Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2291 Originally Pediatrics


Zhao Xiaozhuo's slightly startled voice sounded on the phone: "I said Xia, even if that girl doesn't suit your heart, there's no need to kill him."

"I didn't kill her." Xia Xia said lightly: "That girl wanted to attack me just now, I didn't kill her because of your face. But the old idiot behind her blew up the building, so she should not survive. already."

"The person behind her?" Zhao Xiaozhuo was surprised again, "You mean she was deliberately arranged for us by other forces?"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "You are so stupid, it is a miracle that the Zhao family has not collapsed yet."

Zhao Xiaozhuo said with an embarrassed smile, "Isn't there still you, and Sister Yuji and Sister Qingqing, I'm just a tool person."

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you." Xia Xia said unhappily: "Give the phone to Qingqing girl, I still have to talk to her."

"Don't, there is another important thing." Zhao Xiaozhuo said quickly: "Did you have a conflict with the people of Tianyi Group?"

"Tianyi Group, what kind of stuff?" Xia Tian thought about it, but didn't have the slightest impression: "I haven't heard of it."

Su Wushuang was speechless. She knew that Xia Xia's memory was actually very good, 10,000 times better than that of ordinary people, but some things just happened to be forgotten, and she didn't know if it was intentional or not.

This Tianyi Group, the Fengyun young woman just now, and Qian Tuliang have all mentioned that the company she works for is also under this group.

"If you didn't provoke them, then why did the Tianyi Group just make an announcement saying that they want to compete with your genius doctor group!" Zhao Xiaozhuo couldn't help but fall into doubt, "their current executive president Xiao Yifei also said that tomorrow I want to test your medical skills face to face with you, pierce the disguise of your genius doctor, and prove that he is the only living genius doctor."

Xia Xia replied unhappily: "If he wants to be a genius doctor, he can do it, it's none of my business."

"This can't be done." Zhao Xiaozhuo said very worriedly: "He is an announcement for the whole society. If you don't respond, you will lose in public opinion. At that time, the reputation of the Shenyi Group will plummet. I hope that Qiao Xiaoqiao, Ye Mengying, and your other women's efforts will go to waste."

"Since this idiot is courting death, then let him be fulfilled." Xia Xia said disapprovingly: "Tomorrow, I will find time to meet the idiot."

Zhao Xiaozhuo laughed: "That's great. As long as you go out, that kid is a piece of shit. I'll let someone respond first and make him look good tomorrow."

Xia Xia said a few nasty words to Zhao Qingqing before hanging up.

"Sister, this brother-in-law seems to have a mistress." Although Su Wudi was young, he knew a lot.

Su Wushuang didn't know how to explain to his brother, so he could only say: "This has nothing to do with us."

"Uh?" Su Wudi was stunned for a moment, then widened his eyes: "Sister, are you the third child?"

Su Wushuang: "..."

"Then what should I do?" Su Wudi bowed his head and tangled: "I'm the younger brother of Xiaosan. When you are torn apart by the palace one day, will I also be beaten?"

"Hit you on the head." Su Wushuang said and hit his younger brother, "How old are you, how did you know such a mess."

Su Wudi smiled and said, "Sister, don't take me as an ordinary child. Even in that place, we can read books and watch TV, and we live a good life, that is, we have to receive different medicines every day.

some pain. "

"How many children are closed in that laboratory?" Su Wushuang couldn't help asking.

Su Wudi shook his head: "I don't know, anyway, I used to live in a big white house and I couldn't see anyone around."

"Then how did you escape?" Su Wushuang felt a little puzzled.

"I don't remember." Su Wudi had a headache, and said slowly: "It seems that the man with money or something took me to see a big boss and said he was going to save people or something, and then he had a car accident halfway. I escaped. As a result, I met a human trafficker again. I thought I was going to be abducted and sold, and then I was rescued by my sister."

At this time in the summer, he smiled and said casually: "This is interesting."

"What's the point?" Su Wushuang said a little unhappily: "A child was taken as an experiment, escaped and was caught by traffickers, what's the point?"

"That's not what I said." Xia Xia glanced at the information received on the mobile phone, with a playful look on his face, "This Tianyi Group has something to do with Tianyimen. Tianyimen used to use people for drug experiments. The previous criminal record was later destroyed by my master, but unexpectedly it appeared again.


"Heavenly Medicine Sect?" Su Wushuang was a little surprised. The medical world on Earth actually has sectarian disputes, which is quite similar to the situation on Xianyun Continent.

"Yes, a very disgusting sect." I heard Zhang Mingtuo mention it by chance in the summer. The master of the sect at that time was the first hand of Tianyi Xiao. Although he was older than Zhang Mingtuo, he became famous late, and was always regarded as a peer of Zhang Mingtuo.

In fact, Tianyi Xiaoyishou had a good reputation in the early days, but after losing to Zhang Mingtuo, he suddenly went crazy and began to secretly use the human body for pharmaceutical research. Next, he challenged Zhang Mingtuo several times, but not only did he lose, but the experimental base was destroyed.

As a result, Tianyi Xiaoyishou completely disappeared from the public eye since then.

Unexpectedly, decades have passed, and it has appeared again, and experiments on human bodies seem to be more rampant.

Xia Xia said lightly: "If that's the case, then go over and wipe out these idiots.

destroyed. "

Su Wushuang suddenly laughed, the end of these people has come.


On the other side, Tianyi Group Building, tenth basement floor.

When Qian Tuliang was sent to the laboratory, his internal organs were basically burnt clean, and people died for a long time.

"What's going on here?" A tall and handsome young man frowned and looked at the people in white armor, "Why is Lao Qian being tossed like this, I didn't say it, the potion must not be used on insiders, How did you do it!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao." One of the men in white armor bowed and replied, "However, Manager Qian was accidentally injured. When we were catching the escaped experiment, we were not careful..."

"Wait!" The tall man frowned, "Has that experiment been captured yet?"

"Because someone obstructed." Bai Jia replied, "There was a woman who saved the child and adopted him. That woman is very powerful, and we tried many methods to no avail, so Manager Qian planned to use violence to snatch it back, but the result was was mistakenly injured."

"It's just a woman, just kill it." An angry expression appeared on the tall man's face, and he reprimanded: "That experimental product is the brainchild of Tianyimen for decades, and it will also be a living sign and a cash cow of Tianyi Group in the future. No matter who dares to stop,

Kill directly! "

A strange and lazy voice suddenly sounded in the room: "Really, then try to kill me?"

"Who!" The tall man was startled, but his face was expressionless, and he even laughed: "It turns out that there is a distinguished guest coming to the door, why didn't you show up to meet, I would like to entertain you grandly."

"Then forget it." Xia Xia took Su Wushuang and Su Wudi, and slowly appeared, "I'm here to kill you, let's just say, what is your relationship with Tianyi Xiaoyi?"

"Huh?" The tall man raised his brows when he saw Xia Xia, and said with a smile, "It turns out that it was the great doctor Xia who came here. It's really a rare visitor."

As he said that, he solemnly rushed to Xia Tian to join his palms and salute: "Xia Xiao Yifei, the first-hand doctor Xiao is my grandfather."

"So, now Tianyimen is the one who has the final say?" Xia Xia asked lazily.

"Hehe, the Heavenly Medicine Sect fell apart decades ago." Xiao Yifei waved his hand with a disdainful smile on his face: "My grandfather is the only one left in the sect, what kind of sect is this. But his Assets, and medical results, are now mine."

Xia Xia asked casually: "Is your announcement trying to challenge me?"

"Actually, I didn't want to be your enemy." Xiao Yifei walked slowly to a sofa and motioned the three of them to sit down in Xia Tian, ​​smiling all the time: "I want to do business with you more, after all, now medicine, In the beauty industry and other industries, your magic doctor group is almost the only one. Only by following you can you make more money."

"That's fine." Xia Xia said lightly, "I'm not interested in doing business with dead people."

"Dead people?" Xiao Yifei laughed, and said confidently: "It's a coincidence, the laboratory under my control is just making a fuss about dead people and making a lot of money."

Su Wushuang couldn't help but say, "Don't you think that your life is inhumane and inhumane?"

"Tianhe? Humanity? How much is that worth?" Xiao Yifei said without shame: "My life principle is to make money. As long as I can make money, I will do everything, and I have done everything. It's just a matter of murder and arson. It's normal, and if you've ever been in the underworld in the West, you know it's all about pediatrics."

Having said that, Xiao Yifei revealed his bottom line again: "Actually, before returning to China, I was in the business of selling organs in the Western underground world. It was only later that I found out that my grandfather's Tianyimen had even more amazing human research. If I The wealth that can be mastered and generated is simply unimaginable.”

"It seems that you are still generally hateful, but you have no humanity." Su Wushuang said coldly.

"Humanity? I'm the person who understands humanity the most." Xiao Yifei shook his head with a smile, "If my research is successful, then immortality will no longer be a problem, and even the resurrection of the dead is a matter of pediatrics."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "This is originally a pediatrics department."

"So, you are the genius doctor." Xiao Yifei looked at Xia Xia with a smile: "I have checked some of your medical records, and from the money alone, you have made at least several hundred million. This kind of business is really What a bloody profit."

"How about it, let's cooperate with me." Xiao Yifei spread his hands and said proudly, "I don't dare to say that this laboratory is the most advanced in the world, but at least it can be in the top ten. As long as you and I cooperate , Unravel the mysteries of human life and death, when the time comes, property, fame, status...whatever you want, even ruling the world is not a problem."

In this regard, Xia Tian has only two words to evaluate: "idiot."

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