Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2298 Who is the real magician

"There's nothing weird about it."

Xia Tian thought about it for a while, and said casually: "At that time, the master's medical skills were average. It is estimated that he was caught by someone else's ecstasy or something."

"Not really."

Allen smiled wryly and explained: "What I said strangely wasn't about Zhang Mingtuo's murder, but that Zhang Mingtuo was clearly drinking with me and Lu Ren on the roof."

Ah Jiu had goosebumps all over, but quickly thought of a possibility: "Could it be someone impersonating?"

"If it's just that, it wouldn't be weird."

Allen shook his head and sighed: "We already knew each other at that time. Although we didn't know each other very well, there was no problem in distinguishing the true from the false."

Yi Xiaoyin said at this time, "Don't you guys tell the difference?"


Although it has been many years, Allen still has lingering fears in retrospect, "In fact, even Zhang Mingtuo himself was confused, because he found that he had a memory of killing someone in his mind, and in the end, that Zhang Mingtuo escaped. When I got to the roof, I became one with him."

"This..." Ah Jiu was stunned. How to explain this? Could it be that Zhang Mingtuo went out of his body to kill someone?

Yi Xiaoyin couldn't figure out the key point. If someone pretended to be someone, the problem would be easy to solve, but now listening to the description, it doesn't seem to be the case.

"It's not someone impersonating, could it be his shadow clone?"

Ah Jiu really couldn't figure it out, so she pushed Xia Xia: "Do you want to understand?"

"What's there to think about."

Xia Xia said lazily: "In short, the master will not kill for no reason, just know this."

Ah Jiu said angrily, "I know, but you haven't said what's going on. Don't you want to prove your master's innocence?"

"He is innocent and doesn't need proof."

Summer pouted.

"Now everyone else thinks he did it, and I have hated him for 20 years."

Ah Jiu felt that Xia Xia's brain circuit was simple, and couldn't help but say, "As his apprentice, you won't help him wash away this kind of injustice."

Xia Xia looked disapproving: "Those idiots may not know the truth, they just don't want to accept it, so they agreed that it was my master who did it, and the explanation is useless.

An idiot is not an idiot if he listens to other people's explanations. "

Ah Jiu couldn't understand: "It's useless to explain, why don't you explain?"

"There's no need to explain anything to an idiot."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "It doesn't matter if they believe it or not.

The master has not been so prosperous these years.

Does any of these idiots dare to leave the southern border to trouble him? "

Ah Jiu was speechless for a moment, and there was no way to refute these words, because Zhang Mingtuo still had a great reputation in the arena afterward, and he lived a very nourishing life.

"You have a good temper."

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Allen couldn't help laughing: "However, what happened back then really needs to be clarified, because this is something the three of us have not figured out, and it has nothing to do with innocence, just want to know what happened. "

"Second master, are you staying here just to investigate this?"

Summer asked casually.

Allen nodded: "Almost."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "But the master and the third master said that you and a beautiful old woman are here to spend the two worlds together."

"Listen to their bullshit."

Allen shook his head in denial, and explained: "Although she is old, she is not an old woman. In terms of appearance, she is no different from a young girl."

"Then when can I see this future second mistress?"

Summer said with a smile.

Allen didn't hide it anymore, and said generously: "As long as you win that medical event and get the top three spots, you can naturally go to the Gudi Center to see her."

"That's too easy."

Summer said lightly.

Allen shook his head and reminded Xia Xia, "You are still that old problem, you are too complacent.

Although the Eight Needles Against the Heavens did crush all medical techniques in the world, it did not underestimate other medical techniques that could not surpass the Eight Needles Against the Heavens.

I have observed the various sects that came to participate in the medical event this time. Among them, there are some foreign medical sects. They have their own systems. If you are not careful, you may overturn. "

"That's impossible."

Xia Tian pouted, disapprovingly.

"Forget it, it's up to you."

Allen waved his hand and said with a smile, "Anyway, you are only a few years old and are not obedient, and it is even more impossible to be obedient now."

Xia Xia said casually: "That's not because I basically learned all your skills when I was a few years old."

Allen glanced at Xia Xia and continued drinking tea: "Fairy Moon is really amazing. You obviously don't have any talent. Under her training, you have become more and more evil."

"Sister Shenxian is indeed powerful, but I am a genius."

Xia Tian curled his lips, "You can't see it, that's because your eyesight is wrong."

"Okay, stop, let's not talk about this topic."

Alan almost choked on the tea and waved his hand, "Anyway, that's it.


At yesterday's medical event, you represented the ghost doctor and gave you Zhang Mingtuo's arrogance.

As for you, you represent the Yin Medicine Sect, try your best to get into the top three, and then go to the Gudi Center to have a look.

Find out the secrets, the truth, the weirdness...all of them, and finally crack them.

In this way, I can also take you two sisters, leave the southern border together, and live a good life. "

Xia Tian still looked casual, and said lightly, "This is simple."

"I really want to know what's in the center of Gu Di."

Yi Xiaoyin nodded. She came with the old sect master 20 years ago to treat someone, but in the end the old sect master escaped with her. At that time, she was still young and didn't know what happened. What, although it's not a knot, it's better to be clear.

"Others, nothing else."

Alan stood up, stretched, and then said, "I'll go first if I have something else to do."

Xia Tian couldn't help but say: "Second master, are you coming over to talk about this?"

"That's all."

Allen yawned and walked slowly towards the door, "I will stay here for a month. If you have anything to do, you can find me in the wooden house on the north side of the mountain."

After speaking, Allen opened the door directly, jumped, and disappeared from sight in three or two times.

As expected of the world's No. 1 Killing God that year, although he is old, his kung fu is more pure.

As long as they don't encounter immortal cultivators who are above the foundation-building stage, they basically come and go, and there is no problem.

"Next, what shall we do?"

In the room, Ah Jiu asked blankly.

Yi Xiaoyin couldn't help laughing and said to Ah Jiu, "What do you think?"

"I think we should get a good night's sleep."

Xia Xia said solemnly: "I have enough energy so that I can teach those idiots a lesson tomorrow."

"You think beautiful!"

Ah Jiu still didn't understand Xia Xia's sleazy thoughts, she glared at him and said, "You warn you, don't mess around.

Sister Yi and I are not random people. It's better to throw away the messy tricks you have in your mind. "

Xia Tian looked at Ajiu in surprise: "Nine girl, what are you talking about? I just want to sleep. What do you mean when you talk about it in a mess? Can you tell me specifically?"

"I believe in you asshole."

A-Jiu was so embarrassed that she kicked Xia Tian with her foot, "I'm too lazy to care about you, I'm going out for a walk, I don't want to hang out with you rascal."

Saying that, Ah Jiu really ran out in a hurry. After walking for a while, she found that Xia Xia didn't keep up with her, and she felt a little bit appetizing. Sure enough, the maid was not as good as the young lady. This stinky hooligan must have done something bad with Sister Yi.

It's just that I ran out in a fit of anger, and it's not easy to run back. If I bump into it, it will be even more embarrassing.

"This young lady, you must have some unspeakable addiction when you look bad."

Just when Ah Jiu was hesitating about where to go, a middle-aged man who looked like a Taoist suddenly stepped forward and greeted him with a smile.

Ah Jiu glared at him and said angrily, "You're the only one who is addicted to words."

"Hey, miss, don't misunderstand, Pindao didn't mean to make fun of you, if you offend, just say no here."

The middle-aged Taoist priest apologized to A Jiu, and then made a self-introduction: "Pin Dao Cui Cunyi is a Taoist priest from Laoshan Mountain, and he is also a doctor.

Fang Cai, from a distance, watched the sullen look on the young lady's face. Upon closer inspection, she might have a hidden illness, so she warned her. "

Ah Jiu sighed and said speechlessly, "Then do you know that I actually know medical skills, and I also know two world-renowned doctors, a man and a woman."

"Oh, don't you know my master and aunt on purpose?"

Cui Dao grew up laughing, and said with a look of excitement: "My master Yiyangzi, my aunt, Huayao Xian, has a profound medical and Taoist cultivation base, and it is worthless to save people. It is indeed worthy of the title of a genius doctor."

"You said these two people, I have never heard of them."

Ah Jiu's head was covered in black lines, and she explained, "I said that people are not them."

"Amitabha, this female benefactor said that there are two divine doctors in the world, and naturally they are not those two."

On the side, a fat middle-aged monk suddenly came out, "Of course, it is from the Zen doctor of my Shaolin Temple, Master Du'e and Master Dingyi."

Ah Jiu is still full of black lines, she has never heard of these two.

"No, the real male genius doctor is Zhang Zhongquan, the genius swordsman of my knives, and..." "Fart! A man who cuts a tumor for you is a genius doctor."

Soon someone objected and shouted loudly, "The real genius doctor should be Hu Tingxin, the president of my Fire Medicine Association."

"It's pure bullshit, it should be Cao Xuanji, the head of our herbal medicine school..." Ah Jiu was stunned, she stepped on the doctor's nest, although there will indeed be many doctors from Southern Border this time, but most of them are Living in a hotel or homestay arranged by a doctor in Nanjiang, I never imagined that there are so many doctors on the street, and the types are quite complicated.

"Shut up for me!"

Suddenly, a loud shout rang out, shocking all these people.

"There are only two people who are truly worthy of being a genius doctor."

The visitor shouted loudly: "That is the summer of the ghost doctor's door, and Yi Xiaoyin of the yin doctor's door, everyone else is bullshit! If you don't accept it, hold it for me.

! "

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