Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1943 Strength is as light as a child

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


Ah Jiu was stunned, she knew about the death of the cathode, but she always felt that it was just an unrealistic legend. In fact, Yinyimen has always been divided into inside and outside. Inner Yinyimen is a hidden Yinyimen. People living on Frost Moon Island will never leave the island. The vulva medicine door is active all over the world

, except for the sect master and certain sectarians, they are not allowed to land on Frost Moon Island for life. Yi Xiaoyin was originally a hidden yin doctor, but she wanted to escape from Shuangyue Island since she was a child, and finally escaped successfully and became a vulva doctor, but on the condition that she needed to provide Shuangyue Island with a sum of money that was almost impossible to earn. This is also the reason why vulva doctors always plan to trap the rich. At that time, Yi Xiaoyin really wanted to change the situation of vulva doctors, but was unable to do so. Twelve years ago, she met Xia Xia, and with his help, she took control of the vulva doctor's door.

The door was rectified, but it also offended Frost Moon Island. When Ah Jiu helped Yi Xiaoyin to rectify the vulva medicine door, he came into contact with some ancient borrowings and secrets that were not disclosed in the door. Among them, there was a record about the cathodic rebirth array. This is a very sinister secret technique. created later for the purpose of

In order to prolong her life, this secret technique had some irreversible negative reactions, and was finally abandoned by the Yin Queen. This secret technique is actually depriving others of their vitality, and then concentrating on oneself, but the success rate is not high, that is, about 1 in 1,000, and there is a great risk. Back then, Yin doctors used this secret technique to control tens of thousands of people

As a result, instead of continuing his life, he suffered a backlash, and finally had to return to Shuangyue Island to close his life and death. Yi Xiaoyin deeply felt that this sorcery was very harmful, so she directly burned all the documents related to the cathode reincarnation array. It is said that there may still be records of this secret technique on Frost Moon Island, but as a person like Wu Baiding, how can

If it can be accessed, then where does the cathode reincarnation array he is using now come from?

"How could you have a negative life?" Ah Jiu couldn't help but wonder in her heart, and asked Wu Baiding, "This should be a secret technique that is definitely not passed down from the Yin medical school. Where did you know it?" Wu Baiding listened to it. When Ah Jiu's questioning, a proud smile appeared on his face again: "Do you think it's amazing? I also think it's amazing that there is such a magical technique in the world, something that originally only existed in novels and film and television dramas, actually by my wu

Someone used it..."

"Stop talking nonsense." A Jiu interrupted Wu Baiding impatiently: "I asked you where you learned this formation technique, and who told you." "Miss Jiu, do you think it is necessary for me to answer you? Is this a problem?" Wu Baiding pretended to be interrupted by pretending to be forced, and he was filled with an unfinished depression in his heart, and he was naturally also very upset: "I can only tell you, our longevity will be omnipotent, don't do anything.

Speaking of the negative reincarnation formation, even if you are the frost moon longevity formation of your yin queen, you can get it out. "Who is it?" "A Jiu's expression is solemn, this situation is indeed a little serious, before Shuangyue Island was basically in a state of isolation from the world, so the vulva medicine door represented the whole yin medicine door, and the vulva medicine door's inheritance of medical skills is actually lacking

Trapped, not afraid of leaking at all. However, the hidden Yinyimen on Shuangyue Island is different, where all the superior medical techniques and secret techniques of Yinyimen are stored. Once it is leaked, the consequences will be disastrous.

Wu Baiding chuckled lightly: "Want to know? I won't tell you!"

"No, you have to tell him." Xia Xia said lazily at this time.

"Really?" Wu Baiding smiled, and suddenly appeared behind Xia Xia, clenching his fists, and facing Xia Xia's back for a long time was a powerful force.


I saw the image of a person shot out like a cannonball, smashed through the wall of the room, and fell directly into the corridor. The whole head looked like a smashed watermelon. "Hey, you actually escaped? Xia Tian, ​​it seems that you still have some strength, so you are not slow." Wu Baiding glanced at the person who fell out, and found that it was the security guard he brought over himself. Then he looked in the room, Xia Xia Still lounging on the sofa

, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"It's you idiot who is too slow." Xia Xia looked casual, "Is there any more powerful tricks, I'm not interested at all at this level."

Wu Baiding chuckled and said calmly, "Since you want to play, I'll play with you, but don't regret it."

"You lose a lot of nonsense." Xia Xia pouted, "Looking at your idiot's use of such a boring formation, you know that you must be a rookie. Only a waste without strength will play this kind of trick."

"You're courting death!" Wu Baiding was stabbed in the sore spot, and suddenly burst into anger: "Last time I deliberately knocked you out, I really thought you were so powerful, and now I'll let you know what it means to be in the sky."

With that said, Wu Baiding took a step forward abruptly, and the next second he appeared on Xia Xia's left side, and his fist had already hit Xia Xia's face.

This punch is more than ten times faster than before, and its power is also ten times stronger. A smug smile appeared on Wu Baiding's face. He was confident that he would definitely not be able to escape this punch in the summer. Even if he escaped, it would be fine, because there would be ten punches that would stick. In his opinion, the so-called ultimate move is not to defeat the enemy with one blow, but

is foolproof.

His first punch was both a false move and a real move, both a killer move and a lure. If Xia Xia doesn’t dodge, it’s a real move, one punch may kill him, and there are ten more punches to follow; if Xia Xia hides, that one punch is a false move and a lure, forcing Xia to only Dodge to the right so you will just bump into him and hide

Within the range of the other ten punches, it is also a death.

Of course, Wu Baiding's purpose was not to kill Xia Xia, so he would show mercy, just to give Xia Xia an unforgettable lesson.


With a soft sound, Xia Xia's slap slapped Wu Baiding's fist very casually, slapping the so-called power and ultimate move that he contained without a trace.

"This...how is it possible!" Wu Baiding was stunned on the spot, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his mind suddenly went blank, making him know nothing and feel nothing at this moment.

"The speed is as slow as death, and the strength is as light as a child." Xia Xia still looked listless, "Is this your best trick? It's too boring, you idiot should die. "

It was only at this time that Wu Baiding came back to his senses and roared angrily: "Let me die, then see if you have this book... Ah!" Before he could finish speaking, Xia Xia's fist had already hit him. Head, the speed seems very slow, at least in Ah Jiu's eyes, it seems like two people are playing a pantomime. Xia Xia slowly punched Wu Baiding on the head, and then Wu Baiding matched

Put your head on the ground little by little, and then:

There was a loud bang, and the floor was smashed through, and even the five or four floors below were smashed through.

Wu Baiding's head was intact, but his entire body was paralyzed on the ground like a dead snake.

"You beat him to death?" Ah Jiu jumped up and walked over to sniff, "I still have something to ask him."

Xia Tian pouted: "He's not dead yet, but his subordinates are going to be unlucky."

"What do you mean?" Ah Jiu asked in confusion.

"Nine girls, don't you know about this cathode reincarnation array? You should understand what I mean." Xia Xia said strangely.

Ah Jiu gave Xia Tian a white look, and said angrily, "I just read the records of this formation in a book. There is no record of the specific functions of the formation, nor the specific information of the formation."

"Then you'll find out later." Xia Xia said lazily.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, Wu Baiding regained consciousness and slowly stood up from the ground. "Xia Xia, it seems that I really underestimated you, but it's okay, now I've decided to face you squarely." Wu Baiding stretched out his hand, and more than a dozen strands of black energy entered his body, making him a little stronger in an instant: "You've run out of chances. In

In the negative reincarnation array, all people belong to me, which means that I have more than 3,000 lives, and you only have one. How are you fighting me? "

When he said this, a dozen people on certain floors of the cruise ship suddenly fell to the ground and fainted without warning.

One of them was gambling, and when his luck was flushing, he wanted to go all-in with excitement on his face. Just as he pushed the chips up, his eyes rolled and he fainted. The Tianling cover floated out. There is also a rich second generation who is swimming, betting against others in front of a group of beautiful girls consciousness

, almost drowned in the pool.

Someone else is fucking...

Fortunately, the security guard on the ship appeared in time, immediately controlled the scene, and took the fainted away quietly. Otherwise, there will definitely be riots.

... "So an idiot like you doesn't understand at all. It's not how many lives you have to fight, but whether you are strong enough." Xia Xia shook his head and said with a little disappointment: "Also, your formation There are flaws in itself, and it's not over yet

It's useless at all. I thought you could play with me for a while. "When death is imminent, you can still be so arrogant, you really can't cry without seeing the coffin. "Wu Baiding sneered, pointed at Xia Xia and said, "Don't forget, you and the nine girls are also in my formation, maybe your next punch will hit you and her."

. "

"It can only be said that you think too much." Xia Xia couldn't help sighing, "Idiots just don't understand human words, let's let you recognize what reality is."

"You are the pretentious one!" Wu Baiding shouted violently, flipping his hands, a black fog circle immediately appeared in his palms, and then threw it towards Xia Tian, ​​"Then let you see the true power of the cathode reincarnation array. ."

After the fog was thrown out, it was like a black steel whip, and it was released at an extremely fast speed. It was chopped into two sections where it passed. In the blink of an eye, it reached Xia Xia's neck, and then turned into a circle of light again. Summer is in it. "If you're in the ring, then your life and death will be decided by me!" Wu Baiding said to Xia Xia proudly: "I want you to die first, so that you know that my will cannot be violated!"

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