Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1955 You are not alone

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Whistle Island is an extremely common and mysterious island located in the vast sea.

The area is not large, but the terrain is very complicated, especially in the hinterland of the island, there are countless bottomless holes. When the sea breeze blows, it will make a whistle-like sound.

When Xia Xia and Ah Jiu appeared on the island, the sky was already bright, and the sunrise in the distance was also very beautiful.

Along with them ashore, in addition to the four people, were some wreckage of the cruise ship.

"Even if you want to kill him, you can wait until the boat docks. You have to be in such a hurry, making everyone so embarrassed."

Ah Jiu glared at Xia Xia with some dissatisfaction, then checked the breath of the other four, and found that he was still breathing, and felt a little relieved.

Xia Xia didn't feel embarrassed, on the contrary, it was very funny, and said casually: "Nine girls, you can't blame me for this, who made that idiot's boat to be completely unbeaten like his people, and it was blown up with one punch. "

About a few minutes ago, Xia Xia smashed Zhao Qingge's head with a punch, but he was excited for a while and didn't hold back much. As a result, this punch also smashed the entire cruise ship into scum.

A Jiu was caught off guard by Xia Xia's waist and flew across the sea. As for the four people, A Jiu couldn't see them, so Xia Xia rescued them.

These four people are Nangong Yuan, Gao Zhenzhen, the one-eyed strong man, and the foreigner Ma Hank.

As for the mysterious person that Xia Xia and Ah Jiu brought aboard the boat at the beginning, he has long since disappeared, and it is not known if he really died in the sea.

"Thank you both for saving your life."

After the one-eyed strong man came back to his senses, he immediately knelt down in front of Xia Xia and Ah Jiu, "What happened two years ago must be that I misunderstood Miss Jiu. Here I apologize to Miss Jiu."

Ah Jiu didn't take this to heart. Over the years, neither Yiren Pavilion nor Yi Xiaoyin and she knew how many misunderstandings and criticisms they had suffered.

"Forget it, it's not a big deal."

A Jiuchong waved his hand to the one-eyed strong man, "I don't plan to pursue anything, but next time you have news about those liars, you can contact Yiren Pavilion or the Magic Doctor Group at any time...org"

"The great kindness of the two of you will definitely be repaid by someone Zhong in the future."

The one-eyed strong man suddenly knelt down and kowtowed heavily at Xia Xia and Ah Jiu, then left without looking back.

Nangong Yuan also wanted to turn around and leave in such a cool manner, but he knew that he couldn't do it, otherwise, his head might also be blown off.

Gao Zhenzhen's body was very weak, and she was lying on the beach as if she was dead, gasping for breath from time to time.

"Why am I here?

What about the boat? "

The foreigner, Ma Hank, slowly woke up. Seeing the beach in front of him, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. When he saw Xia Xia and Ah Jiu Shi, he couldn't help asking, "What happened?"

"The ship is gone, this is Sentinel Island."

Ah Jiu felt that this person's words were a bit arrogant, but considering that the other party was a foreigner, it meant that he understood a little.

Ma Hank jumped up in shock and looked around in amazement: "This is Sentinel Island, that terrifying island, the base of the Longevity Association?"

"Aren't you and Gao Zhenzhen just going to investigate the Longevity Association?"

Ah Jiu asked casually, "Now that we have arrived at its secret base, I should be happy."

"What are you happy about, we are going to die!"

Ma Hank exaggeratedly pulled his hair on the temples and kept shouting: "It's over, it's over, it's really over, I can't live anymore."

After a while, he suddenly came back to his senses and looked at Ah Jiu in surprise: "How did you know we were investigating the Longevity Association?"

"I said."

Nangong Yuan interjected at this time.

"Oh, buy it.

You are that killer. "

Ma Hank touched his body with both hands, "I remember that I was stabbed by you, I should be dead, why is it okay?"

Soon he shouted happily again: "It's better if I don't die, it's better if I don't die, it seems that the Lord still cares for me, but what should I do now, if I meet someone from the Longevity Association, I will still be killed... ""To shut up!"

Xia Xia was annoyed by this person's arguing, "I'll kill you now if you keep arguing...org"

Ma Hank immediately closed his mouth with a look of horror on his face.

On the other side, Nangong Yuan looked at A Jiu with a little embarrassment: "Miss Jiu, you said to spare my life, should it be counted now?"

"You think beautiful."

Xia Xia said lazily: "Nine girls only said to spare your life, but from just now, if it wasn't for nine girls to save you, you would have died no less than ten times."

"What are the nine girls going to do with me?"

It was only at this time that Nangong Yuan opened his mouth and said to Ajiu and Xia Xia, "If you kill me, please throw my body into the sea, I don't want to stay on this island."

Ah Jiu thought about it for a while, and decided to let them fend for themselves on the island. He didn't bother to say anything else, so he dragged Xia Xia away.

The two didn't walk very far when a young man in a white uniform with a number came up to them. Seeing them, he smiled and said, "Are you two coming to participate in the Longevity Fair?"

"Who are you?"

Ah Jiu looked at this man and asked casually


The young man with the number 11 embroidered on his chest replied with a smile, "We are the reception staff of the Longevity Association and are responsible for receiving all the distinguished guests who land on the island."

Ah Jiu smiled and asked, "Aren't you afraid of picking up the wrong person?"

"This young lady is joking, no matter what identity, what origin... all those who landed on the island are our distinguished guests."

The man No. 11 replied with a smile on his face: "The two distinguished guests please come with me. We have arranged rooms for all the guests in the meeting."

Ah Jiu asked again, "When will the longevity begin?"

"I don't know this. Two distinguished guests are required to wait in the room for notification."

Man No. 11 replied.

"Then do you know how many people participated in this longevity meeting?"

Ah Jiu asked again, she just had nothing to say, try to find out any useful information.

The man No. 11 replied this time: "The two should be the last wave of guests, there are thirty-two people in total."

"How do you know that there will be no more people behind?"

A Jiuluo said with some doubts.

At this time, Xia Xia suddenly said: "Nine girls, it's not difficult to know this, because this island can move.

After this period of time, it will soon drift to other places, and even if people come later, you will not be able to find this island. "

"This gentleman is right."

Man No. 11 didn't expect Xia Xia to know this, "It's getting late, you two come with me."

There is a mountain that is neither high nor short, with a strange structure. The sunny side is a gently sloping slope, and the other side is a cliff that is as steep as a sword.

The so-called rooms are actually countless holes on the cliff, stretching from the top of a cliff to the bottom like an abyss.

Man No. 11 took Xia Xia and A Jiu slowly up the slope, passed through a rather hidden mountain gate, and entered a cave.

There are bright lights everywhere in this cave, and the light is even brighter than the daytime outside. The furnishings and buildings inside are somewhat like a science and technology museum.

After reaching an unusually spacious hall, Man No. 11 asked Xia Xia and Ah Jiu to wait for a while, and he went to help them register.

"It's pretty high-tech here."

Ah Jiu was very surprised that the cave was so modernized, "Spending so much money to make such bells and whistles here, what the hell does that longevity master want to do?"

Xia Xia yawned lazily: "Nine girls, since he is called the Lord of Longevity, he must want to live forever."


Ah Jiu sighed leisurely, "Is it really that attractive?"

Xia Xia asked a little puzzled: "Nine girls, don't you want to live forever?"

"If there is no love in life, what's the point of longevity?"

As for life, Ah Jiu has her own clear idea, "What is a good thing to live alone for too long?"

"But you're not alone."

Xia Xia hugged Ah Jiu's slender waist and said with a smile: "You still have me, and Yiyi's wife, if you feel lonely, we can have more children."

Ah Jiu's face flushed, and she stared at Xia Xia dissatisfiedly: "You think beautifully, who wants to have a baby with you."

At this time, a rather rude voice sounded from the side, and said in a vulgar tone: "This beauty, if you don't dislike it, you can have a baby with me."

Ah Jiu tilted her head to look, and found that the speaker was a fat man in a suit, with a sturdy body, a round head, and crowded facial features. He looked no different from a pig.

"You dead fat pig looking for death, right? You dare to molest my woman."

Xia Xia stared at the fat man unhappily and said viciously.

"Hehe, your woman?"

The fat man in the suit smiled and glanced at Xia Xia contemptuously. He turned his head and said to a man numbered 3 who was following behind him: "Give him 30 million and let him get out."

Man No. 3 immediately took out a smartphone of an unknown brand and said to Xia Tian, ​​"May I ask what is this guest's island code, and I can transfer 30 million to you immediately."

"What is the island landing number?"

Summer pouted.

When Fatty Suit heard this, he couldn't help grinning: "It seems that the two of you haven't registered yet, so it would be better.

I will requisition this woman now, and you will transfer 100 million to the Lord. "

"According to the regulations on Sentinel Island, all unregistered people are items and can be bought and sold, and you have this right."

Man No. 3 nodded, immediately opened an app on his phone, entered a series of numbers, and then said to Ah Jiu, "Miss, you are now Mr. Hai Dafu's personal belongings."

"You are the object."

Ah Jiu said dissatisfiedly, "Isn't Hai Dafu also a eunuch?"

The fat man in the suit was not angry, and smiled slyly: "Is I a eunuch, you will naturally know it at night... ah!"

Before he finished speaking, the fat man in the suit flew out as a whole, smashing into the wall dozens of meters away like a cannonball, and no one could be seen.

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