Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2220 You come first and let me beat

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Little Immortal World, Wanlong Cave.

This place is very different from Penglai Fu Land. Looking around, it is full of rolling mountains, and you can't see the head at a glance.

Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian landed on one of the tops of the mountain at this time. Before, they took a divine light in Penglaifu Land, and they soared upwards. After passing through the layers of clouds, they passed through a huge magic circle, and then We arrived at Wanlong Cave in the second heaven.

Originally, the divine light they were riding continued to fly upward, but a few sharp sword qi flew from somewhere, and they cut off the divine light that Xia Xian and Bai Xianxian were riding on. The two of them suddenly fell from mid-air to a mountain peak.

"Which idiot, it's actually bad for me." Xia Xia raised his eyes a little unhappily and looked at the distance, where the sword light came from.

Bai Xianxian also looked there, and then her eyes narrowed: "Brother Tian, ​​someone is coming this way."

"I saw it." Xia Tian curled his lips, "These idiots are here just in time, beat them first and let out their anger."

"Brother Tian, ​​there's no need for that." Bai Xianxian chuckled twice, "That sword energy shouldn't have come from them.

Xia Xia said dissatisfiedly: "It doesn't matter what kind of sword energy it is, in short, it is a good thing that you dare to damage me, that is to be beaten. If it delays me saving the nine girls, it will not be a matter of beating, and I will directly destroy this place when I turn around. ."

Not long after, a few figures in the distance, Yujian, flew over the heads of Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian, and asked loudly, "Who are you two! Why are you appearing around my mountain protection formation at Sunset Peak?"

"Who are we, we'll talk about that later." Xia Xia looked unhappy, "Come here first and let me beat you up."

Those few couldn't help looking at each other, and then one of the older men in green robes said to Xia Xia, "This fellow Daoist, I advise you to answer truthfully, otherwise, you can only treat it as a foreign enemy that invaded my Sunset Peak. Disposal, ranging from being sent to the execution hall, or being executed on the spot!"

Before he could finish speaking, the man in green robe fell off the flying sword, and threw a dog to eat shit.

Seeing this, the other people couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing, but as soon as they laughed out loud, they followed in the footsteps of the men in green robes, all of them fell to the ground and ate a mouthful of mud.

"What's going on?" The man in the green robe got up in astonishment and asked the others, "Why did you all fall down?"

"I don't know, I just fell out of it."

"It's just that in an instant, the whole body becomes weak and falls down."



Those few people looked dazed, and all of them didn't know why they fell down.

"Tell me, are you the one who did it?" The man in the green robe turned his head quickly, turned to face Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian, and asked coldly.

Xia Xia said with a smile: "My wife and I are standing in the same place and haven't moved. It may be that you are malnourished or anemia."

"Fart!" The green-robed man scolded and said to the other junior brothers: "Everyone, be vigilant, these two people are by no means unusual and very dangerous."

"Yes!" The disciples shouted in unison, and at the same time drew their swords and surrounded Xia Xian and Bai Xianxian.

Bai Xianxian said at this time, "We have no hostility, we just passed by here."

"I'm very upset now." Xia Xia glared at these people fiercely, "Originally, my wife and I were sitting in that aperture, and we were going to find Jiu Tou up there, but it was delayed by you. How can you compensate me?"

The man in green robe frowned involuntarily when he listened to Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian's words: "What the hell are you talking about?"

"It's fine if you don't understand." Xia Xian was a little impatient, "In short, you all have to find a way to send me and my wife Xianxian up, or I will smash your broken gate."

"Go up?" The blue-robed man raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "Why do you want to go up? I don't think you are from the fairyland."

"It's none of your business if it's from the fairyland!" Xia Xia was even more impatient. "Anyway, you should think of a way to send me and my wife Xianxian up there, otherwise this matter will not end."

The man in green robe snorted coldly, his expression was also very unpleasant, pointed at Xia Xia and said, "Not only do you two have unknown origins and intentions, but you are also rude to me, Wanlongdongtian. It seems that you must be detained first."

One of the disciples said at this time, "Elder Brother, they came from Penglai Fu, could they be from Penglai?"

"Impossible." The man in green robe shook his head directly, "We all know the people from Penglai. No matter how they dress or behave, they are very similar to the legendary people from the lower world."

"I heard that the nine princesses of Penglai Fudi are engaged today." Another disciple said, "Will they be other guests from Chongtian to Penglai Fudi?"

"That's even more impossible." The green-robed man smiled coldly, his eyes always fixed on Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian, but he explained to the younger brothers: "Those guests have designated divine light talismans, and they will never be protected. It was shot down by the Great Mountain Array. They must have stolen someone else's divine light rune."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "Have you finished talking nonsense?"

"Hmph, in a word, these two are definitely enemies and not friends." The man in the green robe looked very serious, and said without worry: "During this time, there are often mysterious people invading the fairyland, and we must deal with it carefully."

"We just wanted to find people up there, and nothing else.

Purpose. "Bai Xianxian listened to the more and more outrageous they were talking, and couldn't help but say: "As long as you tell us how to get there, we will leave immediately, and we will never stay here." "

The man in green robe said casually: "To go to the top, apart from using the divine light talisman, only the head of each sect can do it. You should stop thinking about it."

"That's easy." Xia Tian smiled, "Where is your head?"



"How dare you be disrespectful to the Sect Master!"

These Wanlongdongtian disciples suddenly became excited.

"I'll ask you one last time, who are you guys, and what do you want to do?" The man in green robe stared at Xia Xia closely, and shouted, "If you don't say anything, you will only be treated as foreign enemies, all juniors and brothers. Array!"

The few low-level disciples immediately stood in a special position, the long sword was pointed an inch in front of the toes, and bursts of spiritual light appeared in their bodies, and gradually converged in one place in the sky.

"Wife Xianxian, why do these idiots always fail to understand people's words." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly, "Obviously given them opportunities, they just don't cherish them, and they are always courting death."

Bai Xianxian thought for a while, and said casually, "Maybe they haven't seen anyone for too long."

"If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude." Xia Xia looked at these people with a smile, and finally set his eyes on the man in green robe: "It seems that you should be of a higher level, and you should know where the head is. ."

"Hmph, I'm obsessed." The man in the green robe snorted coldly and ordered, "Send the sword and block them!"

Several long swords were pierced at the same time, and the spiritual energy was like a tidal wave, intertwined into a net in mid-air, and covered Xia Xian and Bai Xianxian.

"Wife Xianxian, do you need help?" Xia Xian turned his head and smiled at Bai Xianxian.

Bai Xianxian shook her head: "On this level, I can handle it."

"That's right, then you follow me." Xia Xia smiled and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

"Hey, what about people?" The man in green robe only felt that the person was gone as soon as he saw a flower, and he was stunned. He was about to open his mouth to remind others, but he was like a radish that was pulled up, and his body involuntarily vacated. rise.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The few remaining Wanlongdongtian disciples fell to the ground one by one without warning.

"Who the hell are you?" When the man in green robe came back to his senses, he suddenly found that he was being held in Xia's hands, like a chick that was grabbed by the neck, completely incapable of resisting.

"Who are we, you are not qualified to know." Xia Xia said lazily: "In short, you take us to see your head now, and then I will let you go."

The man in green robe sneered, "Impossible! My disciple of Wanlong Dongtian, I would rather die than betray the sect master."

"It doesn't matter if you say it." Xia Xia gave the man in green robe a shot: "It can be said now."

"The head is in the Yuzhu Palace on the top of Qingtian Peak." The blue-robed man's eyes were full of fear, but his mouth was quite cooperative, and he even raised his finger in one direction: "It's over there, but you must pass through the guard. Mountain Great Array, I can take you in."

"Brother Tian, ​​your acupuncture is too good." Bai Xianxian praised sincerely.

"This is just pediatrics." Xia Xia showed a disapproving expression, "I have more powerful ones, you will find out later."

Bai Xianxian nodded, and sure enough, being by the patriarch's side can not only open your eyes, but also learn a lot.

The man in Qingpao refused to be the leading party in his heart, but he didn't know why his body was completely out of control. He cooperated with Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian through the mountain protection formation, and then flew towards Qingtian Peak.

After a while, the three of them landed on the top of Qingtian Peak.

"Senior Brother Lin, why do you have time to come to Qingtian Peak?" A young disciple wearing a yellow robe immediately greeted him, and then saw Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian: "I don't know who these two are?"

The man in green robe winked desperately and gave this fellow sect a mad hint, but opened his mouth and said, "Oh, these two are distinguished guests from Penglai, and they have important things to see the sect master, so I will personally lead them on the way. already."

"Oh, so that's the case. Then you can do whatever you want. The head is in the main hall of Yuzhu Palace." The Huangpao disciple did not doubt, but felt that this senior brother was much more lively than usual, and his expressions were so rich when he spoke, which was really funny. .

"Thank you." The Qingpao man's entire face was about to twitch, but the other party still couldn't understand what he meant, so he had to give up.

In the summer they just took two steps, and suddenly a loud shout came from behind: "No, stop for me! Take one step forward, and you won't spare me!"

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