Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2159 The wives of Xianyun Continent

Said to be night fishing, in fact, Xia Xian and Bai Xianxian just set the fishing rods on the side, and then sat on the rocks to watch the stars.

However, there were fifty excavators and bulldozers on the opposite side performing demolition of houses, which added some extra fun to the night.

"From childhood to adulthood, this is the first time I have left Frost Moon Island.

When I first started, I wasn't really used to it.

Shuangyue Island is not big, and it takes almost half a day to run around the island, but I don't feel tired of running.

The land is huge, and the soil is as continuous as the sea water, but it looks inexplicably empty. "

After all, Bai Xianxian is a girl, and she has just left the place where she grew up. She has a lot of emotions. Usually, there are not many people to talk to, but she can really relax and have a good chat in front of the summer.

Xia Xia is not an emotional person. He never thinks about such issues. Generally speaking, he has two feelings, one is happy and the other is unhappy.

If you are happy, be happy for a while, and if you are not happy, find a way to be happy.

However, Xia Xia is not a person with floating skin. He is born to perceive the emotional changes of others, especially women, especially beautiful women.

The more beautiful a woman is, the more accurately he can perceive the other person's psychological changes, but his skills in picking up girls are too poor, otherwise, he can really go nowhere.

In fact, Xia Xia did not seem to have failed in this regard, whether it was a cold beauty like Leng Bingbing, a female devil like Ye Yumei, or an immortal sister like Yue Qingya who didn't touch fireworks... In the end, they all fell in love with them. to him.

Xia Xian sensed Bai Xianxian's complex and sensitive emotions, but he was not interested in thinking of any countermeasures that could capture his heart the fastest. He always obeyed his innermost thoughts.

Xia Xian smiled and said to Bai Xianxian: "Xianxian wife, are you cold or not, or lie in my arms."

"Patriarch Xia, you are really unpleasant."

Bai Xianxian has never talked about love, but girls basically have extraordinary talents in this regard, "Sometimes, I really can't figure out how a person like Sister Yi who is out of this world can do you. Where's the wife?"

"That's a question, of course it's because I'm handsome and unstoppable."

Summer is solemnly emphasized.

With a faint smile on Bai Xianxian's face, she shook her head and said, "Although I have seen not many men, I also know that your appearance is definitely not good enough to be called handsome.

As for charm, it's hard to say, you need to get along for a long time to know.

However, it is often difficult for girls to get along with an ugly guy for a long time. "

"Wife Xianxian, what you said is wrong."

Xia Tian sat up and said to Bai Xianxian with a serious face: "I am the most handsome guy in the world, there is no one who is more handsome than me in the world.

I have many wives, all of them are peerless beauties, but they all crave my body without exception, doesn't this still explain my handsomeness and charm? "

"I've never met your wives."

Bai Xianxian laughed silently, and said, "However, Sister Yi is your woman, so I'll just believe that your wife is a peerless beauty."

Xia Xia said lazily: "And Qingqing girl, you have seen it too."

Bai Xianxian said with a smile: "Sister Qingqing is indeed beautiful, but she is still a bit farther than Sister Yi.

But she is valiant and charismatic.

The only downside is that she listens to you too much. Opening her mouth and shutting her mouth is what happened to my master. "

"That's my good apprentice, and I seem to be just that kind of apprentice."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Of course it's towards me, in fact, her figure was not very good before, so I didn't really want to accept her.

But later, she gradually became beautiful and worked very hard. Of course, I can't treat her badly. "

"The way you don't treat her badly is to make her your own woman?"

Bai Xianxian asked in a funny way.

Xia Tian showed a natural expression: "It goes without saying that she always wanted to be my woman. I just fulfilled her and made her happier and happier."


Bai Xianxian raised her eyes to look at the stars in the night sky, and a strange feeling filled her heart, "What is happiness?"

Xia Tian said lightly: "Wife Xianxian, what are you thinking about?

Happiness is happiness, it means doing whatever you want, doing whatever you want. "


Bai Xianxian doesn't know why she has become inexplicably sentimental. In fact, this is also a feeling that only girls have. After all, in the world of adults, life is already very difficult, and she has no time to think about happy or unhappy things. .

Xia Tian suddenly asked: "Wife Xianxian, is there anything in particular you want to do?"

"Anything in particular you want to do?"

Bai Xianxian thought about it carefully, and finally shook his head: "It doesn't seem to be there."

Then, he burst out laughing, "Am I too unchasing?"

"It doesn't matter if you pursue it or not."

Summer is still the same sentence: "Just be happy."

Bai Xianxian looked at Xia Tian with her beautiful eyes and asked with a smile, "Are you happy then?"

"Happy, why not?"

Lie down on the stone in summer, with the girly white slender

The rich white and tender long legs said, "Of course I am happy to have you with me."

Bai Xianxian held her cheeks in her hands and asked curiously, "Don't you have any troubles?"

"There is no trouble, there are troublesome things."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "One is that there are always idiots bothering me, and the other is that all the wives have gone to another world.

However, it doesn't matter. The idiots who dare to disturb me can just kill them. As for the wives in the other world, I don't know what they are doing, but I know they must miss me too.

And I will find them sooner or later. "

"How many are your wives?"

Bai Xianxian has lived on the island since childhood and knows very little about men and women, so she has no special reaction when she hears that there are many wives in the summer.

This really made Xia Xia live. He never counted it carefully. After Bai Xianxian said this, he couldn't help but count: "There is a fairy sister's wife, Xiao Qiao's wife, Bingbing's wife, Xinxin's wife..." Counting and counting, Xia Tian actually fell asleep after counting. This is counting his wife as a sheep.

Bai Xianxian looked at Xia Xia's sound asleep appearance, and smiled lightly, not planning to wake him up, letting him rest on his legs and dream one after another.

...Xianyun Continent, Qingjian Province.

It is located in the southern border of the Ji Dynasty, but the season is entering the snow season, and there are more than ten days of goose feather snow every month.

Therefore, most of the houses here are built very high, and the foundations are rammed with extremely hard gentian stone, which looks like castles in the sky from a distance.

At this moment, a van pulled by two purple-horned dragons and horses slowly approached from a distance.

The driver was a samurai in black clothes. He was wearing quite thin clothes, but he didn't feel cold at all. Instead, his body was like a stove. The thick snow hair fell on him and quickly turned into water and slipped from his steel-like muscles. go down.

In the van, sat two peerless beauties, one was pretty and calm, the other was indifferent, they were Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang.

A few days ago, the people who came to Qingjianzhou were Liu Meng and Gu Hanshuang, but Liu Meng thought that Gu Hanshuang was too cold and not fun at all, so he asked for a partner.

Others knew that they couldn't condone this little witch, so they ignored her request, and she really started to be a rogue. In the end, only Qiao Xiaoqiao agreed to change with her, but she changed places directly with her.

So Qiao Xiaoqiao's partner Gu Hanshuang came to Qingjianzhou, where swordsmen gathered, while Liu Meng went to Wangui Cave, which was more interesting to hear, with her niece Liu Yunman.

Gu Hanshuang is a swordsman, and she is naturally very happy to come to Qingjianzhou, but her temperament is calm and indifferent, and even if she is happy, she rarely shows her face.

Qiao Xiaoqiao has been trained as an entrepreneur since he was a child, and his emotions and anger are rarely visible, and he naturally has the temperament of a superior.

However, she is still much more lively than Gu Hanshuang, especially after she came to Xianyun Continent, she didn't need to flatter them for the sake of her family, and her true temperament that had escaped was slowly released.

"Sister Frost, what kind of enemy do you think we will meet?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao imitated the appearance of summer, reclining on the seat, posing in the most comfortable position, and asked with a laziness smile.

"I don't know, it's better to have no enemies."

However, Gu Hanshuang sat very upright, which was her habit, a conditioned reflex she cultivated since childhood, even when she was alone.

Qiao Xiaoqiao smiled and sat up: "Sister Frost, you practice swordsmanship, don't you want to meet a peak opponent in kendo?"

"My sword is going to kill people when it is unsheathed, so I have no opponent."

Gu Hanshuang replied expressionlessly.

Qiao Xiaoqiao smiled and threw a small crystal clear fruit into his mouth, and laughed and teased: "Well, this is a bit like a husband."

Hearing Qiao Xiaoqiao's mention of summer, Gu Hanshuang's face flushed with a rare blush, and she shook her head and said, "I don't look like him. My husband's bearing is rare in the world, and I'm not even one ten thousandth of his."

Qiao Xiaoqiao smiled and said, "If my husband hears you compliment him, he won't be happy to stay with you for a few more days."

"Little Joe, don't make fun of me."

Although Gu Hanshuang is older than Qiao Xiaoqiao for several rounds, her temperament is more like an unborn girl, which is really hard to tease.

Qiao Xiaoqiao was very interested, and continued to ask with a smile, "Sister Shuang, do you miss your husband?"


Gu Hanshuang was ashamed to answer, but wanted to express her feelings, so she could only softly hum.

"What do you mean, do you want to or not?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao looked at Gu Hanshuang with a half-smile but not a smile.

Gu Hanshuang knew that Qiao Xiaoqiao was doing it on purpose, but her pretty face couldn't help but turn red to the bottom of her ears, and she didn't speak for a long time.

"My husband likes you so much, don't you miss him at all?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao asked angrily.

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