Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2222 You will forget me?

Mobile phone direct access: m.xinwanben.com

Xia Xian broke through the palace gate with Bai Xianxian, and when he looked up, he saw two figures, a man and a woman. Among them, the man was feminine in appearance, but his temper was extremely hot. When he saw them speaking, he scolded them and yelled at the guards to come over and take them down. Another young woman was wearing a white dress, and her figure vaguely made Xia Xia feel familiar.

"Stop yelling, there's no one outside." Xia Xia said casually to the feminine man.

The feminine man glared back at Xia Xia and asked in amazement, "Who are you and why are you here?" Before Xia Xia could answer, the woman in the white dress said first, "Of course he is the one who came to kill you."

"Who said I'm going to kill him." Xia Xia glared at the woman in the white skirt unhappily, "I just came here to find the head here to borrow a way to save people."

Wang Wanlong frowned and said coldly, "This old man is the head of Wanlong Dongtian, who are you!"

"Who am I, it's useless if you know this." Xia Xia was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said directly: "I heard that you can send people directly to it, right?"

King Wanlong nodded slightly: "Yes, the head of every Chongtian has this authority."

"That's it." Xia Tian said straight to the point: "Now you will send me and Xianxian Lao up there."

"It's a joke!" King Wanlong laughed angrily, pointing at Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian: "I don't even know who you are, why should I help you? Not to mention that you broke the palace gate and hurt my disciple. You kill on the spot, it's already the special kindness of this old man."

Xia Tian showed a nonchalant expression and said, "I remember when I break a door, and when I break it, it breaks. If those idiots outside, if it wasn't in my way, I wouldn't bother to beat them. What's more, I've been merciful, otherwise they You're dead. Hurry up and send us up, or you'll be beaten up."

"Presumptuous!" King Wanlong shouted angrily, unleashing his majesty as the head.

At this time, the woman in the white dress suddenly smiled at Xia Xia and said, "Xia Xia, if you want to save Ah Jiu, then kill him."

"Who are you?" Xia Tian glanced at the woman in the white dress, "Why should I trust you?"

The woman in the white dress chuckled and said, "It's been a while since I haven't seen you, so you forgot me?"

"You look familiar, but you don't look like anyone I know at all. It's strange." Xia Tian is the strongest in the world in terms of memory and observation, unless he is too lazy to remember, otherwise, It will definitely be unforgettable, but he can't remember where he saw the woman in front of him, which is really incredible.

"It's not surprising." The woman in the white dress smiled even more, "Because we have actually fought several times, but we have never really met. However, you should not forget my name. "

Bai Xianxian whispered to Xia Tian at this time: "Brother Tian, ​​she should be the Queen of Yin."

Xia Tian asked, "Wife Xianxian, are you sure?"

"Although the appearance has changed a bit, it should be inseparable." After Bai Xianxian came in, she kept staring at the woman in the white dress, and already had some confidence.

Xia Xia was too lazy to stop talking and asked directly, "Are you the Queen of Yin?"

"Yes, I am the Queen of Yin." The woman in the white dress nodded without hesitation, and added: "Now she is also the Queen of the Heavens, Ajiu is in my hands, you must listen to me to save her out. ."

A disapproving expression appeared on Xia Xia's face, and he said slowly, "It's not necessary, I'll just kill you and save Jiu-tou."

"Then you are too naive." The woman in the white dress smiled and shook her head, "Let's not say whether you have the ability to kill me, even if you do kill me, it means that you will never Knowing where Ah Jiu is, let alone saving her."

"I'll catch you first, and then ask slowly." Xia Xia still didn't think it was a problem, "Whether you are the Queen of Yin or the Queen of Immortals, under my acupuncture method, I guarantee that you will cooperate obediently. "

The woman in the white dress shook her head in disappointment: "I know that your eight needles against the sky are very powerful, but it is not omnipotent, nor is it omnipotent. Why do you think I want to deceive you to the Little Immortal Realm? "

"I'm not interested in knowing why this is!" Xia Xian became impatient, "In short, either you return Ah Jiu to me quickly, or I'll kill you now."

Seeing that the two of them ignored him, King Wanlong couldn't help but be furious: "Hey, you two are too ignorant of the old man!"

"There's nothing to do here, get out of the way first!" Xia Xia slapped Wang Wanlong's face with a slap in the face.

"Ridiculous!" King Wanlong felt that he had been greatly humiliated, and shouted: "Who do you think you are, what damage can this kind of palm technique do to the old man!"


Before he finished speaking, he was slapped firmly on the face, stunned his whole body, and he didn't recover for a long time.

"I don't care what tricks you want to play, I'll tell you one last time." Xia Xia's face showed a rare serious look, "Now, immediately, immediately return the nine girls to me, so that I can let you go, or you will You're dead, and no one can save you."

The woman in the white dress didn't look scared at all, on the contrary, after hearing Xia Xia's ultimatum, she laughed instead: "Xia Xia, are you being too arrogant, or are you crazy enough to lose your mind? I know that your cultivation was once When you reach the transitional calamity period, the eight needles against the sky have also broken through the seventh needle. However, now you only have a cultivation base around the Jindan period.

The eight needles against the sky can only reach the fourth needle at most, but I have reached the transcendence period. Do you think you are qualified to say such things to me? "

"It's none of my business what you cultivate." Xia Xia felt quite unhappy, "Even if you are really an immortal and annoy me, you can still kill you."

"The mouth is getting more and more agile." The woman in the white skirt sighed and said with great disdain: "But the mouth can't scare anyone, and it can't save Ah Jiu. I will tell you one last time, if you want to save Ah Jiu, you You have to play a game with me, and the rules are all set by me."

"That means you don't want to cooperate?" Xia Tian pouted.

The woman in the white dress said lightly, "Cooperation? Are you worthy?"

"Then don't blame me." Xia Xia's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the woman in the white dress, and punched her in the abdomen.


This punch was so powerful that the strong wind that exploded almost knocked down half of the Yuzhu Palace.

"The speed is good, but the strength is still poor." The woman in the white dress was unscathed, and her expression did not change at all. "Is this your strongest strength?"

Xia Xia felt that something was wrong, but he didn't think about it, and punched it again.

A punch is harder than a punch, and a punch is faster than a punch.

However, the woman in the white dress slapped Xia Xia's fist lightly, just like playing with the child next door.

Bai Xianxian also felt that this scene was very strange. In the past, Xia was playing with his opponent like this, but now he himself encountered this situation.

After fighting for a while, Xia Xia suddenly closed his fists and stared at the woman in the white dress, without saying a word.

Because, Xia Xia had already discovered that the woman in the white dress in front of her was just a phantom avatar, and no matter how she attacked, it was all in vain.

"Understood?" The woman in the white dress was not surprised, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "I thought you would be like a savage bull, and you had to exhaust yourself before you stopped."

Xia Xia ignored the nonsense and just asked, "Where is the nine girl!"

"A-Jiu is in Tianwaitian, in the prison I set up." The woman in the white dress suddenly raised her hand to the void, and saw a flash of fluorescence light up in the Yuzhu Palace, and some pictures emerged from the fluorescence.

In the picture, Ah Jiu is sitting in a rather comfortable chair, and is concentrating on reading a book. Zooming out a bit, I saw six transparent pillars the thickness of a fist, which were evenly inserted into the ground, just to surround Ah Jiu.

"Brother Tian, ​​is this the formation?" Bai Xianxian asked with some doubts.

Summer nodded.

"This is the sixth-level Shenguang Heavenly Prison, which I have personally researched." The woman in the white dress laughed smugly, and said to Xia Tian, ​​"This Heavenly Prison is in the sky, if you think you have this strength, I can take you to Tianwaitian right now."

Xia Xia obviously didn't trust the woman in the white dress: "You would be so kind?"

"It doesn't matter if you're good or not, it just makes you die in advance of the idea of ​​forcibly demolishing the Heavenly Prison." The woman in the white dress said quite proudly: "This Heavenly Prison is based on the Sixth Heaven of the Little Immortal Realm. Heavenly Prison, unless you have the strength of the peak of the tribulation period, or your eight needles against the sky have broken through to the eighth needle, otherwise, how much power you use to attack the formation, then the number of Ah Jiu in the prison will be doubled If the ground is damaged, she will be directly shocked to death after only three times. So, you better give up the first thought that flashes in your mind, you should know this by yourself.”

Xia Xia really knew something, but he didn't mean to panic at all, no matter what, knowing that Ah Jiu was all right would make him feel more at ease.

"Say it directly, what do you want to do?" Xia Xia asked lazily.

"I just want to play a game with you." The woman in the white dress laughed when she saw that the summer clothes were softening: "A very fun game."

Summer said lightly: "How do you want to play?"

"It's very simple." The woman in the white dress said with a smile: "As long as you kill all the heads of the first six heavens, and absorb and digest their power, in this case, the six pillars of divine light in the prison will light up. Then you have ten minutes to rescue Ah Jiu."

Xia Xia felt that there was a fraud, and asked suspiciously, "Is it that simple?"

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