Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2260 collapse

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"Summer, if you don't know what's good or bad, I won't give up!"

It was not Immortal Emperor Xuanyang himself who said this, but a roar from the depths of his soul that was still full of resentment.

"Hey, why are you acting like a little guy, you're still not dead yet!"

Xia Xia glanced and found that there was a transparent villain similar to him floating on the body of Immortal Emperor Xuanyang, "It doesn't look like Primordial Spirit or Primordial Infant, you won't be cultivating an evil sect. Kung Fu?"

Seeing this scene, Xu Kunlun was also startled, and immediately remembered one thing: "Could it be that... you actually practiced that magic trick?"

"What kind of stuff is that?" Xia Tian curled his lips.

Xu Kunlun licked his lips and said hesitantly, "That is a broken jade slip that was hidden from the Xiao family and presented to Immortal Emperor Xuanyang more than a hundred years ago. If you don't understand it, hand it over."

"Immortal Emperor Xuanyang summoned all of us in the Sixth Layer and studied together for a few years. Finally, we finally got the information on the scrap of paper, which records a magic art from another world. We only need to sacrifice 100,000 living souls to practice it. , you can condense a demon similar to the primordial spirit in the body, usually there will be no signs of it, only after death will it come out of the body, three days later, it will become an adult, just like a new life, and the skill will increase by a lot."

The transparent villain who looked like Immortal Emperor Xuanyang jumped like thunder, pointed at Xu Kunlun and said, "Shut up, or I will destroy your nine clans!"

"That's useless." Xia Xia lost interest in an instant. This broken practice method was not comparable to the first four needles of his eight needles against the sky. It was a complete waste practice.

Xu Kunlun smiled bitterly. This is a practice that can bring back the dead. Not to mention in the small immortal world, it is estimated that in the higher-level world of immortality, it is like a baby. After all, life and death are a kind of law of heaven and earth. Immortal.

Even if you can't live forever, it is very shocking to be able to come back from the dead.

Xu Kunlun pointed at the transparent little fairy and scolded: "Xuanyang, since you have mastered this practice, it means that you have secretly practiced 100,000 souls, this is a heinous crime, what else do you have? Live face to face!"

The transparent villain had no intention of repenting at all, but instead roared: "I am the Lord of the Immortal Realm, what is it to sacrifice one hundred thousand souls, and another one million, ten million, that is also their lifetime honor!"

"It's just a beast!" Xu Kunlun said with a heartbroken expression on his face, "When the Little Immortal Realm was established, one was to continue the seeds of immortality, and the other was to protect the secular world. But you sacrificed the living for your own selfishness, and also What kind of bullshit Immortal Emperor, it is not worth dying to die! In summer, let his spirit and soul be destroyed, and he will never be born!"

"You dare!" The transparent villain was not afraid at all, and sneered: "This little fairyland has long been bound to my soul, and it doesn't matter if I die, if there is no soul, then the whole little fairyland will collapse. The whole planet will collapse with it."


Xu Kunlun opened his eyes angrily, he couldn't believe what he heard, and he couldn't find any vicious words to describe it for a while.

"I am the Immortal Emperor, who has sheltered the secular world for thousands of years, and has saved tens of billions of people. I sacrificed 100,000 people to continue my life, but what happened?" The transparent villain's character seems to be more like Immortal Emperor Xuanyang It's extreme, and it doesn't even cover up at all, and directly puts those dirty things on the bright side.

"I'm not interested in your shit." Xia Tian

Staring at the transparent little man for a while, he said unhappily: "But now I see you very unhappy, whoever I want to die, whoever dies, the person has to die, and the spirit has to die."

"Hmph, do you dare to kill my soul?" The transparent villain suddenly became complacent, "If you kill me, the little fairy world will be over in no time, and you, your woman, and everyone on earth will have to be buried with you. !"

"You think too much." Xia Tian showed a silver needle and stabbed the transparent villain, "Only you will die, and this time, you will die thoroughly, what spirit, what ghost, what Yuan Ying, what kind of golden pills... all of them don't exist anymore, just when I'm free, tossing back and forth with you, let's die."


Toushi Xiaoer felt a pain that went deep into his soul, and let out a shrill howl, like killing a pig, and he was still cursing Xia Xia: "Xia Xia, you have to die, even if I die, I have to take care of it. You are buried together, and the fairy world will collapse for me!"

"Put your head down." Xia Tianyi pierced the transparent villain, and saw a flash of light. This time, Immortal Emperor Xuanyang disappeared completely and cleanly. All traces have also disappeared without a trace, as if it never existed.

However, as soon as Immortal Emperor Xuanyang's divine soul was fried, the clouds in the sky all dissipated, and the infinitely bright divine light on the ceiling disappeared.

The sixth layer of heaven below the heavens and the sky suddenly became dark, and it became impossible to reach out and see five fingers.

The disciples of the various Chongtians were instantly panicked, completely unaware of what had happened.

"What's the situation?" Xiao Yanyan, who was recruiting the forces of the Great Sacred Sect, said a little strangely: "It won't be another demon moth created in the summer, right?"

The elder Xiao Zhengyang's face changed greatly, and he even broke out in cold sweat, and muttered to himself: "No way, how is this possible?"

"Uncle Yang, what's the matter with you, do you know what's going on?" Xiao Yanyan saw Xiao Zhengyang's strangeness and couldn't help but ask, "Although it's a bit strange that it's dark, you shouldn't be afraid of it."

"Little Immortal Realm is a place where immortal cultivators gather, with abundant spiritual energy and divine light.

, there is no darkness. Henry Zhang calmed down, raised his head subconsciously, and seemed to want to use his eyes to look through the sky to see what was happening over there: "There is only one situation where it will be dark. "

"Say, what's the situation, are you trying to kill me?" Xiao Yanyan was a little anxious.

"That means the Immortal Emperor is dead, and his body and soul are destroyed." At this time, a figure suddenly appeared beside everyone, and it was Wu Bozhang, the head of Jixianyuan.

"What?" Huo Jiuling was also a little stunned, unable to believe it: "The Immortal Emperor is dead, could it be that the Xia Sect took him... can't."

"Mostly so." Wu Bozhang not only did not panic, on the contrary, he laughed: "That villain should have died long ago, and the fairy world is finally about to change."

Henry Zhang angrily scolded: "What the hell, if the Immortal Emperor dies, the Little Immortal Realm will collapse."

"No way!" Xiao Yanyan's eyes widened, "Then what should we do? Is it too late to escape now?"

"It's too late." Xiao Zhengyang shook his head and sighed: "If the Immortal Emperor is just dead and his soul is still alive, then the Little Immortal Realm can continue to be maintained. Now it seems that either Xia Xia beat the Immortal Emperor to the point of destroying his soul and soul. Either the Immortal Emperor killed himself and deliberately wanted to destroy the Little Immortal Realm."

"No matter which one it is, we can't escape." Huo Jiu

Ling also covered her face and cried, and managed to escape the shackles of fate, but she still had to die.

"Why are you crying!" Wu Bozhang's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he couldn't even hide the ecstasy in his heart, and said loudly: "This is our real chance!"

Xiao Yanyan asked inexplicably: "Old man, everyone is going to die. What are you proud of? Where can you get the chance? You have the chance to die first?"

"A bunch of idiots, when I saw you recruit Huo Jiuling to incorporate the major sects, I thought you were very smart." Wu Bozhang glanced at Xiao Yanyan with a little disdain, "I didn't expect a great opportunity to come, but you are stupid. "

Xiao Yanyan is upset, my old lady is going to die, is it still your idleness: "Old man, what do you mean! If you don't give a reasonable explanation, I will kill you now!"

"Without the Immortal Emperor, I can just find another Immortal Emperor!" Wu Bozhang said proudly.

Henry Zhang was speechless: "It's not me who poured cold water, to be an immortal emperor, at least close to the cultivation base of the tribulation period, who has this cultivation base in the fairy world now? Even if there is this cultivation base, there must be an incomparably powerful soul that can support it. Immortal world does not collapse. This kind of person is simply one in a million, but is there any immortal world right now?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yanyan suddenly understood, and patted her head vigorously: "I'm really stupid, of course there is. Isn't it summer! It's grass, riding a donkey to find a donkey, I really!"

Henry Zhang hesitantly said: "But in the summer there is only the cultivation of the Jindan period, right?"

"Xia Xia is a monster, you can't guess him in the realm of common sense." After thinking about it, Xiao Yanyan's brain started to run at a high speed, "Xia Xia is definitely more than enough to be the Immortal Emperor, the question is how to let him be."

Henry Zhang said incomprehensibly: "Emperor Immortal, Lord of the World, Emperor of Immortal Cultivators, isn't he happy?"

"You don't know him, Immortal Emperor or something, he's not interested at all." Xiao Yanyan frowned and explained slowly: "And if he wants to leave Xiaoxianjie, he can do it at any time, it doesn't threaten him at all. So it must be Find a way to keep him."

Huo Jiuling suddenly flashed: "Sect Master Xia came to Xiaoxianjie with a beautiful girl, saying that he wanted to save his wife. Is this a chance?"

"Yes, why did I forget Ah Jiu?" Xiao Yanyan came back to her senses, and said to Wu Bozhang, "Old man, is there any way you can send us to Tianwaitian, we need to find Ah Jiu before summer, and Yin queen."

Wu Bozhang laughed: "It's a small matter."

Taking advantage of the darkness, the group rode Wu Bozhang's flying magic weapon to the sky.

At this time, the ordinary disciples of the sixth level below also realized that the Immortal Emperor was dead. Naturally, they knew that the Little Immortal Realm was collapsing. They all rushed to Penglai Cave, trying to escape to the mundane world through the golden gate.

Unfortunately, to open this door, the will of the Immortal Emperor is also required, and the Immortal Emperor is dead.

In the following time, the sixth layer of heaven was without the protection of divine light, and immediately fell into a tragic situation where the spiritual energy collapsed and the enchantment collapsed. All the disciples were terrified and screamed in despair.

At the same time, the collapse of Xiaoxianjie caused a series of natural disasters on the earth.

In some places, Mo Ming earthquake.

Some landlords, Moming Mountain Fire.

In some places, the sea is frantic, and layers of huge waves will rush to the shore at any time.


For a while, there was a harbinger of doomsday.

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