Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1929 It's you who kicked the idiot

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Tianjin Port is the largest port city in the north, and naturally has the largest wharf in the north. www.xinwanben.com

What Xia Xia and Ah Jiu were looking for was a luxury cruise ship moored at this pier. The name was rather domineering, and it was called "Longevity Emperor".

That cruise ship is still relatively easy to find, mainly because the shape and color are quite Chinese-style, and basically it can be distinguished among the cruise ships at a glance.

The two of them were about to walk towards the cruise ship when a young man in front of them suddenly made an "ouch", and then stumbled backwards, knocking down several people one after another, and they were about to collide with A Jiu.


Xia Tian kicked over, but he didn't use much force, just kicked the man aside.

"What's the matter with you? Seeing that my buddy is about to fall, it's fine if you don't pull it. Why do you still kick someone!"

The man jumped up from the ground, pointed at Xia Xia and started scolding.

Many passers-by around heard the sound and couldn't help but stop and watch the excitement.

"It's you idiot who kicked."

Summer said lazily.

That man was also violent, and snorted coldly, "Yo, buddy, you dare to scold people. It makes sense to bump into people, right? If you hurt me, you'll look good."

"If you want to corrupt money, I advise you to avoid it, or you will be beaten."

Ah Jiu is also very annoying about this kind of thing. No matter where there is always someone who wants to deceive students, this person probably also sees that she and Xia Xia are a young couple, so he wants to find an excuse to cheat some money.

"What do you say?

I stole money? "

The young man seemed to have heard a big joke, "You don't go to the city to ask about it, am I, Zhang Youzi, that kind of person?"

As he said that, the man kept waving at the passers-by on the side, and when he saw that there were too many people around, he lay down on the ground: "Everyone, give me a comment, these two kicked me for no reason, I won't say anything, Insulting me for corrupting money is no excuse.

Don't think about leaving until you speak clearly today! "

Most of the onlookers didn't know what was going on, but they just listened to the young man shouting loudly, all of them showing irrelevant smiles, and then took out their mobile phones and watched a short video, presumably wanting to send it to the circle of friends Or on Weibo, maybe even a few fans. Xinwanben website www.xinwanben.com

"What kind of person are you, it's none of my business."

Xia Tian said angrily: "If you want to steal those idiots' wallets, just go and steal them. It's better not to bother me."

"How dare you insult people, you're a thief, your whole family is..." Zhang Youzi was scolding, but his heart sank: How does this person know that I'm a thief?

Xia Xia glared at the man fiercely: "If you don't give way, I will beat you up."

The young man looked at Xia Xia with a casual expression, but there was a hint of divine power in his eyes, and for a moment, his knees hurt so much that he wanted to kneel a little, knowing that this person might not be easy to mess with.

"Just let it go, I'm in a good mood today, so I'll let you go first."

The man got up from the ground, patted his butt, and ran straight into the crowd, disappearing instantly.

Ah Jiu felt that this person came and went a little weird, but now he is too lazy to pursue it. The cruise ship has already started checking tickets, so there is no need to waste time on such trivial matters.

Not long after Xia Xia and Ah Jiu left, someone in the crowd exclaimed, "Oh, why is my wallet missing?"

"I don't have my phone anymore, I just took it in my hand to take a video."

"It must have been stolen by that kid just now."

"The young couple might also be accomplices."

...The crowd became chaotic, and that Zhang Youzi had already run to a secluded place, and was blocked by someone.

"Zhang Youzi, what are you doing, asking you to steal something, you came back empty-handed?"

One of the scarred faces is a scolding.

Zhang Youzi lowered his head and lowered his hands, and said with a hilarious smile, "Brother Dao, those two are not good friends, I don't dare to attack."

"Why don't you dare, isn't it just a pair of young people."

Scarface slapped over, "Looking at what they look like, they are going to take a cruise. They definitely have money on them. You just need to give me what they have on them, and the money will be yours."

"I don't dare."

Zhang Youzi still shook his head, "You didn't see that man's eyes, as if he was going to kill me. xinwanben

I feel that the kid must have killed someone, otherwise his eyes wouldn't be so scary. "

"Fuck Nima!"

Scarface scolded viciously: "Today is the last day, you didn't accomplish the task, and you didn't have much money, so your debts won't be cleared, so don't blame me for chopping your hands off."

"Don't, don't."

Zhang Youzi knelt down with a "plop" and kowtowed, "Brother Dao, give me another chance. For the sake of us growing up in a hutong, let's help my brother."

Scarface frowned, pretending to hesitate for a while, and then whispered: "Okay, brother, I'll give you one last chance, if it doesn't work, you jump into the sea by yourself, don't waste my saliva, did you hear me? ."

"I heard.

It's still Dao Ge's righteousness, no matter what, as long as

You speak, and I, Zhang Youzi, will definitely do it for you. "

Zhang Youzi patted his chest confidently.

"This is the lowest ticket."

Scarface suddenly handed Zhang Youzi a ticket, and pointed to the "Emperor of Longevity", "Go up and help me steal something.

As long as it succeeds, I guarantee that all the debts you owe before will be cancelled, and I will pay you 30,000 yuan for labor fees. "

Zhang Youzi's eyes lit up. In fact, he didn't do much of this kind of thing. Who made this the largest port in the north? A petty thief like him naturally depends on water for draught. The ticket was sneaked into the luxury cruise ship, and he was allowed to steal it after that. It is natural to say how the harvest will be.

"Wait, Brother Dao, what do you want me to steal?"

Zhang Youzi rolled his eyes, and felt that things were not that simple, "You also know that I can't go up to the top floors, and there is no chance of stealing things there."

Scarface snorted coldly: "Do you have a choice?"

"OK then."

Zhang Youzi looked at the look on Scar's face, and then at his hands, he had to grit his teeth and nodded: "Brother Dao, what are you trying to steal?"

Scarface said lightly: "You also recognized the face of the young couple just now.

You steal whatever they buy on the boat, understand? "

Zhang Youzi's expression changed, and he subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he swallowed the words again.

He knew that if he dared to say nothing, Scarface would probably slash him on the spot.

On the other side, Xia Xia and Ah Jiu were lining up to board the ship.

"You are Fang Tianqi, Mr. Fang?"

The crew who inspected the tickets looked at Xia Xia and Ah Jiu suspiciously.

Xia Tian yawned lazily: "What's the problem?"

"Oh, no problem."

The crew nodded and solemnly returned the ticket and invitation letter to Xia Xia, "Mr. Fang, you are the most honored guest of our company. After boarding the ship, there will be a special housekeeper in charge of all the trivial matters on the ship. I wish you all the best. You and your wife have a great trip."

As soon as the two got on the boat, a middle-aged man dressed in a British butler's costume came forward and said respectfully, "Mr. Fang, Mrs. Fang, good evening, my name is William, and I am your dedicated butler for this trip. Let me show you the room first, please come with me."

"It's work."

Ah Jiu said politely.

Under the leadership of the butler William, Xia Xia and Ah Jiu took the elevator, passed through Central Park, the promenade, the gymnasium... and even the golf course, and then reached the ninth floor.

"The room for the two of you is No. 907. This is the top-level suite on the cruise ship. It is more luxurious than the presidential suite in a five-star hotel. It is composed of..." William opened the room and rushed to Xia Xia and Ah Jiu. The facilities inside and outside the room are explained in detail.

Ah Jiu didn't have too many ideas about the enjoyment of life, and Xia Xia didn't care at all, so she just listened to it for a while and sent the housekeeper away.

"It's so luxurious, it seems that it's a lot of money."

Ah Jiu was reclining on the leather sofa, looking around, "However, it is estimated that he will suck the blood back at the exchange meeting."

Xia Xia smiled and said to Ah Jiu: "Nine girls, there is a swimming pool outside, let's go swimming."

"Don't go."

Ah Jiu categorically refused, she knew that this stinky hooligan definitely wasn't thinking about swimming, and she absolutely couldn't let him succeed easily.

"Nine girls, the bed here is quite big and soft, why don't we sleep for a while?"

Xia Xia jumped onto the bed again and said to Ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu still shook her head: "I'm not sleepy yet, I don't want to sleep.

Besides, I haven't eaten dinner yet. "

"The butler said that dinner can be brought in directly."

Summer said casually.

Ah Jiubai glanced at him and said angrily, "You can be lazy."

"Okay, let's go to dinner then."

Xia Xia followed Ah Jiu's meaning, "Ninth girl, what do you want to eat?"


Ah Jiu felt that she had to find something to do for Xia Xia, otherwise she would definitely not be able to escape from it in the end, so she got up and went to the cloakroom to take a look. Sure enough, it was filled with all kinds of designer clothes.

Two hours later, Ah Jiu finally changed his clothes, and of course he also changed a suit for Xia Xia, although he was reluctant to change.

Almost every floor has its own restaurant, but the restaurant on the ninth floor is the top one. The chefs here are all chefs invited from top restaurants around the world. can be satisfied.

According to the principle of proximity, Ah Jiu brought summer to the nearest French restaurant.

There are quite a few people here, most of them are well-dressed, and they look very quiet and a little forced.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

Just as Xia Xia and Ah Jiu were led to a table by the waiter to sit down, someone came over angrily, stood in front of Xia Xia, and said in a somewhat yin and yang tone: "Xia Xia, I didn't expect you to be able to follow here?

I really underestimate you, but you better have self-knowledge, otherwise, you will be at your own risk. "

Xia Tian didn't look up: "Who are you idiot?"

"Oh, you dress me up again!"

The visitor was so angry at Xia Xia's attitude that he punched him in the face of Xia Xia.


A figure slammed heavily on the ground, causing the entire restaurant to look over in a panic.

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