Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1903 Chase her to die faster

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


The best way to have a late night snack is of course barbecue, and it is easier to get closer.

After distributing all the flyers, Zhao Qingqing and Xia Xia followed the volunteers to a barbecue stall with a fairly good business. There are five volunteers in this group, three men and two women, all freshmen in a nearby university. They wanted to earn some credits and really wanted to promote garbage sorting, so they became volunteers. As for why you choose to do it at this time near midnight

The main reason for propaganda is that in this nearby area, there are often people littering in the middle of the night. They want to catch someone else's current situation and then do targeted propaganda.

After listening to Zhao Qingqing, she couldn't help feeling emotional, as expected of a freshman, she is full of vigor and daring to think and act, and of course she has the characteristics of being too idealistic, which is comparable to what she had when she was in school.

"Sister Qingqing, I didn't expect to meet you here." The young girl hugged Zhao Qingqing excitedly, "We haven't seen each other." The girl's name is Xu Xiaojun, the organizer of the group. She looks quite beautiful. Although she is only about 1.6 meters tall and her body is quite petite, her eyes are full of tenacity, a typical girl who is soft on the outside and rigid on the inside. this time

The volunteer activities are organized by her, and the other four volunteers are her classmates and friends.

The other girl was named Wang Yan, with short ear-length hair. She was not pretty, but she looked friendly. She was a roommate in the same bedroom as Xu Xiaojun. The three boys were of different levels, not like friends who often played together.

For example, the person sitting on Xu Xiaojun's left is a tall and handsome boy named Cai Jiaxu. Among the five people, he is wearing his own clothes. The style and design seem to be quite low-key. In fact, they are all famous brands. The chubby boy sitting next to Wang Yan, called Xie Fei, was a little embarrassed no matter his temperament or his clothes, and he had a strong otaku vibe on his body. The last boy is Gan Wenze, tall, thin and taciturn.

That one hangs. Zhao Qingqing also remembered who this young girl was at this time, and said with a smile: "Oh, I remember, you are Xu Jiaona's nerdy cousin, your name is Xiaojun, right, when I saw you last time, You're still in the first year of high school, what's the difference between you now?

Don't be too big. "

"Yes, it's me. I used to wear thick glasses, so Cousin Jiaojiao called me a nerd." Xu Xiaojun nodded excitedly.

"Didn't you go abroad, when did you come back, and..." Zhao Qingqing pointed to Xu Xiaojun's clothes, which was too low-key compared to Xu Jiaona, who likes to look gorgeous. "I went abroad in my third year of high school, but after staying for half a year, I felt bored and came back." Xu Xiaojun smiled and explained a little embarrassedly: "Actually, I was not used to the outside atmosphere, so I came back to study for a year, and now I am imperial

student. "

Nima, it's amazing to be able to take the exam in one year of tutoring. Zhao Qingqing had no choice but to say: "A scholar is a scholar."

"I'm just a nerd." Xu Xiaojun didn't want to talk too much about this topic, so he raised a glass of beer and said to Zhao Qingqing with a smile: "Sister Qingqing, I have to thank you for what happened just now, you are truly amazing."

Xu Xiaojun didn't drink well, but he drank it all in one go.

"You're welcome, I'm just doing my best. It's really amazing that you volunteer to do these public welfare promotions." Zhao Qingqing admires Xu Jiaona's cousin, who is not only straightforward and energetic, but also optimistic and very likable.

Cai Jiaxu approached Xu Xiaojun's ear and said softly, "Xiaojun, you are so secretive, you actually know the young woman."

"My cousin's friend, I've only met a few times before." Xu Xiaojun seemed to be a little wary of this handsome guy, and replied calmly.

Cai Jiaxu smiled and rolled his eyes a few times, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Sister Qingqing, you are really amazing. That man was so fierce just now that I couldn't even breathe." Wang Yan patted her flat chest and said with lingering fears, "I also toast you."

Fatty Xie next to him said with lingering fears: "Indeed, that person seems to have been drinking. If we really fight, we will suffer."

"Qingqing female hero, I used to be your fan, I am so happy to see you in person." Cai Jiaxu couldn't help begging Zhao Qingqing: "You were so beautiful just now, you can teach me ."

"Then you are too happy." Xia Xia said unhappily: "She has no time to teach you, and it is impossible for her to teach you."

"Who are you from Qingqing Women?" Cai Jiaxu looked at Xia Xia dissatisfiedly, and then raised her eyebrows, "What qualifications do you have to make decisions for her."

"I am her master and her husband." Xia Xia said lazily: "Do you think I am qualified to make decisions for her?"

The others were stunned for a moment, with different expressions on their faces.

"It turns out that the legend that the Qingqing Woman has a target is true." Wang Yan couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaimed.

Fatty Xie was so shocked that his tongue slipped out of his mouth: "Oh heaven, the earth, my goddess has a master again. Sure enough, I can only have old women?"

"Qingqing female hero, this can't be true, right?" Cai Jiaxu's face was full of doubtful expressions, obviously unacceptable that Zhao Qingqing, who was as beautiful as a fairy, had such an ugly husband.

Zhao Qingqing was very happy about Xia Xia's publicity of sovereignty

. "Then he is the legendary Xia Xia." Xu Xiaojun clapped her hands and looked at Xia Xia carefully: "I used to hear Sister Qingqing claiming to be a Xia Xia hero, saying that she was a Xia Xia woman all her life. At that time, I thought about Xia Xia. How handsome, how charming

Power, what a great man. Look at it now..."

"You're right, I'm really handsome, because I'm the most handsome guy in the world." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "But you'd better not fall in love with me, because you're not beautiful enough to qualify. Love me."

Several other people were shocked by Xia Xia's remarks, and you still have the face to say that you are the most handsome in the world.

"Pfft, you're too narcissistic." Xu Xiaojun turned back and forth with laughter, and said jokingly, "You are indeed very attractive, if you know each other for a while, maybe you will really fall in love with you. ."

Xia Tian glared at her: "Don't try to take advantage of me."

"Hahahaha, you are so interesting." Xu Xiaojun laughed so hard that she looked at Zhao Qingqing and said, "Sister Qingqing, has my brother-in-law always been so funny?"

Zhao Qingqing explained with a smile: "He's not funny at all, he said these words seriously."

This time several other people also laughed, obviously not taking it seriously.

"Qingqing female hero, how about we find another place to drink and drink after supper?" Cai Jiaxu always talked to Zhao Qingqing intentionally or unintentionally. How about it?"

Fatty Xie immediately echoed: "Not bad, everyone has been busy for a few days, so they should have fun and relax. Brother Xu, do you have any good places to go?"

"Of course there is, I know a good bar." Cai Jiaxu snapped his fingers, and said with a beaming expression, "It was opened by a buddy of mine, to ensure safety, and there will never be those messy things. Xiaojun, what do you think? "

Xu Xiaojun had no interest in such things, and bluntly refused: "Forget it, after supper, I have other things to do." "Xiaojun, don't be so disappointing all the time." Cai Jiaxu immediately showed a disappointed expression , "Everyone has been busy with you for several days, you are too disrespectful, you have shied away a few times before, this time the young women are here, do you still

Do you want to push back? "

The girl named Wang Yan also advised: "Xiao Jun, just go once, it's really fun. Everyone goes, if you don't go, then we'll be too embarrassed."

At this point, Xu Xiaojun couldn't refuse anymore, but she really didn't like the bar, and she didn't want to get too close to Cai Jiaxu, so she fell into silence for a while.

Although Zhao Qingqing is hot-tempered, her emotional intelligence is not low. Early in the morning, it could be seen that there was a little conflict between the five people. This handsome guy from Cai Jiaxu is obviously aiming at Xu Xiaojun to be a volunteer for garbage sorting. What is the purpose? It goes without saying.

"Qingqing female hero, you definitely won't reject the fans' small request, right?" Cai Jiaxu invited Zhao Qingqing with a shy face.

Zhao Qingqing ignored Cai Jiaxu and suddenly said to Xu Xiaojun: "I have always had a very good relationship with your cousin. If you need any help, feel free to ask." "Okay, then I will thank Sister Qingqing first." Xu Xiaojun Of course, I also know what Cai Jiaxu's idea was. The reason why he chose to come out in the middle of the night to hand out flyers was that he wanted to take the opportunity to toss him and let him retreat in spite of difficulties, but I didn't expect this

The rich second generation really persevered.

Zhao Qingqing just smiled and did not speak. Cai Jiaxu's face became quite ugly, but he held back from having a seizure, suddenly turned his head to look at Xia Xia, and invited with a smile: "Hey, your name is Xia Xia, right? You can't be so ignorant. Let's go have a good time and relax. relax, just pay

a friend. "

"You idiot is not qualified to be my friend." Xia Xia said casually: "Also, if you knew what it means to be interesting, you should have left."

Cai Jiaxu couldn't help it now, staring at Xia Xia: "Hey, what do you mean? Who are you calling an idiot!"

"Of course I'm scolding you, who else is an idiot here besides you?" Xia Xia replied seriously: "You idiot want to pick up girls, find a way by yourself, don't think about involving my apprentice, this will make me very uncomfortable. "

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Cai Jiaxu stood up abruptly, pointed at Xia Xia and shouted angrily, "Don't think that you are the husband of a young woman, so you can scold people casually." "So you are an idiot, and I scold people just because of me. If you want to scold someone, it has nothing to do with who I am." Xia Xia pointed at Xu Xiaojun, and said lazily: "And if you want to chase her, go after her directly, and go after her quickly,

That way you'll die faster, and there's just one less idiot in the world. "Several people in the room couldn't help being stunned, looking at Xia Xia in astonishment, not knowing what he meant by this.

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