Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2198 Do you think you are worthy

The so-called floating palace is a floating palace. Some of them are similar to the tents in the secular world. They can be erected and disassembled anytime and anywhere, which is very convenient.

Of course, in order to prevent this palace from being seen by people in the secular world, the Jinpao people placed it in the clouds above the top of the snow-capped mountain.

As for the trials of the Little Immortal Realm, it was not without it before, but it has never been held with such great fanfare, nor will the trialists gather together, and even the time will not be unified, but when did they meet someone The new seedlings in the Immortal Cultivation Realm will be taken directly to the Little Immortal Realm for trials.

This trial was the first big move after the Yin Queen entered the Little Immortal Realm, so it seemed extremely solemn and fearful.

However, Xia Xia is not interested in these things, nor is he interested in participating in any trials, and he feels that no one in the world is qualified to test him.

The reason why he came here is only to rescue A Jiu after the opening of Xiaoxianjie tomorrow, and find a new shelter for the Xuanyin clan by the way.

"There are some leftovers, which is embarrassing to entertain, and please don't mind your distinguished guests."

In the lobby of the floating palace, the golden-robed man entertained the testers as the master, setting up nine single tables filled with various delicacies.

"This is all leftovers, how good is the meal in the Little Immortal Realm?"

The sword-carrying man said sarcastically.

"It turned out to be Zhang Zhiqing, Master Zhang of Longhu Mountain. It's really better to see it once you hear it. He really is a hero among people."

The golden-robed man glanced at the man with the sword and immediately praised him, "I heard that your one-handed Five Thunder Swordsmanship already has a seven-point true inheritance of Zhang Laozhen. Please give more play to this trial, and let me open my eyes."

When the sword-carrying man heard this praise, the cold and arrogant expression on his face suddenly relaxed a lot, but he still said: "When the time comes, you will naturally know how my Zhang family's swordsmanship is."

"The most famous thing in Longhu Mountain is not Lei Fa. When will the swordsmanship be on the stage?"

At this time, the man in the suit sitting opposite Zhang Zhiqing said a little unconvinced: "Speaking of swordsmanship, it should be the ultimate swordsmanship of our Taishan faction, and that is the only one in the world."

"Tarzan School is nothing, if there is no Taishan, you are just a small sect that is not in the mainstream."

Zhang Zhiqing said with a look of contempt: "Is it worthy to compare with the thousand-year inheritance of my Longhu Mountain?"

"What did you say!"

The man in the suit was furious and was about to throw the table.

Zhang Zhiqing snorted coldly: "If you don't agree, I can show you what swordsmanship is now."

"Come on then!"

The man in the suit raised his hand and summoned a long sword that was as bright as water, pointing directly at Zhang Zhiqing: "Look at how capable you are."

"You two, don't worry."

The golden-robed man waved his robe sleeves with a smile, and then swept away the murderous aura between the two, "The visitor is a guest, don't hurt the peace.

If there is really a grudge, there will be a chance to solve it after tomorrow, so let's eat and drink in peace. "

The man in the suit showed cold sweat on his face. When the man in the golden robe waved his sleeves, there was a sudden force on his sword, which almost made him unable to hold the sword.

Zhang Zhiqing also had lingering fears, and looked at the golden-robed man with a solemn expression, knowing that the man in front of him was quite powerful, so he would not make any mistakes.

"This may be the first time you meet, so let me be a middleman and introduce you to each other."

The golden-robed man laughed at this time and said to the crowd.

"It's not a blind date, introduce a fart."

Xiao Yanyan said dissatisfiedly.

"This girl is Xiao Yanyan, the eldest miss of the Emperor's hidden Xiao family."

Jinpao people took advantage of the situation to introduce Xiao Yanyan, "The cultivation base should be in the quasi-jindan stage, this time to the small immortal world should be expected to form a golden core, congratulations in advance."

Xiao Yanyan didn't like listening to such polite nonsense, and didn't even bother to respond.

The Jinpao man didn't mind, and continued: "This Zhang Zhiqing, Mr. Zhang, as I said just now, is from the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain."

Then he pointed to the man in the suit: "This is Ling Qianshan Ling Gongzi from the Taishan faction."

"This is Qin Baoyu, Young Master Qin of the Qin family."

Qin Baoyu stood up and bowed his hands to the crowd as a greeting.

"This is Young Master Yan of Chenzhou Zombie Sect."

Yan Zimo was the last to enter the floating palace, the swelling on his body still did not subside, and the anger in his heart was unbearable, so he could only snort coldly as a response.

"This is Mr. James Musi from the Western Temple of Longevity."

A blond and blue-eyed foreigner immediately shook his head and said in a very standard Beijing film: "No, no, no, I am a native of the Imperial Capital, the Temple of Longevity wants to admit me to the membership, that buddy can agree.

But guess what, they actually paid me to join the club. Dude is that kind of person, but they paid a little too much, so they just drank there. "

He still looks like a foreigner with a broken mouth, but no one pays any attention to him.

"And this new Ninja King Fujino Shirou from the [Nantianmen] Island Branch."

An island warrior wearing a kimono and walking on wooden sandals bowed to a few people and said heavily, "Shiro Fujino Shirou, please give me more advice!"

"What about your Ninja Turtles? Isn't that a man named Kage Amaranth Guards?"

At this time, Xia Tian finally opened his mouth and said to Shirou Fujino.

Shirou Fujino glanced at Jinpao Ren and found him

He didn't say anything, so he explained: "It's the Ninja King, not the Ninja Turtles.

After Mr. Ying Ai came to Huaxia, he was injured a little bit, and he went to retreat after returning home, so he passed the position to me. "

"I'm very unhappy with you Ninja Turtles. He even teamed up with others to attack my woman."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "So I'm going to beat you first, and then tell you to go back and tell him, let him wash his neck and wait, and I'll go over and kill him at any time."

"What do you mean!"

Fujino Shirino stared at Xia Tian with gloomy eyes, "Are you insulting me and Mr. Kage Amaran?"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "Insult, do you think you are worthy?"

Shirou Fujino immediately split his legs, his left foot was in front and his back foot was behind, and his hands were on the scabbard: "We warriors can be killed without shame, let's use our swords, I will definitely kill you, for Mr. Get justice!"

"What you are holding is a knife, what kind of sword you come up with, you are already cheap enough."

Xia Xia said with a dissatisfied face: "It's still Bushido, you secretly put poisonous incense in every corner as soon as you come in, you really make me blind."


When Xia Tian said this, it really surprised the people present, and many of them really didn't find out about it.

The Jinpao man was also unhappy, because he didn't realize it. After hearing Xia Xia's words, he was shocked to realize that there were indeed traces of Mo Ming's fragrance in the room.

"You are spewing blood! You dare to insult my innocence and give me death!"

Shiruro Fujino's expression changed, and he stepped forward and took two steps quickly. The treasured saber was instantly unsheathed, and a dazzling blade of light slashed towards Xia Tian.

This knife came out of the scabbard very quickly, worthy of the four words swift as thunder.

I have to say that it is really powerful. Many people present were shocked and felt that the summer was already a lot of misfortune.

Xiao Yanyan doesn't think so. In her opinion, the swordsmanship of this islander is half as fast as that of Ye Juechen that she met on Frost Moon Island before. That Ye Juechen was thrown into the sea by Xia Xia, and the warrior in front of her is simply a humiliating oneself.

Sure enough, Xia Tian just reached out his hand in an understatement, and then pinched the lightning-fast knife.

"That's it, didn't you eat?"

Summer yawned lazily.

"How can you take a break!"

Shirou Fujino was furious, but no matter how hard he tried and how hard he struggled, he couldn't pull the sword back unless he abandoned it, but then, he was still a samurai.

"The Great Spitfire of Fire Escape."

Shirou Fujino was not a vegetarian either. Since he inherited the position of Kage Amaran Jubei, he naturally learned some ninjutsu secretly. He suddenly opened his mouth to inhale a lot of air, his entire mouth swelled up, and he was about to breathe fire.

"Squirt your head and swallow it for me."

Xia Tian raised his hand and pressed Fujino Shiruro's mouth, and pressed the fire he spewed back directly.

Shirou Fujino's eyes widened in horror, the flames in his mouth could not be expelled, so he swallowed down the throat and swallowed into his stomach, and a burning sensation instantly invaded his internal organs.


Shirou Fujino was so painful that he dropped the knife and rolled on the ground, but the flames burned inside him more and more, and finally burned from the inside to the outside, and the whole person was cremated directly.

"Brother Tian, ​​why is his whole body on fire?"

Bai Xianxian was a little puzzled, even if this person swallowed the fire, it wouldn't burn like this.

Xia Xia replied casually: "Because he is an idiot, he said that it is ninjutsu, but he is actually hiding the kerosene in his body using a special method."

"Then he burned himself to death?"

Xiao Yanyan said in a daze: "This is too stupid."

"That's what idiots do."

Summer replied lazily.

"Since there is one less person, then the eight of you will enter the Little Immortal Realm tomorrow night."

Seeing this, the golden-robed man could only sigh, and waved someone to clean up Shirou Fujino's ashes.

However, after this incident, everyone has a deeper understanding of Xia Xia, and even that Yan Zimo has taken revenge and dared not show it again.

A dinner party is an unhappy breakup.

The golden-robed man seemed to have something to announce, but he lost his mind at the moment, so he left the banquet and just let everyone have a good rest, and they would be able to enter the Little Immortal Realm directly on the night of the full moon tomorrow night.

Everyone has arranged the room, but in summer, naturally, he didn't want to sleep alone, so he went directly to Bai Xianxian's room. Although he couldn't do anything bad, it was better to have a beautiful woman in his arms than to lie in bed alone.

"Brother Tian, ​​do you think that the golden-robed man is a little strange?"

Bai Xianxian leaned on the wooden chair in the room and asked Xia Tian.

Xia Tian rested on Bai Xianxian's legs, feeling the girl's skin, and said lazily, "What about him."

"I always feel like something is going to happen tonight."

Bai Xianxian said worriedly.

"Ah—" At this moment, a shrill scream suddenly sounded in the floating palace.

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