Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1994 This generation is really messy

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Xia Xia always felt that the loneliness of the master was pure nonsense, because he was already invincible in the world, but he was not lonely at all. .

The only time I felt a little lonely was on the day I learned that all the wives and the Immortal Island were gone. But soon, he cheered up, because there are still many wives and concubines left on earth, and his fun is only a little less, not all.

What's more, no matter where he goes, he will encounter enemies, which may be the enemies he forged a few years ago, or the enemies forged more than ten years ago, and more likely, the enemies forged by his masters decades ago. The hatred, in short, there are fights and beatings, which is not lonely at all.

This time, Xia Xia followed Ah Jiu to Frost Moon Island. The original intention was to solve the troubles for Yi Xiaoyin. He never thought that he would still meet an enemy. I can only say that this world has really done a good job in order to prevent him from feeling lonely.

Of course, Xia Tian wouldn't think about it so much, but he just thinks that this kind of idiot who needs to be beaten is really endless. They know they can't beat him, but they always come up to fight him. I really don't know how their brains grow. of.

This needless old man looked at the menacing, his palms with flames, but in Xia Tian's eyes, his strength was not as good as that of Ying Mengbai just now.

Therefore, in less than half a second, the other party was slapped by Xia Xia, and the fan flew dozens of meters away, causing him to lose consciousness.

This result is no surprise.

Invincible is sometimes really unpretentious and boring.

"Take Elder Lu to the secret cell as well, and take care of it." Yin Wuyu sighed and ordered several guards.

Xia Tian pouted: "The elders on your island are too watery, and I can't even take a punch."

"Elder Lu's strength should not be like this, but..." Yin Wuyu wanted to explain a thing or two, but the result in front of her made her unable to argue, so she could only say: "Maybe the Xia Patriarch is too powerful."

Yi Xiaoyin frowned slightly: "I feel a little weird, he seems to be doing this on purpose."

"He came to beat him on purpose." Xia Xia nodded, he really felt that the needless old man had retained most of his strength, but that didn't mean much, because even if the other party went all out, the result would not be much. "However, poor strength is bad, even if he doesn't do it intentionally, it doesn't make any difference."

Yin Wuyu has a vague feeling of foreboding, because too many things did not go according to her planned plan, especially after summer appeared, I felt that everything was out of control, and the situation on the island seemed to be in a rampage at any time. among.

Before long, the clansmen on the island gradually gathered in the center of the temple, under the high platform.

The white-bearded elder also invited the outsiders who landed on the island one after another, such as Ying Xiaoyue, Ma Qiling, Xiao Yanyan and the ghost-faced man.

"Xia Xia, how did you become the patriarch?" Ying Xiaoyue also stayed on Frost Moon Island. She knew the importance of the patriarch's position, so she couldn't help but ask when she saw Xia Xia.

Xia Tian replied casually: "My wife Yiyi wants me to be the patriarch, so I will do it."

"Yi Xiaoyin, what the hell are you doing!" Ying Xiaoyue looked at Yi Xiaoyin who was standing beside Xia Xia at this time, "This is completely different from our previous plan..." As soon as the words came out, she felt Something was wrong, so he quickly changed his tune and said, "Shouldn't you give us an explanation?"

"There's nothing to explain." Yi Xiaoyin said lightly: "The plan has not changed, the goal has not changed. I don't need to explain other things to you."

"But..." Ying Xiaoyue was obviously very dissatisfied with Yi Xiaoyin's perfunctory attitude, and asked: "If you do this, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to trust you again, and I'm afraid I won't be able to continue the cooperation in the future. ."

Xia Tian said angrily: "If you can't do it, then don't do it. You're useless anyway, if it wasn't for Yiyi's wife telling me not to kill you, you idiot would have died long ago."

"Humph." Ying Xiaoyue was not angry, but she had no choice but to hold back her breath for a while.

At this time, Yi Xiaoyin explained: "Little Si, you don't have to pretend to be betrayed. You didn't have any good intentions when you came to me. The reason why I agreed to cooperate with you is just to give The patriarch on the island is just looking for a way out. Xia and I have no interest in what you want, you can get it yourself, we will not interfere or help."

"Okay, you are noble, you are a good person." Ying Xiaoyue said coldly: "I am a layman, not that great, and I am not from the Xuanyin clan. The people on the island have nothing to do with me. All I want is the longevity of the queen of Yin. The secret method, and the way to enter the secret realm of the Tiangong. As long as you don’t rob these two things, Nantianmen and I can hold you back.”

Yi Xiaoyin said indifferently, "That's it."

"Xiaoyi, what about me, what are you going to do for me?" Ma Qiling said with a smile.

Yi Xiaoyin glanced at Ma Qiling, and said plainly, "Aunt Ling, it's not yet a meeting to share the spoils after things are done, so don't join in the fun."

"Wait." At this time, Xiao Yanyan could no longer see the doubts in her heart, and said to Yi Xiaoyin and Xia Xia, "Why am I getting more and more confused, didn't you all come to participate in the Longevity Association? How can I listen to your conversations? , it seems that there are other plans, how come I don't know at all?"

"You don't know it's normal." The ghost-faced man said with a smile, "Because you were never there.

In the plan, according to the original script, you should be silenced by Huang Changsheng on Sentinel Island and used to blame Xia Xia. "

Xiao Yanyan couldn't help staring at the ghost-faced man and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"The meaning is already obvious." The ghost-faced man said slowly: "You Xiao family and Xia Xia have already formed a feud, but they have not yet reached the point where they can't make friends. So Huang Changsheng wanted to add more fire in it, so he invited you to participate in the longevity. Yes. It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven, and in the end, Huang Daozhu played himself to death, and you are still alive to this day."

Xiao Yanyan's face was shocked, and she still didn't believe it: "Huang Changsheng is just a dog raised by our Xiao family, how dare he have such an idea on me!"

"Why don't you dare?" Ying Xiaoyue squinted at Xiao Yanyan at this time, and said with a little contempt: "On Sentao Island, what Huang Changsheng wants to do is not a matter of his words, you died there, he said It was done in the summer, do you think your Xiao family will believe it?"

The answer is naturally yes.

Because the Xiao family also felt that Huang Changsheng was a dog they raised and would never dare to betray them.

Xiao Yanyan looked like she had been through the storm, but she was actually just a little girl who was ignorant of the world. She usually pretended to be coquettish and unparalleled, but it was just to hide her weakness. Of course, her weakness corresponds to Xiaoyue, Ma Qiling and Huang Changsheng. When it comes to ordinary people, she is really not a good thing.

Just when Xiao Yanyan was under the impact of her life, the people on the island had already arrived one after another.

"Reporting to the patriarch, the clan has already arrived." The white-bearded old man named Qi Bailou brought Bai Xianxian to Xia Xia and reported respectfully.

When Bai Xianxian heard the white-bearded old man calling Xia Xia, her eyes widened, and her pretty face was full of disbelief.

"Bai, Uncle Bai, what do you call him?" Bai Xianxian asked in astonishment.

The white-bearded old man respectfully explained to Bai Xianxian: "This is the new patriarch of our Xuanyin clan, Xianxian, who hasn't come to meet the patriarch yet."

"How could he be the patriarch? It's impossible, absolutely impossible." Bai Xianxian couldn't accept this reality, "Didn't he just land on the island today, what qualifications does he have to be the patriarch, and why should he be the patriarch?"

Saying that, Bai Xianxian looked at Yin Wuyu again: "Sister Yu, what the hell is going on?"

"Their generation is really messy enough." Xia Xian couldn't help but be a little speechless when he heard Bai Xianxian's name for Yin Wuyu. Yin Wuyu is the former patriarch and the immediate boss of the white-bearded old man, obviously older than him. Bai Xianxian called the white-bearded old man Uncle Bai, but called Yin Wuyu Sister Yu. This is really messed up.

Yi Xiaoyin gave Xia Tian a blank look: "No matter how messy you are, there will be no mess with your wives."

This is not wrong. Among Xia Xia's wives, the thing about seniority is really unclear. There are both immortal cultivators and ordinary people, there is a mother-daughter master-disciple relationship like Ye Yumei and Song Yumei, and Ji Qingying and Ji Qingchun's avatar relationship. As for the sister relationship, there should not be too much. In the end, the so-called seniority has no intention of recognizing, because it has been flattened by the strange summer, at most, the difference between the wife and the concubine, the concubine and the alternate concubine, etc.

"Wife Yiyi, it's not right for you to say that." Xia Xia hugged Yi Xiaoyin's waist and said with a smile, "You're my wife too, do you think it's a mess?"

Yi Xiaoyin knew what Xia Xia's temperament was, so she didn't have time to talk nonsense with him now, so she just ignored his words.

"Why did you give the patriarch to him, did he do something to you?" Bai Xianxian pointed at Xia Xia and asked in the dark and rainy way: "Tell me, I'll help you beat him to vent your anger, don't leave us, okay?"

At this time, Yin Wuyu hugged Bai Xianxian's head and said with a smile: "Silly boy, how could I leave you." After comforting Bai Xianxian, he pointed at everyone standing under the stage, solemnly He said: "I passed the position of the patriarch to Xia Xia, not on a whim, nor under any threat, but the result of careful consideration, and it is the best result."

"I object! This is absolutely not possible!" In the crowd, several figures rushed up the high platform aggressively, and came to Xia Xia and others.

Yin Wuyu frowned and glared at Bai Qishi coldly: "Xiao Qi, you go down, don't make trouble at this time."

"I won't go down." Bai Qishi dared to meet Yin Wuyu's gaze and shouted loudly, "Yin Wuyu, you are betraying your clan, Frost Moon Island, and Queen Yin, I don't have you. You don't deserve to be the patriarch with such a grandmother."

Yin Wuyu's expression changed, and he felt something was wrong: "What do you want to do?"

"Clansmen, don't be fooled!" Bai Qishi waved his arms and said to the clansmen under the high platform: "I, Bai Qishi, have been personally sealed by the Queen of Yin, and I am the righteous new patriarch!"

After speaking, he pointed to Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin and the others: "And they came to the island to kill the Queen of Yin. The Queen of Yin is our god, and they will never allow any blasphemy! Now I am the new patriarch. , gave the first order: kill them!" l0ns3v3

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