Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2182 I have a lot of grudges

When they were in Shuixietianju, Young Master Jin and Boss Ma were quite arrogant, but when they arrived in the Tiandao group, they became quieter, but the two actresses were arrogant.

"Why did you arrest us, let us go out!"

"I'm a big star, millions of minutes per minute, can you afford to delay it?"

"We have tens of millions of fans. Do you know the consequences of detaining us!"

"Believe it or not, I'll post a Weibo now to expose you guys!"

"..." "Two ugly monsters, so noisy!"

Hearing the two women chattering, Xia Xia said with some displeasure.

Xia Tian's words just stabbed the two women in the pain point, and the quarrel immediately became more fierce: "Who are you calling ugly! I'm a peerless beauty that was selected in the newspapers for a thousand years."

That Liang Xiaohuadan was so angry that her whole body was about to deform, and she almost didn't rush up to tear summer with her hands.

"In terms of the degree of ugliness, you are indeed rare in a thousand years."

Summer nodded and said with a smile.

Tang Xiaohuadan was equally angry, pointing at Xia Xia and scolding: "You are ugly.

I ranked ninth in this year's top 100 beautiful ancient costume goddesses list, and more than 800,000 people voted for me! "

Xia Tian yawned lazily: "So many people are blind."


The two little Huadans were choked with anger.

"Master, why are you angry with them?"

Zhao Qingqing thought it was a little funny, so he waved his hand: "Take them down, record a confession, and let them go after dawn."

"Why! How dare you detain us!"

"I'm looking for the media to expose you, wait for me!"

The members of the Tiandao group didn't want to hear them making a fuss here, so they took them away.

So, in the interrogation room, only Young Master Jin, Boss Ma, and the outdated little fresh meat Gao Yaoyang were left.

"I won't ask them separately. If you want to explain it, you can explain it. If you don't want to explain it, I won't force it."

Zhao Qingqing sat opposite the three of them with a lazy expression, "I only give you ten minutes, I won't wait when it's too late."

Xia Tian said impatiently, "Why don't you give each of them a needle, so it doesn't take a minute."

"Master, this kind of small fish and shrimp is not worth your shot at all."

Zhao Qingqing explained with a smile: "Let me accompany them to fight first."

Xia Xia was noncommittal about this, since Zhao Qingqing wanted to play, let's play with her.

Guan Tianxiao still had that puzzled look, and pretended to be blank and said, "Miss Zhao, we still don't know who you are or why you arrested us?

What are you asking us to explain? "

Boss Ma also shook his head at Zhao Qingqing: "Miss Zhao, you arrested us for no reason, do you really think about the consequences?"

Young Master Jin sneered, stared at Zhao Qingqing and said, "I would like to know how long you can detain us. Believe it or not, within an hour, you will have to kneel and beg us to go out."

"Do not believe."

Summer pouted.

"Hmph, then wait and see."

Young Master Jin was full of disdain, and had no intention of cooperating.

"Let's not say anything else, you do have some strength when it comes to pretending to be garlic."

Zhao Qingqing chuckled twice, then said: "Okay, I'll just pretend you really don't know.

This is the Tiandao group, and I am Zhao Qingqing, the deputy leader of the Tiandao group, and he is the leader Xia.

What forces are behind you, just say hello and see if it helps. "

In the eyes of ordinary Dijing people, the Tiandao group is the contemporary Jinyiwei.

"Tian, ​​Tiandao group?"

Guan Tianxiao was really frightened, and his face turned pale in an instant, "How is it possible, I just helped make a batch of snacks, even if there is a food safety problem, at most it is a violation of the law, and it can't alarm the Tiandao team. Bar."

Zhao Qingqing kept a very kind smile: "It's alarming now. I said before that these snacks in your factory are poisonous, and they are very poisonous. They are very harmful to children, and the consequences are very serious."

"Master Jin, Boss Ma, didn't you say that the formula has been tested and there are no problems?"

Guan Tianxiao turned his head and questioned Young Master Jin and Boss Ma.

"There was no problem, you listen to her nonsense here!"

Boss Ma glared at Guan Tian with a smile, and said with a warning: "Besides, what if it's harmful, and it's not sold publicly. You secretly took it out for children to eat, and it has nothing to do with us."

Guan Tianxiao didn't expect Boss Ma to bite him back at this time, and said anxiously: "Boss Ma, what do you mean by that? You asked me to find someone to test the taste, saying that it was a research before selling..." Fuck you!"

Young Master Jin kicked Guan Tianxiao to the ground, and then said impatiently to Zhao Qingqing, "We don't know anything, and we won't say anything, so don't waste your time."

"Actually I'm confused."

Zhao Qingqing said with some doubts: "This matter has not caused any serious consequences so far, even if you really want to be held accountable, it will not make you pay too much.

But you guys are so uncooperative, you have the feeling that there is no silver 300 taels here.

Are there any other hidden secrets in there? "

Young Master Jin twitched his brows, his face was as normal as possible, and he said lightly, "Don't try to test, we won't say a word.

After half an hour, you will know the consequences of detaining Master Ben. "

"Since you are so sworn, well, I'll wait for you for half an hour and see if you can call for help!"

Zhao Qingqing raised his hand and asked someone to take out a timer, adjusted the time for half an hour, and put it on the table in front of him, "It's better not to disappoint me, otherwise, I'll let my master give you a better life. A package that lasts like a year after death."

"Hmph, you'll regret it!"

The corner of Jin Dashao's mouth evoked a successful smile, and his evaluation of Zhao Qingqing had been lowered by several levels. He really did not expect that the leader of Zhao would be so foolish, which was really disappointing.

The timer counted down unhurriedly, Zhao Qingqing was not in a hurry, but poured a cup of coffee for herself and Xia Xia, and chatted with Xia Xia very leisurely on the side.

Young Master Jin licked his lips and said to Zhao Qingqing, "Hey, this young master is thirsty, pour me a cup of coffee, I want iced American style, add more sugar."

"You think too much."

Zhao Qingqing glared at him, "What is this place, your house or a cafe?"

"Even if it's a prison cell, it has to be about humanitarianism."

Boss Ma couldn't help but say, "Do you still want to let me die of thirst here?"

Zhao Qingqing said lightly, "You guys have been drinking a lot of bars in Shuixie Tianju, but you haven't died of thirst. Even if you're really thirsty, just hold it back for me."

"That, Miss Zhao, I have something to say."

At this time, the old-fashioned little fresh meat who had been silent for a long time finally couldn't help but open his mouth.

Zhao Qingqing glanced at him: "Speak."

"Gao Yaoyang, don't court death!"

Young Master Jin stared at Gao Yaoyang coldly, with a fierce look in his eyes, "Dare to say half a word, believe it or not, this young master will make it difficult for you to move in the imperial capital!"

Zhao Qingqing kicked Young Master Jin to the wall with a casual kick, and then shouted at Gao Yao: "If you want to say it, say it, and when you're done, I can just let you go. He's already in danger and can't threaten you."

"I didn't say that."

Gao Yaoyang was not intimidated by Jin Dashao's threat, but he did not obey Zhao Qingqing's coercion and temptation, he just said calmly: "I'm just an actor who was invited by them to be the second male lead in an online drama. I really don't care about them. I don't know anything."

Zhao Qingqing turned to look at Xia Xia, obviously asking for his opinion.

"He didn't lie."

Summer said casually.

"Okay, you can go."

Since Xia Xia said so, Zhao Qingqing didn't bother to waste time on irrelevant people, and directly summoned a subordinate to take Gao Yaoyang out.

"Thank you."

Gao Yaoyang nodded his thanks to Zhao Qingqing, but before leaving, he gave Xia Xia a meaningful look, and then left slowly.

Zhao Qingqing keenly caught the change in Gao Yaoyang's eyes, and couldn't help but ask, "Master, this person seems to know you, does he have a grudge against you?"

"There are more people who know me, and there are more people who have hatred with me."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "There are more people who are purely jealous of how handsome I am. I have no interest in caring about these idiots."

Zhao Qingqing laughed silently twice, she saw that Gao Yaoyang was just an ordinary person, so she didn't bother to worry about this person.

"Then what, I don't really have much to do with this matter."

Guan Tian laughed at Zhao Qingqing's release of Gao Yaoyang, and immediately defended: "The formula was given to me by them, I don't know if there is any problem, it's their idea to give snacks to children, and I'm really innocent. Yes."

Zhao Qingqing said coldly: "You are not innocent at all, just playing with women makes me very unhappy.

Are there any problems with those things, do you really have no idea? "

"This..." Guan Tianxiao couldn't go on, so he forced himself to excuse himself: "Mr. Zhou and I are willing to do it, and I didn't spend any less money on her, and it was that woman who took the initiative to seduce me... what!"

Before he could finish speaking, Zhao Qingqing gave the man a slap, so he also flew up and became a painting on the wall side by side with Young Master Jin.

Boss Ma originally wanted to defend himself, but when he saw the end of Young Master Jin and Guan Tianxiao, he closed his mouth.

Zhao Qingqing glanced at the timer and asked with a smile, "Half an hour, it will be over soon, Master Jin, why hasn't your rescuer arrived yet?"

"Hehe, he's already here, didn't you find out?"

Although Jin Dashao was stuck on the wall like a painting, his eyes suddenly changed, becoming bloodthirsty and crazy, completely different from just now.

Zhao Qingqing subconsciously sensed the danger, and could not help but frown.

"call out!"

Young Master Jin turned into an afterimage, and in the blink of an eye, he was behind Zhao Qingqing, and an invisible chain tightly restrained her neck.


Young Master Jin sneered and tried violently, only to see a person fall to the ground, obviously his breath was gone.

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