Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1900 If you don't want to be beaten, just do it

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


"Miss Zhang, please!" The man with the Chinese character face took away his fingerprints and made a "please" gesture to Zhang Muchia.

Zhang Muchia was not polite either. First, he wrapped himself, Lu Shengliang, and Dean Zhao's bodies layer by layer with Mysterious Insects, and then walked slowly through the starlight gate together.

"The curse is over, the door is closed!"

The starlight disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The man with the national character face slumped to the ground, gasping for breath, sweating all over his body, and after a while he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Mr. Luo, Miss is back, so what should we do?" The old man surnamed Wan glanced at the man with Chinese characters and asked lightly. "Of course, hide immediately, don't be found by Xia Xia." The man with the face of the national character said with a carefree expression: "Xia Xia is really strange, even if it is me, I have no confidence in dealing with him. It's better to hide and don't provoke any more. He's gone, after a while

fine. "

The old man surnamed Wan asked incomprehensibly: "Does this work?" "Of course it does." The man with the face of the Chinese character said confidently: "I also have some research on Xia Xia. Treat it like an idiot. He doesn't bother to communicate with idiots at all, and of course he won't take the initiative to deal with idiots

. As long as you don't take action against his woman, he won't kill you all. "

"Master, listen, these people have figured out your temper." At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in the room.

Then, another lazy voice sounded, with a rather unhappy tone: "In this world, apart from my wives, no one can understand my temper, and it is even more impossible for these idiots."

The man with the national character face and the old man surnamed Wan suddenly changed their expressions when they heard these two voices.

However, the man with the national character face quickly adjusted his mentality, slowly stood up straight, stroked his collar, and said with a smile, "Since you're here as a guest, why should you hide? Luomou has good tea and wine here. It's just for entertaining friends."

"You idiot is not my friend, and you are not qualified to be my friend." Xia Xia suddenly appeared on the sofa on the side with Zhao Qingqing in his arms, and said dissatisfiedly.

The man with the national character face smiled and poured a cup of tea for Xia Xia and Zhao Qingqing in person: "The two are noble, and Luo is really not high, but I still have to entertain the two with the greatest enthusiasm."

"Are you Luo Quandong?" Xia Xia glanced at the man with the Chinese character face and asked casually.

The man with the national character face nodded very tamely: "Yes, I am Luo Quandong, an ordinary antique dealer. If you two have anything related to antiques, feel free to contact me. The price will definitely satisfy you."

"We're not here to do business with you." Zhao Qingqing doesn't like to go around in circles when talking and doing things, and she doesn't like others posing in front of her, "I'm not interested in acting with you either."

Luo Quandong's acting skills are at the level of a movie star. At this time, he showed a puzzled look just right: "Oh, why did Miss Zhao and Mr. Xia come here late at night?"

"Now, are you still going to pretend to be garlic?" Zhao Qingqing admired this person a little bit. The matter was so embarrassing that he could still act without any hesitation.

The old man surnamed Wan is more self-conscious. He has not shown himself in front of Xia Xia and Zhao Qingqing, so at this time, he simply kept silent and did not interrupt.

"Luo is really confused, please ask Miss Zhao to make it clear." Luo Quandong's expression and gestures are quite perfect, almost no different from those of passers-by who don't know about it, which almost made Zhao Qingqing have an illusion.

Xia Xia said lazily: "Your acting skills are actually pretty good, but you found the wrong person. In front of me, everything you do is useless." "I really don't know what Mr. Xia is talking about." The expression on Luo Quandong's face The doubts deepened, "Although I have long admired the reputations of the two of them and wanted to meet them, but it is true that the two of them are on the same side. The sudden visit of the two of them is because I have offended you in any way?

? "


Xia Xia was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he just walked over, kicked Luo Quandong into the air, smashed two walls, and fell into the swimming pool in the courtyard outside.

Then, Xia Xia flashed and waved Luo Quandong out of the pool again.

"Are you awake now?" Xia Xia asked with a smile, "If you're not awake enough, try again."

"No, no need." Luo Quandong was not a masochist, so he immediately shook his head and declined.

Xia Tian threw Luo Quandong back on the sofa, and said lazily, "Do you idiots have a tendency to be abused? You have to be beaten to tell the truth, why bother?"

"If you don't get beaten up, how do you know which level of truth you should tell?" Luo Quandong wiped the water on his face, took the towel handed over by the housekeeper, and said with a smile on his face.

Zhao Qingqing asked with a sneer, "Then you now know how much truth to tell?"

"What do you want to know, I will never hold back." Luo Quandong wiped his hair and face, and threw the towel back to the housekeeper. Shi Shiran sat back on the sofa, his expression and posture were different from those just now. people.

"You'd better be like this." Zhao Qingqing felt that he couldn't see through this person, so he could only raise his vigilance secretly.

Luo Quandong said indifferently: "Luo's ability to live to this day depends entirely on his knowledge of interest."

"Where did you find the thing?" Xia Xia asked without thinking.

Luo Quandong seemed to have expected such a question, and answered without hesitation: "There is a small mountain village less than a hundred miles west of Yuzhang, there is an ancient tomb,

It was stolen from the tomb with a companion. "

"Anything?" Summer asked again. "I can't remember exactly, I think you shouldn't listen to it either." Luo Quandong pinched his chin and thought about it for a while, "Then I will pick up the important ones, there are thirty-nine ancient books, of which two are medical books. Ten volumes, seven volumes of Taoism, three volumes of mantras, birds

One volume of insects, and the rest are illegible. Most of the words on these ancient books were incomprehensible to me, so I either gave them away or sold them secretly by my two sons. "

"There is also a treasured saber, four feet long and four feet long, with an unknown precious jade inlaid on it. It was given to the head of the Li family more than ten years ago, and has since disappeared."

"There is also a worm pot, which is about half a foot high. There are three white jade lion worms in it, but only one survives. It was already planted in my young son's body, but it should be in Mr. Xia's hands now."

"and also……"

When Zhao Qingqing listened to Luo Quandong's words, he didn't feel like he was lying. As for whether he concealed it or not, it was unclear.

"Also." Xia Tian only said two words.

Luo Quandong held his chin and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "The rest are gold ingots and a bunch of useless black stones. Mr. Xia should not be interested."

Xia Xia glared at Luo Quandong: "No one can deceive me, and neither can you. If you don't want to be beaten, just do it."

"Can you be stronger?" Luo Quandong asked casually.


Xia Xia punched past, Luo Quandong flew out again.

After a while, he climbed out of the pool by himself, shook his head, took a breath, and walked back to the living room.

"Okay." Luo Quandong didn't bother to wipe his hair anymore, so he sat back on the sofa with water all over his body, and gave a thumbs up to Xia Tian: "This punch is powerful, I did hide it just now. I've got something to tell you now."

"You're a masochist, right?" Zhao Qingqing couldn't help complaining: "Do you have to be beaten to say it?"

Xia Xia looked casual: "He is not a masochist, he just wants to write down my strength, and then he can hold back a big move and kill me."

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Mr. Xia." Luo Quandong didn't feel embarrassed when he saw that his attempt was broken by Xia Xia, but smiled more brilliantly: "Luo definitely has this idea, but I don't think Mr. Xia would mind. ,right?"

"I don't care, you idiot can use it if you have any tricks." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "I'm bored recently, if you can walk with me for a few tricks, maybe I can let you and your son go. ."

"That's great." Luo Quandong rubbed his hands excitedly, and then said, "I sent President Zhang's situation just now. I think Mr. Xia's Miss Zhao has already seen it."

"I see." Zhao Qingqing really felt amazing. It was the first time she had seen such a thing. Oh, seeing the immortal island disappearing from an online video doesn't count.

Xia Xia has seen this kind of thing a lot. Some time ago, Ning Ruirui and Ning Ruirui were in the secret realm under the sea.

"That's the most important treasure I got." Luo Quandong's face was full of meaningful smiles: "To be exact, it is a magic weapon, possibly a relic left by a certain immortal cultivator."

"Immortal cultivator? You actually know about immortal cultivator?" Zhao Qingqing asked in surprise.

Luo Quandong said lightly: "As a tomb robber who has been passed down from generation to generation, I often encounter strange things, and I often come into contact with some ancient artifacts. It is not uncommon to know the existence of immortal cultivators."

"Then what magic weapon did you get?" Zhao Qingqing asked.

Luo Quandong smiled meaningfully: "Miss Zhao really wants to meet?"

"I haven't seen the magic weapon yet." Zhao Qingqing was not intimidated by Luo Quandong's smile, "If you really have it, take it out and open my eyes."

"What about Mr. Xia, would you like to see it too?" Luo Quandong asked again.

Xia Tian pouted: "You want to be beaten again, don't you?"

"That's good." Luo Quandong stood up abruptly, put his hands together in his heart, and then quickly sang a series of incantations, a few stars flew out of his palms and landed on Xia Xia and Zhao Qingqing's around.

"Curse, the seven stars surge, the prison is now!"

The starlight spewed white light, and in the blink of an eye, all the starlights were connected together, turning into a cage glowing with white light, just trapping Xia Xia and Zhao Qingqing in it. "Okay, are you two still satisfied with my magic weapon?" Luo Quandong walked to the cage with a smile, "Just using the strength of Mr. Xia just now, multiplied by ten times, we forged this starlight prison. The two of you can enjoy it, it doesn't matter how long it takes."

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