Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2195 Diary

Earth, Jianghai City, Divine Doctor Group.


A tattered booklet was solemnly placed on the table in front of Xia Xia.

"have a look."

Yi Xiaoyin found a place and sat down slowly, ignoring Lan Yiren who was blushing from Xia Xia's toss.

Xia Xia glanced at the booklet strangely, and asked suspiciously, "Wife Yiyi, what is this?"


Yi Xiaoyin answered lightly.

"You wrote it?"

Summer then asked.

Yi Xiaoyin gave him a blank look and didn't bother to answer this question.

"We Yi Shenyi are serious people, how can we keep a diary."

Lan Yiren chuckled and joked.

Xia Xia didn't understand this stalk, and looked blank: "Why, only unscrupulous people write diaries?"

"Don't listen to her nonsense."

Yi Xiaoyin immediately explained: "This diary was found in the ruins of the Dragon Temple studio, and it may be the diary written by Xiao Tiandi."

"No, he actually writes a diary?"

Xia Xia seems to understand the slogan of "serious people who write diaries". This is not to say that people who write diaries are not serious, but that some "serious people" are not suitable for writing diaries. They are like a sturdy person. Dahan said his hobby is embroidery.

Yi Xiaoyin also felt that it was against the law for a strong person like Xiao Tiandi to write a diary, but this was a personal hobby, and she was not good at commenting, so she could only say: "In short, let's take a look."

Xia Tian picked up the booklet and found that most of the front had been burned by the fire, and the back was blank, with only a dozen or so pages left in the middle.

"June x, 200x, sunny.

Today's bricks are particularly hot, which may be saying that I am not even worthy of this kind of work.

When checking out, the foreman said I was lazy and deducted two dollars from me! ! "

"June x+1, 200x, sunny.

It's still the foreman, it's still two dollars, damn it, Xiao Wei swears, sooner or later I'll make him kneel in front of me and lick the soles of my shoes! "

"June 200x x+2..." Xia Xia casually flipped through a few pages, and immediately pouted: "Wife Yiyi, what is this about, the black-clothed Dragon God's daily routine of moving bricks?

What catches your eyes. "

"Go on and watch."

Yi Xiaoyin did not explain much.

After turning a few more pages, there was finally something other than moving bricks in the diary.

"On September x, 200x, my uncle said that there is gold everywhere in foreign countries, as long as you are willing to endure hardships, you can make a fortune.

My family raised 70,000 yuan and planned to send me abroad to try my luck. "

Seeing this, Xia Xia couldn't help muttering to himself: "It's actually a smuggling abroad, didn't someone say that he is an international mercenary?"

"The point is what happened to him after he went abroad."

Yi Xiaoyin said casually.

In the summer, I continued to look out, and I ignored the date and so on. I only looked at the text. They were very short, and most of them were just one or two sentences.

"Definitely a smuggling.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's a bad life, and if you go abroad, you might have a chance to turn over. "

"There's a chance for a fart to turn over, grass, I'll be in jail as soon as I arrive."

"The old man in the same room is a little weird, his eyes are shining brightly at me, he can't be..." "The old man is really a lunatic, he actually said that he is a cultivator, and the teleportation array malfunctioned when he crossed over, so that The body died and the Tao disappeared, but a ray of remnant soul accidentally entered this aging body.

Damn, what is the age, and there is still such a scam, not to mention that I have nothing to be deceived. "

"Yes, I have nothing to be deceived, so he should not necessarily be deceived.

Is it true? "

"It turned out to be true, the world is not what I imagined it to be.

This power is simply too amazing, I want to worship him as a teacher. "

"Master said that his name is Lu Qingzheng, from Xianyun Continent's Xianxianmen, the purpose of coming to earth is to find a woman named Yue Qingya by the teacher's order, and by the way kill a woman named Ye Yumei.

I'm not interested in these things, why didn't the old things teach me how to cultivate immortals. "

"It's hard to build a foundation successfully, and it really feels different.

Immortal Cloud Continent, the world of immortal cultivators, is so desirable, I must visit that world when I have the chance. "

"I've improved my cultivation again, as expected, I'm a natural immortal cultivator.

The name Xiao Wei is no longer suitable for me. I am changing my name. What should I change it to? "

"Finally out, who in the whole world can be my enemy, who can be my enemy, from now on I will be called Xiao Tiandi.

Master, you can stay inside with peace of mind, and when I have the opportunity to go to Xianyun Continent, I will definitely bring your ashes with me! "

"..." "It's gone, what about the back?"

Xia Xia was just a little excited when I saw it, but it turned out that the back was all blank paper, and there was no word.

Yi Xiaoyin said coldly: "I don't have any later, either he didn't write anymore, or he changed a diary.

However, I didn't find it in the ruins. "

"It's boring."

Xia Xia yawned lazily, and became disillusioned again, "There's no big deal in this diary, it's just how he met his master and how he cultivated."

Yi Xiaoyin looked at Xia Tian speechlessly: "Don't you understand?"

"Understand what?"

Summer asked casually.

"This master of Xiao Tiandi is also a member of Xianxianmen. He is one of the twelve people who followed Wen Tianjun twelve years ago, and Ji Qingying and the others from Xianyun Continent."

Xia Tian nodded and said indifferently: "This is written on it, and I saw it too.

At that time, those people also said that they came to twelve people, and then two died directly because of a teleportation accident.

This Xiao Tiandi's master should be one of them, but it doesn't seem to pose any threat. "

"Whether there is a threat or not is one thing, and it is not appropriate to let it go."

Yi Xiaoyin said worriedly: "Although Xiao Tiandi is not a strong enemy, he is not weak, if he continues to dormant, the consequences will be unimaginable.

So this incident is also warning us not to be careless. "

Xia Tian couldn't help looking at Yi Xiaoyin: "Wife Yiyi, have you made any decision?"

"there is."

Yi Xiaoyin said earnestly: "I decided to go abroad to find this Lu Qingzheng, and by the way, check where the other person died at that time. If there are remnants left, maybe there will be seven or eight Xiao Xiao in a while. The enemy is born."


Xia Tian didn't object, but said: "Then, Mrs. Yiyi, pay attention to yourself. If you really encounter a strong opponent, you can call me, and I will go to you immediately."

Yi Xiaoyin was noncommittal, and smiled lightly: "Now my cultivation is enough to handle it, not to mention it's just a remnant soul.

You should rest assured and prepare to go to the Little Immortal Realm, there are only two days left, don't make Ah Jiu wait too long. "

"Don't worry, that Little Immortal Realm is no big deal."

Xia Xia had a disapproving expression on her face, "Even if the Yin Queen is really in the calamity period, I can handle it, and I will definitely be able to bring Ah Jiu back safely."

Yi Xiaoyin was silent for a few seconds before slowly saying, "Thank you."

"Wife Yiyi, why did you tell me thank you?"

Xia Tian didn't understand, but he said, "Ajiu is also my woman. It's what I should do to bring her back safely."

"Okay, I booked a ticket for the afternoon and I'm going to the airport now."

Yi Xiaoyin instantly suppressed the emotions on her face and returned to her usual calm and indifference.

Xia Xia's figure flashed, hugged Yi Xiaoyin's slender waist, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Wife Yiyi, there is no need to be in such a hurry, can't you go back in two days?"

"I still have a few patients abroad, and I have to go to a follow-up consultation."

Yi Xiaoyin answered lightly.

"That's fine."

No longer stay strong in summer.

Yi Xiaoyin gave Lan Yiren a slight nod and left immediately.

"Husband, if you can't bear her, you can go with her."

Seeing Xia Xia's reluctant look, Lan Yiren couldn't help but smile and said, "There are still two days left, you can go abroad and have fun."

"It's not necessary."

Xia Xia returned to Lan Yiren's side, lying down directly, with a pair of firm and long legs, "Yiyi's wife is not like this, not to mention that Xiaoxianjie can't be despised, I also need to prepare a little bit. ."

Lan Yiren laughed and joked: "It's the first time I heard you say to prepare. I didn't agree with it before."

"You don't agree?"

Xia Tian looked up at Lan Yiren.

Lan Yiren pursed her moist lips and chuckled, "What do you think?"

"Then it will be yours."

Xia Xia picked up Lan Yiren and disappeared instantly. As for where they went, only the two of them knew.

... Su Beibei dragged her slightly tired body and returned to her room. She didn't bother to change her clothes, so she lay down on the sofa and fell into it.

"Being a social animal is tiring."

Su Beibei flicked her legs and rubbed off the shoes on her feet, "It's better to go out to play, ah, my cousin is really, throw this big stall to me, but go to Xianyun Continent to play by myself, it's really abominable ."

"You're wrong, they're not here to play."

At this time, another person's voice sounded in the room.

Su Beibei was startled, and immediately became vigilant, scanning every corner of the room with cold eyes: "Who, come out for me!"

"Don't be nervous, it's me."

A beautiful figure suddenly appeared and slowly sat on the other side of the sofa.

"It is you."

Su Beibei naturally recognized the other party, and instantly collapsed on the sofa, "You should go find that bastard, what are you doing here with me?"

The visitor chuckled twice and said, "I'm not looking for him, I'm here to find you."

"Find me?"

Su Beibei turned over lazily, found a suitable position, and buried his head in it: "What's the matter?

But say it in advance, if you are persuading me to sleep with that bastard, then you don't need to open your mouth. "

"of course not."

The smile on the visitor's face was even stronger, "It seems that you were harassed a lot by him."

Su Beibei said dissatisfiedly, "Don't you know what virtue is that rascal?"

The person who came smiled and said, "Then do you want me to tell him,

Let him stop harassing you in the future. "

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