Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2050 Encountered the True God

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Hearing this, Su Beibei subconsciously looked down at the two stacked white candles placed in front of his knees, and he didn't know when it had burned to the point where only half of his tail was left.

In fact, it only took a few minutes before and after, and the burning speed of the candle is basically fixed. There is no reason for it to burn so fast.

"This candle burns so fast."

Su Beibei said strangely, "There seems to be a strange smell."

With a sinister smile on Xu Zhenzhen's face, he said to Su Beibei, "The candles are specially made, so of course they burn quickly, and in order to avoid extravagance, some hypnotic spices are specially added to make you sleepy."

"No wonder you all just made excuses to leave one by one."

Su Beibei also understood, "So now I came back after drinking the antidote?"

Xu Zhenzhen's face was full of admiration for the prey, and he explained leisurely: "Actually, there is no need to take any antidote. The volatilization time of this spice is quite fast. As long as you avoid the first two or three minutes, you will be fine after that. ."

"We're still in good spirits, not hypnotized yet."

Su Beibei was not flustered either, and his tone was quite flat.

Xu Zhenzhen touched the hair hanging down from his ears, and said with a smile: "Actually, this is what I'm curious about. Ordinarily, that kind of fragrance is actually quite strong. If ordinary people smell it, they will fall to the ground and fall asleep within a minute. I don't feel sleepy yet, it's really amazing.

If I hadn't seen you inhaling the spice with your own eyes, I would have thought you would have been prepared. "

"Then what are you going to do now?"

Su Beibei said unhappily, "Want to be here and see us fall asleep bit by bit?"

Xu Zhenzhen nodded without hesitation: "Of course.

Only when the two of you fall asleep will I be able to proceed with the [Death] ceremony. Otherwise, you will feel pain, and I am not very good at handling it. After all, this is the first time I have done this kind of thing, and I must guarantee success. Otherwise, I'm very likely to be kicked back. "

Su Beibei laughed at this time, and said to Xu Zhenzhen: "Then I am very sorry to tell you that your spice is invalid for us, and you have no chance to take the next step."


When Xu Zhenzhen heard Su Beibei's words, she couldn't help but covered her mouth and laughed, "Babe, you are really interesting.

I also admire you very much. At this time, it’s okay to hold on and not sleep, and you dare to deceive me.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't fall for this. "

Su Beibei was a little speechless. She finally knew why Xia Tian always said she was stupid. It turned out that she was such a depressed mood in the face of stupidity.

Xia Xia smiled and said to Su Beibei: "Bei girl, you can't make sense with this idiot, her wellhead is so big, and the world she sees is so big, it's even more impossible to believe that there is a universe outside. ."

"Who are you calling an idiot!"

Xu Zhenzhen was immediately angry, and the silver fork in his hand pointed at Xia Tian, ​​"Believe it or not, I will turn you into a corpse with one fork."

"Do not believe."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "You can try."

Xu Zhenzhen is obviously not a good-natured person, not to mention that she thinks that she has control over the whole situation, so she is too lazy to hide her displeasure in Xia.

"You die for me!"

The silver fork in Xu Zhenzhen's hand spun abruptly, and it went directly to Xia Xia's neck.


It's a pity that before she touched Xia Xia, she flew out and fell heavily a few meters away, and even knocked down two or three tents, attracting many people to watch.

Xu Zhenzhen got up quickly, with a blank expression on her face, because she had no idea how she flew out.

After walking back, he stared at Xia Xia coldly, and asked sharply, "What did you do to me just now?"

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Don't ask me, an idiot like you is not worth my shot."

"What did you say?"

Xu Zhenzhen was provoked again.

Su Beibei said, "I kicked you, didn't you find out?"


This is impossible! "

Xu Zhenzhen shook her head in disbelief. In her opinion, Su Beibei was just a beautiful woman. She looked weak and weak, how could she have so much strength.

Su Beibei sighed and said to Xu Zhenzhen, "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, but I'm too lazy to play with you. It's better to go away with your tricks and leave me watching the scenery."

"Ghost trick?

Too lazy to play with me? "

Xu Zhenzhen couldn't help laughing, pointed at Su Beibei and said, "It seems that you really don't know what's going on now, or do you always think I'm joking?"

"It doesn't matter whether you are joking or not."

Su Beibei said with a little disappointment: "I thought it was to help, but you had bad intentions from the beginning. What ghost painting of An An is actually your hand and foot, right?"

"So what?"

Xu Zhenzhen's eyes were full of disdain, and the silver fork in his hand was spinning in his palm from time to time: "Anyway, both of you have to die today, and no one has found out how and where you died, because not only does your life belong to me , your corpses will also be used by me."

Su Beibei said coldly

: "Sure enough, it is an outsider. It is definitely not the first time that you have done this kind of thing. You must have hurt people before."

"You're right."

Xu Zhenzhen tapped the silver fork in his hand abruptly, and saw that the few people who had been looking for various reasons to leave just now suddenly emerged from all over the tent, but their expressions were not quite right, especially their eyes were blank. , doesn't look like a normal person.

"You killed these people long ago?"

Su Beibei couldn't help being a little stunned. These people just looked fine, why are they like walking dead now.

"you guess!"

Xu Zhen really laughed without saying a word.

Su Beibei said lightly: "Forget it, I'll clean you up first, and then ask slowly."

"Silver strikes, turn people into corpses.

After a long life, there is no end to the ghost realm. "

Xu Zhenzhen sneered, the silver fork in his palm turned twice, then tapped behind the baby-faced girl and the long-haired man respectively, pointed at Su Beibei and said, "Go, grab her, don't let her run away! "

The baby-faced girl and the long-haired man immediately roared and rushed towards Su Beibei. No matter how they behaved, they didn't look like human beings, but rather like beasts, or the zombies in the movies.

However, Su Beibei was not afraid of them, just dodged gently, and then gave them both a hand knife.

"Looks like he's not dead yet."

Su Beibei felt that the two still had body temperature and heartbeat, so she couldn't help but feel at ease. After all, there were two lives, and one could be saved.

Xu Zhenzhen looked at Su Beibei with some surprise: "Behind you are so good, did you learn karate or taekwondo?"

"No, it's my husband."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "I taught her husband all of it."

Su Beibei rolled her eyes at Xia Tian: "Don't take advantage of it, you're not my husband yet."

"Not yet, that means it will be soon."

Xia Xia said happily: "Baby girl, you really like me secretly."

"The ghost likes you, don't interrupt."

Su Beibei yelled at Xia Xia in dissatisfaction, and then looked at Xu Zhenzhen: "What do you want by turning your friend into such a ghost?"

"Of course immortality."

Xu Zhenzhen said with a wicked smile: "Three years ago, I accidentally learned about the ritual of [Death], and I have been doing experiments since then, and I found out that it is really useful, and it can also be used to control others, so why not slowly Make it bigger.

As long as I control enough people, I can never die. "

Su Beibei shook his head and said, "Evil Tao is evil after all. What's the point of immortality like this?"

"You know shit!"

Xu Zhenzhen sneered and said, "How can a mortal like you understand, you don't need to understand, just be my life-extending walking corpse obediently."

"That certainly won't work."

Su Beibei couldn't help shouting, "It's evil, it hurts heaven and reason.

Since I, Su Beibei, have met me, I will definitely not let you succeed. "

Xu Zhenzhen crossed his arms and sneered: "Who do you think you are, do you have the ability?"

"You'll know if you try it."

Su Beibei replied.

Xu Zhenzhen glanced at Su Beibei's white candle, and it was only half the length of her tail left, so she smiled and said, "Okay, anyway, I'll play with you in a few minutes or so."

After that, the silver fork in the palm of the hand tapped on the back of the other people's heads.

That An An and her boyfriend also screamed wildly in an instant, and rushed towards Su Beibei.

At the same time, the baby-faced girl and the long-haired man who had passed out on the ground also woke up and hugged Su Beibei's legs abruptly.

"As long as I have this silver fork, I can continue to control other people."

Xu Zhenzhen looked at Su Beibei proudly: "There are thousands of tents around here, which means that there are thousands of people who will control me and become my life-extending walking corpse."

"Stop bragging."

Xia Xia didn't know when he appeared behind Xu Zhenzhen, and said lazily: "Your limit is only to control these four people, and one more will be counterattacked.

To actually want to beat Bei girl's idea, I really don't know whether to live or die. "

"When did you get behind me?"

Xu Zhen was really startled, turned his head and stabbed the silver fork towards Xia Tian.

"Keep her and let me deal with it."

Su Beibei said to Xia Tian at this time.

Xia Xia smiled, raised his leg and kicked Xu Zhenzhen flying: "Okay, then I'll let you come."

Xu Zhenzhen flew a few meters upside down and rushed towards Su Beibei directly. Although she was surprised by Xia Xia's amazing skills, she still managed to solve Su Beibei.

So, taking advantage of the situation, he threw up the silver fork and stabbed Su Beibei's snow-white neck directly.


Su Beibei didn't even bother to look at this person again, so he kicked Xu Zhenzhen in the face and kicked her back like a ball.

"You, who are you!"

Xu Zhenzhen fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, his nose bleeds everywhere, and asked in a little panic, "Why is there no sign of coma even though you are clearly in the incense?"

Xia Xia yawned lazily and said to Xu Zhenzhen, "When you were pretending to be a ghost, didn't you think about the possibility of meeting a true god?"

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