Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2178 is so stupid

After returning to Zhao's house, Jiu'er's two bodyguards also returned to their lives. Of course, they not only brought back that kind of snacks, but also brought the inspection report of the Tiandao Group's scientific research team by the way.

"Is this a snack?"

Zhao Qingqing glanced at a small packaging bag on the table, picked it up, the word "miaomiao" was written on the bag, and there was no other logo, and then slowly tore it open and poured the contents inside. come out.

They were unidentified granules about the size of grains, in three colors of red, blue, and yellow, and there were strange patterns engraved on them, which did look a little cute.

However, as soon as Zhao Qingqing saw this thing, he immediately thought of the black devil energy seeds before, and couldn't help but be startled, and asked, "Where did you find the thing?"

"Returning to Team Leader Zhao, it was from that female teacher's house."

The male bodyguard replied respectfully: "She locked these things in the safe, and her subordinates guessed that she should know what they were, so they brought them too, and they were just outside. Would you like to meet them?"

"Not urgent."

Zhao Qingqing hasn't sorted out his thoughts yet, and plans to hang on to this person again.

The female bodyguard interjected at the right time: "There is also a test report of the scientific research team, please take a look at the team leader Zhao."

Zhao Qingqing took over the report and read it in detail, but the more he looked, the tighter his brows became, and he said with some doubts: "If these things are really so harmless, how could alcohol be poisoned?

And if it's an ordinary thing, why did the female teacher hide it in the safe? "

The two bodyguards looked at each other and didn't say anything because they didn't know what the problem was.

"These things are harmless. It doesn't mean that people eat them and they're harmless, and it doesn't mean that everyone eats them. It's harmless."

Summer said quite casually.

"Master, do you know what's going on?"

Zhao Qingqing turned to look at Xia Xia and asked eagerly, "Tell me about it."

Xia Xia yawned lazily and said casually: "This kind of thing is poison, and it belongs to the same type as the black devil energy seeds found earlier, but the poison effect is weakened to one ten thousandth.

The blood in Jiu'er's stupid girl's body is quite special. She is very sensitive to these kinds of things, so she will react all of a sudden, while ordinary people estimate that they will only have a reaction after eating for a few years, or even ten years. At that time It is estimated that the whole brain will be controlled by others, and it will be addicted. "

Zhao Qingqing's face instantly turned ashen, and someone actually plotted against the child to such an extent, what did they want to do! If these things are allowed to continue to flow in the market, the consequences are simply terrifying.

Zhao Qingqing pondered for two or three seconds, and immediately made a decision, and ordered the female bodyguard: "Go back immediately and notify all the action teams, immediately search for these things throughout the city, and block their channels to find their source. .

These things must not be allowed to circulate on the market.


The female bodyguard took orders immediately.

"and also."

Zhao Qingqing then added: "Let the scientific research team do more detailed tests on these things, especially the various long-term reactions to the human body."

After that, he sent the female bodyguard to leave.

"Bring that teacher here!"

Zhao Qingqing immediately said to the male bodyguard.

The male bodyguard nodded and quickly brought in a young female teacher.

In fact, this female teacher Zhao Qingqing has met before, and even checked her information secretly. At that time, she didn't find anything suspicious, but she didn't expect that something went wrong.

According to the data, this woman is named Zhu Menghu, from Jianghai. She graduated from a well-known university in Dijing with a major in preschool education. She used to open a kindergarten before, but only three years ago began to add interest classes for elementary school students.

The life experience and resume are very clean and innocent, and I really can't see anything out of the ordinary.

"Who the hell are you, and what right do you have to arrest me?"

Teacher Zhu looked around with a terrified expression, and at the same time scolded the male bodyguard: "If you don't let me go, I will call the police."

"In a sense, we are also police officers."

Zhao Qingqing looked at this teacher Zhou calmly.

At this time, Teacher Zhou turned to look at Zhao Qingqing, with a hint of hesitation on his face: "I remember you, you seem to be Zhao Jiu'er's aunt?"

"I'm Zhao Jiu'er's sister."

Zhao Qingqing replied angrily.

Teacher Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Since you are the parent of my student, I will reluctantly forgive you this time, but you must send me back immediately."

Zhao Qingqing asked with a smile: "Don't you know the reason for looking for you?"

"do not know."

Teacher Zhou's face was full of doubts, "I was in the office grading students' homework overnight, and you guys caught me out of nowhere."

"Do you know this?"

Zhao Qingqing carefully observed Teacher Zhou's micro-expression, then pointed to the snacks on the table and asked.

Teacher Zhou glanced down and shook his head more suspiciously: "I haven't seen it before, what is this?"

Zhao Qingqing stared at Teacher Zhou with a half-smile, and asked slowly, "This package was taken from the safe in your room, don't you know what it is?"

"What's in my safe?"

Teacher Zhou's face suddenly

The big change, pointing to Zhao Qingqing, said: "What right do you have to do this, you are breaking into private houses privately, this is violating the privacy rights of citizens!"

"Do we have the right to do this, you don't need to worry about it."

Zhao Qingqing said lightly: "However, you'd better explain what this thing is and why it appeared in your safe.

Also, why are you sending this stuff to the students in the class? "

Teacher Zhou's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Why should I say that?

I have the right to remain silent. "

"No, you didn't."

Zhao Qingqing resisted the anger in his heart and pointed at Teacher Zhou: "Take the initiative to explain, this is your only chance to redeem yourself, and I advise you to cherish it."


Teacher Zhou couldn't help laughing, and said to Zhao Qingqing: "You are so funny, did I commit any crime?

You broke into my office for no reason, arrested me, and even broke into my room privately, invading my privacy... You want me to atone for it? "

"After you eat these things, you will immediately become ill and even endangered."

Zhao Qingqing couldn't bear it any longer, and scolded angrily: "If other children ate it, they would have become addicted to drugs two or three years ago, and they would be completely useless.

Do you think you are guilty! "


Teacher Zhou immediately shook his head and denied it: "It's absolutely possible, these things are just ordinary snacks, and they are still big brands. How could there be a problem."

"If it's a big brand, why isn't there a logo on the bag?"

Zhao Qingqing couldn't help but ask, "Why can't you find these things on the market?"

Teacher Zhou hesitated for a long time and couldn't say any reason.

"Looking at your appearance, I shouldn't know the danger of this thing."

Zhao Qingqing stared at the other party's eyes and said slowly: "I don't embarrass you, as long as you take the initiative to explain where this thing came from, and who asked you to send it to the students... I can't embarrass you."

"Then, is Jiu'er really sick?"

Teacher Zhou did not answer the question.

Zhao Qingqing nodded and said solemnly: "But I have already received first aid before I am out of danger, and I just fell asleep.

If it was a little later, she would really be dead. "

"I don't know, I really don't know there's so much danger."

Teacher Zhou suddenly couldn't hold back and started crying: "He told me that it was a new snack product that his company was about to launch, and he wanted to give it to children to try it out to test its popularity, and he said absolutely nothing. any harm."

"Who is he?"

Zhao Qingqing didn't care about other content and asked directly.

"He, he is..." Teacher Zhou hesitated, looked at Zhao Qingqing timidly and hesitantly: "If I say it, can you let him go?"

Zhao Qingqing said coldly: "This is not a trivial matter, whether you can get away yourself is a problem, you still want to protect others?

If you don't say anything, let him spread these things out, I'm afraid that more children will suffer, and you will die. "

Teacher Zhou bit his lower lip tightly, his eyes kept rolling around, and finally he sighed and said, "He is Guan Tianxiao, my boyfriend, and the product manager of a food company."

Zhao Qingqing then asked: "Which company?

Where does he live? "

"It seems to be called Miaomiao Food Co., Ltd."

Teacher Zhou did not hesitate this time, and replied directly: "He should be living in Tianping Community at present, but this may just be one of his properties. I don't know where he lives with his wife and children.

He said that as long as I helped him make this business, he would divorce his wife and marry me. "

Just after finishing speaking, for some reason, she covered her face and cried.

"There is no time to cry now, this person must be found as soon as possible, it is absolutely wrong to let this kind of thing circulate on the market.

You must act with me. "

Teacher Zhou cried for a while, but still reluctantly confirmed to Zhao Qingqing: "Are these things really harmful to children?

The students in the class didn't have any special reaction after eating it, and they all said it was delicious. "

"It's an addictive substance, and that alone is enough of a hazard!"

Zhao Qingqing was a little annoyed and said to Teacher Zhou: "You are so stupid that you dare to give your child something of an unknown origin!"

Teacher Zhou was a little stunned by the scolding, but he quickly recovered and said firmly: "Okay, I will help you find him, I also want to know why he wants to harm me if I treat him so well! "

With that, she took out her mobile phone from her bag and dialed a number to go out.

Zhao Qingqing stood aside and looked at him quietly, but at the same time, someone was tracking the mobile phone signal at the same time. Even if this teacher Zhou was tipping the other party, she was sure that the other party would find out.

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