Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1937 Even a true immortal can kill

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


"Xiamen, wait a minute." Ah Jiu hurriedly called Xia Xia, for fear that he might accidentally kill Xue Fengshan.

Xue Fengshan was stunned when he heard Xia Xia's name, and then shuddered in shock: "You, you are Xia Xia?"

"You know that Jiu Yatou is Yiyi's wife's maid, but you don't know that I'm Yiyi's wife's husband?" Xia Xia pouted and kicked Xue Fengshan a little unhappily.

Xue Fengshan said in disbelief: "Yi Xiaoyin never said that she has a husband. How could I know that her husband is you and you are Xia Tian."

"How do you know Xia Xia?" Ah Jiu felt a little strange, this Xue Fengshan seemed to know Xia Xia's prestige just like the killer she met in Yu Miaomiao before, but she didn't know Xia Xia, it really didn't make sense. "Xia Tian, ​​a natural evil star, a big devil who kills without blinking. Everyone in the Longevity Association knows that, because this is what the Lord of Longevity said." When Xue Fengshan said this, he stared at Xia Tian without blinking. I'm afraid I'll be fucked if I'm not careful


"You are the evil star, and you are the big devil who kills without blinking." Xia Xia was a little unhappy when he heard this, and kicked Xue Fengshan to the ground again.

"Take it lightly, don't kill him." Ah Jiu reminded: "It's still useful to keep him."

Xia Xia said with some boredom: "Nine girls, what's the use of such a liar, just throw it into the sea."

"Fuck you." Ah Jiu gave Xia Tian a light kick. "We still don't know anything about the secrets of this ship. We just asked him to ask questions. He should know a lot of things."

Xia Xia looked puzzled: "Jiu girl, what do we do when we know the secret on the ship?" "Just listen when I tell you, and ask so many questions." Ah Jiu ignored Xia Xia and glanced at the pills that were rolling down the ground. Can't help but bend over and pick one up, twist it lightly, and sniff it under the nose: "There are ingredients of ecstasy, and some

The medicinal ingredients that nourish the mind and store qi are harmless to the body but can control the human brain, but it has nothing to do with life extension. "

"Nine girls, I said earlier that this is a liar who doesn't know medical skills." Xia Xia smiled and glanced at the participants who were locked in: "Only these idiots without IQ will believe it and pay a lot of money. Go buy it." Those who were locked down by Xia Xia showed angry expressions on their faces, not only because of Xia Xia's ruthless ridicule, but also because they found that Xue Fengshan was really a liar, and the life-sustaining pills they had been relying on for their lives were actually also fake.

The collapse of trust and the annihilation of hope made them want to tear up Xue Fengshan now.

Xue Fengshan felt that his situation was not good, so he endured the pain and crawled towards the door with his hands and feet together.

"Don't run for now, there are still things to ask you." Ajiu stretched her long legs and caught up with Xue Fengshan in three or two steps, blocking his way: "You can also not answer, but in this case, I will Leave you at these people's disposal."

The expression on Xue Fengshan's face changed several times, and finally showed a nonchalant expression: "Well, I don't know what Miss Jiu wants to ask?"

"Where is the real exchange meeting of your Longevity Association?" Ah Jiu asked straight to the point without detouring.

"This is the exchange meeting, I didn't lie to you, really." Xue Fengshan answered quite readily, but the credibility of the words was very intriguing.

Ah Jiu sighed and said coldly, "You'd better cooperate, or I'll put the pills all over the floor in your mouth and let you continue your life."

"Don't, don't, don't! Miss Jiu, speak up if you have something to say, I will definitely cooperate." Xue Fengshan was startled and waved his hands in panic. It seems that he knows the real effect of these pills, otherwise he would be afraid of this.

"Let's talk." Ah Jiu looked indifferent, "I don't want to repeat my question."

Xue Fengshan hesitated for a few seconds, then glanced at the participants who were frozen: "Can you change the place? It's really inconvenient to talk here."

"Are you afraid of being heard by them?" Ah Jiu said with some humor.

Xia Xia said lazily: "Nine girls, you guessed it wrong. These idiots can't survive today. He must not be afraid. The person he is afraid of is not here."

"How, how do you know?" Xue Fengshan looked at Xia Xia in astonishment.

Ah Jiu felt a little strange: "Since people are not here, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"Just, I can't say it here. If Miss Jiu really wants to know something, please change the place." Xue Fengshan glanced around, looking very anxious, "If I'm here, I won't say anything. of."

Xia Tian said impatiently: "As long as I take a needle, there is no situation where you won't say anything."

"Forget it, since he wants to change place, then change it." Ah Jiu's work is not as simple and rude as Xia Xia, on the contrary, it is a bit like Yi Xiaoyin, that is, try to be convenient to others when it can be convenient. It's not difficult.

"Then they... can continue to maintain this state?" Xue Fengshan got up from the ground, pointed to the frozen attendees in the venue, and looked at Xia Xia and Ah Jiu hesitantly.

Ah Jiu guessed that this guy was afraid that the participants would trouble him after they resumed their actions, so he said, "This is not something you should be concerned about. As long as you stay and tell the truth, I can guarantee that you will not be beaten to death by them."

"Then thank you Miss Jiu." Xue Fengshan felt a little relieved, "You two please come with me, I know a quiet place, and I guarantee that no one will hear our conversation.


"Lead the way." Ah Jiu wasn't worried about what kind of scheming Xue Fengshan would play. This kind of thing didn't need Xia Tian's shot, and she also had a way to make him have nowhere to run.

Xue Fengshan tidied up his clothes, then took Xia Xia and Ah Jiu and walked out through a hidden exit of the venue, leaving the fixed participants in the venue still posing and imitating sculptures.

The hidden passageway at the venue was a bit narrow, and it looked different from the materials used to build the ship. Ah Jiu took a look and made a preliminary judgment. This should have been made by someone privately after the ship was formed.

I don't know if it was out of showing off, or if I wanted to win the trust of Xia Xia and Ah Jiu, Xue Fengshan took the initiative to explain: "I had someone secretly build this passage, and even the captain Wu Baiding didn't know."

"Why do you want to create this kind of hidden passage?" Ah Jiu asked amusingly.

Xia Xia replied casually: "Nine girls, don't think about it, it must be this idiot who is afraid that his identity as a liar will be revealed, so he prepares this kind of passage so that he can escape at any time."

"Haha, you two are joking." Xue Fengshan smiled politely but embarrassedly, "Although my doctor's identity is fake, I also work for [Longevity Master], as long as I am on the boat, there is really no one. How dare you do me."

"Really?" Summer giggled.

Xue Fengshan felt tight, and hurriedly said, "Of course, you are not included here."

Ah Jiu couldn't help but ask, "Who is your longevity master?"

"No one knows about this." Xue Fengshan was frank this time, "I don't even know if it's a man or a woman."

"Haven't you seen it before?" Ah Jiu glanced at Xia Xia, determined that Xue Fengshan was not lying, and then asked. "I've seen it." Xue Fengshan showed a helpless look on his face, "but it's not the same as never seeing it, you all know after watching the TV series, how can a black hand like this queen be so easy to show his true face, the voice is also processed, you can't hear it. Come out men and women.


Then he added: "Maybe Wu Baiding has seen his true face."

Ah Jiu nodded, this was as expected, and asked again: "Your life extension pill was given to you by this longevity master, right?"

"Yes." Xue Fengshan was very honest, and said as he walked: "Extend Life Pills are used by the Lord of Longevity to accumulate wealth, that kind of thing can control people's minds, and those who have eaten them are basically inseparable, so these rich people every year. Come and buy."

"There is actually a drug trafficking business here. You really have enough money." A Jiu sneered, disdainful for the behavior of the longevity master. It is really shameful to use such a shameful means to make money.

Xue Fengshan didn't dare to speak. He was actually not very courageous. He was forced to join the Changsheng Association to do these things, and now he didn't dare to resist Xia Xia and Ah Jiu.

"Then is the longevity master on board?" Ah Jiu asked again.

"Not here." Xue Fengshan shook his head and replied, "He never gets on the boat."

"It's strange to buy such a luxury cruise ship without ever getting on a ship." Ah Jiu couldn't help laughing, "Then where did you meet him?"

"On an island, the real exchange meeting is actually there." Xue Fengshan replied: "Every time after the ship docked, he sent someone over to invite us to the island, and then handed over all the proceeds from the ship. give him."

Ah Jiu was stunned, and an idea came to her mind, and she couldn't help but ask, "Island? Which island?"

"I don't know about this either." Xue Fengshan said with a bitter face, "The boat stopped at random in the middle of it. Maybe no one on the boat knows which island it is except Wu Baiding."

"It seems that I still need to talk to Wu Baiding." Ah Jiu murmured to himself in deep thought.

Xia Tian didn't take it seriously: "Nine girls, you don't actually need to talk to that idiot. When the boat stops, just go up and beat that idiot who is the master of longevity and short-lived."

"You know how to beat people, and what else do you know." Ah Jiu gave Xia Tian a white look, "No wonder Sister Yi always avoids you, you are so boring."

Xia Xia looked very proud: "I'm obviously very interesting, you should be very clear about this, nine girls."

"I'm too lazy to care about you." Ah Jiu glared at Xia Xia angrily. "Well, although I'm not qualified to say this, I still want to persuade you." Xue Fengshan looked hesitant and a little scared, and said slowly: "The Lord of Longevity is not a mortal, he is almost like a god, you are definitely not his. opponent

, it's better not to provoke him. "

"We're not interested in provoking him, but that idiot provoked us." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "Even if he's really an immortal, I can kill him." Xue Fengshan was speechless for a moment, only in his heart After lamenting that this evil star is really crazy: "You don't understand the Lord of Longevity at all. Although he never shows up, he has a strong desire to control. There are surveillance cameras everywhere on this ship.

will be dealt with by him. This passage was also created by me with all my heart, barely able to avoid his eyes and ears. "

"Then how do you know that he didn't let you build your tunnel on purpose?" A Jiujiao asked a tricky question.

Xue Fengshan was stunned for a moment, his pupils were full of horror. At this time, the hull of the ship suddenly trembled violently, and the entire passage was instantly twisted into a twisted shape. But Xia Xia and Ah Jiu disappeared, and they didn't know where they went.

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