Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2079 make so many twists and turns

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Peace of mind.

Ning Ruirui's question made the little Daoist Nianxin not know how to answer for a while, and her eyes involuntarily aimed at Gu Laodao.

Gu Laodao was drinking tea in the presence of the old god, and turned a blind eye to the little Daoist nianxin's help.

"This, this I don't know, you have to ask the master."

After a while, the little Taoist nun replied in a heartfelt manner.

Ning Ruirui felt even more strange now. This question is actually not difficult to answer. It can be dismissed by just looking for a reason. This little Taoist girl is actually stuck, indicating that there must be other reasons hidden in it.

"Well, it's noon, the guests stay and have lunch, I'll prepare it right away."

Little Daoist Nianxin couldn't stand Ning Ruirui's suspicious eyes, she stood up in a panic, and ran out in a hurry.

Now, even Shi Chun could see that there was something wrong with this little Taoist nun.

"Sister Rui Rui."

Shi Chun called Ning Ruirui.


Ning Ruirui frowned, although she felt that something was wrong with this little Taoist girl, but it was not a big deal, just wait and see.

Gu Laodao said with a smile at this time: "Two girls, are you still used to drinking this tea?"

"It's not bad. The taste is different from the tea I've ever had, but the mouth is fresh, refreshing and moisturizing. It's not bad."

Ning Ruirui replied with a smile.

"That's natural, it's different from ordinary tea."

Gu Laodao raised his finger and pointed to the backyard of the Taoist Temple, "This is the tea that was cultivated by the masters of the past dynasties. It is usually nourished by the water of the spiritual spring on the mountain, and he often recites the Taoist scriptures to drive away its evil nature. A tea tree only bears a few positive leaves, which is called Xianrenjian.

Ordinary people drink it to strengthen the body, cure diseases and stop delusions.

Daoist people drink it, it will help the cultivation of mind and nature, and the spiritual orifices will be accessible. It can be said that the benefits are endless. "

"It's really good tea, worth tasting."

Ning Ruirui took another sip and said with a smile, "Elder Gu, do you often come here for tea?"

Gu Laodao laughed, put down the tea bowl and said: "Zhongnan has countless beautiful scenery, but it is not comparable to my small place in Laoshan. The spiritual energy here is rich and conducive to practice. I want to live a few more years for this old bone, so naturally I need more. Come here to rest and recuperate."

This is purely to deceive children to play, if Gu Laodao is just an ordinary casual cultivator, there is still some credibility.

But Gu Laodao is the spectator of the Qingniu Palace in Laoshan. No matter how abundant the spiritual energy of Zhongnan Mountain is, it is impossible for him to come here often for the so-called recuperation. This not only involves the difference of sects, but also the distribution of spiritual energy. Even if Anxin Guan had no opinion, Chongyang Palace would not agree.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

At this time, the little Daoist Nianxin's exclamation suddenly sounded outside the door, and the tone was also very flustered.

"Go, go out and have a look."

Ning Ruirui raised her head slightly and met Shi Chun's eyes, and the two immediately got up and walked outside.

The voice came from outside the gate of the courtyard. After Ning Ruirui and Shi Chun approached, they found that Xiao Daogu Nianxin fell to the ground. Standing opposite her were three fairly young men, and they all had expensive clothes hanging around their necks. The camera, with a camera bag on his back, looks like a tourist.

"Are you OK?"

Shi Chun went up to help the little Daoist nun's heart, and asked a question with concern.

Nianxin shook his head and said "it's okay", but his eyes were always on the three men who wanted to break in directly.

"Then what, don't get me wrong, we're not bad people."

One of them, a chubby man with glasses, explained with a smile: "The three of us are photographers who specialize in photographing abandoned scenic spots. We see that although this Taoist temple is dilapidated, it has a kind of beauty like ruins. We couldn't help it, so we wanted to come in and take pictures, but we didn't expect someone to live inside, so we knocked down the little girl, I'm really sorry."

The two people who followed the fat man with glasses looked disapproving, didn't think it was a big deal, and walked in directly across the threshold.

"Stop pretending, I recognize you."

The little Taoist nun stretched out her hand to block the way of the two men, "In the middle of the night a few days ago, the three of you sneakily went to the backyard to pluck the tea trees.

You are not welcome here, please leave. "

"Little Daoist aunt, you can't finish it, don't you shame your face!"

One of the tall and thin men said with some dissatisfaction: "I am a photography blogger with 700,000 fans, a well-known celebrity, who will steal your broken Taoist things, we were invited by the Chongyang Palace to take publicity photos. Yes, it's your honor, it's not bad to confiscate your money, and it's still chattering here."

Another middle-aged man who was somewhat bald also said with some dissatisfaction: "Okay, okay, what nonsense with this little girl, I'm hungry after walking around here for a long time, you Taoist temple have something to eat, hurry up and cook for us. ."

The little Taoist nun said dissatisfiedly: "You go, we do not welcome you in the Taoist temple, and there is no food for you here."

"Little Daoist aunt, are you looking for a fight?"

The tall and thin man glared at the little Taoist nun with a dissatisfied face, and reached out to grab her hair, but was stopped by Shi Chun.

Shi Chun made no secret of his contempt and scolded: "You guys are shameless, you actually bully a little girl.

What kind of Internet celebrity v, well-known blogger, I bah! "

"Where did you come from?

What's the matter with you. "

The tall and thin man glanced at Shi Chun, and after finding out that it was a beautiful woman, his attitude softened a little, "Yo, she looks quite beautiful, beauty, don't ask for a photo shoot, we can exempt each other."

"Free your head!"

Shi Chun flew up and kicked the tall and thin man out.

"Damn, you dare to kick me!"

The tall and thin man got up from the ground, first checked the camera hanging around his neck, and scolded: "Do you know how expensive Lao Tzu's camera is?

If it breaks, you won't be able to afford it if you sell it! "

Shi Chun's perception of this person was also very bad, so he couldn't help but reply coldly: "Just your broken camera, you can't even match half of my shoelaces, don't be ashamed here, get out of here."

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings."

The fat photographer stood up again and raised his hands to signal everyone to calm down: "Don't be impulsive, everyone, we really have no ill intentions.

My friend may have a bad temper. I apologize for his offense. "

"Fat man, are you sick?"

The tall and thin man sprayed the fat man's face with saliva in dissatisfaction, "This woman almost dropped Lao Tzu's camera just now. It costs tens of thousands of dollars. If a small piece is broken, I will not finish with her."

"What kind of broken Taoist view is this, so rude to guests?"

The bald man was also a little dissatisfied, "If I remember correctly, the Chongyang Palace has made repeated orders, and all Taoist temples under it must not refuse tourists.

Believe it or not, we will go to Chongyang Palace to complain and tear down your Taoist temple. "

"You, you..." When the little Taoist nun heard this, she immediately panicked, because there was indeed someone in the Chongyang Palace who wanted to demolish all the dilapidated Taoist temples nearby and rebuild them.

Of course, it is a good thing to rebuild the Taoist temple, but the problem is that the Taoist temple after the rebuilding has nothing to do with her or even her master.

"You really have the seeds, you will threaten the little girl."

Shi Chun really couldn't get used to these three people, and said unhappily: "Let's talk about it directly, what are the three of you wanting to do, what's the use of doing so many twists and turns."

"It's nothing, I just came here to take pictures."

The fat photographer pulled his two companions, and still said with a smile: "You must have read it wrong, little Taoist aunt. The three of us arrived at Zhongnan Mountain this morning, and the task we received was to take publicity photos for all the Taoist temples nearby. , so please cooperate with the little Taoist girl, and we will leave after taking pictures."

"No, I can't let you in."

Little Daoist Nian's will is very firm, and she absolutely believes in her own eyesight: "The people who sneak in these days and nights are definitely the three of you. I have seen it with my own eyes, and I will not admit it wrong."

"Damn, it doesn't make sense, does it!"

The tall and thin man got angry all of a sudden, pointed at the little Taoist girl and cursed: "Little bitch, don't regret it, believe it or not, I will post a few photos on the Internet, and I will guarantee that your Taoist temple will be discredited and changed from now on. Smells worse than stinky shit!"

"That won't let you in."

The little Taoist nun Nianxin stood at the threshold, opened her arms, and looked at the three with a look of alertness, not letting go.

"I still have to enter. If you have the ability, stop your grandfather to try.".

The tall and thin man couldn't make any sense when he saw that he was alive and dead, and immediately wanted to force his way in. Anyway, there were only three women standing in front of him.

Looking at the three of them, Ning Ruirui always felt that something was wrong. Seeing that Shi Chun couldn't hold back her anger and was about to shoot, she couldn't help but whispered, "Chunchun, don't do it yet!"

Shi Chun can't wait any longer, seeing that this boy is not pleasing to the eye, he just flew up and greeted the tall and thin man's face.


The tall and thin man flew out immediately, and the whole person fell several meters away, and the camera hanging around his neck was also smashed.

The strange thing is that some part of the camera suddenly lit up with a blue light, which shot Shi Chun's eyes, causing her to involuntarily turn sideways to avoid it.

At the same time, the other two quickly turned on the cameras, and each lit a blue light towards Ning Ruirui.

In fact, Ning Ruirui had a hunch in her heart for a long time, but she did not expect the other party to attack in such a way, and was hit by the two blue lights during the hesitation.

For a while, Shi Chun and Ning Ruirui seemed to have been taped acupuncture points, and were stopped by the blue light, and their bodies could not move.

As for the little Taoist nun, Nianxin ran away without knowing when.

"Damn, it finally worked."

The tall and thin man scolded and got up from the ground, "As I said, why is it so troublesome, you can't do it directly, and it's really hard to do so many twists and turns."

The fat photographer glared at the tall and thin man: "You know the shit, these two women are both masters, and they are not as easy to deal with as you think."


The tall and thin man sneered, walked slowly to Shi Chun, the corner of his mouth hooked up, "How tall can you be, it's not just standing here, let Lao Tzu slaughter.

I'm going to molest her now, what can she do? "

Saying that, the tall and thin man stretched out his hand, trying to squeeze Shi Chun's chin.

As a result, before his hand touched Shi Chun, a white shadow suddenly flashed past, and his entire arm was chopped off inexplicably and fell to the ground.

"Ah—" The tall and thin man suddenly let out a scream like a pig.

【Tips】: If you feel this

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