Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1952 Can be disabled and ask slowly

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Nangong Yuan's face was full of fake smiles, and his mouth was slightly raised: "That's interesting, it seems that we have to eat a big meal today."

As he said that, he glanced at Gao Zhenzhen, who had just been lifted up by the one-eyed strong man, "Then let's try the little dessert."

"You can't eat anything."

Ah Jiu looked at the person in front of her with dismay, "The best thing you can do now is to turn around and jump into the sea, maybe you still have a chance to survive."

"That can't live."

Nangong Yuan shook his head, "I'm not a fish. Now that the sky is in the water, there is nothing but drowning."

Ah Jiu said with a sneer, "Didn't you say you came from the bottom of the sea?"

"It's the bottom of the ship, not the bottom of the ocean."

Nangong Yuan corrected Ah Jiu's statement, "After all, I'm not a fish. Miss Ah Jiu, if you want to delay time, I don't think it's necessary, because everyone on this boat will die today."

Ah Jiu was not afraid at all, on the contrary, she felt a little amused. She folded her arms in front of her chest and said lightly, "Oh, then tell me, why should I delay?"

"Isn't this a knowing question?"

Nangong Yuan smiled and licked his dagger, and said proudly: "Everyone knows that Ajiu and Yi Xiaoyin are Jiao Buli Meng and Meng Bujiao, you are here, then Yi Xiaoyin is definitely nearby.

I made a profit today. I just wanted to come up and catch a few small fish, but I didn't expect to catch such a big fish now. "

Ah Jiu couldn't help but sarcastically said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to catch any fish, and you're still going in with your life."

"Then see if you have the ability."

Nangong Yuan quickly turned the dagger in his hand, and then his eyes narrowed, "While there is still some time, I will kill you first, and then wait for Yi Xiaoyin to show up."

Having said that, Nangong Yuan immediately stepped forward and kicked again, and the whole person was in front of Ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu didn't seem to react, she just stood there in a daze, not moving, and she even kept the stare in her eyes.

"The rumors are really unreliable, and the information also says that this woman is also an expert. It's ridiculous."

Nangong Yuan sneered in his heart, and wiped the dagger in his hand towards Ah Jiu's neck, "This ticket is considered a winner."


Nangong Yuan suddenly flew out without warning, rolled seven or eight laps on the deck before stopping, and when he stood up again, his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

Ah Jiu still stood there with a smile on her face, folded her arms and said, "Now do you think I have the ability?"

"what happened?"

Nangong Yuan's head was full of question marks, and he was completely unaware of what happened just now, and had no impression of how he was knocked out.

In this situation, there are only two possibilities. One is that someone secretly took action, and the other is that Ah Jiu's skill is much higher than his.

He first ruled out the first possibility. There were only four people on the deck. Besides him, there were only Gao Zhenzhen, the one-eyed strong man, and Ah Jiu.

If there is one more person, it is absolutely impossible for him not to find out.

The rest is the second possibility, but he doesn't quite agree with this possibility.

He is a world-class top killer, and he came out of the most rigorous killer training camp in the world, while Ah Jiu is just a doctor's assistant. Even if he has practiced martial arts, his strength is definitely not comparable to him.

After just a few seconds of reasoning, Nangong Yuan quickly came up with an answer, that is, he underestimated the enemy, and there is no other explanation besides this.

"It seems that the information is correct. You do have some strength."

Nangong Yuan instantly adjusted his mentality, still looking unhurried, "But that's the end of it, you have 500 million in the dark net, this is a lot of money, you can top me for a few years. income, I can't just miss it."

Ah Jiu smiled disapprovingly: "Five hundred million?

Who is so generous, who actually paid so much money for me, if there is a chance, I should treat him to a drink. "

"Hehe, I'm afraid you have no chance."

Nangong Yuan laughed twice, and the dagger in his hand spun again, but this time he threw it directly.

The snake-shaped dagger spun rapidly in midair, really like a small snake swimming nimbly in the sea, but the speed was a little weird.

Ah Jiu's eyes were indeed attracted by the little snake, and it moved as it roamed. .

When the little snake turned behind her, she woke up in horror, feeling that something was wrong.

"General! Army!"

Sure enough, at some point, Nangong Yuan came behind her, grabbed the snake-shaped dagger in his hand, and stabbed A Jiu's fair neck like a swan.


This knife, directly inserted, blood spattered.

"Hahaha, this fresh blood is really exciting."

Nangong Yuan was caught off guard and spattered with blood, but he didn't feel uncomfortable, instead he took a deep breath in intoxication.

"This is your own blood, can you not be excited?"

A languid voice sounded at the right time.

When Nangong Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned: "My own blood?"

"Yes, don't you feel the pain, you idiot?"

Xia Xia stood in the distance with A Jiu in his arms and said with a smile



It was only at this time that Nangong Yuan felt that his body seemed to be a little different, and then he looked down and saw that his snake-shaped dagger was inserted into his own neck. Although it avoided the artery, it still spurted blood.

Fortunately, he had undergone all kinds of rigorous training in the killer training camp before, and suffering was one of them.

"Nine girls, with your strength, you can directly kill this idiot."

Xia Tian looked at Ah Jiu with some puzzlement.

Ah Jiu gave Xia Tian a white look: "Don't just think about killing someone, this person is really weird, it's best to get some news out of his mouth."

"Then you can also crippled him, and then ask slowly."

When Xia Xia said this, it was completely taken for granted, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

"Aren't the two of you a little too arrogant, do you really think this injury can do anything to me?"

Nangong Yuan stared at the sudden appearance of Xia Xia without blinking. While pulling out the snake-shaped dagger, he tapped a few wound acupoints. At the same time, the other hand took out the wound medicine from his arms and applied it to the wound. superior.

Xia Xia glanced at him lightly, and said casually: "Actually, you should take the opportunity to fall on the ground and pretend to be dead. Maybe I will be too lazy to accept you, so that you can save your life."

"Not ashamed to speak."

Nangong Yuan looked at Xia Xia's body with flaws, and couldn't help but feel contemptuous: "I was just accidentally attacked by you just now, do you really think you are so powerful?"

"Nine girls, where did this idiot come from?"

Xia Tian turned to look at Ah Jiu and asked with a smile, "Is there something wrong with his brain?"

Ah Jiu said angrily: "You are also a doctor, and your medical skills are even countless times higher than mine. Can't you see if there is something wrong with his brain, yet he came to ask me."

"Oh, then he might be out of his mind."

Xia Tian said affirmatively, "So I can't see if there is a problem."

"You're so out of your mind."

Nangong Yuan licked his own blood from the dagger, and said with a gloomy expression: "I have to admit that you really angered me. Although I rarely do unprofitable business, today I will make an exception to kill you."

Ah Jiu couldn't help laughing, and said casually, "If you really want to kill him, it will be the most profitable business in the world, and you are guaranteed to have countless people giving you money.

After all, there are too many people in this world who want to kill him but can't. "

Nangong Yuan didn't want to say more, and threw the snake-shaped dagger in his hand again.

The dagger was thrown into the air and immediately spun at a high speed.

Not long after, it was divided into three parts, false and real, true and false.

Three snake shadows wandered in mid-air, with the sound of breaking the air, and even the steel was cut off wherever they passed.

"This kind of fancy trick is really useless."

Seeing this, Xia Xia couldn't help sighing and shaking his head: "Why don't you idiots always understand?"

Nangong Yuan's figure also quickly approached Xia Xia, and his voice was erratic: "Whether it's useful, you'll find out later."

"Sure enough, idiots just don't make sense."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "Then let you see the difference directly."

"Give me death!"

When Xia Xia approached, Nangong Yuan let out a low voice, reached out and grabbed a swimming snake, and stabbed it into Xia Xia's chest fiercely.


As soon as Nangong Yuan shot, he felt something was wrong, because his dagger could not pierce Xia Xia's body.

It was a dagger that cut iron like mud, how could it not pierce through the flesh and blood.

Looking up, the dagger was resisted by Xia Xia's left hand.

This understatement is as if he is not holding a sharp dagger, but a piece of toilet paper.


Xia Xia slapped over and slapped the stunned Nangong Yuan out.

"You, who are you!"

Nangong Yuan really felt the difference in strength now, and asked in astonishment, "You shouldn't be anonymous with your skills."

Xia Xia introduced himself: "My name is Xia, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the number one day in the world."


I haven't heard of it, a famous person in the killer world, I've never heard of this person.

. "

Nangong Yuan was stunned for a while, but still had no impression. It seems that there is no such person in the killer world, but this person's martial arts are clearly and terribly high. Could it be that he is not a killer, but a hidden master of all corners of the world.

"As a killer, haven't you heard of the Shadow Corps?"

Ah Jiu asked back with some doubts.

"Is he a rookie killer trained by the Shadow Corps?"

Gao Gongyuan had a look of astonishment on his face, "This is terrifying. I never imagined that the Shadow Corps would cultivate such terrifying newcomers after Avril and Isabella disappeared. It seems that the map of the killer world will be rewritten."

Xia Xia shook his head and sighed: "Nine girl, I'll just say there's something wrong with his brain."

"He's not from the Shadow Company, but the Shadow Company is full of his people."

Ah Jiu also felt that this killer was not smart enough for Yazi, "He hasn't shot for almost twelve years, and it's normal for the killer world to not know his reputation these days."

"and many more!"

Hearing this, Nangong Yuan was stunned for a moment, then remembered the deafening name in the killer world twelve years ago, his face gradually turned ashen, "You, you are the god of killers twelve years ago?"

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