Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1906 Dare to compare me to a monkey

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


Early the next morning, Xu Jiaona came to Zhao's house and picked up Xu Xiaojun. Zhao Qingqing didn't ask much about the hidden secrets of the two sisters. She felt that if they wanted to say it, they would say it sooner or later. Since they didn't speak up, it meant that it wasn't time yet. If they don't want to say it, they won't ask.

Get the answer you want. Although Zhao Qingqing is straight, it doesn't mean that she has no shrewdness at all, but she doesn't like to play around with corners. Straightforwardness is more in line with her personality. Sometimes in order to maintain the friendship between friends, people have to learn to pretend


Zhao Qingqing went to work on a routine basis and went to the Tiandao team early in the morning. Recently, there have been a lot of things, or there have been a lot of strange people. Those who are difficult to handle on the official level are basically handed over to the Tiandao team, which makes her a little bit more. Can't be busy.

Xia Xia didn't take this seriously, feeling that this kind of thing was completely unnecessary, and playing with him was the most important thing. Zhao Qingqing obeys Xia Xia's words in many things, but she doesn't want to become a woman who does nothing and spends all day having fun with Xia Xia. Now that she has taken over the Tiandao Group, she wants to make some real achievements. ,bone

In fact, she didn't want to lose to other women in Xia Li. Xia Xia didn't force Zhao Qingqing to accompany her every day, but it seemed that it was no fun to stay in Dijing. It seemed that it was time to go back to Jianghai. did not return to the river


At this moment, Xia Xia's cell phone rang, and when he saw the number and notes, he jumped up excitedly.

"Wife Yiyi, you are finally willing to call me, do you miss me?" Xia Xia shouted at the phone with a smile.

There was a few seconds of silence on the opposite side, and then a rather cold voice sounded: "Where are you now?"

"I'm in Dijing, Qingqing girl is here." Xia Xia replied casually, and then happily said: "Wife Yiyi, are you coming to visit me in Dijing?"

"No." Yi Xiaoyin said calmly, "Did a woman named Ying Xiaoyue approach you a few days ago?"

Xia Xia replied slowly: "There is such a thing. She pretended to be Shi Chun and came to test me, and said that you went to the Yinyimen headquarters with the heart of death, and then I beat her up."

Yi Xiaoyin fell into silence, and she didn't know whether she was a little dissatisfied with Xia Xia's beating up, or she was suspicious about Xiaoyue's visit to Xia Xia. "Wife Yiyi, where are you, you won't really go to the Yinyimen headquarters." Xia Tian didn't hear Yi Xiaoyin's voice, so he continued: "Actually, if you want to go, you should call me. That What yin queen dares to hit your mind, I

Just let her disappear directly from the world. "

"You can come and help, but you must listen to me the whole time." Yi Xiaoyin thought about it for a while, then said solemnly: "Otherwise, you won't want to see me again in the future."

Xia Tian pouted: "Wife Yiyi, what you said is wrong. When will I stop listening to you? I always listen to my wife. You should be very clear about this."

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Yi Xiaoyin knew very well that Xia Xia was suffering from a lot of diseases, so she automatically filtered out the useless information that Xia Xia said, "Don't say those useless words, you just need to agree."

"Okay, of course I agree." Xia Xia was a little disappointed, but nodded happily, "Wife Yiyi, can you tell me now, where are you?"

"I won't tell you this first." Yi Xiaoyin said lightly: "Ying Xiaoyue should contact you again in the past two days. You can go with her. I will find a chance to meet you then." Xia Tian Somewhat unhappy, he said: "Wife Yiyi, there is no need to do so many things. Just say where you are, and I will just find you. With me here, you don't need to have any scruples, those who dare to trouble you. Just leave it to me

. "

"You forgot what you promised me just now?" Yi Xiaoyin just said lightly. "Wife Yiyi, how could I forget what I promised you, I just don't think it's necessary." Of course, Xia Xia didn't forget, but I felt that this wife Yiyi's temper hadn't changed in more than ten years. I was really worried. what the hell

If so, just kill it directly, why make it so troublesome.

Yi Xiaoyin didn't explain much, just said: "Is it necessary, you have to say this. Some things are not as simple as you think, and not everyone can be as unscrupulous as you are."

"Wife Yiyi, you are my wife. If I can be unscrupulous, then you must be too." Xia Xia took a natural tone.

"I really can't tell you." Yi Xiaoyin decisively gave up the communication, "Just do as I say."

Xia Xia heard that Yi Xiaoyin meant to hang up the phone, and immediately said, "Wife Yiyi, I helped you this time, is there any reward?"


The phone hangs up unexpectedly.

"My wife Yiyi is still so bad, but for the sake of you calling me, I will forgive you." Xia Xia was a little unhappy, but soon became happy again, after all, Yi Xiaoyin took the initiative to call him The number of times is too small. Xia Xia was about to contact Ying Xiaoyue and urged her to leave now. He wanted to see Yiyi's wife earlier, but found that he did not leave Ying Xiaoyue's contact information that day, so he rushed to the phone and said, "Dear baby, immediately That Ying Xiaoyue's phone

message to you. "


The machine did not respond.

Good baby doesn't work anymore. Xia Tian yawned and said lazily, "Forget it, I'll just find it myself."

As he said that, his figure flashed and disappeared like a ghost, and then he swam around the entire imperial capital at lightning speed.


Dijing, a secret base of the "Heavenly Palace".

"Nanjiu, Nanxi, how are you preparing?" Ying Xiaoyue, dressed in cool clothes, was reclining on the cool bed, with a pair of long straight legs folded seductively at the end of the bed.

Not far from the cool bed, there were two young men kneeling with respect, not even daring to look up.

"Back to the sect master, after several days of checking and calculations, it has almost been calculated." The man with a nine-character embroidered on his clothes replied respectfully: "As long as we give us two more days, there will be results."

"Give me two more days?" Ying Xiaoyue frowned, "The day lily will be cold by then, what's the use of you?"

Nan Shiyi immediately kowtowed and said, "Master, the formation near Frost Moon Island is too complicated, and we don't know where the formation is. It will take some time to calculate based on past data."


Ying Xiaoyue jumped into the air, turned it over gracefully for two and a half weeks, and kicked Nan Shiyi out of the room with her jade feet.

"Waste! If you know the eye, and you need to figure it out, won't I directly locate it?" Ying Xiaoyue's eyes were full of murderous intent, and she said coldly: "Give you one more day at most, if you can't figure it out, you Just give me death!"

"Yes!" Nan Jiu didn't dare to go to Funan Eleven. After kowtowing a few times, he knelt down and exited the room.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the deputy sect master's temper is still so big." Suddenly there was a tall man in the room, with thick and fluffy hair, but wearing a yellow monk robe.

"Master Duo, you're finally here. I thought you would let me go." Ying Xiaoyue turned over lightly and faced the tall man with a smile.

"How could Duo Mingguang not come at the call of the deputy sect master?" The tall man sat cross-legged on the edge of the cool bed, "However, haven't the others arrived yet?"

Ying Xiaoyue said in a dull tone: "Out of the eight people, only three came, that's you, Su Mengli, and Xiao Qiji."

"That's enough." The tall man chuckled, "No matter how powerful you are after Yin, you're just an old woman over a hundred years old. If she hadn't been hiding in Frost Moon Island and couldn't come out, she would have been killed long ago. ."

"Don't take it lightly. Besides, the threat of our trip is not only the queen." Ying Xiaoyue frowned and said without worry: "I'm a little worried about another thing now, maybe we shouldn't Yi Xiaoyin pulled it in."

"That's not like your style." The tall man's eyes revealed a playful look, "You used to be very jealous of Yi Xiaoyin and wished she died, so how can you be soft-hearted now?" "It's not soft-hearted, Yi Xiao. I'm not afraid of her, and there are ways to deal with her." Ying Xiaoyue thought of a person who is closely related to Yi Xiaoyin, "But Xia Xia is unfathomable, and last time I faced him, I was almost powerless to fight back. ,This

point worries me. ""summer? The kid who made waves in the imperial capital twelve years ago? The tall man looked disdainful and said with disapproval: "If it weren't for the fact that our Tiangong was mainly operated abroad at that time, there was no basis in China, and a clown like him was jumping on the beam.

, killing him was as easy as pinching an ant. "

Ying Xiaoyue said coldly: "You'd better not underestimate him. I don't know how many masters were planted in his hands back then." "So what?" He is a master. If he can win ten, we have a hundred. He can win a hundred, and we have ten thousand.

There is also the Tathagata Buddha who beat him back to the monkey shape in the Heavenly Palace. "

Ying Xiaoyue suddenly thought of the owner of [Heavenly Palace], and her heart trembled involuntarily. That was an extremely terrifying existence, and it was almost beyond the realm of human beings. If he could make a move, the one hundred thousand summers would not be there. Down.

"You two don't deserve to be beaten, don't you dare to compare me to a monkey." At this time, a lazy voice sounded in the room without warning, and there was a strong sense of unhappiness in his tone.

When Ying Xiaoyue heard this voice, she almost lost her control.

"Who! Come out for me!" The tall man was also stunned, and quickly made a defensive gesture, staring at the surroundings, and suddenly reached out and grabbed towards the void.


The tall man seemed to be pressed on his back by a mountain, and slammed on the floor, unable to move. "It's you idiot who compared me to a monkey just now, right?" At this time, Xia Xia finally showed his body, stepped on the back of the tall man, and said lazily: "What about the Tathagata Buddha you said? Call it out and let me see."

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