in Luo Yuming's body.

"Master, what's wrong with him?" Zhao Qingqing asked immediately upon seeing this.

"This idiot has been tricked by someone." Xia Xia took back the silver needle and said a little dissatisfiedly: "It's still the needle method of Yin Medicine. The idiot who gave the needle should be nearby. I'll go find him."

Xia Xia's figure flashed and disappeared directly from the room.

Xu Jiaona looked a little dazed and couldn't believe her eyes.

"Jiaojiao, don't be in a daze, you go and ask someone to check the hospital carefully to see if there are any suspicious people." Zhao Qingqing picked up the phone, called the members of the Tiandao team first, and told them to come and deal with the scene.

Xu Jiaona came back to her senses and immediately understood the seriousness of the matter. She was also worried about the situation on her mother's side. She immediately transferred out of the dean's office and walked towards her mother's ward. The result was self-evident, her mother's ward was empty.

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