Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1927 Don't need your idiot's permission

Remember in one second\^End^ben^God^station^\Mobile phone reading address: m.xinwanben.com

"What do you mean!" Yu Tianhu subconsciously felt the pit in these words, but he didn't believe that Xia Xia dared to attack his son in front of so many people, "Are you threatening me?"

"Threatening you?" Xia Tian pouted: "You're worthy of being an idiot?"

Yu Tianhu felt the disdain in Xia Xia's words, and was instantly enraged. He swung the axe that was chopped on the table, and faced Xia Xia with joy: "I'll kill you first and avenge my son!"

This axe was so powerful that when it was swung out, it was very frightening. www.xinwanben.com is estimated that if they are hit, ordinary people will inevitably end up with a blossoming head.

Unfortunately, summer is not for ordinary people.


Yu Mangmang, who was on the stretcher in his body, suddenly let out a shrill scream. For some reason, his father's axe hit his chest by accident.

Yu Tianhu was stunned, completely unaware of what was going on, and looked at his hands in disbelief.

The others were also frightened and pale, and they all showed expressions of horror.

"It's you, you must be the one who did it, right!" Yu Tianhu came back to his senses, and pointed at Xia Xia and roared.

"Is there something wrong with your eyes?" Xia Xia yawned lazily, "The axe is yours, and the person who swung the axe is also you, what does it have to do with me?"

Although Yu Miaomiao didn't know what was going on, she immediately said, "That's right, everyone saw it with your own eyes, it was you who hacked your son to death yourself."

"It's impossible!" Yu Tianhu saw that Yu Mangmang was out of breath, and went mad: "It's just that you made a fool of yourself, I, I'm going to kill you!"

Yu Tianhu swung his axe again, but he skipped Xia Xia and Ah Jiu and went straight to Yu Miaomiao and Yu Tianhe.

"Security, stop him!" Yu Miaomiao was so frightened that she screamed.

It's a pity that the security guards in Yufu seem to be caught in the dull light of the slow fruit. Their movements are extremely slow, but their expressions are quite rich, and they look extremely funny.

Ah Jiu grabbed Yu Miaomiao's hand and helped her avoid Yu Tianhu's axe.

However, Yu Tianhe had just recovered from his serious illness, and his body was still weak. He couldn't dodge for a while, and was directly caught up by Yu Tianhu, and he was suddenly hit in the chest.


Another scream sounded, and the shock on everyone's faces was stronger than before, as if they had seen a ghost. www.xinwanben.com

In fact, Yu Tianhe was also surprised, he subconsciously touched his chest and found that there was no wound.

Yu Tianhu was even more surprised, because with this axe, it was his son Yu Mangmang that hit him: "Mang'er, aren't you already dead..."

"Dad, you—" Yu Mangmang had another line this time, but unfortunately he fell to the ground again before he finished speaking.

"Mang'er, don't die!" Yu Tianhu cried bitterly. Within a day, the white-haired man sent the black-haired man twice, and both times he hacked himself to death. He couldn't accept it. This cruel reality.

Yu Tianhu roared abruptly: "Mr. Fang, come quickly, save my son, he can't die."

As soon as the words fell, a figure appeared out of the crowd, and then a slender, snow-white hand with three golden needles between the fingers quickly moved around Yu Mangmang's body.

About ten minutes later, Yu Mangmang resumed breathing again, and it was considered that he had been pulled back from the gate of hell. This old man doesn't look too old, no more than fifty-five years old at most. He has a face with a Chinese character, a thin body, and an abnormally white skin. He also has long hair and a white robe. He has the style of an ancient doctor. and face to face

A very trustworthy feeling.

Seeing the old man, Yu Tianhe couldn't help showing a surprised expression, and he quickly said hello: "It turned out that Mr. Fang was in front of him, and Yu was really neglected." "He is the most famous doctor in our Tianjin and Hong Kong, and my dad and I often visit him. , I didn't expect the second uncle to actually invite him here." Seeing that Xia Xia and A Jiu didn't know this person, Yu Miaomiao could not help but explain: "Mr. Fang's influence in Jingang is very strong.

Big, it is said that medical skills have also been superb. Now we're in big trouble. "

Ajiu didn't feel that Ma was not troublesome, just looking at this man's acupuncture, he couldn't help being a little surprised, and rushed to Xia Tian: "This man's acupuncture seems to be a bit of a trick, it seems that it should be an ancient acupuncture method, quite awesome."

Xia Xia looked disapproving and said disdainfully: "What a dick, just this kind of rubbish needle method, when I was eight years old, I looked down on it."

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the man raised his head, his eyes were extremely bad, and his tone was quite gloomy: "This young man, don't talk big. Xinwanben Besides, acupuncture is used to cure diseases and save people, and people like you are not worthy of use at all. Needle."

"What kind of onion are you an idiot?" Xia Tian said impatiently: "Whether it's worthy of using needles, you say it or not, I say it."

The man in white threw up his sleeves with a proud expression, as if he didn't want to talk to Xia Xia. Yu Tianhu next to him opened his mouth to help him introduce: "This old gentleman, you should know him, he is Fang Tianqi, a famous doctor from Tianjin and Hong Kong. , is the founder of Jitian Pharmaceutical, the vice president of Huaxia Acupuncture Society, and a famous doctor in the world.

The master of Chinese medicine ranked ninth on the list, the master of acupuncture and moxibustion ranked seventh on the list of golden needles for salvation, the king of herbs on the list of medicine knowledge..."

A series of titles were reported, and people were stunned when they heard it, but it was a pity that Xia Xia listened to it.

Just wanting to dig out her ears, Ah Jiu also felt a little low, because these lists sounded like pheasant lists made by some incompetent people.

"Nine girl, do you know this idiot?" Xia Xia turned to ask Ah Jiu.

"I don't know." Ah Jiu shook her head, she had never heard of anyone, Tianji Pharmaceutical had heard a bit about it, but she had only heard about it by chance, so she wasn't too impressed. "Humph! It's really ignorant." Fang Tianqi pointed his nose up at Xia Xia arrogantly: "If you two are also studying medicine, it's impossible not to have seen the medical papers written by someone Fang, especially about acupuncture and moxibustion. It can be said that today's domestic Place

Some stitches are improved under my guidance. Which medical school did you two graduate from and who was your mentor? "We didn't go to a so-called medical school, and we didn't have a so-called mentor. Ah Jiu answered the question truthfully. Her acupuncture was learned from Yin Yimen and Yi Xiaoyin, and she did not go to school. Not to mention Xia Xia, some medical skills

It was Zhang Mingtuo, his master, the ghost doctor. As for "Eight Needles Against the Sky", he is the only one who knows how to teach it by himself. No one can teach it.

"It turned out to be two wild doctors who don't know anything." Fang Tianqi's tone of disdain became stronger, and he said coldly: "Then you two are not fit to practice medicine, I will not allow you to use needles from now on, I heard that. ?"

"Is your brain sick?" Xia Xia said lazily: "I use needles if I want to, and I need to practice medicine if I want to practice medicine. Do I need your idiot's permission?"

Fang Tianqi's eyes turned cold, pointed at Xia Xia and said, "Of course I need it, because I am the vice president of the Huaxia Needle Club. I have this qualification. If I say you are not worthy, you are not worthy."

"The tone is quite big." Xia Xian was very upset to see this person, "Then what if I use it?"

"It's very simple." Fang Tianqi put his hands behind his back, raised his chin slightly, and stared at Xia Tian, ​​"Then you will cut off your hands, and you will never be able to engage in work related to traditional Chinese medicine for the rest of your life."

Yu Tianhu on the other side was a little anxious, and said to Fang Tianqi: "Mr. Fang, you can't take them so cheaply. This kid just treated me and my son so badly, I really can't take this breath if I don't kill him. ."

Fang Tianqi frowned slightly and said to Yu Tianhu, "What are you talking about, I'm a doctor, not a killer. How could someone in my side do something like this."

"Stop pretending, you are an idiot who will die between 100 and 80." Xia Xia yawned lazily, and casually exposed Fang Tianqi's secret, which shocked the other party. "It's so bloody!" Fang Tianqi couldn't help but burst into anger and shouted loudly: "I thought you were still young and wanted to give you a chance to reform, but now it seems that you must clean up the black sheep, so as not to corrupt our national doctors. first name

reputation. "

Xia Tian yawned: "You idiot is the black sheep, and the pests in Yu Miaomiao and her father's bodies are yours, right?"

"What?" Yu Tianhe and Yu Miaomiao were shocked when they heard this. "What nonsense are you talking about." Fang Tianqi was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, "Don't tell me you used acupuncture to harm others, and now you dare to destroy my reputation, you are really doing your own thing and can't live, so don't blame the old man for being ruthless! You know what a real needle is

Law! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Tianqi flashed three golden needles between his fingers, and stabbed them towards Xia Xia.

I have to say that this old guy still has something, whether it is his technique or movement, his speed is not slow, and he also has some ancient meanings, and the ultimate move is hidden, which makes people dare not underestimate it.

"Huh?" A Jiu suddenly let out a soft cry. He actually saw some traces of the Yin doctor's practice from the old man's body, but she was very sure that the old man was definitely not from the Yin doctor's school. Weird.

"Idiot." Xia Xia glanced at the old man's acupuncture, instantly lost interest, and went straight to it.

Fang Tianqi flew upside down and rolled on the ground like a ball for more than ten laps before stopping.

"You dare to take action against the old gentleman, you are simply impatient!" Yu Tianhu pointed at Xia Xia and scolded: "This time you are finished, no one can save you, you just wait for the revenge of the Longevity Association."

Saying so, in fact, exposed Fang Tianqi's identity.

Yu Miaomiao was the first to react and stared at Fang Tianqi: "Mr. Fang, are you really a member of the Longevity Association? Then me and my dad... you also harmed me?"

"Yes, Fang is a member of the Longevity Association." Fang Tianqi simply stopped pretending and said directly: "Since you know my identity, I'm sorry, you must die today." He pointed to Xia Xia again. He Ah Jiu: "And you guys!"

"Mr. Fang, it's long overdue, the plan you made before is too troublesome." Yu Tianhu nodded, "It would be great to kill them directly, so that the Yu family is mine, and then I will not forget Fang. It's for the benefit of Mr. Fang." Fang Tianqi gave Yu Tianhu a contemptuous look, ignored him, and just looked at Xia Xia: "Don't think how powerful you are when you hit me just now. No matter how high your martial arts skills are, how many people can you hit? People have been traversing the rivers and lakes for so many years, relying on magic

Technical medical skills, as well as the use of poison! You all die for me! "

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After several explosions, the restaurant was instantly enveloped in a thick purple smoke, and almost everyone coughed. Fang Tianqi had a ferocious smile on his face, watching these people fall to the ground one by one, his heart was full of joy. From the very beginning, he never planned to let anyone in the Yu family go. All of them were dead. Only then could the wealth of the Yu family fall into his hands.

into the pocket of the Longevity Association.

If it weren't for the summer spoiler, his plan should be smoother, and he doesn't need to take action himself. Of course, if it weren't for Changsheng, there would be a big move next.

He ordered him to finish as soon as possible, and he would not be so impatient.

However, he was also a little puzzled as to why the upper echelons of the Changsheng Association would suddenly interfere with his plans. This had never happened before, and it might have something to do with the murder of several members of the association who died yesterday.

"It doesn't matter, anyone who knows my identity is going to die today." Fang Tianqi thought, "When I get the family business of the Yu family, I will take a cruise ship and go overseas for a few years, who will know that I did this thing. "At this moment, a lazy voice rang in his ear: "You can't do it with needles, and you can't do it with poison. So you idiot should die."

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