Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2212 Soaring Sky Ten Thousand Fragrant Formation

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Immortal cultivators, in addition to consuming a lot of elixir, often spend a lot of time in retreat to overcome difficulties on the road of cultivation.

The reason why seclusion is time-consuming and labor-intensive is that human beings are a kind of animal that is difficult to be quiet. Even immortal cultivators find it difficult to control their brains and can only use various techniques to force their brains to be quiet. Whenever there is a quarter of an hour of distraction, the retreat may fail.

Therefore, how to calm down the brain has become a major problem that cultivators need to solve. This is also the reason why most immortal cultivation methods pay attention to sitting in meditation.

Ruinaoxiang is actually a divine spice researched by some alchemists under such circumstances. Its function is to make people's brains quiet down quickly, so that they can enter into the meditation that the cultivator wants, and they will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

However, after this spice spread to the country of Chambord, there was a very strange change. There are not many immortal practitioners in the country of shampoo, but the whole country is full of fragrance obsessed, especially those perfumers. They found that after inhaling Ruinao incense, people would feel like a fairy for a while, so they smelled it. Among the business opportunities, Ruinaoxiang has been improved to formulate Ruinao Xiaohunxiang.

In the country of shampoo, almost everyone from the royal family to the common subjects will take this so-called Ruinao ecstasy. However, this spice is extremely addictive and has great stamina. The damage to the brain is almost irreversible, so it is called Ruinao Xiaokuan in other countries.

Those who take it regularly will produce some tiny bugs in the brain. They feed on the brain, and the excretion of feces is more fragrant, so the person who smokes the incense will become more and more flirtatious, and eventually the head will be empty and become a walking corpse. .

Sun Xinxin and Ning Jie had read the materials of Chambord before they came, so they had a general understanding of this kind of thing. To put it bluntly, it was not fundamentally different from some drugs on the earth.

"Sister Xin, are you sure you didn't smell it wrong?" Ning Jie was still a little skeptical. After all, the man in front of him was the king of Chambord, so he shouldn't be addicted to incense. Leave it alone?

Sun Xinxin has full confidence in the fragrance, and nodded affirmatively: "Although I have not seen this kind of skull-relieving fragrance, the fragrance is exactly as described."

"What are you two talking about in a low voice?" King Chambord shouted dissatisfiedly: "This king's conditions have been set, you just need to send the news back to Lanjing and let them send someone who can negotiate. Before you give this king a satisfactory answer, the two of you have to stay in Chambord country as hostages, and also

"No need." Ning Jie interrupted King Shampoo directly.

King Chambord was stunned for a moment: "What did you say?"

"I said no." Ning Jie said lightly, "I can answer you now with the conditions you mentioned."

"Do you have this authority?" King Chambord said slightly disdainfully, "Or do the disciples of the Misty Immortal Sect like to talk big?"

Ning Jie replied with a smile: "Don't worry, what we said still has some weight in the dynasty and the Xianxianmen."

"That's fine." King Chambord also laughed and said with satisfaction: "This king has prepared the contract long ago. As long as you sign it, you can go back with the remnants of the Wanhuo Sect at any time."

Ning Jie smiled lightly: "You seem to have misunderstood something."

"What do you mean?" King Chambord raised his eyebrows, showing an unhappy expression.

"I didn't say I agree to your conditions." Ning Jie's eyes were full of contempt: "We will not agree to any of your conditions."

King Chambord was furious, Huo Xian stood up, lifted the bead curtain, and scolded: "How dare you, you dare to condemn this king, don't you know how the word "death" is written?"

"Of course we know how to write the dead word, but I'm afraid you've forgotten it." Ning Jie scolded back rudely: "Who do you think you are, you are qualified to negotiate terms with the Xianxianmen and the Ji Dynasty, Zuoer. Small country, if you don't obey, it can be destroyed with a wave of your hand!"

"Okay, okay." King Chambord laughed angrily, pointed at Ning Jie and Sun Xinxin and said, "Since you don't know how to live or die, don't blame this king for being rude. Come on!"

With a soft drink, twelve people rushed in from both sides of the hall, surrounding Sun Xinxin and Ning Jie.

However, these people are not guards, but a group of maids holding incense burners.

"What is this for?" Ning Jie couldn't help but look suspicious: "Will burning incense kill us?"

Sun Xinxin reminded in a low voice: "They all carry different spices on their bodies, and there may be articles in them."

"Of course there are articles. There are twelve incense burners here. Each incense burner is made of Xuanhai strange iron, and the incense burning effect is very good." King Shampoo slowly walked out from behind the bead curtain, wearing a blue Taoist robe and wearing a The purple-gold crown has a rather relaxed demeanor: "These twelve palace maids each carry twelve different kinds of spices, all specially prepared by the palace perfumers, which are very, very precious."

"What do you want to do?" Ning Jie said lightly.

King Chambord said with a smile: "I know you are all immortal cultivators, and your realm may not be low, but so what?"

Suddenly, the conversation changed, and the tone became cold: "In front of the divine fragrance of my Chambord country, I'm still vulnerable. Back then, girl Ji's father tried to destroy my Chambord kingdom over and over again, but unfortunately every time he failed, it was because he arrived. Can't stand the fragrance."

"Shenxiang? This is only seen in the documentation." Sun Xinxin said in surprise, "Is there really such a thing?"

"Let the two fairies of the Misty Immortal Gate open their eyes." King Chambord waved his hand and said to the twelve palace ladies: "Make a good incense, but don't lose the face of Chambord."

Ning Jie felt something was wrong: "We're not here to see you make spices. I'd say one last time, you'd better hand over the remnants of the Wanhuo Sect, or the country of Chambord will really be ruined."

"Okay, you want to see the remnant of the Ten Thousand Fire Sect is the voice." King Chambord chuckled a few times, then suddenly clapped his palms and shouted, "Fairy Xiang, come out, the people from the Misty Immortal Sect want to see you."

At this time, I saw a red-shirted woman being escorted in by the white-robed general.

"This is different from what we said before." The woman in the red shirt looked at King Chambord with a displeased face, "If you dare to betray your trust, don't blame my holy religion for destroying your little broken country."

"Okay, this king doesn't want to waste that effort." King Chambord returned to his seat and said slowly: "It takes half an hour to prepare the incense. During this period, you can talk about who is the best. , whoever this king cooperates with, the other party will become the ghost under the fragrance of the incense."

"You are really a negotiator." Ning Jie thought it was too ridiculous, and she mocked: "However, why should we listen to you? Since the remnants of the Wanhuo Sect have appeared, we can just take them back to Lanjing. ."

The king of Chambord sneered and said disdainfully: "You can try it, this palace is full of internal and external organs, and there are hundreds of top-quality perfumers waiting outside. Without the permission of this king, people who go out of the palace without permission will fall into the sky. In the formation, your body and soul will be destroyed in a moment, and even if that Moon Fairy goes out in person, she will not be able to save you."

At this time, both sides of the palace wall suddenly collapsed, revealing the hundreds of perfumers who were standing outside. There were incense burners in front of them, and the fragrance inside was lingering. It was obvious that they had already started to perfume.

Occasionally, a few fragrant birds were tempted by the fragrance and flew over from a distance. As a result, just after being smoked by the fragrance, the skin and flesh dissipated in the blink of an eye, leaving only a skeleton that fell to the ground.

"So, you can only cooperate obediently." King Chambord said proudly: "This soaring incense array is specially set up for you immortal cultivators. It can penetrate directly into the bone marrow and dissolve the spiritual energy in your body, even if you It's no use holding your breath."

"You are so despicable!" The red-shirted woman suddenly realized at this time: "No wonder I felt a little tired after entering this palace. I thought it was due to the consumption of the journey, but I didn't expect it to be your plan!"

King Chambord grinned: "What Wanhuo Sect, what Misty Immortal Sect, what kind of people in the world are not interested in this king, in short, whoever of you gives the most benefits, this king will do it with whomever, it's as simple as that."

"However, all your conditions have been agreed to by the Holy Religion!" The woman in the red shirt was puzzled: "Why do you still go back on your word."

King Chambord laughed even more, and said shamelessly: "That was the previous condition, and it doesn't count now. You Wanhuojiao want this king's help, at least ten times the previous condition."

The woman in the red shirt was so angry that she snorted loudly, "You are really greedy, aren't you afraid of killing yourself?"

"If you can't stand it to death, then you don't have to worry about it." King Shampoo was lying on the seat, enjoying the meticulous massage of the two palace maids, and muttered: "You guys are running out of time, hurry up. , let's have a good talk."

"I'm talking about you being a dead man!" The woman in the red shirt was furious, she swept away suddenly, and instantly flashed in front of King Chambord, reaching for his throat.

King Chambord squinted his eyes slightly, and did not feel flustered at all, on the contrary there was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

"call out!"

A whistling, from far to near, slashed towards the red-shirted woman with fierce murderous intent.

The red-shirted woman had to retreat, avoiding the thunderbolt.

"Please stay away from Your Majesty, or don't blame me for being merciless under the sword." The white-robed female general slowly put away her long sword and warned coldly.

"Your swordsmanship?" The red-shirted woman was stunned for a while, and then said in surprise: "It is clearly the moon-slashing swordsmanship of Sun Moon Immortal Sect that has never been passed down. Who are you and why did you appear in Chambord?"

Speaking of Sun and Moon Immortal Sect, Sun Xinxin and Ning Jie couldn't help but look at each other, and they also showed unexpected expressions. First, they didn't expect this female general's swordsmanship to be so superb, and second, because they were no strangers to Sun and Moon Immortal Sect.

Ye Yumei is a member of Sun Moon Immortal Sect. After they came to Xianyun Continent from Earth, in addition to cleaning up Misty Immortal Sect, they also rectified Sun and Moon Immortal Sect. Today's head is Ye Yumei. After Ye Yumei returned to Earth, Song Yumei became the head of the agency.

If the woman in front of her is really from the Sun and Moon Immortal Sect, then Song Yumei would have no reason not to inform them in advance, unless the female general left Sun and Moon Immortal Sect a long time ago, then it is hard to speculate whether she is an enemy or a friend.

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