Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1913 The number one in the world has always been only me

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Immortal Cloud Continent, Lanjing, Immortal Island. Xinwanben website www.xinwanben.com

It had just rained, and the air was full of fresh air.

Five beautiful women who looked like angels were chatting in the tea room. One of the women in a dark blue dress held a token in her hand and said with a smile, "Sister Bingbing, our son seems to be wanted."


Leng Bingbing frowned slightly and looked at Ye Mengying who was talking with a puzzled expression.

Liu Meng's eyes widened, and he said with some dissatisfaction: "We Leng'er are the prince of Ji Chao, who dares to want him, is he impatient?

Where are the bad guys who wanted him, I'll go and kill them now. "

"Mengmeng, don't get excited, let Mengying finish her words."

Leng Bingbing pulled Liu Meng, and she knew from the playful expression on Ye Mengying's face that it was definitely not a big deal.

"You don't even sell it."

Qiao Xiaoqiao glanced at Ye Mengying and said with a smile, "It's Sister Mu Han and Sister Mei'er who have news again."

Liu Meng asked casually, "Didn't they just return to Yuxian Sect, and news came back so soon?"

"This shows that the little guy is also uneasy, and a lot of things have happened in Yunzhou."

Ye Mengying played with the token in her hand and said with a smile, "I got a new flower name."

Sun Xinxin, who was sitting on the side, was still a little worried: "What's going on?"

"The matter is not complicated. There are several small sects in Yunzhou who want to participate in the Nixian meeting, but unfortunately they are not qualified to participate, so they want to unite."

Ye Mengying didn't change the smile on her face, and said slowly, "The little guy just happened to be passing by and was dragged over to be a witness, and then somehow got into conflict with those people."

Sun Xinxin couldn't help but ask, "What happened later?

Cold, is it alright? "

"The little guy is also an immortal cultivator. Dealing with these Jianghu sects is already a slap in the face."

Ye Mengying smiled lightly, "However, the little guy is also measured, and he didn't cause any fatalities."

"What's the matter with that?" he asked coldly.

"The few small schools in Yunzhou have combined into a school called Shengyunmen. xinwanben"

Ye Mengying explained with a smile: "The new head they elected was beaten by the little guy, and they held revenge in their hearts, so they issued a hunting order. It said that the little guy was a man of evil, so he took a nickname."

Qiao Xiaoqiao looked at Leng Bing Bing and said softly, "Sister Bing Bing, the impact of this incident on Leng'er can be big or small, do we need to deal with that Saint Cloud Gate secretly?"

Although Leng Bingbing cares about her son, she used to be a policeman, and the principle of dealing with people has never been to destroy them. After thinking about it for a while, she said, "I don't need to pay attention to it for the time being, but you can send someone to spy on that sect to see what they are. origin."

"It's easy to handle, just let Sister Mu Han and Sister Mei'er arrange it."

Qiao Xiaoqiao also feels that this is the most appropriate way to deal with it. If Xia Leng takes action to maintain something, it will not be good for his growth.

But it can't be completely let go. After all, this is the Xianyun Continent, not the earth, and there are still many unknown dangers, and even they must brace up to deal with it.

"It's so boring, can't you just let me go out and beat people?"

Liu Meng felt that this disposition was not good at all, "You all have things to do and take time out of your busy schedule.

I have nothing to do by myself, I really miss the little rascal. "

"Then how can I find something for you to do?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao also felt that Liu Meng should not be allowed to be too idle, otherwise sooner or later, things would come to an end. "Aren't Empress Ji and Sister Yue preparing for the Antian meeting recently? The qualifications of some immortal sects need to be reviewed. Go and help."

"Is it fun?"

Liu Meng only cares about one question.

Ye Mengying glanced at Qiao Xiaoqiao and knew what she was thinking, so she added: "Of course it's fun, I guarantee you have a fight every day."

Liu Meng jumped up with joy: "That's great, I'll go find Sister Yue."

With that said, Liu Meng left the tea room and disappeared.

The others looked at each other and shook their heads with a smile. Liu Meng lived a simple and easy life.

Although this so-called Nixian meeting was jointly organized by the Misty Immortal Gate and the Ji Dynasty, it is not unrelated to them, because by then there will be countless three religions and nine streams, immortals and demons flocking to Lanjing, and they will also Be prepared as soon as possible to deal with various emergencies at that time. Xinwanben website www.xinwanben.com

Now they can still take a break from their busy schedules, and after a while, they will probably be too busy to touch the ground.

However, everything was worth it, all to meet the challenges of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance in the future.

After drinking tea, they went away.

...Earth, Teikyo.

Xia Xia and Ah Jiu followed Wang Xiaotian to an overgrown ruin.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, the scenery is quite good.

Even people who don't understand Feng Shui can feel that this is an excellent treasure land of Feng Shui, but it seems that it has been abandoned for at least ten years, which is really strange.

"Summer, do you remember this place?"

Wang Xiaotian was not in a hurry to start, but instead, he started chatting with Xia Xia.

Xia Xia was not interested in talking nonsense with a man, and said directly: "If you want to fight, fight quickly, you are chattering like a bitch."

Ah Jiu looked around and felt a vague sense of recognition in her heart, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"Looks like you forgot."

Wang Xiaotian clapped his hands and pointed to a lake in the distance: "I remind you, this is No. 1 Muzi Road, and the lake in front is Tanlong Lake."

"What the hell are you talking about, you idiot?"

Xia Xian was a little impatient, "If you talk nonsense, I will beat you directly."

"This is the address of the original Li family."

Ah Jiu remembered at this time, "Why did you bring us here?"

"Are you an idiot trying to avenge the Li family?"

Xia Xia also remembered that it was here 12 years ago that he demolished the Li family, defeated Li Poyun, and let the Li family, who might have attacked the first family in the Imperial Capital, be thrown into the dust, and he has since retired from the stage of history.

"I'm not the filial son and grandson of the Li family, why should I avenge the Li family?"

Wang Xiaotian's eyes were full of ridicule, and he sneered: "In those days, Li Poyun, the immortal old man, smothered me and ruined my bones. Since then, the Wang family has never recovered, and I had to flee abroad for treatment in embarrassment. .

If I hadn't had another adventure, our Wang family would have really turned around forever. "

Ah Jiu looked at Wang Xiaotian and said with a smile: "According to this, Xia Xia is still your benefactor, you should be grateful to him, why pay back your kindness and revenge?"


Wang Xiaotian's face changed suddenly, his facial features were wrinkled into a ball, and he scolded extremely ferociously: "Whoever allowed him to kill the four brothers of the Li family, who allowed him to defeat Li Poyun, who allowed him to destroy the Li family Yes! The Li family can only be killed by me, the four brothers of the Li family can only be killed by me, and the old dog Li Poyun can only be defeated by me! What kind of thing are you!"

"Another crazy idiot!"

Summer pouted.

Ah Jiu also thinks that Wang Xiaotian is like a lunatic, and his brain circuit is very different from that of ordinary people. The best place for such a person is a mental hospital. Otherwise, when he gets emotional, he will easily go to extremes and do things that cause great harm to the public.

"I'm not normal, but so are you."

Wang Xiaotian pointed at Xia Xia and said in a cold voice, "Because you killed the Li family, I couldn't get revenge, so I must kill you to relieve the hatred in my heart.

Of course, I'll leave you with a whole body.

After all, I also learned a truth from you, as long as you have enough strength, you can crush all the rules. "

Ah Jiu couldn't help but complain, "You don't have the guts to be sick, and your IQ was eaten by dogs?"

"Intelligence has a fart."

Wang Xiaotian looked very disapproving, "At the time, my IQ was 200, and at the age of six I led the Wang family to break through the blockade of the three families of Li, Zhao, and Song, so what if my limbs were interrupted by force, and I was directly beaten into an idiot.

Now that I have extraordinary strength, if any enemy is directly crushed, it will be fine to make others disappear, so why bother with brainpower. "

"That sounds interesting."

Xia Xia rarely agrees with other people's opinions, "No matter what you do, you just don't have enough strength to beat around the bush.

People who are truly invincible do not need any so-called plans at all, nor are they afraid of any conspiracy.

Which idiot dares to provoke me, just kill it. "

"Summer, there is a day in your name, and there is a day in my name."

Wang Xiaotian pointed at Xia Tian, ​​and shouted loudly: "Today we will see, who is worthy of the number one heaven character in the world, do you dare to accept my challenge?"

"It's useless to talk for a long time."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "I have always been the number one in the world, you idiot is not qualified to challenge me."

Wang Xiaotian smiled, clenched his fists, a surging momentum was released instantly, and the air around him seemed to explode.

"Is this the sense of oppression caused by the release of spiritual energy?"

Ah Jiu thought that this kid is really not simple. This kind of momentum is definitely not something that ordinary people can have.

"Summer, go to hell!"

Wang Xiaotian roared at Xia Xia, his arm slid back abruptly, and then his fist slammed out.

This punch, without any fancy, was as bland as a child playing at home, but the force in it pulled the clouds down, and the gust of wind suddenly rose, as if half the world was in the fist.

"Why don't you avoid it first."

A Jiu was startled and couldn't help but speak to Xia Xia.

Xia Xia pouted in disapproval: "Nine girls, just this kind of fist, looks very powerful, but there is nothing to avoid."

When he said this, the ground where Xia Xia and A Jiu stood were lifted up by the fist wind, and the ruins on the side were also turned into flying sand and stones.

"you sure?"

Ah Jiu felt a faint sense of suffocation.

Xia Xia didn't speak, he still looked lazy, ignoring the fist that was about to hit his eyes.

Ah Jiu couldn't stand the sense of oppression, so she decided to fight back immediately.

As a result, the kick was empty.

That Wang Xiaotian was actually just a phantom, Ah Jiu was shocked: where did the others go?

"Be careful behind you!"

Ah Jiu immediately glanced in all directions, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she shouted at Xia Xia.

Before he finished speaking, he saw hundreds of Wang Xiaotian suddenly appear behind Xia Xia, and then punched at the same time.


The fist wind exploded, and the tens of meters around where Xia Xia was located were blasted to the ground.

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