Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1908 It is impossible to be richer than me

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


On a certain flight from Jianghai to Dijing, Ah Jiu was sitting in the business class and flipping through magazines, but his expression was not so leisurely, and there was even a little worry between his eyebrows. A few days ago, Yi Xiaoyin suddenly left Jianghai alone, saying that she was going to treat a patient abroad, but did not take Ah Jiu there. Although this happened before, Ah Jiu still felt that this time was a little unusual. She and Ishino

We grew up together almost from childhood. The name is master and servant, but they are actually sisters.

Ah Jiu has always been aware of the worries in Yi Xiaoyin's heart, but she is unable to solve it, and the person who can solve it... Thinking of that person, Ah Jiu's mood becomes complicated.

"Miss, are you not feeling well?"

The seat next to him is a middle-aged man who looks extraordinary, and his appearance is tall and handsome. The only drawback is that the hairline is set back a bit. Seeing Ah Jiu frowning, he couldn't help but ask with concern.

Ah Jiu came back to her senses and replied politely, "I'm fine, thank you for your concern." "Oh." The middle-aged man showed a kind smile, then glanced at Ah Jiu a few times, and found that he was really beautiful. It would be a huge waste not to strike up a conversation: "Hello, my name is Pei Zhengjun, the CEO of Shangchu Group, this time I'm going to Dijing to participate in a

International Business Conference for Young Entrepreneurs. I don't know, miss, what are you doing in Dijing? "

Ah Jiu just glanced at him, then read her magazine.

"There is an exclusive interview with me in this magazine." Pei Zhengjun was a little embarrassed, but he still didn't give up. He pointed to the magazine in Ah Jiu's hand: "There are about blockchain and..."

"What's the matter with you?" Ah Jiu closed the magazine and said lightly, "If not, can you let me stay quiet for a while?"

Pei Zhengjun showed a self-assured smile: "Actually, I just want to get acquainted, and there is no malice."

"Whether it's malicious or not, I don't want to know you, is it clear enough?" A Jiu sighed, she felt that she had been assimilated by that hooligan now, and she didn't have any good feelings for this kind of person who approached him. I think everyone else is an idiot.

Pei Zhengjun didn't seem to be angry either, he just made an American shrug and said with a smile, "It's very clear, I apologize for the recklessness before."

Soon, the plane landed at the airport.

Ah Jiu picked up her luggage and walked directly out of the airport. After walking some distance, she took out her mobile phone to make a call to Xia Xia, but found that she couldn't get through, so she sent a WeChat message instead.

"Beautiful lady, if you don't mind, I'm happy to take you for a ride." A black Audi stopped in front of Ah Jiu, and the rear window slowly rolled down, revealing Pei Zhengjun's face .

"Are you sure you want to take me for a ride?" Ah Jiu suddenly laughed. Pei Zhengjun was melted by this smile. If there is an immortal in this world, this one is definitely the one in front of him. And this fairy-like beauty actually agreed to strike up a conversation with him, which made him open his mouth in excitement: "Of course, I'm sure,

Often sure. "

"Really?" A silenced pistol was suddenly and silently stuffed into his mouth. At some point, there were several tall men in black suits around Ah Jiu. One of them stood beside the black Audi and looked at Pei Zhengjun coldly


Pei Zhengjun broke out in a cold sweat and shuddered, thinking that a beautiful woman is not easy.

"Give you three seconds to disappear immediately, can you do it?" said one of the men in a black suit indifferently.

Pei Zhengjun nodded hurriedly.

"Okay, three, two..." The man in the black suit withdrew the pistol and counted gently.

Pei Zhengjun kicked the driver's seat abruptly and urged the driver: "Quick, go!"

"Well, the one who got in the way is gone." The man in the black suit smiled lightly and said softly to Ah Jiu, "How can that kind of car be worthy of the status of a young lady, let me take you for a ride."

"What kind of bull, ghost and snake god are you?" Ah Jiu said in a flat tone looking at the group of uninvited guests.

The man in the black suit spread his arms and raised his hand to call an extended Lincoln: "What's the matter, get in the car and talk."

"Is this the car you said is worthy of my identity?" A Jiu slightly shook his head in disgust: "It seems that you have made a mistake in estimating my identity."

"Miss, don't waste each other's patience, okay?" The man in the black suit sighed, "We invite you with sincerity, don't be ignorant."

Ah Jiu couldn't help laughing: "Then why do I have to be ignorant?"

"Then don't blame us for being rude." The man in the black suit shook his head and shouted to his subordinates, "Come on together and escort her into the car."

"No, I'll go with you." Ah Jiu suddenly changed her mind and said with a smile, "I'm a little curious now, who would invite me so kindly."

The man in the black suit was stunned for a while, then subconsciously raised his eyes and looked ahead, then said, "Are you sure you want to come with us?"

"Isn't that your goal?" Ah Jiu asked with a smile.

"Hmph, then get in the car!" The man in the black suit felt despised, so he snorted heavily and opened the car door for A Jiu.

Just as Ah Jiu was about to step into the car, a black Audi suddenly rushed over in the distance and stopped in front of Lincoln.

The window was rolled down, and it was the same

Pei Zhengjun, at this time, he said to Ah Jiu with a serious expression: "Miss, please get in my car, they dare not do anything to you."

"Yo ho, do you want a hero to save the beauty?" The man in the black suit twitched his mouth and said sarcastically, "Are you really not afraid of death, or do you think it would be romantic to die as a ghost with peony flowers." Man in black suit: "I just think that as a man, I can't back down at this time, let alone put a beautiful lady at risk. I don't know who you are, but I

The police have been called just now, and the airport guards will be here soon. You will not succeed. "

At this moment, the alarm bell rang loudly in the distance.

"Damn." The man in the black suit scolded and shouted to his subordinates, "Everyone get in the car, Sah!"

Ah Jiu stretched out her hand to block the car door and said with a smile, "Don't rush to leave, I haven't gotten in the car yet."

"Let go!" The man in the black suit took out his pistol and pointed at Ah Jiu: "Otherwise I will destroy you."

"I bet there are no bullets in your pistol." Ah Jiu's naughty character erupted in his bones, "Even if there were, you wouldn't dare to shoot."

The man in the black suit cursed angrily, "What are you thinking about!"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to meet your master and see who is so polite." Ah Jiu's serious appearance really has a bit of summer charm.

Pei Zhengjun persuaded: "Miss, don't get to know them, your own safety is the most important thing, let them go."

"Ignore her, just drive!" The man in the black suit snorted coldly, his face full of contempt.

The driver was also a little anxious and stepped on the accelerator suddenly, but the strange thing was that the car didn't move at all.

"You idiots actually want to kidnap my little wife, you are really impatient." At this time, a lazy voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a figure appeared in front of the car, blocking the way of the car.

"Damn it, hit it, you'll be killed if you hit it!" The man in the black suit scolded and yelled at the driver.

The driver was also sweating profusely, trembling all over with fright, and his voice trembled a little: "The accelerator has been stepped on all the way, but the car still doesn't move."

"This..." The man in the black suit stuck his head out of the car window, looked down, and found that although the tires of the car were running fast, the whole car was already in the air, and it was useless to refuel.

The man in the black suit looked at the man standing in front of the car in horror, and there was only one thought in his mind: Could he be a monster who could lift an extended Lincoln with one hand.

Pei Zhengjun, who was on the side, opened his mouth to say something, but he was stunned when he saw this scene.

"Forget it, I'm fine, so don't make it a big deal." Ah Jiu was bored just now, so she would make trouble with these people. Now that summer is here, she's a little afraid that this dead gangster will not make a big deal out of it. Can not help but reminded aloud.

"Since the nine girls are asking for mercy, then I'll let you all go." Xia Xia pouted and threw it around the trash can in the distance.

Pei Zhengjun was so shocked that his eyes were about to fall out, he quickly retracted into the car, and quietly asked the driver to drive away quickly.

"Did I let you go?" Xia Xia appeared in front of the car in a flash, staring at Pei Zhengjun with a displeased expression. "Well, this gentleman, I have no malice at all." Pei Zhengjun quickly explained: "I did flinch when I knew that this young lady was kidnapped, but the more I thought about it, the more wrong I became, so I ran back to save her. , if you don't believe me, ask her

. "

"You don't need to ask, you invited those idiots to act." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "If you dare to attack my woman, you will either become a eunuch or a dead person, you pick one."

Pei Zhengjun was shocked and begged for mercy: "This big, hero, can I lose money? As long as you can let me go, I can give you as much as you want."

"I'm not interested in money." Xia Tian looked indifferent, "No matter how rich you are, you can't be richer than me. If you don't choose, I'll choose for you." "You, don't mess around, I It is also powerful in Dijing." Seeing that the money was not working, Pei Zhengjun immediately changed his strategy: "I am very familiar with the eldest young master of the Shen family, you should know the reputation of the Shen family in Dijing, which is second only to the first-class family.

, known as the New Four Little Families..."

Xia Xia said casually: "It seems that it is better to turn you into a eunuch first, and then become a dead person."

"Don't go too far." Ah Jiu reminded again.

"Since you have spoken, Jiuzi, then I will listen to you." Xia Xia smiled, then took out the silver needle, pierced Pei Zhengjun directly, and then told him to get out.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Pei Zhengjun felt that he had escaped death, and hurriedly asked the driver to drive away.

After the car completely threw Xia Xia and A Jiu out of sight, Pei Zhengjun couldn't help but grit his teeth: "Damn, I thought I could get into that chick, but I don't know where a madman came out, what a bad luck."

The driver also said with lingering fears: "That madman's strength is too great, the fourth and the others add a car, how heavy it must be, and he was even carried and thrown a few hundred meters away." It's nothing, it's probably the so-called supernatural power." Pei Zhengjun said with some disapproval at the moment: "I heard that the Shen family's laboratory has been secretly researching drugs that can stimulate supernormal powers, and some of them can make people become more powerful. infinite medicine

If it succeeds, it's not surprising to be able to throw a car. "

"Mr. Pei, is this drug the project with the Shen family this time?" The driver asked in surprise: "This is

Is a drug likely to be publicly available? "

Pei Zhengjun didn't answer, maybe he was disdainful to answer this question.

The driver had to shut up and drive quietly.

After a long time, the driver felt that something was wrong, and when he looked back, he trembled with fright. "boom!"

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