Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2262 You are also a scumbag

Out of the sky, the hall of the Immortal Emperor.

At this time, at least tens of thousands of people gathered in the hall, including elders from different levels, as well as ordinary disciples. They surrounded the four-symptom divine light formation in the center.

It is said that this place was originally the supreme holy land of the Little Immortal Realm. In addition to the deity of the Immortal Emperor, only the heads of the major heavens can enter.

However, now the seal of the divine light formation of each layer of heaven has been broken by Xia Xia, and now theoretically all the disciples in the Little Immortal Realm can come up.

As soon as Immortal Emperor Xuanyang's divine soul was destroyed, the four-image divine light formation in the main hall became somewhat unstable, and then the entire Little Immortal Realm also showed signs of collapse.

These people rushed up, all wanting to see if there was any way to save the Little Immortal Realm, after all, this was the home they depended on for survival.

It's just that these people's cultivation base is too low. Even an elder-level immortal cultivator will be crushed to pieces by the huge pressure like the overturning of the heavens and the earth.

"How should this be?"

"Is Xiaoxianjie destined to collapse?"

"Then we are all dead!"

"God is going to die!"

... "Who said that the Little Immortal Realm is dying!"

At this time, Xu Kunlun shouted and came out of the crowd, looking around angrily: "With me, Xu Kunlun, the little fairyland will not die!"

"Hey, it's the head of Xu from the Fire Immortal Sect!"

"Great, now he is qualified to succeed the Immortal Emperor, except for Wu Sect."

"Wu Bozhang's deadline is approaching, and it is estimated that he will not be able to do so. Chief Xu is the last hope!"

"Xu Kunlun, we all depend on you, you quickly subdue the Four Elephants Divine Light Array and become the new Immortal Emperor!"

"Yes, you are the new Immortal Emperor!"

"..." It's not like the sudden death of the Immortal Emperor has not occurred in the Small Immortal Realm before, but when the previous Immortal Emperor had a premonition that he was about to die, he would leave his soul in the Four Signs Divine Light Array to maintain the transition stage. The stability of the small fairyland.

However, Immortal Emperor Xuanyang actually wanted to bury everyone in the small fairyland for his own personal resentment. It has to be said that the small amount of energy is also rare in the world.

The fatal problem now is that the heads of the various Chongtians were almost killed by Xia Xia, and only Wu Bozhang, the head of Jixianyuan, and Xu Kunlun of Lihuo Xian were left.

Wu Bozhang's life was not long in the first place, and it was only with the needle in the summer that he could survive, so at present, only Xu Kunlun was the only one who could carry the entire Xiaoxianjie.

Xu Kunlun was hesitant at first, but under the stimulation of summer, he finally decided to come out and take up the responsibility.

"Don't gossip, Xu is just doing his duty as a fairy!"

Xu Kunlun didn't dare to be a big boss, and put the ugly words in front of him in advance: "If it succeeds, then naturally everyone will be happy.

If I fail, please don't blame me on Huangquan Road. "

"Master Xu, don't worry, you are saving the entire Little Immortal Realm, whether it succeeds or not, everyone will obey you!"

"Yes, you are so responsible, how can everyone blame you!"

"Success or failure, we all support you as the next Immortal Emperor!"

"..." Xu Kunlun knew that these words could not be completely believed, but it was a comfort in front of him. He raised his eyes and looked at the four-symptom divine light array in front of him, where the divine light was dissipated and the spiritual pressure was overflowing. In anticipation, he slowly stepped into the formation.


As soon as half of his foot entered the formation, Xu Kunlun took a deep breath, thinking that the foot no longer belonged to him.

Fortunately, Xu Kunlun was prepared in advance, resisting the huge spiritual pressure, the whole person entered the formation, and it seemed that there were hundreds of mountains pressing on the top of the head, shoulders, and various joints of the body.

All the bones were squished, as if they were about to burst open at any moment.

As soon as he walked into the center of the formation, before he had time to fight, he heard a "pop", Xu Kunlun's knee couldn't hold it, and it burst directly.


Xu Kunlun groaned, forcibly swallowed the subconscious screams, and mobilized the true qi in his body to protect himself, while releasing his divine soul, he tried to connect the eyes of the four-symptom divine light array.

"Puff puff!"

Various meridians burst open one after another in Xu Kunlun's body, and the blood flowed non-stop, but he still stood up straight and did not fall down.

At this time, he deeply realized that Immortal Emperor is really not easy to do.

The Four Elephant Divine Light Array is a formation that supports the entire Little Immortal Realm.

In the past, he believed that his realm was only a little lower than Immortal Emperor Xuanyang, so he didn't think that the Four Signs Divine Light Array was very powerful. array.

Now it is self-rewarding. Because of the lack of understanding of the Sixiang Divine Light Formation, Xu Kunlun has no way to crack the formation. He can only bear the coercion, and then use his spiritual sense to hook up with the formation eye, as long as his soul If you can get the approval of Zhenyan, it can basically quell the collapse of this small fairyland.

"Xu Zhangmen, hold on, Xiaoxianjie depends on you!"

"Sect Master, the next Immortal Emperor is none other than you, and you must resist."

"Brother Xu, the mere Four Elephants Divine Light Array will never fail you!"

"..." The tens of thousands of people from the immortal world who were watching could also see that Xu Kunlun couldn't hold it anymore, but they had no other hope.

If Xu Kunlun fails, the small fairy world will be completely over, even if there are other ways, time

It was too late to go up, but they were all alone and could only cheer on the side.

After another ten seconds, all the meridians, joints, and even the sea of ​​​​dantian Qi in Xu Kunlun's body were severely damaged and could no longer be supported.

"Little Immortal World, it's over!"

Xu Kunlun felt bad, because not only did the soul not connect to the battle eye, but also was entangled with a strange force, and it might be swallowed up at any time.

Sure enough, Xu Kunlun felt dark in front of him, and then there was a loud "bang", and the formation became frantic, and the sky collapsed for a while.

"Not good, save Xu Zhangmen quickly, or he will be crushed to death by the formation."

"What are you saving? If he fails, Xiaoxianjie is over."

"Everyone is going to die, what else can we save!"

"It's over, it's over, it's over! Thousands of years of hard work, the Dao of Immortal Cultivation, it's all over!"

Most of the people came out of grief, all were downcast, and even cried and grabbed the ground, without the slightest demeanor of an immortal cultivator.

"You cowards, my father sacrificed his life to save Xiaoxianjie, but you didn't want to be saved!"

At this time, several figures flew from a distance, among them, Ah Jiu landed first, shouting at the tens of thousands of immortal cultivators.

"What's the use of saving, it's not about dying!"

"It's all dead anyway, why waste that time."

"Little Immortal World is about to end, save your ass!"

"..." When Ah Jiu heard this, her lungs almost exploded with anger, and she couldn't help but scolded: "You guys are really a bunch of rubbish, when that Dog Immortal Emperor was around, they didn't dare to say a word.

Now that there is no Immortal Emperor, one by one does not even have the courage to enter the formation.

Someone helped you take this responsibility, but you are so cold-blooded, you are not as good as pigs and dogs! "

Ah Jiu's words were like sharp thorns, each one stabbed into their weak underbelly, so each one became angry with shame! "You are a lower realm, what qualifications do you have to accuse us here!"

"Yes, if it weren't for you, how could the fairy world collapse!"

"That's right, you destroyed the Immortal Realm, and even turned around and told us!"

"Fellow Daoists, even if we're going to die, we can't cheapen these people from the lower realms and kill her!"

"All Nethermen should be damned!"

All of a sudden, tens of thousands of people were furious and quarreled at Ah Jiu.

"Women who dare to scold me want to die."

Xia Xia was a little unhappy, so he glared at these people fiercely: "Who will try again?"

These people suddenly quieted down, because they had all seen Xia Xia's power, and the Immortal Emperor was probably also killed by this person, so they didn't dare to touch the bad head of this lunatic.

Ah Jiu said with contempt, "Sure enough, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, greedy for life and fear of death, what's the use of you cultivating this immortal!"

Those people were not angry, but unfortunately no one dared to refute.

"Xiamen, go save that person."

Ah Jiu didn't bother to scold these people any more, saying it was a waste of saliva, "Don't let him really die."

Xia Xia smiled and pretended to be confused: "Nine girls, who are you talking about, who is that!"

"Stop pretending, you know who I'm talking about!"

Ah Jiu gave Xia Tian a blank look.

"But I really don't know who you are talking about."

Xia Xian hugged Bai Xianxian, but a confused look appeared on his face, "Don't you want me to save that Immortal Emperor Xuanyang, that's impossible, because his body and soul are gone, and all traces have disappeared. already."


Ah Jiu knew that Xia Xia was pretending to be garlic. He understood the temper of this guy, so he could only say kindly: "It's Xu Kunlun, don't let him die, I still have something to ask him."

"It turned out to be saving him, girl nine, you should have said it earlier."

Xia Tian curled his lips, "It's too late to say now."

Ah Jiu's expression changed greatly, she turned to look at Xu Kunlun in the formation: "He died?

Didn't I say I can't let him die, do you know that I still have a lot to ask him, why did he marry my mother, why did he abandon me and my mother, and why..." "Nine girl, you Don't get excited. "

Xia Xian waved his hand quickly, motioning Ah Jiu to calm down, "I didn't say he died.

Even if he dies, as long as his body and soul are not destroyed, I can save him. Don't worry. "

Ah Jiu said coldly, "Which eye did you see that I was worried about him?"

"I saw it with both eyes."

Xia Xia raised his hand with a grin and moved Xu Kunlun out of the formation: "I gave him a needle a long time ago to keep him from dying.

Otherwise, as soon as he enters this formation, he will be crushed into scum. "

Ah Jiu couldn't help but defend: "I'm not worried, but I think it's too cheap for a scumbag like him to die like this."

"Nine girls, you are right."

Xia Xia didn't struggle with this issue, and stood by Ah Jiu neatly.

"You're also a scumbag."

Ah Jiu glared at Xia Xia angrily.

Xia Xia shook his head and said earnestly: "Nine girls, you are wrong, I am not a scumbag, but a warm, handsome, unique and cool..." "Can you stop arguing for now, let Xiaoxianjie Let's save it."

At this time, Bai Xianxian said worriedly.

Ah Jiu came back to her senses and saw that most of the sky outside the sky had collapsed, so she panicked: "Xia Tian, ​​you saved Xiao Xianjie.

Say it again. "

"a piece of cake."

Xia Xia smiled and flashed the Sea Ding Shen needle between his fingers, and stabbed it at the Four Elephants Divine Light Array.


This needle directly detonated the Sixiang Divine Light Array.

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