Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2035 Kamikaze Valley Shock

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The carriage stopped in a wide field halfway up the mountain.

Feng Tianling wanted to rush down the mountain, but was hugged by Xiao Xiuer, who almost fainted from vomiting just now.

"Don't move, my uncle and I will go and have a look first." Xia Leng didn't know how to comfort people, but he knew that things were definitely not as simple as they seemed, but his mothers had taught him that everything had to wait and then wait. Look, never let your emotions sway.

Xia Leng and Ji got off the carriage and walked down the mountain road for a while. They found that there were burn marks on the side of the road, and it should be a sudden fire, because no matter the flowers, trees, or insects and beasts that inhabited it. Birds have been burned to ashes. If it is a normal wildfire, at least the birds should have a chance to fly away.

The two walked to the edge of the fire, and Ji clearly felt something strange, and said to Xia Leng: "Master, this fire is unusual and strange."

"How do you say it?" Although Xia Leng's cultivation base is not low, he is not deep in the matter, his knowledge is not wide, and he doesn't see anything unusual, so he raised his eyes to look at Ji.

Ji didn't say much, just reached into the mountain fire with her hands, and then picked it lightly, she even picked out a small ray of flame with her bare hands, and handed it to Xia Leng: "This is not a natural fire, but a demon fire."

"Demon fire?" Xia Leng raised his hand and touched the wisp of firework, and the fire seemed to be alive, and immediately retreated, trying to escape back to the raging fire, but was quickly controlled by Ji's spiritual power. , so the wisp of firework showed a shivering appearance.

"Yes, this is the demon fire, that is, the strange fire made by some kind of monster." Ji's face was a little dignified, and Chong Xia Leng explained: "It used to be raging on Xianyun Continent a thousand years ago, but unexpectedly it has rekindled again. , Could it be that the legendary wildfire ancestor has returned to the rivers and lakes again?"

Xia Leng asked, "Who is the ancestor of Wildfire?"

"An old monster." Ji looked around nervously, and explained softly, "I don't know the specifics, but the Danzhu Pavilion where Lanjing recorded the legend of Xiuxianjie should have a record. This matter is very strange, we should Report to Her Majesty the Queen immediately."

"It should be reported, but it must be investigated first." Xia Leng did not reject the proposal, but continued: "Otherwise, White Fang would not be able to explain the situation, and if it was just a coincidence, it would be a waste of their time and energy."

Ji nodded, then said to Xia Leng: "Then I'll go around and look around to see if there is still a job, son, be careful."

"Go." Xia Leng took two steps back and returned to the side of the carriage.

When Feng Tianling saw Xia Leng coming back, she quickly asked, "You..." As soon as she said one word, she suddenly got stuck. She didn't know what to ask, whether to ask whether her family was safe first, or whether to ask what the fire was about. how.

"The situation is unclear for now. Let's wait. Uncle will investigate the situation." Xia Leng still didn't know how to comfort her, so she gave Xiao Xiu'er a look.

Xiao Xiuer comforted: "Xiao Linger, don't worry too much, your family will be fine."

At this time, Lin suddenly came out with a few suspicious people, holding swords and shouting at Xia Leng and them, "Who are you and why are you staying here!"

Xia Leng looked up at these people, and couldn't help but ask, "Who are you?"

"We are knights nearby. We came here to check when we saw a fire suddenly broke out here." The man at the head was tall and burly, and he spoke loudly. , hurry up and say who you are, otherwise, your master Liu's knife will not recognize people."

"We were just passing by and were stopped by the fire, so we just stayed here for a while." Xia Leng saw that these people didn't seem to be good people, so he casually perfunctory.

The few looked at each other a few times and discussed in a low voice.

"Brother Liu, I don't think this kid is telling the truth, he must be weird."

"The Kamikaze Valley was burned, maybe it has something to do with them."

"Impossible, it's been burning for two or three days, and they're doing so much."

"So what if we have a relationship, we are just here to take care of the sheep, no matter how much we do!"

"Do you think they are from the Feng family?"

"It's a fart, everyone in the Feng family has been burned to ashes."

"Then kill it directly. There are still two chicks in the carriage. They are very ruthless and can sell for a good price."


Seeing that Xia Leng was young and there were only two little girls in the carriage, these people spoke without restraint, not afraid of being heard.

Feng Tianling listened to their words, and her heart suddenly became half-hearted. The fire burned for two or three days, so her family was probably less fortunate: "Father, mother, I..."

"It's not necessarily what you think, I'll ask them about the situation in the valley." Xia Leng comforted Feng Tianling, and then said to those people, "Come here, I have something to ask you."

The Master Liu immediately took two steps forward with the knife, and scolded: "Boy, you are quite crazy, you dare to point your finger at Master Liu, you are impatient, right?"

"You don't need to talk about these nonsense." Xia Leng was too lazy to waste time with them,

He asked, "How much do you know about this gale and the people in Kamikaze Valley?"

"Boy, are you courting death!" Master Liu was immediately furious. He had never been so ignored before, especially in front of the younger brothers, he immediately slashed towards Xia Leng's head with a knife.

Xia Leng just raised his left hand slightly, stretched out his second index finger, and caught the big knife.

That Liu Ye was stunned, fierce

He tried hard to get the knife back, but the knife seemed to be growing on Xia Leng's fingers, and it didn't move at all.

"What are you doing, let's go together, and kill this kid." Master Liu had to shout at the younger brothers beside him.

I have to say that these so-called nearby knights should only be characters like little thieves. Xia Leng didn't spend much effort, just one person rewarded them, and they all knelt down and sang conquest.

"Young Master, Young Master, spare your life!" Master Liu also received a kick in the face, his nose was bruised and his face was bruised. He finally learned to be good and took the initiative to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Xia asked lightly, "Who are you?"

"Liu Dashu's real name is Liu Dashu, nicknamed Cangshan Mouse, and he is a bandit in this area." Master Liu cried and said, "I saw that Kamikaze Valley was on fire, I wanted to take advantage of the fire to rob, but I was afraid of meeting people from the Feng family, so I only Dare to wait on the outside, I really didn't grab anything, and I bumped into the young man's hand. Please spare us this time, I have a seventy-year-old mother and a seven-year-old..."

"Shut up and say this nonsense again, I'll cut your tongue if you believe it or not." Xia Leng glared at the man and asked sharply, "Don't think I'm young, just fool me."

Liu Dashu kept knocking off: "Yes, yes! Small ones don't dare."

"Since you're a bandit on this mountain, you should know something about Kamikaze Valley." Xia Leng then asked, "Then first tell me what happened to the fire?"

"You're talking about this fire." Liu Dashu raised his head and said with a smile: "The little one really knows some inside information, but what does this have to do with you, young hero, why do you ask this?"

Xia Leng said lightly: "Just say whatever you ask, otherwise don't blame the young master for kicking you in the face again."

"Oh, I see, I'll say it." Liu Dashu didn't dare to interrupt, and said honestly: "It started a few days ago. At that time, it seemed that the uncle of the Feng family was celebrating his birthday. , I originally wanted to take people to intercept a few times, but those who passed by were all strong and powerful. I really couldn't afford it, so I wanted to take a look. I sneaked into the valley by the way, and wanted to take the opportunity to inquire about the situation. A chance to make a fortune.”

Xia Leng listened impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense! Talk directly about things related to this fire."

"Yes, yes." Liu Dashu is really addicted to talking, and usually speaking to others is so out of line, but now he is afraid of Xia Leng hitting him, so he has been very concise and straightforward: "About three days ago, a few people came to Guli. Strange person, what kind of fire sect, he insisted on spreading fire to Uncle Feng. It seems that Uncle Feng didn't answer, and then the bet fought with those people. I thought the situation was not good, so I stole something and slipped back into the mountains. At night, the fire starts to burn."

"What about the people in Kamikaze Valley?" Xia Lengho asked, which was also Feng Tianling's greatest concern.

Liu Dashu frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head, but pointed to two people: "I don't know about this, you can ask Zhang San or Li Si, the two of them will stay in the valley longer."

Xia Leng just looked away, and the two of them kowtowed like smashing garlic: "Young Xia, spare your life, we don't know, they should all be dead, there is still a fire in the valley, and none of us dare to go to Come close."

"What a bunch of trash!" Xiao Xiu'er couldn't help scolding.

Feng Tianling only felt a chill in her body, and the ominous feeling in her heart became stronger and stronger.

"Who knows, tell me, I can let him go first." Xia Leng said lightly.

"I-I seem to know." Someone raised his hand at this time.

Xia Leng glared at him: "Speak!"

"But, it may have been taken away by those weird people." The little skinny boy who raised his hand said quietly: "Three days ago in the middle of the night, I slept on a tree and heard the sound of carriages and horses on the road, I was still wondering. How come I was on my way in the middle of the night, I just took a few glances and found that all the coffins were transported, which almost scared me to death."

Then, he added: "But maybe not all the dead people lying in the coffin."

Feng Tianling's eyes brightened slightly, and she couldn't help but look at this person.

"How?" Xia Leng asked.

The man tilted his head and said, recalling: "I seem to have seen someone run out of the coffin, but they were caught later."

"Where did those people go?" Xia Leng asked.

"To the north of Cangshan, is the place... where there are rumors of monsters." The man glanced in a certain direction, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

"Yunzhou Demon Territory?" Xia Leng thought of the place that Bai Tianlang once mentioned. It was the hometown of him and Wen Tianjun, and it was also the origin of countless demons and ghosts in Xianyun Continent.

It seems that this matter is really not simple, maybe it really has something to do with asking Tianjun's remnants, and it is necessary to notify the immortal island as soon as possible.

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