Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2187 Code word dead end

On Hidden Dragon Island, everyone was shocked by the sudden loud shout, and their eardrums almost burst.

Most of the people on the island had puzzled expressions on their faces, and they all looked out the window, looking for the source of the sound.

One of them was a rather handsome young man, who was writing code words in the room with his pen flying like a fly. After hearing the shout, his face couldn't help but change, and then he looked out the window.

"It's him."

Xia Xia's divine sense arrest heard the change in the man's expression, and immediately the house rushed over.

Yi Xiaoyin had no choice but to follow.

Before the young man recovered his senses, two strangers, a man and a woman, appeared in the room without warning. The man was mediocre, but the woman was as beautiful as a fairy.

These two are naturally Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin.

"Are you the owner of Hidden Dragon Island?"

Xia Xia looked at the young man, frowning involuntarily. He hated handsome people the most, especially those who could almost catch up with him.

The young man was stunned for a few seconds, and looked at the two uninvited guests vigilantly: "Who are you and how did you get in?"

"I'm asking you now."

Xia Tian said unhappily: "If you don't answer, I will beat you."

The young man had no choice but to nod his head: "Okay, Canglong Island Master is my pseudonym, but I have never disclosed my identity and address to others. How did you know?"

"It's just you."

Xia Xian sat down at a random place, "I have a few questions to ask you, you'd better answer truthfully, I'll beat you up if you lie."

Canglong Island Master said with some dissatisfaction: "Why is this?

I haven't sued you for trespassing. "

"If you don't want to suffer, just do as he says."

Yi Xiaoyin persuaded kindly, and then said, "His name is Xia Xia, and my name is Yi Xiaoyin. If you want to complain afterwards, you can go to the Shenyi Building to find us."

"Summer, summer?

Yi Xiaoyin? "

The owner of Canglong Island is from Jianghai, and naturally he has heard of these two names, "No, what are you doing to me, I am a novelist."

Xia Xia yawned lazily and continued, "I found the novel written for you, of course."

"Why, your genius doctor group also wants to make a web drama?"

The owner of Canglong Island became interested when he heard this, "I do still have several novels in my hands. In addition to the ones that have been sold for copyright, there is also a better and more classic novel called Huhuagao..." "Close Mouth, I'm not interested in telling you this."

Xia Xian was a little impatient, "I'm asking what kind of flowers are in the sky?"

Yi Xiaoyin glanced at Xia Xia, and then added: ""Twin Flowers in the Sky"."

"Oh, this book, you are late."

The owner of Canglong Island spread his hands with some regret, "This book has been bought by Qi Aiyi, they are willing to pay for it, the serials, adaptations, extras and other copyrights have been bought, I can't continue to write or Write a rumor or something."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "I didn't ask you that."

"Then what do you want to ask?"

The owner of Canglong Island looked at the couple strangely, "Come here in the middle of the night to condemn me?

I still have to rush the manuscript. It is almost the end of the month. If the manuscript is not delivered in time, if the update is interrupted, my full attendance will be lost. "

Yi Xiaoyin said lightly: "We will pay 10,000 times for all your economic losses, but it just takes some time for you, okay?"

"That's fine."

The owner of Canglong suddenly burst into laughter and said solemnly: "As long as you give me money, don't talk about delaying my time, and even my body... Cough, what do you want to know, feel free to ask."

Yi Xiaoyin was afraid that Xia Xia would get angry after asking a few questions, so she took the initiative to ask: "How did the plot of your book come about?"

"Which one?

Oh, you said twins. "

The master of Hidden Dragon Island held his chin in his hand, recalled for two or three seconds, and then said, "I remembered, that book is actually a customized text, and the plot was not conceived by me."

"Who made it for you."

Yi Xiaoyin continued to ask.

The owner of Hidden Dragon Island smiled: "It's a studio called Dragon Temple, they said they want to create a new world view, something like the 'Lord of the Rings' in the East, and then let me write the first book, and then I'll find a few more later. The story of a platinum god who perfected the whole worldview, I heard it was nonsense, but they were willing to pay, so I agreed."

Yi Xiaoyin was a little puzzled: "Dragon Temple?"

"Dragon Temple is not a studio."

Xia Xia casually explained to Yi Xiaoyin: "It's an organization, similar to the Tiandao group, it has been targeting me recently, and I have already killed it, but the idiot of the Dragon God is not here, otherwise, I will definitely beat him hard. a meal."

Canglong Island Master didn't understand what Xia Xia was talking about, so he could only chuckle lightly.

Yi Xiaoyin pondered twice and asked lightly, "Do you have the contact information for that Dragon God Temple studio?"

"Yes, we met in private.

Their studio still has an office in Jianghai. They gave me a business card and I'll find it for you. "

The owner of Canglong Island likes to listen to beautiful women the most, so he began to rummage through the island cabinet.


Yi Xiaoyin just glanced at it and memorized all the information on the business card.

Xia Tian naturally saw it too, and suddenly asked, "Where is the original manuscript of that book?"

"It's in my computer. Do you want to see it? I can send you a copy."

The owner of Canglong Island didn't know what Xia Xia's question meant, so he could only say it smoothly.

"I'm not interested, and you don't write novels in the future, you are not allowed to write a word."

Xia Tian replied this sentence, and then disappeared in an instant.

The owner of Canglong Island said with some embarrassment: "Brother, I'm an online writer. I just rely on coding to support my family. If you don't code, you support me."

Xia Tian was too lazy to say a word, and disappeared immediately.

"You'd better listen to what he has to say."

Yi Xiaoyin said lightly, "I hope today's events won't cause you any trouble, and for the loss, the Magic Doctor Group will call you later."

It's gone after speaking.

The owner of Canglong Island widened his eyes, feeling like he had seen a ghost, oh no, he should have seen a god.

It took a while to regain consciousness and shouted out the window: "You really don't plan to buy other books, I have several good books here, urban, romantic, fantasy... Clearance sale Hey, Think again."

Outside the window, the rain kept falling, and no one answered.

"Hey, were you dreaming just now? Forget it, let's code it up. The manuscript will be handed in in a few days."

Canglong Island Master came to his senses for a long time, then patted his face and returned to the computer desk.

I was about to code, but when I looked up, the computer turned black, and then a burning smell came from the chassis: "Ah, it's over, my manuscript, my computer, it's all gone now!"

"Ding dong!"

The phone number plays a beep.

The owner of Canglong Island took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and it was a reminder text message from ICBC: "Hey, the genius doctor group really gave me money, this is how much, one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, Hundred... eh?"

"Count again, one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, one thousand... grass, five hundred million?"

The Canglong Island Lord's eyes were about to pop out, and he turned his head and picked up a barbell and smashed the computer: "Then write a fart novel, and writing a novel is a dead end!"

On the other side, Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin left the Hidden Dragon Island and went straight to the so-called Dragon Temple studio. As for the fate of the owner of Hidden Dragon Island, they didn't care.

"That's it?"

Xia Tian stood gently at the top of a building, looking down at an office in the opposite building.

Yi Xiaoyin nodded: "It's there, what are you going to do?"

"How to do it?"

Xia Tian pouted, squeezed his fist and blasted out: "Just do it!"


The entire floor on the opposite side was instantly bombed.

Yi Xiaoyin did not try to stop Xia Xia, because she saw that there was only one person on this floor, and this person had a strange aura.

So, she just raised her hand and gathered up the broken glass, cement, steel bars and other dangerous items on the floor, and put them on the nearby barren hills.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to find it here."

A figure quickly swept to Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin, "However, is this battle a little too big?"

Xia Xia stared at this man unhappily: "Stop talking nonsense, I have to beat you hard today."

"Summer, isn't it just a little joke, why make such a big fire."

The person who came here smiled and said sarcastically, "What's more, don't you want to know at all, why am I so clear about Yue Qingya and Ye Yumei?"

"I'm not interested in knowing."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "Now I just want to kill you."

The person who came was startled and waved his hand: "Don't, don't, I'm not your opponent, I can't stand a punch or two... ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, Xia Xia punched the man in the face.

Like a cannonball, the figure flew out for thousands of meters and smashed heavily on the barren mountain, directly smashing a huge pothole.

"It's not over yet, don't pretend to be dead."

Summer said casually.

With a bang, that one jumped up from the pothole and said to Xia Tian, ​​"Hey, don't be too late, do you really think you are invincible?"


The answer to him was still Xia Xia's fist, and he couldn't dodge it.

"Fuck, do you really think Lao Tzu is a sick cat, do you want to beat him!"

The man was obviously also angry, and he suddenly used the spiritual energy all over his body, and slammed the summer with a palm.

This palm is wrapped in a huge spiritual energy and divine power, and even behind the person there is a huge phantom, like an immortal Buddha coming into the world.

"It's gimmicky, it's a fart."

Xia Xia pouted, and casually squeezed his fist, without any special effects, and smashed it firmly into the other's face.


The man was blasted into the pothole again, but this time he didn't seem to be able to get up.

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