Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2305 There are still many old tricks

"You insult me ​​like this!"

The old man in Tang suit was so annoyed by Xia Xia's words that he almost ascended to the sky on the spot, and scolded sharply: "Do you really think it can't cure you?"

"I just told the truth."

Xia Xia said lazily: "What are you doing so excited? Be careful, you really can't lift it up in one breath. Your old heart shouldn't be able to withstand the toss."

"Hmph, the old man's heart does have some problems, but it's not a big problem."

The old man in Tang suit felt that Xia Xia might be deliberately irritating him, and could not help but retort: ​​"But the old man is a world-renowned doctor and a great master in the medical field. Do you think you will make up some messy rumors and it will affect the old man?"

Xia Xia shook his head and said to Ah Jiu: "Nine girls, there are always some people who have done bad things, but they are more righteous than those who didn't do it."

"You mean the old man isn't clean either?"

A Jiu glanced at the old man in Tang suit: "Looking at the person who is really virtuous, is he another hypocrite?"

"No need, this old idiot is."

Summer giggles.


The old man in Tang suit couldn't bear it any longer: "So arranging the old man face to face, is the old man made of mud!"

Xia Xia pouted, and pointed at Liang Jimin, who was still screaming: "Is it choreographed, ask this idiot to know?"

At this time, Liang Jimin was exhausted, but the pain did not stop for a moment, and it was still happening all the time.

"Tell me, who did you sell your dirt to?"

Xia Xia said casually: "As long as you explain it honestly, I can consider giving you a treat!"

"I, I said, I said it all."

When Liang Jimin heard this, he immediately nodded his head like a garlic clover, and immediately confessed without waiting for Xia Xia's question, "After I received the stolen goods from Pingjiang Shuangsha, I sold part of it to Liangbaozong in the north, and part of it. I gave it to the Tianhai Ancient Medicine Association in the east, and sold the rest to Tang... ah!"

"Shut up, you shameless scum!"

The old man in Tang suit suddenly changed his face, and when Liang Jimin raised his hand to point at him, he suddenly flew out a needle and shot at Liang Jimin, then shouted violently: "You are actually collaborating with Pingjiang Shuangsha to harm the medical world in southern Xinjiang. After all, this old man wants the Southern Border medical community to get rid of you scumbag now!"

"Oh ho."

The corner of Ah Jiu's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help laughing: "Master Tang, why are you excited again, now that you have murdered too, and become a criminal like us, are you going to be arrested on the top floor to be tried by the Medical Association? "

The old man in Tang suit did not change his face, and said calmly: "This old man is to eliminate harm for the medical world, what is the crime?"


You are innocent of murder, and we are guilty of murder. "

Ah Jiu imitated Xia Xia's pouting appearance, and said sarcastically, "Grandmaster Tang, can you tell the difference?"

"What are you guys, why do you question the Great Master?"

"That's right, you are outsiders, and Mr. Tang is the medical master of our southern border!"

"Ask yourself, do you deserve to be compared with Elder Tang?"

"..." Before the old man in Tang suit started to defend himself, the people around him couldn't hold it in any longer, and they excused him one after another.

"Haha, I'm an eye-opener."

Ah Jiu is not afraid of these people's turbulent discussions, "The medical world in the southern border is indeed filthy and filthy, and it smells like a stagnant pit!"

"Dare to insult my southern border medical community, you are courting death!"

There was a hot-blooded young man in the crowd who couldn't hold back his anger. He stepped forward abruptly and punched Ah Jiu in the face.


This man didn't even approach A Jiu one meter before he flew out and fell to the ground like a dead dog, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"How dare you hurt someone!"

The old man in Tang suit was completely furious and shouted: "come here, surround them for me, don't let them take the opportunity to escape!"

With the old man in Tang suit taking the lead, everyone in the lobby regained their confidence and surrounded Xia Xia and Ah Jiu again.

"It's really obedient."

Seeing this, Ah Jiu couldn't help sneering and said, "Although the medical world in the southern border has always been in a group, it's too obvious that you are using public tools for private purposes. Do you really take the people in the association as your subordinates?"

"Let's stop arguing here!"

The old man in Tang suit instantly saw through Ah Jiu's intention, and said coldly, "I just wanted to apologize to you, but let's forget about it today, but you don't know how to praise, so don't blame the old man for upholding justice and putting you two together. He was escorted to the medical torture hall on the top floor.

At that time, call in representatives of the medical community in southern Xinjiang to jointly cure your sins. "

"I thought it was impossible for people to be so shameless, but I didn't expect you to break this perception."

Ah Jiu is not the temperament to be angry, she used to dare to contradict Xia Xia when she was a maid, how could a bad old man scare her now: "We didn't do anything, ask what crime.

If we are guilty, then you must be too. Besides, the third person Liang Jimin was going to confess to, seems to be surnamed Tang. Could it be you? "

"Nine girls, don't think, it's this old idiot."

Xia Xia pouted and said sarcastically, "This old man was killing people just now."

"It's just nonsense!"

The old man in Tang suit said coldly, "If you slander the old man like this again, then don't blame the old man for multiple crimes and punish you, and you will be brought to justice."


It is ridiculous to dare to slander Tang Lao. "

"Who doesn't know that Mr. Tang is the most selfless person in the medical field in southern Xinjiang?"

"If you want to splash people with dirty water, you're going to find the wrong person! Although Elder Tang is not perfect, it's definitely not something you can slander."

"Old Tang has always upheld justice all his life, and he didn't even take his wife and have children, just because he didn't want to privatize public power. You dare to slander such a person, do you still have a conscience!"

"..." Seeing this, Ah Jiu said with emotion: "Sure enough, idiots make the best money. No wonder people who collect IQ tax always make a lot of money."

"He doesn't marry and have children, just because he doesn't have the ability."

A look of contempt appeared on Xia Xia's face, "What kind of public and maternal power? He exchanged your sect's secret treasure for money, and you still have to work for him."

"Let's reveal the secret! Just now I slandered Tang Lao for playing with women, and now he says he doesn't have the ability. Isn't that contradicting himself!"

The black-faced man from the snake doctor's door immediately stood up and retorted.

Xia Xia replied casually: "You don't have that ability, and he likes to play with women without conflict, are you stupid?

Or, let me put it another way, it should be easier for you to understand that he actually likes to be played by women. "

"How can there be no conflict!"

The black-faced man really couldn't understand Xia Xia's words: "If Tang Lao can't do it, how can he play with women, and how can he be played by women, it's ridiculous... eh?"

As he spoke, the black-faced man didn't know what to think, his face suddenly changed, and he could no longer interrogate Xia Xia, and his face when he looked at the old man in Tang suit became strange.

"This old man has walked upright and sat upright all his life, and his body is not afraid of a slanted shadow!"

The old man in Tang suit still looked upright and awe-inspiring, and coldly shouted at Xia Xia: "No matter how much you spread rumors, it is impossible to cause any threat to me, and the old man will not respond again. Your set is useless to me."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "I never spread rumors, because what I say is true. By the way, the woman you are playing with is going downstairs soon."

The old man in Tang suit suddenly changed his face, and subconsciously raised his eyes to look at the elevator. Sure enough, the elevator door opened slowly.

Fortunately, two men came out.

"You are slandering, trying to destroy the reputation of this old man in this way!"

While the old man in Tang suit breathed a sigh of relief, he immediately scolded Xia Tian: "You scum, if you don't shovel it out as soon as possible, it will be a shame for the medical world. Come on, let me take him down!"

Just when these people were about to swarm up and start another battle, a young woman suddenly came down from the entrance of the corridor. She looked definitely no more than twenty years old, but she was wearing heavy makeup and had the demeanor of a royal sister. She was holding a stick in her hand. The little leather whip danced from time to time.

"Little Tangtang, you are here!"

When the young woman saw the old man in Tang suit, she laughed: "Are you still playing today?

If you're busy, I'll leave first and make an appointment for another day. "

The old man in Tang suit blushed, pointed at the young woman and said: "Go away, this old man doesn't know you at all! Look at your clothes, what you look like, you don't look like a good family girl at all, it's strange that your parents are not angry when they find out. !"

"Yo ho, it's tough."

The young woman originally saw a lot of people here, and planned to save face for the old man in Tang suit, so she decided to say hello and leave.

She didn't expect that the other party would swear directly. She was instantly annoyed, and immediately replied: "Put up your pants and you won't recognize anyone. You really are a 'weightlifter who swears to quit the competition'.

"You... go go go go!"

The old man in Tang suit was so angry that he covered his chest with his hands, and the people next to him were anxious when they saw it. In fact, many of them also recognized this woman. She was quite famous in the customs world.

No matter what the truth of the matter is, this woman must not be allowed to continue scolding, the impact is too bad.

"Stop pretending!"

The young woman, regardless of the occasion or the occasion, said, "Close the account to me first, the old lady has been in bad luck for eight lifetimes. She has done a few business with you, and she has a lot of tricks when she is old. Every time she puts on her trousers, she lectures me. It's shameful to do this, and you're not ashamed if you always play with the women of your granddaughter's generation?"

"You—" The old man in Tang suit seemed to have been greatly wronged. He pointed to the young woman, and then to Xia Tian and Ah Jiu: "Hello, how vicious! The old man swears against you!"

As he said that, he suddenly couldn't lift his breath, and fell directly to the ground.

"You dare to plot against Elder Tang, don't even think about leaving!"

"Yes, I immediately called everyone in the Qi Association, and I'm so sorry for Elder Tang if we don't bring them to justice."

"..." Xia Tian curled his lips and said lazily: "Old man, don't pretend to be dizzy, it's useless."

The old man in Tang suit was pale, and he was already in a state of coma, and he didn't respond to Xia Tian's words.

"Ah—" The old man in Tang suit didn't respond, but another person suddenly opened his mouth and let out a shrill scream.

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