Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2205 beat him out of his original shape

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When the others heard Xia Xia's words, they couldn't help but look at Yan Zimo suspiciously.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Yan Zimo suddenly panicked in his heart, and hurriedly yelled at Xia Xia: "You are slandering, absolutely avenging private revenge, you had a conflict with me before entering the floating palace, and now you are clearly targeting me on purpose. !"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "Don't put gold on your face, what does it mean to have a contradiction, it's obviously you idiot who got beaten up by me."

"Master Xia, do you have any evidence for saying that he is the murderer?" Qin Baoyu was still a little skeptical of Xia's words. After all, Yan Zimo's strength and personality did not look like a hidden master.

Zhang Zhiqing also shook his head and said coldly, "He doesn't have any sword energy, how could he be someone who uses swords, your eyesight is really bad!"

"I believe Xia Xia's words." Xiao Yanyan stood on Xia Xia's side and said with certainty: "He never speaks big words, let alone lies. If he says this person is a murderer, then he must be a murderer. Can't be wrong."

"I don't know what you are doing." Zhan Mosi didn't know who to point the pistol at, so he took a few steps back and stared at everyone: "Anyway, you are all dangerous, it's safer to leave this golden palace."

After speaking, Zhan Musi left without looking back, but in less than a minute, he ran back in a panic and said to everyone, "It's broken, we might not be able to get out."

"What do you mean?" Qin Baoyu looked puzzled.

"I don't know what to say, I can't get out anyway." Zhan Musi shook his head with a puzzled look on his face, "The door is still there, but I just can't get out. It seems like an invisible barrier is blocking me. "

Qin Baoyu's expression changed, and he rushed towards the door immediately, and came back soon, with a very ugly face: "Someone set up a barrier and sealed the entire golden floating palace!"

Xiao Yanyan scolded: "Is this trying to trap us all here?"

"Just a mere barrier, it can't trap me at all." Zhang Zhiqing was not flustered, and said coldly: "It's just a matter of slashing with a sword, there's nothing to panic."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. The person who dared to set up a barrier must have prevented you." Qin Baoyu's expression was solemn. At this time, he hoped that Xia Xia's speculation was true. If Yan Zimo was really that mysterious Figures, then they still have hope of going out, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

"You understand now, that figure is not me at all." Yan Zimo immediately cleared himself and said, "I have been here with you all the time, and I have no time to set up the barrier."

"That's not necessarily true." Zhang Zhiqing retorted at this time: "As long as the formation is set up in advance, leaving only the formation eyes, you can activate the formation at any time."

Yan Zimo was speechless and defended: "Then why should I trap myself in the barrier?"

"Because you're stupid." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"It's not stupid, it's bad, and it's utterly bad." Xiao Yanyan's eyes turned cold and she speculated maliciously: "You just want to watch us trapped inside and then helpless. In other words, you just want to trap us, and then You are alone in the fairy world, so no one will fight with you."

Qin Baoyu was a little bit incomprehensible: "In this trial of the Little Immortal Realm, everyone can pick a suitable immortal sect, and there is no competition at all. It is completely unnecessary to do so."

Xia Tian stretched: "Idiots often think differently from ordinary people. Just because you can't figure it out, doesn't mean he can't figure it out. What you think is completely useless, he will do it, and he will do it very well."

Zhan Musi said impatiently, "Let's put the rest aside beforehand, and see if we can break this barrier. Otherwise, even if the door of the Little Immortal Realm opens, it's useless."

"No." Zhang Zhiqing shook his head, "I can go out anytime, but I can't let the murderer run away, otherwise, it will be a shame for Zhang's life."

Qin Baoyu sighed: "Unfortunately, we don't have any clear method to identify the murderer."

"What needs to be distinguished." Xiao Yanyan pointed at Yan Zimo and said, "One hundred percent is him!"

Yan Zimo was annoyed and glared back at Xiao Yanyan: "Don't think that you are from the Xiao family, so I don't dare to do anything to you. If you slander me again, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Then you're welcome to show it to me." Xiao Yanyan replied without showing weakness, and then rushed to Xia Tian: "I think this idiot is also very upset, hurry up and let him show his true shape."

Xia Xia said with an expression that had nothing to do with him, and said lazily: "It's actually very simple, you can just beat him out of his original shape."

Xiao Yanyan has some scruples: "This guy is too fast. If he turns into a shadow again, like a loach, he can't catch it at all."

"If he uses the black shadow now, doesn't it mean that he has revealed his original form." Bai Xianxian said with a smile.

"That's right." Xiao Yanyan understood and glared at Yan Zimo: "You'd better keep going, or I won't be able to have fun, sister!"

Saying that, Xiao Yanyan's clothes fluttered, and the whole person instantly arrived in front of Yan Zimo.

"What do you want to do?" Yan Zimo was indeed a little panicked, and yelled at Qin Baoyu, Zhang Zhiqing and the others, "Are you just looking at it like this, without any evidence, you just wronged people like this, I really think our Yan family can be abused by others. ?"

Xiao Yanyan said disdainfully: "Cut, we are not the police, what evidence are you talking about, you are so funny!"

Others do have doubts about him, so they naturally let Xiao Yanyan try it out.

If it is proved that the murderer is him, it will save a lot of time. If the murderer is really not him, it will not be too late to save him at that time.

Xiao Yanyan's shots were ruthless, almost all of them were killing moves. Obviously, this was not a test, but a real intention to kill.

"You're deceiving people too much!" Yan Zimo retreated again and again, and slowly became flustered, and suddenly became angry and shouted: "Since you're looking for death, then die!"

Yan Zimo counterattacked in an instant, his fists were rigid and boundless, every move and every style was like a machine, but the force was quite tyrannical, and the fist wind was oscillating within a range of several feet. Xiao Yanyan had no choice but to switch from attack to defense.

"Is this a zombie fist?" Bai Xianxian asked strangely.

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Wife Xianxian, is it Zombie Fist, you will find out if you read on."

"It looks very similar." Qin Baoyu stared at Yan Zimo's movements with a puzzled expression: "I'm not sure, I just flipped through Zombie Fist's boxing book, and I haven't seen it with my own eyes."

Zhang Zhiqing has been watching from the sidelines, and can't help but doubt Yan Zimo.

This person is a descendant of the Zombie Sect. When fighting against life and death, he doesn't have to use his own sect's secret skills, but uses specious boxing techniques, which is really suspicious.

After a while, Xiao Yanyan gradually regained the upper hand. Yan Zimo's iron fists seemed to be domineering, but in fact he was already a little weak.

"If you don't, you're going to die!" Xiao Yanyan said with a charming smile.

Yan Zimo let out a loud shout, moved his fists together, and slammed Xiao Yanyan: "Stop talking nonsense, you eat my punch!"

"Cut, you can eat whatever you want. Think I'm as stupid as you." Of course Xiao Yanyan wouldn't be stupid enough to fight with a man. She's not a strong man. She fluttered back a few meters and avoided Yan Zimo's boxing style.

"You can't escape!"

Yan Zimo's figure flashed silently, and he grabbed in front of Xiao Yanyan at a very fast speed, turning his fist into a palm and hitting her in the abdomen.


Xiao Yanyan suddenly spewed blood, her whole body flew out, and fell heavily to the ground, only gasping for air.

"Huh? This is the snow-running style in the palm of Tianshan Liuyang!" Qin Baoyu was startled and shouted loudly.

"Damn, I don't pretend!" Yan Zimo spat viciously on the ground, his eyes were instantly sharp, and he glanced at the rest of the people, "Anyway, there are only a few of you left, just kill them together. !"

During the speech, Yan Zimo's temperament changed, the whole person was like a sword unsheathed, and the light in his eyes was also sharp and unreal.

"You are definitely not Yan Zimo." Qin Baoyu said sternly, "Are you from the Tianshan faction?"

"Yes, Tianshan sent Huang Tiechan." Yan Zimo bowed his hands, and said proudly, "Several, it's a pleasure to meet you."

What Qin Baoyu wondered was when did this person replace Yan Zimo, and he was so invisible: "When did you pretend to be Yan Zimo, and where is the real Yan Zimo?"

"You might as well take a guess." Huang Tiechan said jokingly: "And it's meaningless to know this, anyway, you are all going to die."

Zhang Zhiqing looked at Huang Tiechan coldly and said with a smile: "The Tianshan faction, so you also use a sword, that's great!"

"Of course I use a sword." Huang Tiechan said tit-for-tat, "However, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to see my sword."

"Why on earth did you do this?" Qin Baoyu really couldn't figure it out, "Everyone in this trial has an equal opportunity, they all have the opportunity to enter the Immortal Sect, and they can all get rewards, and you are really not afraid of the small immortal world. Are you to blame?"

"Equal?" Huang Tiechan couldn't help sneering and said contemptuously: "You are still too naive, the trial is to survive the fittest. Instead of wasting time with you in the Little Immortal Realm, it is better to deal with you before entering the Little Immortal Realm!"

Zhang Zhiqing sneered: "You are quite confident."

"Let's put it this way, it would be difficult to ambush you outside." Huang Tiechan laughed even harder, "But if you were brought into this golden floating palace, then you can only be slaughtered by me. And you The longer I stay here, the better it will be for me."

"Ah!" The foreigner Zhan Musi suddenly covered his chest with a face of pain, and then fell to the ground with a scream.

Qin Baoyu's face changed suddenly, and at this time he also felt a burst of heart palpitations, as if his heart was pinched by something, as if it would burst at any time, even Zhang Zhiqing's brows were wrinkled.

"My heart is a little uncomfortable." Bai Xianxian also felt that something was wrong, "Brother Tian, ​​are you okay?"

Xia Xia smiled and gave Bai Xianxian some spiritual energy: "Wife Xianxian, of course I'm fine, of course you'll be fine. But if these idiots have anything to do, I'll tell you another story."

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