Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2164 three levels in a row

Chapter 2164 three levels in a row

"This is the Soul Devouring Lake, you must not touch the water in it."

At this time, Xiao Tingyu's voice came from behind them.

Qiao Xiaoqiao turned his head and saw that Xiao Tingyu and the others were actually stepping on a small boat, which just separated the weird water in the lake.

"Once you get on it, the spiritual energy in your dantian will be swallowed continuously, and it will be a little troublesome to get rid of..." Xiao Tingyu stepped on the boat and flew to the side of Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang. That's right, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Oh, the two fairies are already attached to it, so it's not a good idea."

"A stupid woman who is over-comprehensive, doesn't even know about Spirit Devouring Lake, and dares to come to the sword test conference. It's ridiculous." Young Master Yu Fan wasted no time in sneering, "You guys are waiting to be drowned at this level, I I said earlier that a mere girl still wants to covet the position of Jiankui, which makes people laugh out loud!"

Qiao Xiaoqiao also understood at this time that the water in this lake will devour other people's spiritual energy. The harder they struggle, the faster they will devour.

However, after soaking in the lake water, it is not impossible to pass this level.

One is to use a sword to cut off the water waves on the body after jumping into the air, then fly forward, and repeat the previous operation after falling into the water. This method will consume a lot of spiritual energy, and it is estimated that it will last until the second level. no longer

The second is to seek the help of others, especially those who ride a boat, but in this way their fate is in the hands of others, but this is the safest way, at least not to drown in the water.

The third is that if you give up directly, the people from Casting Sword Villa will come to the rescue.

"It's all people in the pavilion." Gu Hanshuang glanced at the people who stepped on the boat and said to Qiao Xiaoqiao, "They were all prepared, but they didn't remind others."

When those people passed by Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang, the expressions on their faces were more or less schadenfreude.

It's no wonder, who made the two of them show themselves too sharply on the day they moved into the sword house.

After the sword measuring monument in Tianyi Sword House was erected in the lobby, it almost became an iconic sight in the city. As a result, it was cut into three sections by Gu Hanshuang's sword, which really angered many people.

Now that the two of them are in trouble, these people are naturally happy to watch the fun.

"Isn't this the two fairies who cut the monument, what's the matter?"

"Hahaha, it's glued to the lake, let you be proud."

"It's really stupid. I didn't inquire about the situation of the first three levels beforehand."

"It looks like they're going to drown in the lake, and sure enough, women can't."

"If the two of you agree to be my concubine, this young master can help you."


The sound of ridicule is endless, and it is even more annoying than the previous noise.

Qiao Xiaoqiao didn't have a worried expression on her face, instead she smiled and said, "Sister Shuang, it seems that we have been underestimated."

"Don't worry about it, it's just a bunch of short-sighted people." Gu Hanshuang didn't take this matter to heart, "If you are narrow-minded like this, how much can you do in kendo."

"I don't know what the next level is, we can't waste too much time here." Qiao Xiaoqiao looked up at the situation in front of him and found that more than half of the people had already left the lake, so he said to Gu Hanshuang: "We You can only use stupid methods, Sister Shuang, are you sure?"

"It's just a small matter." Gu Hanshuang said expressionlessly: "After I cut off the adhesion of the water waves, I will have ten seconds of free time."

Qiao Xiaoqiao had absolute trust in Gu Hanshuang's swordsmanship, nodded and said, "Enough for us to jump ashore."

"Okay, I'm here." Gu Hanshuang snorted softly, raised his hand abruptly, and saw that the long sword was unsheathed, and an aura of frost instantly covered the entire lake, and layers of ice ridges formed on the lake surface.


Gu Hanshuang gave a light drink, and the two jumped up at the same time, and the lake water stuck together in an instant, and was cut off by the frost-like sword qi in just an instant.

In the lake, countless trapped people were stunned.

On the shore, many people were also stunned.

Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang flew away from the lake in less than five seconds and landed on the shore safely, even faster than the boaters who mocked them before.

After more than five seconds, the half of the lake that had been cut off with a "bang" came back together again.

Those swordsmen who were trapped in the lake came back to their senses, and they missed an excellent opportunity to escape directly from Soul Devouring Lake.


The second level is a jungle.

The forest is full of towering giant trees, each of which has the thickness of five people hugging each other, and if it is tall, it is at least ten feet or more.

The branches and leaves on the tree are lush and green, but each leaf is harder than steel, which is one of the excellent materials used by the Sword Casting Villa to refine the scabbard.

"This kind of red fir and iron leaves seems to be called. Not only is it hard, but also the sword energy cannot penetrate." Qiao Xiaoqiao looked at this towering tree, and said with a sigh: "The spiritual energy of Xianyun Continent is the size of the earth. Ten or hundreds of times, so it is possible to breed such a magnificent species."

Gu Hanshuang said lightly, "It's really amazing."

"I don't know what's the name of this level." Qiao Xiaoqiao was still looking forward to it.

Gu Hanshuang asked, "Do I need to observe it for a while before going in?"

"No need." Qiao Xiaoqiao waved his hand

, said with a smile: "Let's just rush through in one breath, we're not here to play."

While they were talking, a young man in luxurious clothes suddenly came over to them, opened his mouth and said, "Which martial art do you two belong to? You look very handsome. But your strength is very good, Gu appreciates it very much, it is better to do it. How is the lonely concubine?"

"Do you think you are worthy?" Qiao Xiaoqiao looked at this man coldly and said lightly.

The luxurious man laughed loudly: "Gu is the crown prince of the Huoyun Kingdom. In the future, he will be the king of a country, sitting on tens of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. What's not worthy of it."

"What Huoyun Kingdom, there is only Huoyun County in the Ji Dynasty." Qiao Xiaoqiao replied softly, "If you call yourself a prince again, it will be like a rebellion. Be careful to be raided and wiped out."

The luxurious man immediately sank and said coldly, "You two girls, don't you know how to lift up, do you really think Gu would not kill you?"

"It's not that you don't dare, but you don't have the strength." Qiao Xiaoqiao said lightly: "If you don't want to die, just get out of the way, we don't have time to pay attention to you."

"Hahaha, this is the first time someone has said such a thing to Gu." The luxurious man raised his hand suddenly, and saw a long sword with brilliance like water breaking through the air, and it landed firmly in his palm. "Gu is also a swordsman. As long as you can escape three moves under Gu's sword, your offense will be forgiven."

"Sister Shuang, give him a good look." Qiao Xiaoqiao didn't want to waste time with such a person.

"Okay." Gu Hanshuang should have made a sound, and then he drew his sword out of the sheath, and it was a sword against the noble son.

I saw a flash of cold light, and the long sword was sheathed.

"That's it?" Young Master Huagui sneered with a look of disdain: "I thought you guys were so powerful, but it turned out to be nothing more than... whew!"

Before the words were finished, the crown prince of the Fire Cloud Nation, one of the favorites to win the championship in the sword test competition, sprayed blood directly from his mouth and fell to the ground with a bang, and his life and death were unknown.

Seeing this, the dozens of swordsmen who followed behind Mr. Huagui were so frightened that they lost their minds. Half of them went to check the situation of the prince in a panic, while the other half blocked the way of Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang.

However, before they could say anything, they fell to the ground one by one with their swords slashed with blood.

This time, it was enough to stun the people around, and no one dared to stop it.

Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang also slowly walked into the depths of the jungle.

"What will be the test of this level?"

I don't know how long they have been gone, Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang have not encountered any accidents, Qiao Xiaoqiao can't help but look around curiously.

"It's here." Gu Hanshuang felt a sword energy approaching very quickly, and a dignified expression appeared on his pretty face. He immediately pulled out his long sword and blocked Qiao Xiaoqiao behind him.

Sure enough, just after Gu Hanshuang finished speaking, he saw a huge sword qi rushing towards them like a wild python.

Gu Hanshuang snorted, the long sword in his hand trembled immediately, and as the spiritual energy circulated, a cold frost sword energy slashed straight away.


The two swords collided, making a deafening sound.

Immediately afterwards, countless pieces of sword energy were like scattered beads, splashing all over the place, hitting the red cedar leaves and then accelerating and returning again.

In just two seconds, these fine sword qi fell like a torrential rain, falling down on Gu Hanshuang and Qiao Xiaoqiao.

"Get up, congeal the cloud barrier."

Seeing this situation, Qiao Xiaoqiao couldn't sit back and ignore it, her hands flashed around quickly, and after pinching a few handprints, layers of barriers were formed to block the two of them.

"It seems that this is the test." Qiao Xiaoqiao said lightly: "The sword energy will be turbulent and will be bounced back by these red fir and iron leaves. By then, the speed and power will become greater and greater, slowly The ground has condensed even more huge sword qi, if this problem cannot be solved, it is estimated that it will soon be chopped into flesh by the sword qi."

"Then put them away." Gu Hanshuang didn't hesitate, put the scabbard on his back on the ground, raised the sword to stir up a little sword qi that splashed to his side, grabbed a sword flower and introduced it into the scabbard.

Qiao Xiaoqiao withdrew the condensed cloud barrier in time, and saw the beating fine sword qi, like iron met a magnet, jumping into Gu Hanshuang's scabbard.

"Sister Shuang, I didn't expect your scabbard to be so useful." Qiao Xiaoqiao asked curiously.

Gu Hanshuang smiled lightly and explained: "The scabbard is the abyss of the hidden front, whether it is a sword or sword energy, it can be restrained. This scabbard is still ten years ago when we went to a small island in the Pacific Ocean for vacation, and my husband gave it to me from the bottom of the sea. caught."

"Oh, I remember." Qiao Xiaoqiao recalled the rather absurd days, "It seems that my husband is really a man of destiny, and he can find good things just by playing around."

It was not long after he retired in the summer, and he often took different women out to have fun, and one of them went on vacation to an island in the Pacific Ocean. At that time, in the summer, they competed with Liu Meng and Wang Xiaoya who could dive deep, and as a result, a lot of strange things were fished up from the sea.

Before they knew it, Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang passed the second level and came to the so-called third level.

It's just that this third level is very special, especially that they passed it without doing anything.

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