Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2233 But your father is gone

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"Break my boxing?" Xu Kunlun raised his head and laughed, his expression quite playful, "What a big tone, do you know what my name is in the Xiuxian world?"

Xia Xia didn't bother with him at all, and pouted: "What is your name, it's none of my business, and you can't fight?"

Xu Kunlun seemed to have not heard Xia Xia's words, and said to himself: "I was an invincible player in the immortal world back then, and even the immortal emperor who was beyond the sky had to obey me, and he was given the nickname Iron Fist Wushuang. My self-created Bengliu Boxing is even more flawless. It can be called the most perfect boxing method inside and outside the world. All my opponents are either defeated by my boxing method or killed by my boxing method. If you want to break my boxing method, it is simply Arabian Nights."

"That year was that year, and now is now." Xia Xia had a disapproving expression on his face, "It was fierce back then, and it doesn't conflict with your current dishes. Besides, even if you win against these rubbish in the Immortal World, it's nothing special."

"It's nothing special?" Xu Kunlun raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia Xia, and couldn't help sneering: "You just won the two parallel imports of King Penglai and King Wanlong, and you feel that you are invincible across the fairyland?"

Xia Xia said with a smile: "No matter where I am, I have always been invincible, do you know this?"

"You can see it with a quick mouth, but what about your skills?" Xu Kunlun put his hands behind his back, with a look of contempt in his eyes: "If you block my ordinary punch, you feel like you beat me, it's ridiculous! Come on, I'll give you three hundred punches first and try your jin liang."

Xia Xia looked nonchalant and replied, "Without three hundred punches, I'll take care of you with three punches."

"Good guy, madness is really mad, with a little demeanor like I did back then." Xu Kunlun chuckled, pointing at Xia Xia: "However, if you don't have the strength, no matter how mad you are, you are just courting death."

"There's so much nonsense, can you still fight?" Xia Xia was a little upset. "After the fight, I have to go to Tianwaitian to save the nine girls."

Xu Kunlun was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "What happened to Xiu'er?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Xia Xia said impatiently: "In short, I want to kill you guys as soon as possible, and then go to Tianwaitian, it's that simple."

"She's my daughter, how can it have nothing to do with me?" Xu Kunlun shouted sharply: "Tell me, what happened to her?"

Xia Xia didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, and squeezed his fist: "What's wrong with her, why should I tell you. She's not in danger, but I have to fight to the sky within three days, so you'd better go all out, I won't be merciful just because you are Jiu's father."

"Xiu'er is out of the sky, right? I know." Xu Kunlun loved his daughter so much, he didn't want to be entangled with Xia Xia immediately, so he was about to leave, but Xia Xia held him back.

"Why did you stop me!" Xu Kunlun stared at Xia Xia coldly: "You want to stop me from saving Xiu'er?"

Xia Xia pouted: "You're going to beg the nine girls, of course I won't stop it. But you can't save it, and it's useless to go to Tianwaitian. So the best way is for me to defeat you and collect your energy. Then go to heaven and earth."

"I see that you are clearly timid!" Xu Kunlun pointed at Xia Xia and said, "My daughter, I can save me if I want, and no one can stop me."

Xia Xia was too lazy to explain, and said directly: "Then fight, whoever wins will save the nine girls."

"Can't the two go to rescue together?" At this time, Huo Jiuling couldn't help but ask his own question.

"Shut up, you don't have the right to speak here!" Xu Kunlun glared at Huo Jiuling and snarled.

Huo Jiuling immediately obediently shut up, and no longer dared to mess around.

"Xia Xia, it is for Xiu'er's sake that I tolerated you so much, you'd better not take an inch!" Xu Kunlun warned Xia Xia with a solemn expression: "You are not worthy to teach me to do things, I Going to Tianwaitian to save Xiu'er now, if you dare to stop me, then don't blame me for punching you to death!"

"Your fist can't kill me." Xia Xia replied lazily: "If you go to Tianwaitian, it will only cause trouble to Jiu girl, so I can't let you go."

"Yunbeng Yanliu!" Xu Kunlun no longer entangled with Xia Xia, he suddenly squeezed his fist and blasted towards Xia Xia.

This punch was indeed a lot more serious, and it was many times stronger than the fist just now. The clouds that filled the air flowed together, and layers of flames blasted towards Xia Xia's body again.

Huo Jiuling was so frightened that he almost lost his soul, and quickly retreated several kilometers to avoid being affected by this flame.

Xia Xia's fist was mediocre, without any special effects, just an ordinary fist, facing the layers of flames.


The flames splashed and the clouds rolled wildly.

Xia Xia's body remained motionless, and both the flames and the clouds burst out half a meter in front of him, like a snowball hitting the glass.

Xu Kunlun couldn't help but let out a "huh" in surprise, but he didn't mean to stop, and then he punched it again.

"Are you at this level?" Xia Xia took Xu Kunlun's punch, not only did not show any signs of injury, on the contrary, he was still interested in teasing, "Then don't use the name Tekken Wushuang, it's too embarrassing. ."

Xu Kunlun said lightly: "Don't get carried away, just warming up, I haven't gotten serious yet."

"Then don't waste time, use your most powerful punch." Xia Xia pouted, "I'm in a hurry, you don't want Jiu girl to suffer on it."

"Hmph, then let's open your eyes!" Xu Kunlun was also a little angry, suddenly

The hair and hair on the ground were all open, releasing a supreme and majestic spiritual pressure, which enveloped the entire Lihuo Immortal Sect, and everyone felt as if their hearts were pinched by a pair of big hands, panicking.

Xia Tian naturally felt these changes, and even his heart accelerated involuntarily, but this feeling was calmed down by the ice and fire aura in the next instant.

"Sky Collapsing Fire Stream!"

After Xu Kunlun was ready, he squeezed his fist and blasted towards Xia Tian.

This punch is the strongest punch in Xu Kunlun's self-created Beng Liu Quan, and it is also the punch he is most proud of. It was with this punch that he used this punch to deter the immortal emperor from heaven and beyond, and he was able to succeed. He took over the position of the head of the Lihuoxian faction.

Originally, Xu Kunlun didn't want to use this punch. Although he despised Xia Xia and felt that this kid was not worthy of his daughter at all, it would not cause any murderous intentions. It's just that this kid is really arrogant, and he wants to prevent him from going to heaven to save his daughter. Such an ignorant person, and he doesn't pity his daughter at all, it's useless to keep it.

With just such a thought, Xu Kunlun no longer hesitated, a mere mortal from the lower realm would not regret his death.

The speed of this punch seems to be extremely slow, but it is getting bigger and bigger in everyone's pupils. After just a few seconds, it has already covered the sky.

This fist blows down, let alone people, it is estimated that even the entire fairyland will be smashed to pieces.

Xia Xia was still motionless, as if shocked by this punch.

"Sect Master Xia, get out of the way!" Huo Jiuling was terrified in the distance, and shouted at Xia Xia with a loud voice. Her current fate is tied to Xia Xia, if Xia Xia dies, then she will definitely be liquidated by the Immortal Emperor, at least it will be a fate worse than death.

As for

The disciples of the Lihuo Immortal Sect had long since hid in the Red Pagoda. This tower is the supreme magic weapon in the ancient times, and it is the safest place from the Fire Immortal Sect. Even if the fairy world really collapses, they will be safe and sound in the tower.

Light, fire, roar.

Soon, the clouds faded and the sound disappeared. Then everything was annihilated, inch by inch, like ice cubes in the sun.

In just half a second, it seemed like a century had passed.

After a while, the dazzling light gradually dissipated, and the scorching flames slowly extinguished.

In mid-air, Xu Kunlun stood with his arms folded in mid-air, with neither sadness nor joy in his eyes.

Huo Jiuling also opened his eyes at this time, looking for Xia Xia's figure around a little anxiously, but he found nothing, and his heart couldn't help but feel anxious, was he really killed?

"It's a pity." Xu Kunlun sighed slightly, then took a little light and was about to leave in the air.

At this time, a lazy voice suddenly sounded: "I didn't say you can go."

"Huh?" Xu Kunlun couldn't help stunned when he heard the voice, and immediately turned his eyes to the source of the voice, he saw a tired and lazy figure, "Are you all right?"

Xia Tian pouted and said disapprovingly, "What can I do? Although your punch looks very powerful, it has too many flaws."

"Fart!" Xu Kunlun was furious, pointed at Xia Xia and said, "There can be no flaws in my boxing. I think you are just using some magic weapon to sneak away."

"It's useless if you're not convinced, the facts are right in front of you." Xia Xia smiled and squeezed his fist: "Now it's your turn to punch me."

Without waiting for Xu Kunlun to say anything, Xia Xia's fist was already in front of him.

Xu Kunlun sneered, and when he rolled up his sleeve robe, he was about to roll up Xia Xia's punch.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.


This punch hit Xu Kunlun in the face, causing him to spit blood, and the whole person flew out and smashed heavily into the blood-red cedar forest.


Out of the sky, in a certain courtyard.

A Jiu was chatting with Bai Xianxian when suddenly, the third jade pillar lit up.

"This..." Ah Jiu was stunned for a moment, falling into a state of aphasia.

"This pillar is lit up, which means that Xu Kunlun is also defeated." Ye Yumei, who was dressed as the Queen of Yin, laughed, "It seems that he really cares a little this time. I just don't know if Xu Kunlun is dead. Still not dead."

Ah Jiu came back to her senses and said lightly, "It doesn't matter if you die or not, it has nothing to do with me."

"Are you really not worried at all?" Ye Yumei looked at Ah Jiu with a playful look on her face, "Xu Kunlun is your real father. If he really died, then you would have no relatives in the world."

Ah Jiu said lightly: "I have no relatives for a long time, and the only relative in the world is Sister Yi."

"Doesn't summer count?" Ye Yumei asked with a smile.

"He's an ass." Ah Jiu raised her eyebrows in dissatisfaction, "The stinky hooligan who would take advantage of me."

Ye Yumei laughed and couldn't help shaking her head: "Why are you all so duplicitous, you like it if you like it, and hate it if you hate it, why can't you just say it directly, you have to do the opposite, no? I understand, I really don't understand."

"Never mind your business." Ah Jiu gave Ye Yumei a white look, "I'm happy."

Ye Yumei replied, "But your father is gone."

"You!" Ah Jiu was immediately angry, staring at Ye Yumei.

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